Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.

LOL. Prove that "whites' voted for Barack Obama out of guilt. That's as ridiculous as saying blacks voted for him because he's black. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Oh, and let's not forget the biased media, who caused Mitt Romney to perform so disastrously as a candidate. They were responsible for broadcasting the words coming out of his mouth. Horror.

Do you actually think that white liberals do not feel some misplaced guilt for slavery? Do you actually think that a majority of blacks did not vote for obama because or color?

Do you really think that the MSM was unbiased in 2012?

Yes, Romney did not run a good campaign, like McCain he refused to attack obozo on his failures and his marxist beliefs. And for the record 52/48 is hardly a mandate---obozo barely won the popular vote.

You want to know why Obama won?

Because he painted the Republicans as out of touch with Americans and out only for the rich. The Republicans did nothing to refute that

Hillary will do the same in 2016
HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm not racist I have white friends!!

That's funny as hell.

How many black friends do YOU have? And please, be honest with yourself as well as with me.

What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

They are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are 15 times more likely to join a gang than whites.

While they make up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions at 36 percent. The comparison with whites is 78 percent live births with 57 percent abortions.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

Why would anyone think its racist to make statements that black people in this country have an uphill battle to be on the same socio-economic level as white people? I would say that's what Affirmative Action and other such programs to give them a helping hand are exactly for.

It would only be racist if you claim that all of that is BECAUSE they are black and not because of their prevalent socio-economic situation.
Looked like a lot of cutting and pasting to me.

Hard to tell what part of the OP was original thought.

But even so, why not just answer my question instead of whining about it?

Seems you get off on the whining more than the debating.

It was ALL original thought with links to back up my analysis. Nice try. Still haven't it read it, huh?

Yeah, just read through all of my posts on just this thread. No debate there - just ALL whining.

Seems you get off more on puffing yourself up than posting anything of real substance. Posturing is something those who haven't proven themselves tend to do.
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it
You don't want to mention any names, but you did. Asshole? Opinion. And yes, I've been thanking Truthmatters, because I'm in complete agreement. A bigot? Prove that. Against whom? White people, in general? Absolutely not. I'm against ideologies, not people. Conservatives of all colors disgust me, because they have no compassion or love for anyone other than themselves.


[ bíggət ]

1.intolerant person: somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views.

Oops. Well, I guess I am a bigot, with a caveat. I refuse to accept different views, but I believe that you're entitled to have them.
And I'm still waiting for anyone on the right to prove that their disagreement with President Obama is "policy-driven" and not "race-based". Good luck with proving subjectivity as objectivity.
Prove that

go read your posts and how you deal with what people say......i asked you a simple question when i first met you and what did you say?.....instead of answering the question i was grouped right in with everyone else that you said were Racist.....
.intolerant person...yes you are....

Conservatives of all colors disgust me,.....kinda sounds like those who think all people of a certain race are the same....you aint foolin anyone Poet.....

Uh, I'm not like some here. I know exactly what I said, and I stand by my statements, until proven wrong. I treat people the way they treat me first. If you came to me, incorrectly, then, you got it returned to you, in kind. Answering your question??? What was your tone in asking it? Take responsibility for your part.
I'm not here to fool anyone. You don't like my posts, threads, or opinions...you're free to ignore them, and to move on. But I think you're starved for attention.

are you serious?.....you said in one of our first meetings..... that those people who are against Obama is because he is black......i asked you....."Hey Poet.....a question for you.....are you allowed to be against what the President is for WITHOUT it being racial?"......now .....how did i treat you bad with that question?.......it seemed i got it "returned" to me in kind all right.....now why dont you take responsibility for your part.....
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it

Exactly the sort of response that proves exactly what I just said. :clap2:
Why did blacks vote for Barry??

Real easy. Because he's the first black ever elected to POTUS. He's black and thats why they voted for him. Most of em could care less how the country runs. Its all about his half blackness.

You claim that most of the black voters who voted in the last two elections don't care how the country runs.

Have you any sources that you can point to that back up that claim?

Are you aware of how that sounds? Do you understand why nutters like you are always called racist?
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

Do you understand what you're saying? Because it comes down to this basically:

Black people have no principles. They're just brainwashed and have no personal ambition. Instead of trying to better themselves, they'd rather live in the shitty projects collecting just barely enough money to survive 0and if not forced off their lazy asses, will remain that way. Black people are rich white peoples' slaves and only do as they are told because they are bribed with welfare. Then when black people are successful, the media destroys them.

Not only is that incredibly offensive and insulting to black people, and painting them with an extremely broad brush (i.e. therefore a racist statement), but it will never win any black people of any significant numbers to the conservative cause. And much of it is pure speculation or outright untrue. MSNBC, and even Bill Maher, regularly have Michael Steele as a guest or panelist. The Daily Show had a running gag with Herman Cain making several special appearances. There just aren't very many black conservatives. And of that few, ones like Herman Cain and Ben Carson shoot themselves in the foot saying things like "999" and get accused of sexual harassment or inappropriate relationships or compare homosexuals to pedophiles and animal fuckers.
How many black friends do YOU have? And please, be honest with yourself as well as with me.

What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

They are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are 15 times more likely to join a gang than whites.

While they make up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions at 36 percent. The comparison with whites is 78 percent live births with 57 percent abortions.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

Why would anyone think its racist to make statements that black people in this country have an uphill battle to be on the same socio-economic level as white people? I would say that's what Affirmative Action and other such programs to give them a helping hand are exactly for.

