Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

Talk about broad strokes...

I suppose you voted Republican? What you just posted gets at the very heart of why the GOP can't attract black voters in any significant numbers.

And you claim NOT to be a racist?

Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.


From your thread OP titled: Three Reasons Why I'm Sure Blacks Are Mentally Inferior


1. On all standardized tests they come in last - ACT SAT LSAT MCAT GMAT etc. It's always whites and asians at the top and blacks at the bottom. The fact that asians do so well proves the tests are NOT culturally biased.

2. Blacks get only 1% of the math and science PHDs in america . They make up 13% of the country so they're off by a factor of 13!!! Lots of blacks go to college but they major in easy verbal subjects like sociology or education.

3. Nearly all of black africa is still in the stone age. Africa is by far the most backward continent on the planet. South Africa is the only first world county in sub-saharan africa and it is now also heading to third world status just like zimbabwe has done in the last dozen years. They chase out the whites and the country collapses. Happens every time.

No he didn't post that OP. Please say that he didn't. Anybody got a rope?
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Barry because he's black. They were excited to have the first black running for POTUS. Of course they voted for him.

Nothing weird or strange or racist about it. He's black and all those blacks that voted for him wanted him to be the first black POTUS.

Common Sense folks. Nothing racist about it.

Just playing devil's advocate here .... :D

If Hillary runs in 2016 do you believe that Republican women will flock to vote for her just because she is a woman? I mean, I wouldn't vote for her just so that a woman would FINALLY be president.

I get the whole voting for Obama because it was an historical election and all. No doubt there were many who voted for him specifically because of this. But blacks overwhelmingly vote D regardless of skin color of the candidate ...they would have voted for Hillary had she been the candidate.

Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.


From your thread OP titled: Three Reasons Why I'm Sure Blacks Are Mentally Inferior


1. On all standardized tests they come in last - ACT SAT LSAT MCAT GMAT etc. It's always whites and asians at the top and blacks at the bottom. The fact that asians do so well proves the tests are NOT culturally biased.

2. Blacks get only 1% of the math and science PHDs in america . They make up 13% of the country so they're off by a factor of 13!!! Lots of blacks go to college but they major in easy verbal subjects like sociology or education.

3. Nearly all of black africa is still in the stone age. Africa is by far the most backward continent on the planet. South Africa is the only first world county in sub-saharan africa and it is now also heading to third world status just like zimbabwe has done in the last dozen years. They chase out the whites and the country collapses. Happens every time.

No he didn't post that OP. Please say that he didn't. Anybody got a rope?

And there are plenty more where that came from. Just go to his member page, click statistics, and then click all threads started by shootspeeders. Have fun!
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Barry because he's black. They were excited to have the first black running for POTUS. Of course they voted for him.

Nothing weird or strange or racist about it. He's black and all those blacks that voted for him wanted him to be the first black POTUS.

Common Sense folks. Nothing racist about it.

Just playing devil's advocate here .... :D

If Hillary runs in 2016 do you believe that Republican women will flock to vote for her just because she is a woman? I mean, I wouldn't vote for her just so that a woman would FINALLY be president.

I get the whole voting for Obama because it was an historical election and all. No doubt there were many who voted for him specifically because of this. But blacks overwhelmingly vote D regardless of skin color of the candidate ...they would have voted for Hillary had she been the candidate.

I agree but blacks would not have turned out in as large numbers for Hillary
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Barry because he's black. They were excited to have the first black running for POTUS. Of course they voted for him.

Nothing weird or strange or racist about it. He's black and all those blacks that voted for him wanted him to be the first black POTUS.

Common Sense folks. Nothing racist about it.

Just playing devil's advocate here .... :D

If Hillary runs in 2016 do you believe that Republican women will flock to vote for her just because she is a woman? I mean, I wouldn't vote for her just so that a woman would FINALLY be president.

I get the whole voting for Obama because it was an historical election and all. No doubt there were many who voted for him specifically because of this. But blacks overwhelmingly vote D regardless of skin color of the candidate ...they would have voted for Hillary had she been the candidate.

I agree but blacks would not have turned out in as large numbers for Hillary

I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.
Just playing devil's advocate here .... :D

If Hillary runs in 2016 do you believe that Republican women will flock to vote for her just because she is a woman? I mean, I wouldn't vote for her just so that a woman would FINALLY be president.

