Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

Your own ignorance is not my problem.

The Left denigrates EVERY person of color that does not think as they do.
That is a fact.

Of course there are.

The difference is this, unless they "think" like the Left does they are all Uncle Toms and some such shit.

The word "understanding" as you use it is ALWAYS defined through partisan eyes.

Nope, that's your own IGNORANT narrative. Dome may be called those stupid names by SOME people. Don't try to act like it's so wide spread.
I'm from the Left and I actually liked Cain. How come he didn't get the nomination....he interested me greatly.
Your own ignorance is not my problem.

The Left denigrates EVERY person of color that does not think as they do.
That is a fact.

Of course there are.

The difference is this, unless they "think" like the Left does they are all Uncle Toms and some such shit.

The word "understanding" as you use it is ALWAYS defined through partisan eyes.

Nope, that's your own IGNORANT narrative. Dome may be called those stupid names by SOME people. Don't try to act like it's so wide spread.

It's hard to debate an outright LIAR like you. Thanks for the laugh though!

When you are hired you are "given" a job.

Within the parameters of the "job" you trade time for money, everybody profits...that's what business is about moron.

Lets see how many people here ever got a paying job from a poor person...:cuckoo:

Nobody "gives" you a job. You provide labor that they make a profit off of. How many people have made a profit off of a poor person?

If someone comes to town and builds a business that hires 3000 employees, I have no problem with calling them job creators

But if they shut down the business in my town and lay off 3000 people and liquidate the assets, they are not job creators....they are profiteers

And that describes most of today's wealthy

Employers are "given" labor

From which they make a profit
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

You're one of those asshole Californians that have fucked up Colorado aren't you.....FUCK YOU!!!
Last edited:
"Facts"????? Or "doctored data", designed to demonize and injure the character of blacks and other minorities, to make yourself feel better about the lie??

Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.
Then...you would have no problem linking the source of those statistics you quote.

They've been linked too many times on this forum. They come from the CDC and the Justice Dept.

When you are hired you are "given" a job.

Within the parameters of the "job" you trade time for money, everybody profits...that's what business is about moron.

Nobody "gives" you a job. You provide labor that they make a profit off of. How many people have made a profit off of a poor person?

If someone comes to town and builds a business that hires 3000 employees, I have no problem with calling them job creators

But if they shut down the business in my town and lay off 3000 people and liquidate the assets, they are not job creators....they are profiteers

And that describes most of today's wealthy

Employers are "given" labor

From which they make a profit

Don't confuse him. Logic is beyond his capabilities.
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

one of those asshole Californians that have fucked up Colorado aren't you.....FUCK YOU!!!

How to Use You're and Your (with Usage Chart) - wikiHow
Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.
Then...you would have no problem linking the source of those statistics you quote.

They've been linked too many times on this forum. They come from the CDC and the Justice Dept.

And they certainly are not staffed with individuals who would fudge data for a desired outcome, right?
You said in the form of a question. Which you conveniently left out of this thread.

I didn't say it in the form of a question, I asked you in the form of a question.

So children are born out of wedlock at a higher rate in poor families? You say it's because of economics. I say it's because of bad choices.

It isn't economics that's the cause, you're right. But why are they making those bad decisions? Why do you think they are irresponsible?

Again, it isn't economics that is the cause. But why are there more murders in black neighborhoods? Why are there more murders in poor neighborhoods?

Nothing you have stated has shown how economics causes people to make these bad choices.

I didn't mean to imply that economics is the direct cause of poor behavior or poor choices. Nor the society. Its both, but not directly. I do think that the society or culture of a poor neighborhood is a contributing factor in that people in poor neighborhoods face different and more basic pressures.

Do you know what Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is? If a child doesn't get enough to eat, hunger is more of a motivating force than obeying the law and so that child shop lifts to eat. And if a child isn't getting enough to eat, education only gets in the way of basic survival. What kind of mindset does a person in just that situation develop. But then factor in that the child's parents (or parent) are also struggling to survive, how do they show love and interest in their child? How do they maintain a relationship between just themselves? So, without education, hope, confidence, then what does it matter to use contraceptives one can't afford or even remain abstinent? Why not get high? Why not feel that there is no way out? Especially when the history of your people for hundreds of years and up until recently has been oppression. Wouldn't it seem as though your race is still being oppressed? Sure, there are those who make it out and become successful, but their situations are different. President Obama wasn't raised in "The hood."

Are you saying these people are so poor that they can't afford to make better decisions?

That they can't afford not to get pregnant without a husband and that they can't afford not to kill people?

They kill people because they joined a gang, or to steal money to eat, or to buy drugs because they weren't raised well because they're parents struggled to survive or because they feel no hope, or because they're ignorant. It happens in poor white neighborhoods, poor latino neighborhoods, and poor black neighborhoods. It happens in poor neighborhoods all around the world.

Glad you agree that economics isn't the cause. They are irresponsible because they're the ones that made the bad decision. duh

Why are there more murders in poor neighborhoods? Boredom? Drugs? Hate? You tell me.

So now their bad decisions is because they are hungry? With all the money spent on welfare and food stamps? Nice try but no way I'd believe that.

The bold part is more likely with the exception of stealing money to eat. And again it all comes down to individual responsibility.

No matter how much money you throw at the low income neighborhoods you cannot make them become responsible.
Misogynist. Sour grapes. If she runs, you better get a case of Kleenex. LOL

Misogynist for calling her a bitch? Or for not liking her ideology?

Seems you like calling women bitches too and you already stated you're bigoted against conservatives and I assume that means conservative women as well.

Apparently you're a misogynist.

