Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

the republican party will never be a major party again if they dont stop trying to keep people from voting.

You either have ideas good enough for the peopel to agree with you are you die.

This cheating crap wont save themit will merely make their death A little slower

Is that why the republicans control the house and in the national presidential election the vote was split basically 50/50 (with the tipping going to Obama)?

Really, I think you might find a new line now. You've used that sad sorry excuse for intelligent discourse to death.

The Repubs control the house because they "gamed" the system through gerrymandering.
My guess is the Dems will regain control come 2014.

Of course. It's one big conspiracy to hold the black man down. :cuckoo:
black people are human beings inside and out just like you are.

they have complex thoughts and complete lives.

You idiot right wing racists just cant process that reality.

No, idiots like yourself cannot quit playing the race card, that's the problem.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Get real. Since when is the truth the old race card?? And I notice that those that don't agree with your take on things are racist,

You can believe that all those blacks were being noble and really thought that fuck would do a good job but hey anyone with any degree of honesty knows they voted for him because he's half black.

What are you talking about tm plays the race card daily. If I disagree with Obama I'm racist.

Did some blacks go out of their way to vote for Obama because of the color of his skin? Of course.

And considering their history, it's tough to blame them. I remember watching Juan Williams break down in tears, and it was a very touching moment. I can only guess that I would have, too. But, of course, I have no freakin' way of knowing how powerful a moment that was for him, I can only imagine.

That said, we have to get past the color of people's skin, on both "sides" of the issue. I sure as hell don't see that happening.


Juan Williams?????????????????????? LMAO.
Yep and last I heard the Dems do the same gerrymandering.

Guess they are guilty as well there Po.
1. Obama is black
2. Republicans are repulsive to black people

That accounts for why Obama received 95% of the black vote
black people are human beings inside and out just like you are.

they have complex thoughts and complete lives.

You idiot right wing racists just cant process that reality.

No, idiots like yourself cannot quit playing the race card, that's the problem.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Get real. Since when is the truth the old race card?? And I notice that those that don't agree with your take on things are racist,

You can believe that all those blacks were being noble and really thought that fuck would do a good job but hey anyone with any degree of honesty knows they voted for him because he's half black.
And you know this, how? From your Ouija Board?
Yep and last I heard the Dems do the same gerrymandering.

Guess they are guilty as well there Po.

Of course they do. Bu when the democrats do it, it's for a noble and worthy cause. At least to a Democrat sycophant.

I think the reason the State promotes voting, but deliberately misrepresents the facts, is becasue if they did not (on both sides) people (which this is already happening.... 94 million eligible voters voted "no one" ) would drop out of participating. It becomes painfully obvious to anyone who has become knowledgeable in the US political arena that the entire system is one giant cartel of organized crime and nothing more. So they rely on deceit to keep people voting and participating in their rent seeker game.

And a "majority" of people are more than happy to comply with these professional psycopaths positions and fall for their rhetoric.

And what idiot party coined the phrase "race card" to insult any person who poinmted out your racism?

I am many things asshole but racist isn't one of em.

You think anyone who doesn't agree with Barry Boy is a racist.

Small minds with small thoughts. Fits you to a tee.

saying all black people voted fpr obama not becuase of his polciy but only because he is black is racist.

Your just too stupid to understand that.

You see being a racist is not very smart and neither are you.

Its a good fit for your lack of brainpowwer

Oh because you say its racist it is?? You wouldn't know a real racist if you fell over one.

If a Hispanic were running for POTUS I'd venture to say Hispanics would vote for him simply because he was Hispanic.

Your a still a fucking idiot an most definetly lacking in the brain power dept.
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I am many things asshole but racist isn't one of em.

You think anyone who doesn't agree with Barry Boy is a racist.

Small minds with small thoughts. Fits you to a tee.

saying all black people voted fpr obama not becuase of his polciy but only because he is black is racist.

Your just too stupid to understand that.

You see being a racist is not very smart and neither are you.

Its a good fit for your lack of brainpowwer

Oh because you say its racist it is?? You wouldn't know a real racist if you fell over one.

If a Hispanic were running for POTUS I'd venture to say Hispanics would vote for him simply because he was Hispanic.

