Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

It should be easy for republicans......Go into poor neighborhoods and tell them how you have made their lives better. Demonstrate how your party is not just looking out for the rich

You couldn't do in 2012.......maybe by 2016 you will have something

Essentially you had two guys saying they would look after our poor people, ironically enough, they were both filthy rich.

Neither one could emphasize with the plight of the poor man. Did it ever occur to you that they were only making these promises to try and get elected?

Now, demonstrate how either party is looking after the poor. Government entitlements don't count. Name calling doesn't count. If you don't have an answer, it is best you remained silent, and wallow in your own self imposed ignorance.

How are we looking out for the poor?

And bet your ass entitlements count

Jobs Training
Jobs Programs
Head Start
Planned Parenthood
Childcare programs
Tuition assistance

Now, Republicans come in and say ....we are going to end all that and force you to make it on your own while we slash taxes on the billionaires

No. Planned Parenthood is not an answer. It has to come from a Democratic administration.

House Approves Job Training Reform Legislation | Education & the Workforce Committee

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No Child Left Behind Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Along with a Democrat, Edith Nourse Rogers introduced a tuition assistance program for soldiers during WWII, known as the GI Bill.

And President Bush signed the Head Start act in 2007.

http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/standards/Head Start Act

Sorry, you liberals aren't as cool as you think you are. Shut your mouth and do some research.
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Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it

what democrat programs help black people?
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

Do you understand what you're saying? Because it comes down to this basically:

Black people have no principles. They're just brainwashed and have no personal ambition. Instead of trying to better themselves, they'd rather live in the shitty projects collecting just barely enough money to survive 0and if not forced off their lazy asses, will remain that way. Black people are rich white peoples' slaves and only do as they are told because they are bribed with welfare. Then when black people are successful, the media destroys them.

Not only is that incredibly offensive and insulting to black people, and painting them with an extremely broad brush (i.e. therefore a racist statement), but it will never win any black people of any significant numbers to the conservative cause. And much of it is pure speculation or outright untrue. MSNBC, and even Bill Maher, regularly have Michael Steele as a guest or panelist. The Daily Show had a running gag with Herman Cain making several special appearances. There just aren't very many black conservatives. And of that few, ones like Herman Cain and Ben Carson shoot themselves in the foot saying things like "999" and get accused of sexual harassment or inappropriate relationships or compare homosexuals to pedophiles and animal fuckers.

Bravo. Nail on the head. Kudos. Well-said.
How many black friends do YOU have? And please, be honest with yourself as well as with me.

What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

They are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are 15 times more likely to join a gang than whites.

While they make up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions at 36 percent. The comparison with whites is 78 percent live births with 57 percent abortions.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

"Facts"????? Or "doctored data", designed to demonize and injure the character of blacks and other minorities, to make yourself feel better about the lie??

Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.
I don't agree that it's all caused by "socio-economics". That to me is just another way to place the blame elsewhere.

So, some of it, you're saying, has to do with black people's race? That they are inherently inferior? Is that what you are saying?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

Suspect stats.
No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?
So...those statistics stay true even with middle class and upper class blacks?

The stats are based on race, not class.

Compiled by whom? White people. LOLOLOL Immediately "suspect".
What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

They are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are 15 times more likely to join a gang than whites.

While they make up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions at 36 percent. The comparison with whites is 78 percent live births with 57 percent abortions.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

"Facts"????? Or "doctored data", designed to demonize and injure the character of blacks and other minorities, to make yourself feel better about the lie??

Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.
Then...you would have no problem linking the source of those statistics you quote.
You said in the form of a question. Which you conveniently left out of this thread.

I didn't say it in the form of a question, I asked you in the form of a question.

So children are born out of wedlock at a higher rate in poor families? You say it's because of economics. I say it's because of bad choices.

It isn't economics that's the cause, you're right. But why are they making those bad decisions? Why do you think they are irresponsible?

So murders would be higher in poor neighborhoods? Again you would say it's economics. And again, I'd disagree.

Again, it isn't economics that is the cause. But why are there more murders in black neighborhoods? Why are there more murders in poor neighborhoods?