I call whores (literally and figuratively) "bitches". Women, encompasses a lot. There is "good and bad" in all. But don't mix the twain. There are "women", and there are "bitches". And not all bitches are women....as you well know.

You're still a misogynist.
"Facts"????? Or "doctored data", designed to demonize and injure the character of blacks and other minorities, to make yourself feel better about the lie??

Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.

Right. As if that makes any sense. It has nothing to do with the intelligence (or the lack thereof) of black people. It has to do with an agenda which seeks to demonize black people, and thus, justify the mistreatment of them...otherwise known as "racism". See?

Yes I see. Every white man is a racist. Got it!:cuckoo:
Some Republicans claim that black people, overwhelming, voted for Obama was because:

1. Racism. They voted for him because Obama's black (or half black). So despite decades of voting Democrat, this time they voted for Obama based on race. Herman Cain was black and they didn't support him, so does that really follow logic?

2. Free stuff. I hear some Republicans claim Obama promised a bunch of "free stuff" such as cell phones, but

Crazy For "Obama Phones" - But Are They For Real? - Forbes

FactCheck.org : The Obama Phone?

PolitiFact | Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters

So the Obamaphone meme isn't what it bas been claimed to be.

Then there's the free contraceptive meme, however there wasn't a promise for free contraceptives but insurance covered contraceptives. So still no free stuff.

Free healthcare? You mean Obamacare? When was that free? There was no promise for free healthcare and Google found nothing on it.

Free food? I don't remember seeing any campaign ads promising free food. So I googled it and found nothing about promises of free food.

Free housing? Same thing. There was no promise of free housing and nothing I could find beyond Republicans saying he promised free housing on Google.

Free abortions turned up the same. Also, a campaign promise like that would've been national headline news and even Fox never reported that.

So then what really kept most black people from voting Republican?

Racial Comments By Republican Candidates - YouTube

Republicans Say The Most Racist Things - YouTube

Racist comments by 2012 Republican presidential candidates


TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism - YouTube

And election laws that black people perceived was targeted to suppress their vote:

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... | www.palmbeachpost.com

Voting Rights Watch | The Nation

And attitudes like these held by some conservatives:





With that kind of representation what do Republicans think this is? Even if the message the GOP has for black people wasn't offensive, or at least, insensitive, the way the GOP represents itself to black voters can only be labeled as repellent. Especially when, after the election, Republicans claim that black people voted based on race and because black people are dependent on government and because they are so shallow and unprincipled as to sell their votes for "free stuff".

one of those asshole Californians that have fucked up Colorado aren't you.....FUCK YOU!!!

How to Use You're and Your (with Usage Chart) - wikiHow

Happy ass wipe?
Right!!! The evil white man makes up stats because you people are too stupid to know any better and too lazy to prove them wrong.

Right. As if that makes any sense. It has nothing to do with the intelligence (or the lack thereof) of black people. It has to do with an agenda which seeks to demonize black people, and thus, justify the mistreatment of them...otherwise known as "racism". See?

Yes I see. Every white man is a racist. Got it!:cuckoo:

Why are you and your reasoning so fucked up? That is not what I said, nor what I believe.
Not every white man is racist, "stuck on stupid", self-centered, intolerant, homophobic, a serial killer, or cute. Some white men are normal, well-adjusted, decent, compassionate, intelligent individuals. You just wouldn't happen to fit that description. Stop being a drama queen, Queen.
Then...you would have no problem linking the source of those statistics you quote.

They've been linked too many times on this forum. They come from the CDC and the Justice Dept.

And they certainly are not staffed with individuals who would fudge data for a desired outcome, right?

Nope they aren't. Can you prove otherwise?

No you can't.

You can only toss out bullshit claims without any supporting evidence.
Misogynist for calling her a bitch? Or for not liking her ideology?

Seems you like calling women bitches too and you already stated you're bigoted against conservatives and I assume that means conservative women as well.

Apparently you're a misogynist.

I call whores (literally and figuratively) "bitches". Women, encompasses a lot. There is "good and bad" in all. But don't mix the twain. There are "women", and there are "bitches". And not all bitches are women....as you well know.

You're still a misogynist.

Really? And what are you?
They've been linked too many times on this forum. They come from the CDC and the Justice Dept.

And they certainly are not staffed with individuals who would fudge data for a desired outcome, right?

Nope they aren't. Can you prove otherwise?

No you can't.

You can only toss out bullshit claims without any supporting evidence.

Evidence? Evidence? I don't need no stinking evidence that some white people lie, and seek to paint black people as the source of all trouble in the world. One need only look to this very forum to figure that one out.
And your stupid ass thinks that suspect statistics are "gospel", and proof that blacks are as bad as you believe them to be. If we were in a pissing contest as to who has collectively committed the most egregious "wrong"....by the basis of slavery, Jim Crow, and continued discrimination and hate, whites would win that crown.
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Right. As if that makes any sense. It has nothing to do with the intelligence (or the lack thereof) of black people. It has to do with an agenda which seeks to demonize black people, and thus, justify the mistreatment of them...otherwise known as "racism". See?

Yes I see. Every white man is a racist. Got it!:cuckoo:

Why are you and your reasoning so fucked up? That is not what I said, nor what I believe.
Not every white man is racist, "stuck on stupid", self-centered, intolerant, homophobic, a serial killer, or cute. Some white men are normal, well-adjusted, decent, compassionate, intelligent individuals. You just wouldn't happen to fit that description. Stop being a drama queen, Queen.

Every stat that shows blacks in a bad light you claim some white racist fudged the data.

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