Why Did Black People Vote for Obama?

Every stat that shows blacks in a bad light you claim some white racist fudged the data.

Absolutely. Why wouldn't they? If they didn't, whites are ultimately responsible, directly and indirectly, for the social construct which allows blacks to be in poverty, deprived of educational and employment opportunities, and forced to make ends meet either by "hook or crook", or having to resort to community and church. Rather than to face violent backlash, whites allowed blacks to have limited power in governing, and so, we see major cities with large, inner city minority populations , with black mayors, councilmen, and the like, but hardly any state-wide or national representation, where real power lies.

And you're not a racist.

How are the cities with black mayors doing?

Me, telling the truth, makes me a racist? How is it that you refuse to take any responsibility for anything, and me pointing that out, somehow, makes me racist? Explain that shit.

To answer your question, "Struggling", It's not like they are getting any help from the federal government, as the Republican Congress , repeatedly, cuts funding for education and infrastructure, as they hardly value inner cities and their occupants. That, in and of itself is "racist". How are the cities with white mayors doing?
How odd that Lonestar never came back with the links even tho I saw him on this thread for at least an hour after I asked.

I have a life outside this forum.

So you say....as I watched you STILL on this thread for an hour (at least) after I asked for the links.

But, be that as it may.....got them now?

I doubt that but even if it were true. It is possible I didn't see your request for links.

It wouldn't have been the first time nor will it be the last time a post is overlooked.
Absolutely. Why wouldn't they? If they didn't, whites are ultimately responsible, directly and indirectly, for the social construct which allows blacks to be in poverty, deprived of educational and employment opportunities, and forced to make ends meet either by "hook or crook", or having to resort to community and church. Rather than to face violent backlash, whites allowed blacks to have limited power in governing, and so, we see major cities with large, inner city minority populations , with black mayors, councilmen, and the like, but hardly any state-wide or national representation, where real power lies.

And you're not a racist.

How are the cities with black mayors doing?

Me, telling the truth, makes me a racist? How is it that you refuse to take any responsibility for anything, and me pointing that out, somehow, makes me racist? Explain that shit.

To answer your question, "Struggling", It's not like they are getting any help from the federal government, as the Republican Congress , repeatedly, cuts funding for education and infrastructure, as they hardly value inner cities and their occupants. That, in and of itself is "racist". How are the cities with white mayors doing?

Truth? Truth that you refuse to substantiate? Yes it does make you a racist.

White mayors fare better than black mayors that's for damn sure.

Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroit

Kilpatrick’s legal concerns are seemingly ongoing with added federal charges tacked on to an already long list of offenses. With prosecutors alleging shakedowns, backdoor deals, and fraud, Kilpatrick’s woes are far from over. Kilpatrick’s case is especially interesting because of the sheer number of individuals who were implicated to be part of the so-called “Kilpatrick Enterprise,” including family members, with the feds treating the involved not unlike a mafia crime organization.

Marion Barry, Washington, D.C.

Marion Barry will forever live in infamy for being caught on videotape using crack cocaine as part of an elaborate sting in 1990. Playing out on television sets across the country, and well before the age of the Internet and social media, the image of Barry in a state of anger and delirium has burned itself into the minds of many. However, the beleaguered Barry bounced back after serving time in prison and won the mayor’s seat for a fourth term, although he didn’t leave the office gracefully. Barry continues to be a polarizing elected official today as a city council member.

Sheila Dixon, Baltimore

When you compare Baltimore’s Shelia Dixon to the other infamous Black mayors, her troubles pale in comparison. Dixon took gift cards intended for the city’s poor residents and used them for herself. Dixon was indicted on perjury and embezzlement charges, resigning from her mayoral post as part of a plea agreement and thus saving her $83,000-per-year pension. Still, the stench of the case will always follow Dixon should she decided to run for elected office again in 2014, when she would be next eligible to do so.

