Why did climate scientists emit 30,000 tonnes of C02 this weekend?

Because they don’t believe in the bullshit manmade climate crap either.

If only there was a way of communicating voice and images across the airwaves.....

Why did climate scientists emit 30,000 tonnes of C02 this weekend? | Peter Kalmus

Because liberal pathological liars don't even believe their own bullshit. Every SINGLE ONE of these global-warming celebrities/politicians love to constantly, frivolously fly all over the world on their own private jets - releasing tons and tons and tons of greenhouse CO2 into the atmosphere. What the fuck do these liberal wraiths THINK comes out the back of a jet engine? The Febreeze air freshener they use on airline upholstery?

Even if their global warming alarmist bullshit WERE real, who cares? The planet's climate has changed god knows how many times and its life-ecosystem has always adapted to the new conditions every time. The real motive is the liberals' self-hating-American need to make the lives of fellow Americans as difficult as possible.

Yet another dumbass denier.

Yes the climate always changes but man is increasing the amount of greenhouse gases above where they would be normally. I guess that is too complicated for your tiny mind to comprehend.

Climate Deniers are dumber than shit.
Man is part of nature, Dufus.

Look dickbreath, you can't claim man has no effect & then claim he does.

If you walk down the street & a terrorists beheads you, is that a natural death?

You're a God damn ass.
People control the weather!
Embrace the warming and stop fearing change. Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees grew in Alaska.

affecting is not controlling. Weather is not climate. You think it would be great to live with the climate when palm trees gew in Alaska?

I guess you don't want to eat any grains or fruits like apples.
Because they don’t believe in the bullshit manmade climate crap either.

If only there was a way of communicating voice and images across the airwaves.....

Why did climate scientists emit 30,000 tonnes of C02 this weekend? | Peter Kalmus

Because liberal pathological liars don't even believe their own bullshit. Every SINGLE ONE of these global-warming celebrities/politicians love to constantly, frivolously fly all over the world on their own private jets - releasing tons and tons and tons of greenhouse CO2 into the atmosphere. What the fuck do these liberal wraiths THINK comes out the back of a jet engine? The Febreeze air freshener they use on airline upholstery?

Even if their global warming alarmist bullshit WERE real, who cares? The planet's climate has changed god knows how many times and its life-ecosystem has always adapted to the new conditions every time. The real motive is the liberals' self-hating-American need to make the lives of fellow Americans as difficult as possible.

Yet another dumbass denier.

Yes the climate always changes but man is increasing the amount of greenhouse gases above where they would be normally. I guess that is too complicated for your tiny mind to comprehend.

Climate Deniers are dumber than shit.
Man is part of nature, Dufus.

Look dickbreath, you can't claim man has no effect & then claim he does.

If you walk down the street & a terrorists beheads you, is that a natural death?

You're a God damn ass.
People control the weather!
Embrace the warming and stop fearing change. Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees grew in Alaska.

It's just that Dave gets the vapors when the humidity gets a little high.
Because liberal pathological liars don't even believe their own bullshit. Every SINGLE ONE of these global-warming celebrities/politicians love to constantly, frivolously fly all over the world on their own private jets - releasing tons and tons and tons of greenhouse CO2 into the atmosphere. What the fuck do these liberal wraiths THINK comes out the back of a jet engine? The Febreeze air freshener they use on airline upholstery?

Even if their global warming alarmist bullshit WERE real, who cares? The planet's climate has changed god knows how many times and its life-ecosystem has always adapted to the new conditions every time. The real motive is the liberals' self-hating-American need to make the lives of fellow Americans as difficult as possible.

Yet another dumbass denier.

Yes the climate always changes but man is increasing the amount of greenhouse gases above where they would be normally. I guess that is too complicated for your tiny mind to comprehend.

Climate Deniers are dumber than shit.
Man is part of nature, Dufus.

Look dickbreath, you can't claim man has no effect & then claim he does.

If you walk down the street & a terrorists beheads you, is that a natural death?

You're a God damn ass.
People control the weather!
Embrace the warming and stop fearing change. Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees grew in Alaska.

affecting is not controlling. Weather is not climate. You think it would be great to live with the climate when palm trees gew in Alaska?

I guess you don't want to eat any grains or fruits like apples.
Affecting is not controlling? So if we all drive diesel F450’s we won’t make the planet hotter? Or if every nation goes green like North Korea the world won’t start cooling?

So what’s the fuss then? F off it doesn’t make a difference then because we are not controlling anything.


