Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

See, Redfish is engaging in that "suggestive racism" shit. He's not "really" racist. He's just curious about why blacks do things that stem from his "not really racist" ideas of black ppl. It's the "when did you stop beating your wife?" question but about race

Not "really" racist...just "curious"
The real reason they are blindly loyal to Democrats is because of entitlements and welfare spending. While Republicans talk about reducing spending, entitlement and taxes and standing on once's own feet; Democrats talk about increasing entitlements, increasing welfare etc. Blacks per capita use more entitlements such as welfare, section 8, food stamps, etc than Hispanics, Whites or Asians.

That is part of the reason why black people vote for Democrats. There are other reasons such as:

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

On top of that, Democrats have been masters at turning anything the Republicans do or want to do as racist. Voter ID is common sense that even Eastern European shit hole countries do, yet we don't do! Yet the common sense solution to do it is call racist!

It wasn't just voter id laws. I understand that Republicans believe that these laws are meant to deter voter fraud, but black people PERCEIVE these laws as voter suppression. And, there were other changes to election regulations such as stopping absentee ballots which black people in large numbers use to vote; stopping early voting which stopped the pews-to-polls programs that black churches used to bus their members to vote; and closing polling places or shortening the operating hours of polling places located in areas where the primary demographics were black people. That's why there were such long lines in Florida, Virginia, Ohio. And then you have GOP leaders who say things like this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuOT1bRYdK8]Turzai: Voter ID Will Allow Romney to Win Pa. - YouTube[/ame]
As I said. He's black so blacks voted for him.

Perhaps you aren't racist, but do you realize that what your saying is a racist statement. Because, essentially, it is this:

Black people are so shallow and ignorant that they don't care what a candidate's policies are, they only care what the candidate's skin color is.

And generalizing that all black people only vote because of this shallow, ignorant reason i.e. inferior to your reasons for voting for the candidates you support, is a racist statement. That's how you come across.

It has nothing to do with "Well, since you disagree with Obama, you're a racist!" race card. Its the "You said something that shows contempt and an expressed perception that one race is inferior to your race!" race card.

Thank you!

They aren't really racist! And they'll even challenge ppl to find ANYTHING that is remotely racist! And when you explain it to them like you just did, they will still have wiggle room to say it's not "really racist" just they don't understand why blacks do the things that a racist thinks they do.

LOL You call it racism. I call it the truth.

We'll never know but I'd be willing to bet that blacks would have voted for Barry even if he were a Rep.

Stick that up your ass Splatters.

Then explain why black people didn't support Herman Cain?

Gee. Last I heard Cain wasn't the Rep candidate. Oh and you know that blacks didn't support Cain?? Must be nice to be a mind reader.

Really? So by your logic black people can only support actual nominees?

And how I know that black people didn't support Herman Cain? He's a Republican and by a huge margin most black people are Democrats.
If Republicans think that if the Democrats run a white candidate for President in 2016 that they will have a chance of recapturing the black vote, they are kidding themselves

do you think some clips of Hillary doing her fake black accent would do it for her?

Hillary could do a Minstrel Show and blacks would still not support Republicans
Want to know why, watch this video then consider the movie.


Ok. So I watched the preview you posted. I'm not gonna spend an hour and a half or two hours watching the movie. It was co-funded by Freedom Works, Rove's Super PAC. Everything expressed in the preview are conservative talking points. The man who made the movies is a conservative. And I addressed, previous to your post, all of the points brought up in this video. The only difference is that these are black people making conservative arguments, instead of white people.

Its like the GOP thinks that if they get hispanic, black, and female spokes people, and elect more hispanic, black, and female candidates they'll attract more hispanic, black and female liberals to vote for their conservative policies.

It isn't the messenger, its the message.
your so stupid you dont realize you just admitted it was ideas and not color

TM, I appreciate the sentiment, but you're not really helping to propel the discussion forward.

the thread has to be about her....your not the first to tell her she aint helping.....

I appreciate her point of view, but she represents progressives poorly and her arguments are so poorly worded and thought out that she actually misrepresents progressive positions.
Blacks are total racists and hate all white people. Obozo could have said he wanted a nuclear war and he'd have still gotten 95% of the black vote. OTOH romney only got 59% of the white vote.

Blacks are far far more racist than whites.

Talk about broad strokes...

I suppose you voted Republican? What you just posted gets at the very heart of why the GOP can't attract black voters in any significant numbers.

And you claim NOT to be a racist?

Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.
Blacks are total racists and hate all white people. Obozo could have said he wanted a nuclear war and he'd have still gotten 95% of the black vote. OTOH romney only got 59% of the white vote.

Blacks are far far more racist than whites.

Talk about broad strokes...

I suppose you voted Republican? What you just posted gets at the very heart of why the GOP can't attract black voters in any significant numbers.

And you claim NOT to be a racist?

Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.

So...as long as you are against AA, you can't be a racist?
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Get real. Since when is the truth the old race card?? And I notice that those that don't agree with your take on things are racist,

You can believe that all those blacks were being noble and really thought that fuck would do a good job but hey anyone with any degree of honesty knows they voted for him because he's half black.

And what idiot party coined the phrase "race card" to insult any person who poinmted out your racism?

I am many things asshole but racist isn't one of em.

You think anyone who doesn't agree with Barry Boy is a racist.

Small minds with small thoughts. Fits you to a tee.

i dont want to mention any names....but that is kinda like the asshole..cough "Poet" cough... who has been thanking TM through this whole thread....he agrees with that statement 100%....its kinda funny....a bigot thanking someone for remarks that describe them.... they said Poet was like that.....they were right.....
Want to know why, watch this video then consider the movie.


