Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

Blacks know and feel the hostility toward them from the GOP's rank & file members. It's very much in the interest of blacks to vote for Democrats because they know that the Democrats aren't hostile to their very presence in the United States, and they know that the GOP is.
As for the OP, I think we're making broad brushstrokes on a complex situation. I'm sure there were blacks that voted because of skin color. others might have voted because of soem specific rhetoric that appealed to them. Whetherr it be govt services, or other. And I'm also sure some voted the way they did because of the perception maintained of the republican party being what essentially boils down to a white supremecy group. Then there is the low information crowd (which is not race specific and probably the largest decider in elections today)

It's all abotu an individuals special interest. Whatever it might be. That's the way it works in govt. and the constituency in todays world.

My point was that black people are repelled by the GOP because of they way the GOP, whether intentionally or not, represent themselves to black people.
Cause Cain left the plantation, and liberals cannot have that.

your so stupid you dont realize you just admitted it was ideas and not color

TM, I appreciate the sentiment, but you're not really helping to propel the discussion forward.

dude the actaul people we are talking to will NEVER change.

Its not for them that I post.

Its for the people lurking to see hwat all the sides say so they can determine for themselves what to think.

This guy will NEVER hcnage his mind.

Trust me I have been doing this for over a decade.

When I first started showing the court documented evidence that the repub;lican party cheats in elections even Dems told me to stop.

Now its on the cable TV shows.

If you think you are going to change this clowns mind you are wrong.

The people who promote these idea on places like this are so emotionally tied to the republican party they cheer death at primary debates
Why did blacks vote for Barry??

Real easy. Because he's the first black ever elected to POTUS. He's black and thats why they voted for him. Most of em could care less how the country runs. Its all about his half blackness.

See, how easy it is. It's not because of which party...Remember Hermain Cain being loved by blacks? He's REALLY black...so blacks loved him even more! Remember?
Coloradomtnman I read your op and responded. Hell I was even the first response you got. But I see you've ignored my post and instead decided to pick the low hanging fruit.

Makes me think you weren't actually looking for honest dialog.

No, its just that I'm on my Iphone and can't afford to watch youtube videos on my plan until I get wifi service.
Isn't the percent of blacks who vote D something like 90% and with Obama it went to 96% (or numbers very close to those)?

Most blacks vote D, regardless of the color of the person running. Did some blacks (as well as non-blacks) vote for Obama strictly because he was black and it was an historical election which they wanted to be a part of? Of course. Some.

For the blacks who vote D anyway having Obama being black was likely icing on the cake but not the reason they voted for him.
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your so stupid you dont realize you just admitted it was ideas and not color

TM, I appreciate the sentiment, but you're not really helping to propel the discussion forward.

dude the actaul people we are talking to will NEVER change.

Its not for them that I post.

Its for the people lurking to see hwat all the sides say so they can determine for themselves what to think.

This guy will NEVER hcnage his mind.

Trust me I have been doing this for over a decade.

When I first started showing the court documented evidence that the repub;lican party cheats in elections even Dems told me to stop.

Now its on the cable TV shows.

If you think you are going to change this clowns mind you are wrong.

The people who promote these idea on places like this are so emotionally tied to the republican party they cheer death at primary debates

Ok, but that's not what this thread is about. You're derailing my thread.
black people are human beings inside and out just like you are.

they have complex thoughts and complete lives.

You idiot right wing racists just cant process that reality.

No, idiots like yourself cannot quit playing the race card, that's the problem.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Get real. Since when is the truth the old race card?? And I notice that those that don't agree with your take on things are racist,

You can believe that all those blacks were being noble and really thought that fuck would do a good job but hey anyone with any degree of honesty knows they voted for him because he's half black.
Why did blacks vote for Barry??

Real easy. Because he's the first black ever elected to POTUS. He's black and thats why they voted for him. Most of em could care less how the country runs. Its all about his half blackness.

See, how easy it is. It's not because of which party...Remember Hermain Cain being loved by blacks? He's REALLY black...so blacks loved him even more! Remember?

I admire Cain. I wonder why he did not become the Republican candidate. He would have been a good one. What happened? Didn't the Republican rank and file like him?
see the racism?

LOL You call it racism. I call it the truth.

We'll never know but I'd be willing to bet that blacks would have voted for Barry even if he were a Rep.