I get the whole voting for Obama because it was an historical election and all. No doubt there were many who voted for him specifically because of this. But blacks overwhelmingly vote D regardless of skin color of the candidate ...they would have voted for Hillary had she been the candidate.

I agree but blacks would not have turned out in as large numbers for Hillary

I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

You can't say that with any more certainty, than I can say it. You have no knowledge of whether your assertion is true or not...so stop saying it.

From your thread OP titled: Three Reasons Why I'm Sure Blacks Are Mentally Inferior


No he didn't post that OP. Please say that he didn't. Anybody got a rope?

And there are plenty more where that came from. Just go to his member page, click statistics, and then click all threads started by shootspeeders. Have fun!

Please, no. I don't have that much sanitizer.
Talk about broad strokes...

I suppose you voted Republican? What you just posted gets at the very heart of why the GOP can't attract black voters in any significant numbers.

And you claim NOT to be a racist?

Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.

When you start off with an 'unleveled playing field" (due to favoritism, nepotism and cronyism of white employers and college admissions), AA is the tool employed that negates that by forcing employers and the like to select "qualified" applicants, regardless of color, background, or gender. It seeks to "right" an inherent wrong. And I'm not a racist, either, but get called one, everyday, in this forum.
gee i wonder why?...
I agree but blacks would not have turned out in as large numbers for Hillary

I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

You can't say that with any more certainty, than I can say it. You have no knowledge of whether your assertion is true or not...so stop saying it.

I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.
To the people who claim that Blacks vote for the Democratic party because Republicans are racist, I'll just kindly point out to you that Blacks have been voting Democratic since the 1930s-- long before the Southern Strategy and back when Democrats were fighting tooth and nail to discourage Blacks from voting. But who cares about history?

As far as the OP is concerned, Blacks voted for Obama because he's a Democrat. Obama received so many Black votes because he's Black. Simple as.
I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

You can't say that with any more certainty, than I can say it. You have no knowledge of whether your assertion is true or not...so stop saying it.

I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.


Total turnout in 2008 was about the same as it was in 2004, about 64 percent of voting age citizens.

But with Barack Obama on the ballot, the makeup of the 131 million who voted last year was markedly different. While the number of non-Hispanic white voters remained roughly the same, 2 million more blacks, 2 million more Latinos and 600,000 more Asians turned out. Compared with 2004, the voting rate for black, Asian and Hispanic voters increased by about four percentage points. The rate for whites declined by one percentage point.
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Affirmative action is the real racism in america and i oppose it so yes, i am NOT a racist.

When you start off with an 'unleveled playing field" (due to favoritism, nepotism and cronyism of white employers and college admissions), AA is the tool employed that negates that by forcing employers and the like to select "qualified" applicants, regardless of color, background, or gender. It seeks to "right" an inherent wrong. And I'm not a racist, either, but get called one, everyday, in this forum.
gee i wonder why?...

Because "you people" think calling you on your racism, is, somehow, racist. It is not. And I value people, as people. Color doesn't even enter that equation, for me...but you people saying that it does, doesn't make it true. I know me....I know my mind. You are projecting your racism and bigotry onto me and others, but it's not working. Be responsible for your own thoughts and minds, and actions. Isn't that your battle cry? Responsibility?????
I have way too many white friends, and even some white family, to be labeled "a racist". I have dated white men and women. Racists don't do that, as a rule. Find the racism, elsewhere.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Barry because he's black. They were excited to have the first black running for POTUS. Of course they voted for him.

Nothing weird or strange or racist about it. He's black and all those blacks that voted for him wanted him to be the first black POTUS.

Common Sense folks. Nothing racist about it.

racists dont get to define racism

Fuck off idiot.

The AA I work for, yes for, and with would have no problem telling you what a fucking idiot you truly are.
Harry Dresden;7071292 i dont want to mention any names....but that is kinda like the asshole..cough "Poet" cough... who has been thanking TM through this whole thread....he agrees with that statement 100%....its kinda funny....a bigot thanking someone for remarks that describe them.... they said Poet was like that.....they were right.....[/quote said:
You don't want to mention any names, but you did. Asshole? Opinion. And yes, I've been thanking Truthmatters, because I'm in complete agreement. A bigot? Prove that. Against whom? White people, in general? Absolutely not. I'm against ideologies, not people. Conservatives of all colors disgust me, because they have no compassion or love for anyone other than themselves.