Eric Brewer, East Cleveland

Eric Brewer’s troubles are also relatively tame, although no less controversial. While seeking a second term in the city of East Cleveland ahead of the 2009 primary, photos of the mayor scantily dressed in women’s lingerie and a wig hit the Internet, exploding on to gossip sites and the like. Unable to live down the shame of the moment and losing the primary bid, Brewer is now running a small restaurant in the city of Warren. Brewer owned the burden of admitting he was in the photos, although he has yet to fully address

Harold Washington, Chicago

Chicago’s beloved first Black mayor, Harold Washington, is forever immortalized by the massive downtown public library that bears his name. Washington was facing what many in the Windy City felt was a race-fueled, FBI-led investigation into the affairs of the mayor’s office. Defiant up until his death in 1987 and winning a second term in the midst of his troubles, Washington didn’t fold under heavy opposition from the city’s powerful white Democrats. While Washington was never charged with any crime, his administration was bogged down by rumors of corruption and payoffs.

See video here.
I have a life outside this forum.

So you say....as I watched you STILL on this thread for an hour (at least) after I asked for the links.

But, be that as it may.....got them now?

I doubt that but even if it were true. It is possible I didn't see your request for links.

It wouldn't have been the first time nor will it be the last time a post is overlooked.
But...be that as it may...got those links now?
So you say....as I watched you STILL on this thread for an hour (at least) after I asked for the links.

But, be that as it may.....got them now?

I doubt that but even if it were true. It is possible I didn't see your request for links.

It wouldn't have been the first time nor will it be the last time a post is overlooked.
But...be that as it may...got those links now?

Those stats have been posted ad-nauseum on these boards. Not my fault you don't see them. Myself, Yidnar, Mathew and others have posted these and other stats many times.
I doubt that but even if it were true. It is possible I didn't see your request for links.

It wouldn't have been the first time nor will it be the last time a post is overlooked.
But...be that as it may...got those links now?

Those stats have been posted ad-nauseum on these boards. Not my fault you don't see them. Myself, Yidnar, Mathew and others have posted these and other stats many times.

Woosh! Sorry. That doesn't cut it. Post the links to the stats you stated...if you want to be believed.
But...be that as it may...got those links now?

Those stats have been posted ad-nauseum on these boards. Not my fault you don't see them. Myself, Yidnar, Mathew and others have posted these and other stats many times.

Woosh! Sorry. That doesn't cut it. Post the links to the stats you stated...if you want to be believed.

I don't care if you believe me or not. You can stay as ignorant as you like for as long as you like.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm not racist I have white friends!!

That's funny as hell.

How many black friends do YOU have? And please, be honest with yourself as well as with me.

What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

Link to evidence and source, please.

They are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

Link to evidence and source please.

Blacks are 15 times more likely to join a gang than whites.

Link to evidence and source, please.

While they make up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions at 36 percent. The comparison with whites is 78 percent live births with 57 percent abortions.

Link to evidence and source, please.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Yes...do go on....with evidence and source, please.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

They are FACTS if you provide evidence and source to show that they are indeed FACTS.
How many black friends do YOU have? And please, be honest with yourself as well as with me.

What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Yes...do go on....with evidence and source, please.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

They are FACTS if you provide evidence and source to show that they are indeed FACTS.

Apparently, Poet was right.....Lonestar_Logic lies.
How many black friends do YOU have? And please, be honest with yourself as well as with me.

What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Yes...do go on....with evidence and source, please.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

They are FACTS if you provide evidence and source to show that they are indeed FACTS.


I don't care if you believe me or not. You can stay as ignorant as you like for as long as you like.
Oh, that's not all you are, or do. And if you please, cite the hypocrisy. I'll wait.

post 267 made by a Hypocrite called Poet......

And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you

but its ok for you to ask the same thing?......fucking hypocrite.....

Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist.

Post #267:
Really? How 'bout, because I'm a fucking, hardcore, liberal Democrat. And that's all of it, in a nutshell. Nothing more to prove. I voted for Gore (a white man) and Kerry (another white man). Where is the racism?
And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you. If you didn't come across as your "typical racist", then I wouldn't assign that label to you. Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist. Would it change your perception of me? Hell, no. Because you choose to believe what you believe. Likewise, I choose to believe what I believe. How about you disengage me, and if not placing me on ignore, simply ignore my posts? Evidently, initially, you came incorrect. I'm over it, you'll not win me back. Move on. I have.
What part of " I have moved on", didn't you get? Call me whatever. I don't fucking care.

sure you dont.....its really pathetic seeing someone ask someone else to take responsibility for what THEY say.....but the person doing the asking does everything possible to not take responsibility for what they said.... you are not only a Pussy and a Hypocrite Poet.....your a fucking phony....
Absolutely. Why wouldn't they? If they didn't, whites are ultimately responsible, directly and indirectly, for the social construct which allows blacks to be in poverty, deprived of educational and employment opportunities, and forced to make ends meet either by "hook or crook", or having to resort to community and church. Rather than to face violent backlash, whites allowed blacks to have limited power in governing, and so, we see major cities with large, inner city minority populations , with black mayors, councilmen, and the like, but hardly any state-wide or national representation, where real power lies.