So you mean to tell me you've followed the climate change/globull warming scam for this long and you have no idea as to why the opponents of the scam disagree with your faked reports?
Why do you even bother coming here?

Opponents of the global warming initiatives don't agree because they would rather believe the Republican Party & Rush Limbaugh & the fossil fuel spokespeople than real scientists.

There is no other excuse.
More man made emissions => More Greenhouse gases => More greenhouse effect => warmier temperatures.

Yes it is that fucking simple.

No,it's actually not that simple.
The moment the real reason for carbon taxes came to light that was it for me. The final nail in the coffin I guess you could say.
So, you are too cheap to help out your children & grandchildren?

Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.
Yet another dumbass denier.

Yes the climate always changes but man is increasing the amount of greenhouse gases above where they would be normally. I guess that is too complicated for your tiny mind to comprehend.

Climate Deniers are dumber than shit.
Man is part of nature, Dufus.

Look dickbreath, you can't claim man has no effect & then claim he does.

If you walk down the street & a terrorists beheads you, is that a natural death?

You're a God damn ass.
People control the weather!
Embrace the warming and stop fearing change. Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees grew in Alaska.

affecting is not controlling. Weather is not climate. You think it would be great to live with the climate when palm trees gew in Alaska?

I guess you don't want to eat any grains or fruits like apples.
Affecting is not controlling? So if we all drive diesel F450’s we won’t make the planet hotter? Or if every nation goes green like North Korea the world won’t start cooling?

So what’s the fuss then? F off it doesn’t make a difference then because we are not controlling anything.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Driving your truck contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases that will increase the greenhouse effect. That is not the same as controlling as there are many factors in the weather.

Let's review. You don;t know the difference between weather & climate. You don't know the difference between affecting & controlling.
Man is part of nature, Dufus.

Look dickbreath, you can't claim man has no effect & then claim he does.

If you walk down the street & a terrorists beheads you, is that a natural death?

You're a God damn ass.
People control the weather!
Embrace the warming and stop fearing change. Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees grew in Alaska.

affecting is not controlling. Weather is not climate. You think it would be great to live with the climate when palm trees gew in Alaska?

I guess you don't want to eat any grains or fruits like apples.
Affecting is not controlling? So if we all drive diesel F450’s we won’t make the planet hotter? Or if every nation goes green like North Korea the world won’t start cooling?

So what’s the fuss then? F off it doesn’t make a difference then because we are not controlling anything.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Driving your truck contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases that will increase the greenhouse effect. That is not the same as controlling as there are many factors in the weather.

Let's review. You don;t know the difference between weather & climate. You don't know the difference between affecting & controlling.
So does 30,000 tons of carbon.

They don’t feel the need to change, no one else should either.

And God will be talking to you about that talk.
So you mean to tell me you've followed the climate change/globull warming scam for this long and you have no idea as to why the opponents of the scam disagree with your faked reports?
Why do you even bother coming here?

Opponents of the global warming initiatives don't agree because they would rather believe the Republican Party & Rush Limbaugh & the fossil fuel spokespeople than real scientists.

There is no other excuse.
More man made emissions => More Greenhouse gases => More greenhouse effect => warmier temperatures.

Yes it is that fucking simple.

No,it's actually not that simple.
The moment the real reason for carbon taxes came to light that was it for me. The final nail in the coffin I guess you could say.
So, you are too cheap to help out your children & grandchildren?

Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.
I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise,

Like not taking your private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award or pumping 30,000 tons of carbon out to go to a conference?
Liberals will also never understand that the pollution of China and India is so many orders of magnitude worse than America's, no matter how much this country changes its carbon footprint, it would make miniscule difference in this "global warming" even if it were real.

Hell, I like hot temperatures so much I'm PRO global warming! I WANT this planet hotter than it already is, it's comfy for me. I've been to Hawaii, Tahiti and the Cook Islands multiple times and I thrive in those hot, muggy tropical temperatures.
I also might remind people that in Al Gore's 2006 doc. "An Inconvenient Truth" he predicated that in 10 years we would no longer have polar icecaps. Well gee whiz, 2016 has come and gone and our arctic caps are still there! It proves that Global Warmers are no different from any religious fanatic screaming about the rapture that's about to happen.
So you mean to tell me you've followed the climate change/globull warming scam for this long and you have no idea as to why the opponents of the scam disagree with your faked reports?
Why do you even bother coming here?