Nothing you have stated has shown how economics causes people to make these bad choices.

I didn't mean to imply that economics is the direct cause of poor behavior or poor choices. Nor the society. Its both, but not directly. I do think that the society or culture of a poor neighborhood is a contributing factor in that people in poor neighborhoods face different and more basic pressures.

Do you know what Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is? If a child doesn't get enough to eat, hunger is more of a motivating force than obeying the law and so that child shop lifts to eat. And if a child isn't getting enough to eat, education only gets in the way of basic survival. What kind of mindset does a person in just that situation develop. But then factor in that the child's parents (or parent) are also struggling to survive, how do they show love and interest in their child? How do they maintain a relationship between just themselves? So, without education, hope, confidence, then what does it matter to use contraceptives one can't afford or even remain abstinent? Why not get high? Why not feel that there is no way out? Especially when the history of your people for hundreds of years and up until recently has been oppression. Wouldn't it seem as though your race is still being oppressed? Sure, there are those who make it out and become successful, but their situations are different. President Obama wasn't raised in "The hood."

Are you saying these people are so poor that they can't afford to make better decisions?

That they can't afford not to get pregnant without a husband and that they can't afford not to kill people?

They kill people because they joined a gang, or to steal money to eat, or to buy drugs because they weren't raised well because they're parents struggled to survive or because they feel no hope, or because they're ignorant. It happens in poor white neighborhoods, poor latino neighborhoods, and poor black neighborhoods. It happens in poor neighborhoods all around the world.
"ah don't feel no way tared" "what difference does it make" just a few clips of hillary making a fool of herself will end any chance she ever had at the WH, plus, the bitch will be too old in 2016.

Misogynist. Sour grapes. If she runs, you better get a case of Kleenex. LOL

Misogynist for calling her a bitch? Or for not liking her ideology?

Seems you like calling women bitches too and you already stated you're bigoted against conservatives and I assume that means conservative women as well.

Apparently you're a misogynist.

I call whores (literally and figuratively) "bitches". Women, encompasses a lot. There is "good and bad" in all. But don't mix the twain. There are "women", and there are "bitches". And not all bitches are women....as you well know.
It was never anything else. A black man was running for president, one might as well vote for him if not for any other reason because he's black.

THIS was the kind of reasoning our liberal voters used in 2008, and 2012^

Nobody cared about his policies because the media told them not to. All the white people voted for him for fear of being cast down as bigoted or racist. Intimidation works my friend.

I'm white and I didn't vote for Obama because he's black. I voted for him because his platform turned me off less than the McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan platforms. I also didn't vote for him out of intimidation. None of my Republican friends have ever been cast down as bigoted or racist because they didn't vote for Obama. In fact, they aren't bigots or racists, just conservative or libertarian.

So not ALL the white people voted for him for the reason you provide. Maybe some small percentage of paranoid and deluded white people did, but nothing significant.

Your logic is flawed and your premise is silly.

Forgive him...he's a child, at 25 years of age. He knows nothing.
Misogynist. Sour grapes. If she runs, you better get a case of Kleenex. LOL

Misogynist for calling her a bitch? Or for not liking her ideology?

Seems you like calling women bitches too and you already stated you're bigoted against conservatives and I assume that means conservative women as well.

Apparently you're a misogynist.

I call whores (literally and figuratively) "bitches". Women, encompasses a lot. There is "good and bad" in all. But don't mix the twain. There are "women", and there are "bitches". And not all bitches are women....as you well know.

Sorry, Poet, but that is NOT an enlightened point of view.
What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

They are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are 15 times more likely to join a gang than whites.

While they make up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions at 36 percent. The comparison with whites is 78 percent live births with 57 percent abortions.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

"Facts"????? Or "doctored data", designed to demonize and injure the character of blacks and other minorities, to make yourself feel better about the lie??

Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.

Right. As if that makes any sense. It has nothing to do with the intelligence (or the lack thereof) of black people. It has to do with an agenda which seeks to demonize black people, and thus, justify the mistreatment of them...otherwise known as "racism". See?
Misogynist for calling her a bitch? Or for not liking her ideology?