And you're not a racist.

How are the cities with black mayors doing?

Me, telling the truth, makes me a racist? How is it that you refuse to take any responsibility for anything, and me pointing that out, somehow, makes me racist? Explain that shit.

To answer your question, "Struggling", It's not like they are getting any help from the federal government, as the Republican Congress , repeatedly, cuts funding for education and infrastructure, as they hardly value inner cities and their occupants. That, in and of itself is "racist". How are the cities with white mayors doing?

How is it that you refuse to take any responsibility for anything

yea you sure know about that....dont ya?....
What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Yes...do go on....with evidence and source, please.

They are FACTS if you provide evidence and source to show that they are indeed FACTS.


I don't care if you believe me or not. You can stay as ignorant as you like for as long as you like.

That's ok....you don't care and I don't believe you. And it's quite ironic that you would make assertions, refuse to back them and call OTHERS "ignorant".....:lol:
post 267 made by a Hypocrite called Poet......

And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you

but its ok for you to ask the same thing?......fucking hypocrite.....

Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist.

Post #267:
Really? How 'bout, because I'm a fucking, hardcore, liberal Democrat. And that's all of it, in a nutshell. Nothing more to prove. I voted for Gore (a white man) and Kerry (another white man). Where is the racism?
And fuck you asking me to ask other posters about my perception of you. If you didn't come across as your "typical racist", then I wouldn't assign that label to you. Ask my friends whether or not they perceive me as a racist. Would it change your perception of me? Hell, no. Because you choose to believe what you believe. Likewise, I choose to believe what I believe. How about you disengage me, and if not placing me on ignore, simply ignore my posts? Evidently, initially, you came incorrect. I'm over it, you'll not win me back. Move on. I have.
What part of " I have moved on", didn't you get? Call me whatever. I don't fucking care.

sure you dont.....its really pathetic seeing someone ask someone else to take responsibility for what THEY say.....but the person doing the asking does everything possible to not take responsibility for what they said.... you are not only a Pussy and a Hypocrite Poet.....your a fucking phony....

Thank you...I appreciate your sentiments.
And you're not a racist.

How are the cities with black mayors doing?

Me, telling the truth, makes me a racist? How is it that you refuse to take any responsibility for anything, and me pointing that out, somehow, makes me racist? Explain that shit.

To answer your question, "Struggling", It's not like they are getting any help from the federal government, as the Republican Congress , repeatedly, cuts funding for education and infrastructure, as they hardly value inner cities and their occupants. That, in and of itself is "racist". How are the cities with white mayors doing?

How is it that you refuse to take any responsibility for anything

yea you sure know about that....dont ya?....

What am I not taking responsibility for?
How many black friends do YOU have? And please, be honest with yourself as well as with me.

What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

I could go on about the unemployment rate in the black community and so forth, but I think you get the message.

Yes...do go on....with evidence and source, please.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

They are FACTS if you provide evidence and source to show that they are indeed FACTS.

Have you heard of this thing called Google?... Here's a taste...:eusa_whistle:

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as - Google Search
What difference would it make?

I would never use my friends to defend against some idiot calling me a racist.

It's funny that people think calling someone a racist even proves anything.

It doesn't change the facts about the plight of black in this country.

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as that of whites.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Link to evidence and source, please.

Yes...do go on....with evidence and source, please.

Oh and I guess it's only considered racist when a white man brings up these facts.

They are FACTS if you provide evidence and source to show that they are indeed FACTS.

Have you heard of this thing called Google?... Here's a taste...:eusa_whistle:

The HIV prevalence rate for blacks (1,715 per 100,000 population) was almost eight times as high as - Google Search

And those statistics were compiled by whom, and works in favor of whom? I don't believe statistics that demonize one group over another. Period. Now what? You got anything else?

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