[ bíggət ]

1.intolerant person: somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views.

Oops. Well, I guess I am a bigot, with a caveat. I refuse to accept different views, but I believe that you're entitled to have them.
And I'm still waiting for anyone on the right to prove that their disagreement with President Obama is "policy-driven" and not "race-based". Good luck with proving subjectivity as objectivity.
Prove that

go read your posts and how you deal with what people say......i asked you a simple question when i first met you and what did you say?.....instead of answering the question i was grouped right in with everyone else that you said were Racist.....
.intolerant person...yes you are....

Conservatives of all colors disgust me,.....kinda sounds like those who think all people of a certain race are the same....you aint foolin anyone Poet.....
They probably vote Democrat because if any party is going to do something for the little guy, it will be Democrats. Republicans are the party of big business period. They talk 2nd amendment and anti abortion because they have nothing else to offer, and neither one of those 2 issues will put food on the table, help you when your down, help with education and the list goes on. I always ask people around election time, what has a republican ever done for you? Nothing, Nada. They have no answer because there is no answer. If it weren't for republicans , we would probably have a decent government health care system like other advanced countries.
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yes they are liars when they say black people vote only for skin color.

Their lies are killing their own party

but you have nothing to say when Poet says every fucking person who is on the right is against Obama only because he is black?.....do you believe that Truth?......do you believe every person in this Country who is a Republican/Conservative leans right whatever....do you believe all of them are against the guy because of color?....NO ONE is against the guy because they just dont happen to like some of his policies?....

From your thread OP titled: Three Reasons Why I'm Sure Blacks Are Mentally Inferior


No he didn't post that OP. Please say that he didn't. Anybody got a rope?

And there are plenty more where that came from. Just go to his member page, click statistics, and then click all threads started by shootspeeders. Have fun!

Shootspeeders is one of the bigger Racist here....even bigger than Poet.....because he has nothing good to say about any race.....except his and that's only if they are as Right as he is.......
I agree. Those 'extra blacks' turned out for Obama because his is black. Those are ones I spoke of in an earlier post when I said 'some people did this'.

You can't say that with any more certainty, than I can say it. You have no knowledge of whether your assertion is true or not...so stop saying it.

I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.

So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.
Harry Dresden;7071292 i dont want to mention any names....but that is kinda like the asshole..cough "Poet" cough... who has been thanking TM through this whole thread....he agrees with that statement 100%....its kinda funny....a bigot thanking someone for remarks that describe them.... they said Poet was like that.....they were right.....[/quote said:
You don't want to mention any names, but you did. Asshole? Opinion. And yes, I've been thanking Truthmatters, because I'm in complete agreement. A bigot? Prove that. Against whom? White people, in general? Absolutely not. I'm against ideologies, not people. Conservatives of all colors disgust me, because they have no compassion or love for anyone other than themselves.


[ bíggət ]

1.intolerant person: somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views.

Oops. Well, I guess I am a bigot, with a caveat. I refuse to accept different views, but I believe that you're entitled to have them.
And I'm still waiting for anyone on the right to prove that their disagreement with President Obama is "policy-driven" and not "race-based". Good luck with proving subjectivity as objectivity.
Prove that

go read your posts and how you deal with what people say......i asked you a simple question when i first met you and what did you say?.....instead of answering the question i was grouped right in with everyone else that you said were Racist.....
.intolerant person...yes you are....

Conservatives of all colors disgust me,.....kinda sounds like those who think all people of a certain race are the same....you aint foolin anyone Poet.....

Uh, I'm not like some here. I know exactly what I said, and I stand by my statements, until proven wrong. I treat people the way they treat me first. If you came to me, incorrectly, then, you got it returned to you, in kind. Answering your question??? What was your tone in asking it? Take responsibility for your part.
I'm not here to fool anyone. You don't like my posts, threads, or opinions...you're free to ignore them, and to move on. But I think you're starved for attention.
You can't say that with any more certainty, than I can say it. You have no knowledge of whether your assertion is true or not...so stop saying it.

I most certainly can say that because I know people who voted for him specifically because he is black.

So. How is that representative of "the whole"? You don't know everybody that voted for Obama, so your reference isn't but a drop in the ocean. Insignificant. You can't say it, with any authority.

If I know some people who voted for him because he is black it's logical to conclude that there are others who voted for him because he is black. A large portion? I don't think so. But some? Absolutely.

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