Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

To the people who claim that Blacks vote for the Democratic party because Republicans are racist, I'll just kindly point out to you that Blacks have been voting Democratic since the 1930s-- long before the Southern Strategy and back when Democrats were fighting tooth and nail to discourage Blacks from voting. But who cares about history?
As far as the OP is concerned, Blacks voted for Obama because he's a Democrat. Obama received so many Black votes because he's Black. Simple as.

Do you have any evidence or links to support your opinion? We'll wait.
You can't say that with any more certainty, than I can say it. You have no knowledge of whether your assertion is true or not...so stop saying it.

I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.

So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.

why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.
To the people who claim that Blacks vote for the Democratic party because Republicans are racist, I'll just kindly point out to you that Blacks have been voting Democratic since the 1930s-- long before the Southern Strategy and back when Democrats were fighting tooth and nail to discourage Blacks from voting. But who cares about history?
As far as the OP is concerned, Blacks voted for Obama because he's a Democrat. Obama received so many Black votes because he's Black. Simple as.

Do you have any evidence or links to support your opinion? We'll wait.

But don't hold your breath
yes they are liars when they say black people vote only for skin color.

Their lies are killing their own party

but you have nothing to say when Poet says every fucking person who is on the right is against Obama only because he is black?.....do you believe that Truth?......do you believe every person in this Country who is a Republican/Conservative leans right whatever....do you believe all of them are against the guy because of color?....NO ONE is against the guy because they just dont happen to like some of his policies?....

Never said that. Why are you twisting my words?
No he didn't post that OP. Please say that he didn't. Anybody got a rope?

And there are plenty more where that came from. Just go to his member page, click statistics, and then click all threads started by shootspeeders. Have fun!

Shootspeeders is one of the bigger Racist here....even bigger than Poet.....because he has nothing good to say about any race.....except his and that's only if they are as Right as he is.......

Pardon me, but I'm not a racist....half of my friends on Facebook, and in real life are white. Explain how I could fool some of the people, all of the time.
I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.

So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.

why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.

LOL. Prove that "whites' voted for Barack Obama out of guilt. That's as ridiculous as saying blacks voted for him because he's black. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Oh, and let's not forget the biased media, who caused Mitt Romney to perform so disastrously as a candidate. They were responsible for broadcasting the words coming out of his mouth. Horror.
I prefer to think of Obama as half white, but then I try to be optimistic in outlook (-:

Oh, your attempt at being both clever and humorous. Fail. President Obama identified as "African-American", on the last census.
Just playing devil's advocate here .... :D

If Hillary runs in 2016 do you believe that Republican women will flock to vote for her just because she is a woman? I mean, I wouldn't vote for her just so that a woman would FINALLY be president.

I get the whole voting for Obama because it was an historical election and all. No doubt there were many who voted for him specifically because of this. But blacks overwhelmingly vote D regardless of skin color of the candidate ...they would have voted for Hillary had she been the candidate.

I agree but blacks would not have turned out in as large numbers for Hillary

I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

More people, black - white - brown - whatever, turned out because there might be a historic election, a first black president. The same will happen if Hillary runs.
So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.

why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.

LOL. Prove that "whites' voted for Barack Obama out of guilt. That's as ridiculous as saying blacks voted for him because he's black. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Oh, and let's not forget the biased media, who caused Mitt Romney to perform so disastrously as a candidate. They were responsible for broadcasting the words coming out of his mouth. Horror.

Do you actually think that white liberals do not feel some misplaced guilt for slavery? Do you actually think that a majority of blacks did not vote for obama because or color?

Do you really think that the MSM was unbiased in 2012?

Yes, Romney did not run a good campaign, like McCain he refused to attack obozo on his failures and his marxist beliefs. And for the record 52/48 is hardly a mandate---obozo barely won the popular vote.
I agree but blacks would not have turned out in as large numbers for Hillary

I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

More people, black - white - brown - whatever, turned out because there might be a historic election, a first black president. The same will happen if Hillary runs.

"ah don't feel no way tared" "what difference does it make" just a few clips of hillary making a fool of herself will end any chance she ever had at the WH, plus, the bitch will be too old in 2016.
I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.

So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.

why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.

Yeah, because all of us white people who voted for Obama feel guilty about being white. Yep, hit that one right on the nose. Also, we're just automatons who only think what we're told by "the biased media" and don't have any of our own thoughts or experiences. Wait, Fox is biased, too, right? I guess they just aren't big enough to play with the big dogs. Oh, wait, Fox is the biggest news outlet. Hmmm. It must be a liberal conspiracy!
why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.