It would only be racist if you claim that all of that is BECAUSE they are black and not because of their prevalent socio-economic situation.

I don't agree that it's all caused by "socio-economics". That to me is just another way to place the blame elsewhere.
I don't agree that it's all caused by "socio-economics". That to me is just another way to place the blame elsewhere.

So, some of it, you're saying, has to do with black people's race? That they are inherently inferior? Is that what you are saying?
Looked like a lot of cutting and pasting to me.

Hard to tell what part of the OP was original thought.

But even so, why not just answer my question instead of whining about it?

Seems you get off on the whining more than the debating.

It was ALL original thought with links to back up my analysis. Nice try. Still haven't it read it, huh?

Yeah, just read through all of my posts on just this thread. No debate there - just ALL whining.

Seems you get off more on puffing yourself up than posting anything of real substance. Posturing is something those who haven't proven themselves tend to do.

Yes I read it, but I didn't go to the links nor did I watch the silly video clips.
Looked like a lot of cutting and pasting to me.

Hard to tell what part of the OP was original thought.

But even so, why not just answer my question instead of whining about it?

Seems you get off on the whining more than the debating.

It was ALL original thought with links to back up my analysis. Nice try. Still haven't it read it, huh?

Yeah, just read through all of my posts on just this thread. No debate there - just ALL whining.

Seems you get off more on puffing yourself up than posting anything of real substance. Posturing is something those who haven't proven themselves tend to do.

Yes I read it, but I didn't go to the links nor did I watch the silly video clips.

Good point. Touche', my friend, touche'.
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

What the fuck is the matter with Republicans?

Why cant they just go into black neighborhoods and say......Here is how our programs will make your life better

They can't because they don't....and blacks know it

What programs?

Telling lower income people that you plan to eliminate capital gains taxes entirely while also doing away with state income taxes and raising sales taxes is not what I would call an easy sell to people who spend pretty much close to 100% of their incomes on necessities.

The whole 'trickle down' mantra isn't going to work. But alas, I predict it will be resurrected under a new name much like creation science was 'created' to fill the void left in the minds of religious people when Genesis could not be taught as science.
Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?
Blacks aren't liberal in the white tree hugging Democrat sense, they are simply Democrats who vote based upon "what's in it for them." They have been brainwashed by elitist Democrats who profess to have their best interests in mind, when actually it's just the opposite. How many entitlement programs abruptly end when someone makes a small attempt to better themselves by getting an entry level job? That's right... Nearly ALL of those programs do. Sadly Blacks would probably consider JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for it" as ramblings from the far Right today, as they have been programmed to think that way by rich white Democrats who think of them solely as votes and dangle finite entitlement programs in front of them at every turn. It's sad that the few blacks that understand that fact are systematically destroyed by Media character assassinations the moment they do speak up.

Do you understand what you're saying? Because it comes down to this basically:

Black people have no principles. They're just brainwashed and have no personal ambition. Instead of trying to better themselves, they'd rather live in the shitty projects collecting just barely enough money to survive 0and if not forced off their lazy asses, will remain that way. Black people are rich white peoples' slaves and only do as they are told because they are bribed with welfare. Then when black people are successful, the media destroys them.

Not only is that incredibly offensive and insulting to black people, and painting them with an extremely broad brush (i.e. therefore a racist statement), but it will never win any black people of any significant numbers to the conservative cause. And much of it is pure speculation or outright untrue. MSNBC, and even Bill Maher, regularly have Michael Steele as a guest or panelist. The Daily Show had a running gag with Herman Cain making several special appearances. There just aren't very many black conservatives. And of that few, ones like Herman Cain and Ben Carson shoot themselves in the foot saying things like "999" and get accused of sexual harassment or inappropriate relationships or compare homosexuals to pedophiles and animal fuckers.

If I was Black I would be insulted that the people who profess to be leaders in the black community would allow what I said to happen. If laying out the facts is offensive, well boo hoo. I was only saying that as long as the black community condones the behavior of elitist Democrats -they get exactly what they deserve. Racist it is not... Unless of course you're a Democrat on a mission of damage control, because the race card would be your only defense.
I don't agree that it's all caused by "socio-economics". That to me is just another way to place the blame elsewhere.

So, some of it, you're saying, has to do with black people's race? That they are inherently inferior? Is that what you are saying?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?
I don't agree that it's all caused by "socio-economics". That to me is just another way to place the blame elsewhere.

So, some of it, you're saying, has to do with black people's race? That they are inherently inferior? Is that what you are saying?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

You just asked how those things are connected to socio-economics.......and you were serious. Right? You weren't playing around?
I don't agree that it's all caused by "socio-economics". That to me is just another way to place the blame elsewhere.

So, some of it, you're saying, has to do with black people's race? That they are inherently inferior? Is that what you are saying?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?
So...those statistics stay true even with middle class and upper class blacks?
So, some of it, you're saying, has to do with black people's race? That they are inherently inferior? Is that what you are saying?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

That's what you're saying.

I think it has more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and making better choices in life.

73 percent of black children are born outside marriage, compared with 53 percent of Latinos and 29 percent of whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

14.82 murders per 100K by blacks versus 2.17 per 100K for whites. How is that connected to socio-economics?

You just asked how those things are connected to socio-economics.......and you were serious. Right? You weren't playing around?

Not playing. Tell me how the socio-economics causes black women to have out of wedlock births.

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