Opponents of the global warming initiatives don't agree because they would rather believe the Republican Party & Rush Limbaugh & the fossil fuel spokespeople than real scientists.

There is no other excuse.
More man made emissions => More Greenhouse gases => More greenhouse effect => warmier temperatures.

Yes it is that fucking simple.

No,it's actually not that simple.
The moment the real reason for carbon taxes came to light that was it for me. The final nail in the coffin I guess you could say.
So, you are too cheap to help out your children & grandchildren?

Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.

You're full of shit.
It would have just been another hillary/Haiti scam but on a massive scale.
Take a look at South Africa. That place used to be rolling in the bucks until they decided that it was their turn to play government.

If you were to pump trillions of dollars into these shitholes you'd need to keep a presence there or it would all go to shit within a year.
Hmmmm ....sounds suspiciously like colonialism.
Liberals will also never understand that the pollution of China and India is so many orders of magnitude worse than America's, no matter how much this country changes its carbon footprint, it would make miniscule difference in this "global warming" even if it were real.

Hell, I like hot temperatures so much I'm PRO global warming! I WANT this planet hotter than it already is, it's comfy for me. I've been to Hawaii, Tahiti and the Cook Islands multiple times and I thrive in those hot, muggy tropical temperatures.
The left want us to piss in the ocean to make a difference. Except the left, they don’t have to. Seems they don’t believe their own BS so as this thread shows, it’s ok for them to maintain the same lifestyle.
In a funny-in-a-sick-way, I really wish these polar melting fantasies do come true. If the oceans rose a few hundred feet, it would obliterate violently leftist cesspools like San Fran and Santa Cruz and the La Raza hive San Jose. But my small mountain town would become beachfront property (or somewhat near it). Because such flooding would turn the Santa Cruz Mtns. into a long, squiggle-shaped island.
Opponents of the global warming initiatives don't agree because they would rather believe the Republican Party & Rush Limbaugh & the fossil fuel spokespeople than real scientists.

There is no other excuse.
More man made emissions => More Greenhouse gases => More greenhouse effect => warmier temperatures.

Yes it is that fucking simple.

No,it's actually not that simple.
The moment the real reason for carbon taxes came to light that was it for me. The final nail in the coffin I guess you could say.
So, you are too cheap to help out your children & grandchildren?

Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.

You're full of shit.
It would have just been another hillary/Haiti scam but on a massive scale.
Take a look at South Africa. That place used to be rolling in the bucks until they decided that it was their turn to play government.

If you were to pump trillions of dollars into these shitholes you'd need to keep a presence there or it would all go to shit within a year.
Hmmmm ....sounds suspiciously like colonialism.

I have a suggestion. Pull your head out of your fat ass & read the documents. This is not handing money but helping buy greener generation plants.

Who is "their" in your SA comment. Are you being a racist fuck? I mean ignorance & racism go well together.
Liberals will also never understand that the pollution of China and India is so many orders of magnitude worse than America's, no matter how much this country changes its carbon footprint, it would make miniscule difference in this "global warming" even if it were real.

Hell, I like hot temperatures so much I'm PRO global warming! I WANT this planet hotter than it already is, it's comfy for me. I've been to Hawaii, Tahiti and the Cook Islands multiple times and I thrive in those hot, muggy tropical temperatures.
The left want us to piss in the ocean to make a difference. Except the left, they don’t have to. Seems they don’t believe their own BS so as this thread shows, it’s ok for them to maintain the same lifestyle.
Man created the excess emissions, he can lower them.

I cut my emissions by 50% & did not change my lifestyle.

You people are just too fucking ignorant to get it.

Wait, you are not so stupid as to think driving in a vehicle that gets 15 mpg is somehow transports your fat ass better than driving a similar vehicle that might get 30 mpg & still transports your ft ass? How does that change your lifestyle?

Instead of heating your home by burning oil, heat & cool it with geothermal. You are just as warm in thewinter & cool in the summer. Its actually saves you money. How is that changing your lifestyle.
I also might remind people that in Al Gore's 2006 doc. "An Inconvenient Truth" he predicated that in 10 years we would no longer have polar icecaps. Well gee whiz, 2016 has come and gone and our arctic caps are still there! It proves that Global Warmers are no different from any religious fanatic screaming about the rapture that's about to happen.
I might remind you that you are a lying POS., Al Gore quoted a study that said the arctic could be ice free within ten years.

The arctic is on a path to be ice free within the nest few years.

