Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

If I was Black I would be insulted that the people who profess to be leaders in the black community would allow what I said to happen. If laying out the facts is offensive, well boo hoo. I was only saying that as long as the black community condones the behavior of elitist Democrats -they get exactly what they deserve. Racist it is not... Unless of course you're a Democrat on a mission of damage control, because the race card would be your only defense.

First I just want to say that I'm not calling you a racist. But painting black people as lazy, unambitious, brainwashed moochers comes off as a racist statement. That kind of statement is what is offensive.

I'm NOT a Democrat. They're almost as bad, in my opinion, as Republicans. At least, the politicians are.

What behavior of elitist Democrats does the black community condone? That seems a vague statement to me.
Why did blacks vote for Barry??

Real easy. Because he's the first black ever elected to POTUS. He's black and thats why they voted for him. Most of em could care less how the country runs. Its all about his half blackness.

You claim that most of the black voters who voted in the last two elections don't care how the country runs.

Have you any sources that you can point to that back up that claim?

Are you aware of how that sounds? Do you understand why nutters like you are always called racist?

Liberals calling anyone racist, is like a Klan member doing the same. It's hypocritical, knowing members of Democratic Parties past founded that vile and heinous brotherhood.

Your Imperial Wizard called, he says that if you keep this "whites are racist crap" up, he'll have to confiscate your hood and gown.
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So, some of it, you're saying, has to do with black people's race? That they are inherently inferior? Is that what you are saying?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?
So...those statistics stay true even with middle class and upper class blacks?

The stats are based on race, not class.
I prefer to think of Obama as half white, but then I try to be optimistic in outlook (-:

Oh, your attempt at being both clever and humorous. Fail. President Obama identified as "African-American", on the last census.

Good for him. But the fact is he is bi-racial.

Duh. Everybody knows that. But how one chooses to identify is one's prerogative. Perhaps, he's taking the ol' racists' view of "the one-drop-rule" and "running' with it.
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it

What programs?

Telling lower income people that you plan to eliminate capital gains taxes entirely while also doing away with state income taxes and raising sales taxes is not what I would call an easy sell to people who spend pretty much close to 100% of their incomes on necessities.

The whole 'trickle down' mantra isn't going to work. But alas, I predict it will be resurrected under a new name much like creation science was 'created' to fill the void left in the minds of religious people when Genesis could not be taught as science.

I like how the wealthy were rechristened.......The Job Creators
What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it

What programs?

Telling lower income people that you plan to eliminate capital gains taxes entirely while also doing away with state income taxes and raising sales taxes is not what I would call an easy sell to people who spend pretty much close to 100% of their incomes on necessities.

The whole 'trickle down' mantra isn't going to work. But alas, I predict it will be resurrected under a new name much like creation science was 'created' to fill the void left in the minds of religious people when Genesis could not be taught as science.

I like how the wealthy were rechristened.......The Job Creators

How many jobs do the poor create?
I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

More people, black - white - brown - whatever, turned out because there might be a historic election, a first black president. The same will happen if Hillary runs.

"ah don't feel no way tared" "what difference does it make" just a few clips of hillary making a fool of herself will end any chance she ever had at the WH, plus, the bitch will be too old in 2016.

Misogynist. Sour grapes. If she runs, you better get a case of Kleenex. LOL
If I was Black I would be insulted that the people who profess to be leaders in the black community would allow what I said to happen. If laying out the facts is offensive, well boo hoo. I was only saying that as long as the black community condones the behavior of elitist Democrats -they get exactly what they deserve. Racist it is not... Unless of course you're a Democrat on a mission of damage control, because the race card would be your only defense.

First I just want to say that I'm not calling you a racist. But painting black people as lazy, unambitious, brainwashed moochers comes off as a racist statement. That kind of statement is what is offensive.

I'm NOT a Democrat. They're almost as bad, in my opinion, as Republicans. At least, the politicians are.