Stick that up your ass Splatters.

Then explain why black people didn't support Herman Cain?

Gee. Last I heard Cain wasn't the Rep candidate. Oh and you know that blacks didn't support Cain?? Must be nice to be a mind reader.
Coloradomtnman I read your op and responded. Hell I was even the first response you got. But I see you've ignored my post and instead decided to pick the low hanging fruit.

Makes me think you weren't actually looking for honest dialog.

No, its just that I'm on my Iphone and can't afford to watch youtube videos on my plan until I get wifi service.

Well when you can I would suggest you watch the video and maybe even rent the movie. It is produced by blacks for blacks. But it (in part) answers your question.

Aside from that I believe TakeAStepBack summed up things fairly well.
black people are human beings inside and out just like you are.

they have complex thoughts and complete lives.

You idiot right wing racists just cant process that reality.

No, idiots like yourself cannot quit playing the race card, that's the problem.

there are no cards you fucking idiot


this is about peoples lives no matter how much you want it to be some stupid game

You idiot the liberal theology if a freaking game. Keep America divided is the only way you can get your ideas passed. If you disagree with Obama, your a racist. Playing the race card. War on women. Homophobia if you Don't support gay marriage. Starve the children, if you want to better the lives on those on welfare. Voter id you want to take votes away from the poor. Can't have school vouchers cause government might go to religious schools but it's okay for my tax dollars to pay for abortions. Just to name a few, your whole party relies on games daily to survive. You're a joke.
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No, idiots like yourself cannot quit playing the race card, that's the problem.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Get real. Since when is the truth the old race card?? And I notice that those that don't agree with your take on things are racist,

You can believe that all those blacks were being noble and really thought that fuck would do a good job but hey anyone with any degree of honesty knows they voted for him because he's half black.

And what idiot party coined the phrase "race card" to insult any person who poinmted out your racism?

I am many things asshole but racist isn't one of em.

You think anyone who doesn't agree with Barry Boy is a racist.

Small minds with small thoughts. Fits you to a tee.
Why did blacks vote for Barry??

Real easy. Because he's the first black ever elected to POTUS. He's black and thats why they voted for him. Most of em could care less how the country runs. Its all about his half blackness.

See, how easy it is. It's not because of which party...Remember Hermain Cain being loved by blacks? He's REALLY black...so blacks loved him even more! Remember?

I admire Cain. I wonder why he did not become the Republican candidate. He would have been a good one. What happened? Didn't the Republican rank and file like him?

Sexual innuendo will kill anyone in this climate. I even quit supporting him as the charges mounted.
the republican party will never be a major party again if they dont stop trying to keep people from voting.

You either have ideas good enough for the peopel to agree with you are you die.

This cheating crap wont save themit will merely make their death A little slower

Is that why the republicans control the house and in the national presidential election the vote was split basically 50/50 (with the tipping going to Obama)?

Really, I think you might find a new line now. You've used that sad sorry excuse for intelligent discourse to death.

The Repubs control the house because they "gamed" the system through gerrymandering.
My guess is the Dems will regain control come 2014.
As for the OP, I think we're making broad brushstrokes on a complex situation. I'm sure there were blacks that voted because of skin color. others might have voted because of soem specific rhetoric that appealed to them. Whetherr it be govt services, or other. And I'm also sure some voted the way they did because of the perception maintained of the republican party being what essentially boils down to a white supremecy group. Then there is the low information crowd (which is not race specific and probably the largest decider in elections today)

It's all abotu an individuals special interest. Whatever it might be. That's the way it works in govt. and the constituency in todays world.

My point was that black people are repelled by the GOP because of they way the GOP, whether intentionally or not, represent themselves to black people.

Except it is not "the GOP" that does that. There are individuals within the GOP, much like in the other party, that say stupid shit that turns people off. There are blasck members of the GOP. So it isn't that cut and dry either. Broad brush strokes aren't going to paint the proper picture here.

The overwhelming majority of voters, white, black, purple, greeen...are low information voters. They vote based on ideological/issues convenience with a very low threshold of knowledge. It's something the State promotes participation in. What the state does not promote, and what it intentionally misrepresents is quality information to make an educated decision.

And this is one of those cases along with the interest groups representing. Whether it be skin color, welfare programs, etc.
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