LOL. Prove that "whites' voted for Barack Obama out of guilt. That's as ridiculous as saying blacks voted for him because he's black. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Oh, and let's not forget the biased media, who caused Mitt Romney to perform so disastrously as a candidate. They were responsible for broadcasting the words coming out of his mouth. Horror.

Do you actually think that white liberals do not feel some misplaced guilt for slavery?

No. Absolutely not. Why do you feel that they do?

Do you actually think that a majority of blacks did not vote for obama because or color?

No. Why would they, any more than voting for the white Democratic candidates before him? The majority of blacks, being Democrats, voted for the Democratic candidate. Duh.

Do you really think that the MSM was unbiased in 2012?

Neither here, nor there. After the first debate, the MSM reported that President Obama was "in trouble", and that Mitt Romney was leading in the polls. Where was the bias?
Yes, Romney did not run a good campaign, like McCain he refused to attack obozo on his failures and his marxist beliefs. And for the record 52/48 is hardly a mandate---obozo barely won the popular vote.

Obozo? You can't even give the office the respect that it deserves? And you have the nerve to talk about bias in the media???????????????????? Failures? List them. Marxist beliefs? You, obviously don't understand Marxism or know what Marxist beliefs constitute.

Popular Vote
TOTAL 65,899,660 60,932,152
PERCENT 51.1% 47.2%
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I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.

So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.

why was obama elected? Black pride and white guilt coupled with a biased media-----------------end of story.

Not republicans fault, it's everyone elses fault
I prefer to think of Obama as half white, but then I try to be optimistic in outlook (-:

So being black is a negative thing? Hm. Racism.

A (-: denotes sarcasm or irony. I think that's appropriate for the thread.

In my view, all people would be better off if we re-adopted a Reaganesque view of economics and markets (though accepting the reality that soc sec and medicare are popular), rather than adopting Obama's view of the role of the fed govt. But, the gop's too busy with gays, illiegal aliens, sluts wanting .... family planning, and my right to have as big a rifle as I choose for no dumbass reason whatsoever.
As for the OP, I think we're making broad brushstrokes on a complex situation. I'm sure there were blacks that voted because of skin color. others might have voted because of soem specific rhetoric that appealed to them. Whetherr it be govt services, or other. And I'm also sure some voted the way they did because of the perception maintained of the republican party being what essentially boils down to a white supremecy group. Then there is the low information crowd (which is not race specific and probably the largest decider in elections today)

It's all abotu an individuals special interest. Whatever it might be. That's the way it works in govt. and the constituency in todays world.

My point was that black people are repelled by the GOP because of they way the GOP, whether intentionally or not, represent themselves to black people.

Exactly how do they represent themselves that turns off black voters?
Do you actually think that white liberals do not feel some misplaced guilt for slavery? Do you actually think that a majority of blacks did not vote for obama because or color?

Perhaps some liberals feel some sort of weird misplaced guilt for something that wasn't even occurring in their great grand parents' lifetimes, but its so ridiculous and whacked out that the percentage must be around 0.00005%

Do you really think that the MSM was unbiased in 2012?

No, do you think Fox was? Who cares if either news outlet is biased. Does that mean anyone who watches either channel is brainwashed into believing anything reported on that station? You must have a low opinion of people.

Yes, Romney did not run a good campaign, like McCain he refused to attack obozo on his failures and his marxist beliefs. And for the record 52/48 is hardly a mandate---obozo barely won the popular vote.

Romney attacked Obama AT LENGTH on Obamacare, lack of leadership, weakness on defense, Medicare/Medicaid cuts, moving jobs to China, crony capitalism, just about anything of which one can think. And then he said the 47% thing and his campaign tanked. Try again.
As for the OP, I think we're making broad brushstrokes on a complex situation. I'm sure there were blacks that voted because of skin color. others might have voted because of soem specific rhetoric that appealed to them. Whetherr it be govt services, or other. And I'm also sure some voted the way they did because of the perception maintained of the republican party being what essentially boils down to a white supremecy group. Then there is the low information crowd (which is not race specific and probably the largest decider in elections today)

It's all abotu an individuals special interest. Whatever it might be. That's the way it works in govt. and the constituency in todays world.

My point was that black people are repelled by the GOP because of they way the GOP, whether intentionally or not, represent themselves to black people.

Exactly how do they represent themselves that turns off black voters?

Jeezus! Did you even read the OP? Typical Texan!

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