What behavior of elitist Democrats does the black community condone? That seems a vague statement to me.

Please re-read what I said. I never said any of those things. In summary I said elitist Democrats keep the black community down by enticing them with finite entitlement programs which leave no room for blacks to escape those programs to a better life.
What programs?

Telling lower income people that you plan to eliminate capital gains taxes entirely while also doing away with state income taxes and raising sales taxes is not what I would call an easy sell to people who spend pretty much close to 100% of their incomes on necessities.

The whole 'trickle down' mantra isn't going to work. But alas, I predict it will be resurrected under a new name much like creation science was 'created' to fill the void left in the minds of religious people when Genesis could not be taught as science.

I like how the wealthy were rechristened.......The Job Creators

How many jobs do the poor create?


You really don't know what creates jobs do you?
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it

Exactly the sort of response that proves exactly what I just said. :clap2:

It should be easy for republicans......Go into poor neighborhoods and tell them how you have made their lives better. Demonstrate how your party is not just looking out for the rich

You couldn't do in 2012.......maybe by 2016 you will have something
No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

I don't remember saying that black people's troubles, in general, stem from their race. Could you remind me when it was I said that?

If you looked at the rates of children born outside of wedlock in poor families, that percentage would be higher than children born outside of wedlock in wealthy or middle class families.

If you looked at the rates of murders per 100K of poor people or in poorer neighborhoods versus the same for the middle class or for wealthy people and neighborhoods, the percentage for murders among the poor would be higher.

You're breaking down the statistics by race. The data could easily be broken down with similar results if broken down by socio-economic class.
More people, black - white - brown - whatever, turned out because there might be a historic election, a first black president. The same will happen if Hillary runs.

"ah don't feel no way tared" "what difference does it make" just a few clips of hillary making a fool of herself will end any chance she ever had at the WH, plus, the bitch will be too old in 2016.

Misogynist. Sour grapes. If she runs, you better get a case of Kleenex. LOL

A man calling someone else a misogynist. How cute. Our resident racist is getting self righteous now. Folks had better watch out for people like you.
More people, black - white - brown - whatever, turned out because there might be a historic election, a first black president. The same will happen if Hillary runs.

"ah don't feel no way tared" "what difference does it make" just a few clips of hillary making a fool of herself will end any chance she ever had at the WH, plus, the bitch will be too old in 2016.

Misogynist. Sour grapes. If she runs, you better get a case of Kleenex. LOL

Misogynist for calling her a bitch? Or for not liking her ideology?

Seems you like calling women bitches too and you already stated you're bigoted against conservatives and I assume that means conservative women as well.

Apparently you're a misogynist.
No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?
So...those statistics stay true even with middle class and upper class blacks?

The stats are based on race, not class.

So....how can you dismiss any connection to socio-economics unless you can show that those statistics hold true thru-out ALL socio-economic levels of black people?
What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it

Exactly the sort of response that proves exactly what I just said. :clap2:

It should be easy for republicans......Go into poor neighborhoods and tell them how you have made their lives better. Demonstrate how your party is not just looking out for the rich

You couldn't do in 2012.......maybe by 2016 you will have something

Essentially you had two guys saying they would look after our poor people, ironically enough, they were both filthy rich.

Neither one could emphasize with the plight of the poor man. Did it ever occur to you that they were only making these promises to try and get elected?

Now, demonstrate how either party is looking after the poor. Government entitlements don't count. Name calling doesn't count. If you don't have an answer, it is best you remained silent, and wallow in your own self imposed ignorance.
I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

More people, black - white - brown - whatever, turned out because there might be a historic election, a first black president. The same will happen if Hillary runs.

"ah don't feel no way tared" "what difference does it make" just a few clips of hillary making a fool of herself will end any chance she ever had at the WH, plus, the bitch will be too old in 2016.

She'll only be 69 in 2016....how does that make her too old?
I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.

So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.

why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.

So it was a color thing in your opinion?

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