Ok. So I watched the preview you posted. I'm not gonna spend an hour and a half or two hours watching the movie. It was co-funded by Freedom Works, Rove's Super PAC. Everything expressed in the preview are conservative talking points. The man who made the movies is a conservative. And I addressed, previous to your post, all of the points brought up in this video. The only difference is that these are black people making conservative arguments, instead of white people.

Its like the GOP thinks that if they get hispanic, black, and female spokes people, and elect more hispanic, black, and female candidates they'll attract more hispanic, black and female liberals to vote for their conservative policies.

It isn't the messenger, its the message.

The party of personal responsibility refuses to see this. They'll blame the Hispanics, Blacks, Gays, Environmentalist, Media, Brainwashing, Welfare....It HAS to be everyone and everything else that is the problem. Not us...We're right, they're just to dumb to realize it
Blacks are total racists and hate all white people. Obozo could have said he wanted a nuclear war and he'd have still gotten 95% of the black vote. OTOH romney only got 59% of the white vote.

Blacks are far far more racist than whites.

Talk about broad strokes...

I suppose you voted Republican? What you just posted gets at the very heart of why the GOP can't attract black voters in any significant numbers.

And you claim NOT to be a racist?

Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.


From your thread OP titled: Three Reasons Why I'm Sure Blacks Are Mentally Inferior


1. On all standardized tests they come in last - ACT SAT LSAT MCAT GMAT etc. It's always whites and asians at the top and blacks at the bottom. The fact that asians do so well proves the tests are NOT culturally biased.

2. Blacks get only 1% of the math and science PHDs in america . They make up 13% of the country so they're off by a factor of 13!!! Lots of blacks go to college but they major in easy verbal subjects like sociology or education.

3. Nearly all of black africa is still in the stone age. Africa is by far the most backward continent on the planet. South Africa is the only first world county in sub-saharan africa and it is now also heading to third world status just like zimbabwe has done in the last dozen years. They chase out the whites and the country collapses. Happens every time.
he is a known racist which is why I treat him the way I do.

racism is utter stupidity.

he deserves all the ridicule that comes his way
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Barry because he's black. They were excited to have the first black running for POTUS. Of course they voted for him.

Nothing weird or strange or racist about it. He's black and all those blacks that voted for him wanted him to be the first black POTUS.

Common Sense folks. Nothing racist about it.
Blacks are total racists and hate all white people. Obozo could have said he wanted a nuclear war and he'd have still gotten 95% of the black vote. OTOH romney only got 59% of the white vote.

Blacks are far far more racist than whites.

Talk about broad strokes...

I suppose you voted Republican? What you just posted gets at the very heart of why the GOP can't attract black voters in any significant numbers.

And you claim NOT to be a racist?

Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.

When you start off with an 'unleveled playing field" (due to favoritism, nepotism and cronyism of white employers and college admissions), AA is the tool employed that negates that by forcing employers and the like to select "qualified" applicants, regardless of color, background, or gender. It seeks to "right" an inherent wrong. And I'm not a racist, either, but get called one, everyday, in this forum. How are you different?
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Barry because he's black. They were excited to have the first black running for POTUS. Of course they voted for him.

Nothing weird or strange or racist about it. He's black and all those blacks that voted for him wanted him to be the first black POTUS.

Common Sense folks. Nothing racist about it.

You have to remember a good many of these blacks grew up in a country that told them they were second class citizens, filthy and not fit to be with whites, subhuman and other indignities

When given a chance to vote for a black man as president of that country you don't think they would turn out in droves?
And what idiot party coined the phrase "race card" to insult any person who poinmted out your racism?

I am many things asshole but racist isn't one of em.

You think anyone who doesn't agree with Barry Boy is a racist.

Small minds with small thoughts. Fits you to a tee.

i dont want to mention any names....but that is kinda like the asshole..cough "Poet" cough... who has been thanking TM through this whole thread....he agrees with that statement 100%....its kinda funny....a bigot thanking someone for remarks that describe them.... they said Poet was like that.....they were right.....

You don't want to mention any names, but you did. Asshole? Opinion. And yes, I've been thanking Truthmatters, because I'm in complete agreement. A bigot? Prove that. Against whom? White people, in general? Absolutely not. I'm against ideologies, not people. Conservatives of all colors disgust me, because they have no compassion or love for anyone other than themselves.


[ bíggət ]

1.intolerant person: somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views.

Oops. Well, I guess I am a bigot, with a caveat. I refuse to accept different views, but I believe that you're entitled to have them.
And I'm still waiting for anyone on the right to prove that their disagreement with President Obama is "policy-driven" and not "race-based". Good luck with proving subjectivity as objectivity.
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Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Barry because he's black. They were excited to have the first black running for POTUS. Of course they voted for him.

Nothing weird or strange or racist about it. He's black and all those blacks that voted for him wanted him to be the first black POTUS.

Common Sense folks. Nothing racist about it.

Just playing devil's advocate here .... :D

If Hillary runs in 2016 do you believe that Republican women will flock to vote for her just because she is a woman? I mean, I wouldn't vote for her just so that a woman would FINALLY be president.

I get the whole voting for Obama because it was an historical election and all. No doubt there were many who voted for him specifically because of this. But blacks overwhelmingly vote D regardless of skin color of the candidate ...they would have voted for Hillary had she been the candidate.

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