Seems you like calling women bitches too and you already stated you're bigoted against conservatives and I assume that means conservative women as well.

Apparently you're a misogynist.

I call whores (literally and figuratively) "bitches". Women, encompasses a lot. There is "good and bad" in all. But don't mix the twain. There are "women", and there are "bitches". And not all bitches are women....as you well know.

Sorry, Poet, but that is NOT an enlightened point of view.

That very well may be...but it's my point of view. I don't expect folks to agree with each and everything I post. I'm a gay man...and I idolize "women". But I'm not above "cutting a bitch". Just being "real".
I call whores (literally and figuratively) "bitches". Women, encompasses a lot. There is "good and bad" in all. But don't mix the twain. There are "women", and there are "bitches". And not all bitches are women....as you well know.

Sorry, Poet, but that is NOT an enlightened point of view.

That very well may be...but it's my point of view. I don't expect folks to agree with each and everything I post. I'm a gay man...and I idolize "women". But I'm not above "cutting a bitch". Just being "real".

Oh. Still not ok, but at least funny.
...and not all Blacks are niggas...but you are....and on the down low too.

I call whores (literally and figuratively) "bitches". Women, encompasses a lot. There is "good and bad" in all. But don't mix the twain. There are "women", and there are "bitches". And not all bitches are women....as you well know.

Sorry, Poet, but that is NOT an enlightened point of view.

That very well may be...but it's my point of view. I don't expect folks to agree with each and everything I post. I'm a gay man...and I idolize "women". But I'm not above "cutting a bitch". Just being "real".
Uh, I'm not like some here. I know exactly what I said, and I stand by my statements, until proven wrong. I treat people the way they treat me first. If you came to me, incorrectly, then, you got it returned to you, in kind. Answering your question??? What was your tone in asking it? Take responsibility for your part.
I'm not here to fool anyone. You don't like my posts, threads, or opinions...you're free to ignore them, and to move on. But I think you're starved for attention.

are you serious?.....you said in one of our first meetings..... that those people who are against Obama is because he is black......i asked you....."Hey Poet.....a question for you.....are you allowed to be against what the President is for WITHOUT it being racial?"......now .....how did i treat you bad with that question?.......it seemed i got it "returned" to me in kind all right.....now why dont you take responsibility for your part.....

The answer to the question is different for different people. If you are white, this being the very first black POTUS, then it cannot be ruled out that your dislike or disdain for him, isn't race-based. Simply prove that it's not. How does one do that? We don't know your innermost thoughts. We don't know that you don't have a racist bone in your body. We don't know what your track record is, concerning blacks and black concerns. Get to proving. I'd be interested in seeing how you propose to convince me that it's his policies that trouble you.

ok .....prove to me you were not against Bush just because he is another White President.....prove to me it was his policies that troubled you....and i notice you are not taking responsibility for what you said to me......but yet you want me to take it for what i said......you knew jack shit about me but yet you had no problem projecting your perceived racism on me....i understand Poet its hard for people like you to say....hey...im sorry.....

We don't know that you don't have a racist bone in your body. We don't know what your track record is, concerning blacks and black concerns. Get to proving.

ask the black posters here.... ask Marc.....i defended him once in a thread were he was being called a racist.....ask High Gravity....ask Driveby....
...and not all Blacks are niggas...but you are....and on the down low too.

Sorry, Poet, but that is NOT an enlightened point of view.

That very well may be...but it's my point of view. I don't expect folks to agree with each and everything I post. I'm a gay man...and I idolize "women". But I'm not above "cutting a bitch". Just being "real".

Thank you. Thank you for exposing yourself as the piece of shit racist and homophobe that you are. It's not ok for you to use the word. Period. That you did, certifies your true colors. And you need to do research, because you obviously are clueless as to the meaning of "on the down low". Even a dummie would be able to figure out that it must mean someone who is hiding something...in this case, "being gay". I've been openly gay for going on 41 years. "On the down low" is someone presenting a "straight front", lying to a girlfriend or wife about their sexuality, and having clandestine sex with men. That wouldn't be me. I'm in the 10th year of my marriage to a man, and we are open to our friends and associates.
Amazon.com: J. L. King: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Hello? Stupid. Know terminology, before you start slinging labels about. Bitch.
are you serious?.....you said in one of our first meetings..... that those people who are against Obama is because he is black......i asked you....."Hey Poet.....a question for you.....are you allowed to be against what the President is for WITHOUT it being racial?"......now .....how did i treat you bad with that question?.......it seemed i got it "returned" to me in kind all right.....now why dont you take responsibility for your part.....