You dipsticks also forget that actions have ben taken to not only reduce the increase in greenhouse gas emissions but to actually reduce them.

You fucking idiots either lie about shit or are so fucking stupid you actually think the crap you post is true.
Look dickbreath, you can't claim man has no effect & then claim he does.

If you walk down the street & a terrorists beheads you, is that a natural death?

You're a God damn ass.
People control the weather!
Embrace the warming and stop fearing change. Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees grew in Alaska.

affecting is not controlling. Weather is not climate. You think it would be great to live with the climate when palm trees gew in Alaska?

I guess you don't want to eat any grains or fruits like apples.
Affecting is not controlling? So if we all drive diesel F450’s we won’t make the planet hotter? Or if every nation goes green like North Korea the world won’t start cooling?

So what’s the fuss then? F off it doesn’t make a difference then because we are not controlling anything.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Driving your truck contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases that will increase the greenhouse effect. That is not the same as controlling as there are many factors in the weather.

Let's review. You don;t know the difference between weather & climate. You don't know the difference between affecting & controlling.
So does 30,000 tons of carbon.

They don’t feel the need to change, no one else should either.

And God will be talking to you about that talk.

They are working toard change & the net effect of those conferences is reduced emissions.

God will want to know why you were such a fucking dick to destroy the planet he gave us. Why you condemn future generations to a more difficukt ike so yiou can tote your fast ass around in a gas hog.
I also might remind people that in Al Gore's 2006 doc. "An Inconvenient Truth" he predicated that in 10 years we would no longer have polar icecaps. Well gee whiz, 2016 has come and gone and our arctic caps are still there! It proves that Global Warmers are no different from any religious fanatic screaming about the rapture that's about to happen.
I might remind you that you are a lying POS., Al Gore quoted a study that said the arctic could be ice free within ten years.

The arctic is on a path to be ice free within the nest few years.

You dipsticks also forget that actions have ben taken to not only reduce the increase in greenhouse gas emissions but to actually reduce them.

You fucking idiots either lie about shit or are so fucking stupid you actually think the crap you post is true.

dang s0n........whats up with the perpetual anger and misery? Nobody cares about reducing the greenhouse gases s0n so why get all angst about it? Only the progressive k00kers are worried about that shit = a pronounced minority. Only the k00kers actually believe we can change the climate.

s0n.......you need a hobby or something.:2up:
10 Reasons why I don't buy into their pseudo-science bullshit.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.
People control the weather!
Embrace the warming and stop fearing change. Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees grew in Alaska.

affecting is not controlling. Weather is not climate. You think it would be great to live with the climate when palm trees gew in Alaska?

I guess you don't want to eat any grains or fruits like apples.
Affecting is not controlling? So if we all drive diesel F450’s we won’t make the planet hotter? Or if every nation goes green like North Korea the world won’t start cooling?

So what’s the fuss then? F off it doesn’t make a difference then because we are not controlling anything.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Driving your truck contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases that will increase the greenhouse effect. That is not the same as controlling as there are many factors in the weather.

Let's review. You don;t know the difference between weather & climate. You don't know the difference between affecting & controlling.
So does 30,000 tons of carbon.

They don’t feel the need to change, no one else should either.

And God will be talking to you about that talk.

They are working toard change & the net effect of those conferences is reduced emissions.

God will want to know why you were such a fucking dick to destroy the planet he gave us. Why you condemn future generations to a more difficukt ike so yiou can tote your fast ass around in a gas hog.
Skype and telephones. Green technology and the Chicken Littles instead dump 30,000 tons of carbon into the environment.

Call me when those saying it is a crisis start acting like it is a crisis.
No,it's actually not that simple.
The moment the real reason for carbon taxes came to light that was it for me. The final nail in the coffin I guess you could say.
So, you are too cheap to help out your children & grandchildren?

Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.

You're full of shit.
It would have just been another hillary/Haiti scam but on a massive scale.
Take a look at South Africa. That place used to be rolling in the bucks until they decided that it was their turn to play government.

If you were to pump trillions of dollars into these shitholes you'd need to keep a presence there or it would all go to shit within a year.
Hmmmm ....sounds suspiciously like colonialism.

I have a suggestion. Pull your head out of your fat ass & read the documents. This is not handing money but helping buy greener generation plants.

Who is "their" in your SA comment. Are you being a racist fuck? I mean ignorance & racism go well together.

So you're just going to build these green energy plants and then hand em over to the locals? All on the US taxpayers dollar?
Go fuck yourself!!!!

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