Your a still a fucking idiot an most definetly lacking in the brain power dept.

And what's the big deal? I voted for the past white Democratic candidates for President, since 1974. Was that exhibiting racism on my part or a non sequitur? Your posts point to you being a racist....Truthmatters is correct.
Blacks do vote for the Black candidate along as the candidate is Democratic. Whether you want to accept that or not, they will vote by skin color, not in all cases, but in many. Herman Cain's blackness might have gotten him a percent or two, but no other advantage. I wanted Cain because he is a business and economic genius. He was who we needed and his blackness had nothing to do with it.

The real reason they are blindly loyal to Democrats is because of entitlements and welfare spending. While Republicans talk about reducing spending, entitlement and taxes and standing on once's own feet; Democrats talk about increasing entitlements, increasing welfare etc. Blacks per capita use more entitlements such as welfare, section 8, food stamps, etc than Hispanics, Whites or Asians.

On top of that, Democrats have been masters at turning anything the Republicans do or want to do as racist. Voter ID is common sense that even Eastern European shit hole countries do, yet we don't do! Yet the common sense solution to do it is call racist!
I love these threads. White ppl arrogance and feeling of superiority always comes out in full force. They don't even know they're doing it...they're just used to applying thoughts and actions to groups of ppl because who knows better than a white guy about blacks, Indians, Hispanics, Mexicans, Hatians, etc etc
No, idiots like yourself cannot quit playing the race card, that's the problem.

there are no cards you fucking idiot


this is about peoples lives no matter how much you want it to be some stupid game

You idiot the liberal theology if a freaking game. Keep America divided is the only way you can get your ideas passed. If you disagree with Obama, your a racist. Playing the race card. War on women. Homophobia if you Don't support gay marriage. Starve the children, if you want to better the lives on those on welfare. Voter id you want to take votes away from the poor. Can't have school vouchers cause government might go to religious schools but it's okay for my tax dollars to pay for abortions. Just to name a few, your whole party relies on games daily to survive. You're a joke.

Ah...the Race Card Card.

Did people like you try to diagnose WHY Black Democrats overwhelmingly voted for Clinton in the 90s? Do people like you try to diagnose WHY Black Democrats overwhelmingly voted for Gore in 2000? For most Democrat Presidential Candidates?

I'd like to see those threads.
saying all black people voted fpr obama not becuase of his polciy but only because he is black is racist.

Your just too stupid to understand that.

You see being a racist is not very smart and neither are you.

Its a good fit for your lack of brainpowwer

Oh because you say its racist it is?? You wouldn't know a real racist if you fell over one.

If a Hispanic were running for POTUS I'd venture to say Hispanics would vote for him simply because he was Hispanic.

Your a still a fucking idiot an most definetly lacking in the brain power dept.

And what's the big deal? I voted for the past white Democratic candidates for President, since 1974. Was that exhibiting racism on my part or a non sequitur? Your posts point to you being a racist....Truthmatters is correct.

Nope. Voting for your ethnic background isn't racist no matter what TruthSplatters says. Its just common sense on their part.

She thinks if anyone disagrees with Barry's policies they are racist.

As I said. Brain power ain't her strong suite. Glad you think my posts are racist. That just shows how alike you and asshole TM are. Pointing out the obvious isn't racist. Just sayin.
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...and yet ALL who OPPOSE the Boy King are "racist"...uh-huh.


And what idiot party coined the phrase "race card" to insult any person who poinmted out your racism?

I am many things asshole but racist isn't one of em.

You think anyone who doesn't agree with Barry Boy is a racist.

Small minds with small thoughts. Fits you to a tee.

saying all black people voted fpr obama not becuase of his polciy but only because he is black is racist.

Your just too stupid to understand that.

You see being a racist is not very smart and neither are you.

Its a good fit for your lack of brainpowwer
Well except that they did, are you really this ignorant, or is this an act?

saying black people will vote differently than other voters becuase of the color of their skin is racism.

You people are just to racist to admitt the truth
Blacks are total racists and hate all white people. Obozo could have said he wanted a nuclear war and he'd have still gotten 95% of the black vote. OTOH romney only got 59% of the white vote.

Blacks are far far more racist than whites.

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