The answer to the question is different for different people. If you are white, this being the very first black POTUS, then it cannot be ruled out that your dislike or disdain for him, isn't race-based. Simply prove that it's not. How does one do that? We don't know your innermost thoughts. We don't know that you don't have a racist bone in your body. We don't know what your track record is, concerning blacks and black concerns. Get to proving. I'd be interested in seeing how you propose to convince me that it's his policies that trouble you.

ok .....prove to me you were not against Bush just because he is another White President.....prove to me it was his policies that troubled you....and i notice you are not taking responsibility for what you said to me......but yet you want me to take it for what i said......you knew jack shit about me but yet you had no problem projecting your perceived racism on me....i understand Poet its hard for people like you to say....hey...im sorry.....

We don't know that you don't have a racist bone in your body. We don't know what your track record is, concerning blacks and black concerns. Get to proving.

ask the black posters here.... ask Marc.....i defended him once in a thread were he was being called a racist.....ask High Gravity....ask Driveby....

Really? How 'bout, because I'm a fucking, hardcore, liberal Democrat. And that's all of it, in a nutshell. Nothing more to prove. I voted for Gore (a white man) and Kerry (another white man). Where is the racism?
And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you. If you didn't come across as your "typical racist", then I wouldn't assign that label to you. Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist. Would it change your perception of me? Hell, no. Because you choose to believe what you believe. Likewise, I choose to believe what I believe. How about you disengage me, and if not placing me on ignore, simply ignore my posts? Evidently, initially, you came incorrect. I'm over it, you'll not win me back. Move on. I have.
Its ok for me to use it because I say it is, I don't need your permission to say anything lil guy ;)

I see you employ the usual double standrad that niggas do...its ok for you to say anything you like, but not for anyone else.

You can kiss my ass dad, my wife even laughs at your shit you racist idiot.

...and not all Blacks are niggas...but you are....and on the down low too.

That very well may be...but it's my point of view. I don't expect folks to agree with each and everything I post. I'm a gay man...and I idolize "women". But I'm not above "cutting a bitch". Just being "real".

Thank you. Thank you for exposing yourself as the piece of shit racist and homophobe that you are. It's not ok for you to use the word. Period. That you did, certifies your true colors. And you need to do research, because you obviously are clueless as to the meaning of "on the down low". Even a dummie would be able to figure out that it must mean someone who is hiding something...in this case, "being gay". I've been openly gay for going on 41 years. "On the down low" is someone presenting a "straight front", lying to a girlfriend or wife about their sexuality, and having clandestine sex with men. That wouldn't be me. I'm in the 10th year of my marriage to a man, and we are open to our friends and associates.
Amazon.com: J. L. King: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Hello? Stupid. Know terminology, before you start slinging labels about. Bitch.
the very claim that black voters vote for differing reasons than any other voters do is completely racist

You're right.

Many white voters vote the way they do because they are racist, so going by your logic, a portion of the black voters must vote the way they do because they are racist too, unless you think black voters are incapable of being racists and only white people can be racists. You think that black people are incapable of being separatist or discriminatory or feeling that they are superior to white people or other races, is that it?

I don't believe that just because a group of people are in the minority that they cannot be racists. White people don't have a monopoly on racism. They might have perfected it and used their ever shrinking majority status to take advantage of their racism, but that does not exclude everyone else from being a potential or actual racist.

I don't think the vast majority of black people voted for Obama because they were racists. I think most black people voted for him because they were never able to vote for a black person before for President and had a realistic chance that it could actually happen, so they were not going to miss that opportunity. However, that still doesn't mean that at least some, even a small portion of those people weren't racists, not simply opportunists.

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