Why did climate scientists emit 30,000 tonnes of C02 this weekend?

So, you are too cheap to help out your children & grandchildren?

Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.

You're full of shit.
It would have just been another hillary/Haiti scam but on a massive scale.
Take a look at South Africa. That place used to be rolling in the bucks until they decided that it was their turn to play government.

If you were to pump trillions of dollars into these shitholes you'd need to keep a presence there or it would all go to shit within a year.
Hmmmm ....sounds suspiciously like colonialism.

I have a suggestion. Pull your head out of your fat ass & read the documents. This is not handing money but helping buy greener generation plants.

Who is "their" in your SA comment. Are you being a racist fuck? I mean ignorance & racism go well together.

So you're just going to build these green energy plants and then hand em over to the locals? All on the US taxpayers dollar?
Go fuck yourself!!!!

You are really telling your children to go fuck themselves.
affecting is not controlling. Weather is not climate. You think it would be great to live with the climate when palm trees gew in Alaska?

I guess you don't want to eat any grains or fruits like apples.
Affecting is not controlling? So if we all drive diesel F450’s we won’t make the planet hotter? Or if every nation goes green like North Korea the world won’t start cooling?

So what’s the fuss then? F off it doesn’t make a difference then because we are not controlling anything.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Driving your truck contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases that will increase the greenhouse effect. That is not the same as controlling as there are many factors in the weather.

Let's review. You don;t know the difference between weather & climate. You don't know the difference between affecting & controlling.
So does 30,000 tons of carbon.

They don’t feel the need to change, no one else should either.

And God will be talking to you about that talk.

They are working toard change & the net effect of those conferences is reduced emissions.

God will want to know why you were such a fucking dick to destroy the planet he gave us. Why you condemn future generations to a more difficukt ike so yiou can tote your fast ass around in a gas hog.
Skype and telephones. Green technology and the Chicken Littles instead dump 30,000 tons of carbon into the environment.

Call me when those saying it is a crisis start acting like it is a crisis.

You are like my horse's ass, all you do is spew horseshit.

" OMG OMG OMG they have a conference OMG OMG OMG"

A conference that will save far more emissions than they generate in their travel there.
Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.

You're full of shit.
It would have just been another hillary/Haiti scam but on a massive scale.
Take a look at South Africa. That place used to be rolling in the bucks until they decided that it was their turn to play government.

If you were to pump trillions of dollars into these shitholes you'd need to keep a presence there or it would all go to shit within a year.
Hmmmm ....sounds suspiciously like colonialism.

I have a suggestion. Pull your head out of your fat ass & read the documents. This is not handing money but helping buy greener generation plants.

Who is "their" in your SA comment. Are you being a racist fuck? I mean ignorance & racism go well together.

So you're just going to build these green energy plants and then hand em over to the locals? All on the US taxpayers dollar?
Go fuck yourself!!!!

You are really telling your children to go fuck themselves.

You have a mind like a room temp stick of butter....as I've already said and you acknowledged...I dont have any kids.
And how exactly is putting them in massive dept going to help these "children"?
This is just a globullist money grab that you're to dimwitted to see through.
Affecting is not controlling? So if we all drive diesel F450’s we won’t make the planet hotter? Or if every nation goes green like North Korea the world won’t start cooling?

So what’s the fuss then? F off it doesn’t make a difference then because we are not controlling anything.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Driving your truck contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases that will increase the greenhouse effect. That is not the same as controlling as there are many factors in the weather.

Let's review. You don;t know the difference between weather & climate. You don't know the difference between affecting & controlling.
So does 30,000 tons of carbon.

They don’t feel the need to change, no one else should either.

And God will be talking to you about that talk.

They are working toard change & the net effect of those conferences is reduced emissions.

God will want to know why you were such a fucking dick to destroy the planet he gave us. Why you condemn future generations to a more difficukt ike so yiou can tote your fast ass around in a gas hog.
Skype and telephones. Green technology and the Chicken Littles instead dump 30,000 tons of carbon into the environment.

Call me when those saying it is a crisis start acting like it is a crisis.

You are like my horse's ass, all you do is spew horseshit.

" OMG OMG OMG they have a conference OMG OMG OMG"

A conference that will save far more emissions than they generate in their travel there.
Liar. Pathetic liar to boot.
Dont have either.
I do however have Niece who wont be hurting for anything.

And besides.
How exactly is a massive transfer of wealth from the US to a bunch of third world countries going to help my Niece?

I know this is a shock but to limit Global warming's temperature rise, we have to lower emissions worldwide. This includes developing countries that might not afford the latest technologies. The Fund is to help these countries develop in a greener way.

The current industrialized nations put us where we are today. Why shouldn't we help others not emit as much greenhouse gases?

I feel much better knowing your genes have not spread. Money will not protect people from the effects.

You're full of shit.
It would have just been another hillary/Haiti scam but on a massive scale.
Take a look at South Africa. That place used to be rolling in the bucks until they decided that it was their turn to play government.

If you were to pump trillions of dollars into these shitholes you'd need to keep a presence there or it would all go to shit within a year.
Hmmmm ....sounds suspiciously like colonialism.

I have a suggestion. Pull your head out of your fat ass & read the documents. This is not handing money but helping buy greener generation plants.

Who is "their" in your SA comment. Are you being a racist fuck? I mean ignorance & racism go well together.

So you're just going to build these green energy plants and then hand em over to the locals? All on the US taxpayers dollar?
Go fuck yourself!!!!

You are really telling your children to go fuck themselves.
At least he doesn't pump 30,000 tons of carbon into the environment for no good reason.
10 Reasons why I don't buy into their pseudo-science bullshit.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

1) "average" look it up.
2) It does not need to be as accurate as today's devices to know what it was.
3) Greenhouse effect is a fact. It is one factor of many
4) CO2 levels have been shown to effect temperatures but it is just one fasctor than can be overshadowed by other factors such as solar cycles, etc
5) Based on what?
6-7) It is a range. It is like predicting hurricane effects. Don't they look at , say, the storm surge as 3-8 feet & warn based on that 8 feet possibility? The purpose is to prepare for those worse conditions. These models predict a range of effects. Now you can say gee a 3 for surge I'm staying in my home & then drown because the 8 feet surge happened. Or you can protect your family & prepare for the worse.
8) the effects could be devastating if we opt for the Trump/Republican plan & reverse our present course. Is that what you think is best? Why? Why would you put your future generations at risk? For what gain?

9_ Deniers are dumber than shit. Period.
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. Driving your truck contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases that will increase the greenhouse effect. That is not the same as controlling as there are many factors in the weather.

Let's review. You don;t know the difference between weather & climate. You don't know the difference between affecting & controlling.
So does 30,000 tons of carbon.

They don’t feel the need to change, no one else should either.

And God will be talking to you about that talk.

They are working toard change & the net effect of those conferences is reduced emissions.

God will want to know why you were such a fucking dick to destroy the planet he gave us. Why you condemn future generations to a more difficukt ike so yiou can tote your fast ass around in a gas hog.
Skype and telephones. Green technology and the Chicken Littles instead dump 30,000 tons of carbon into the environment.

Call me when those saying it is a crisis start acting like it is a crisis.

You are like my horse's ass, all you do is spew horseshit.

" OMG OMG OMG they have a conference OMG OMG OMG"

A conference that will save far more emissions than they generate in their travel there.
Liar. Pathetic liar to boot.

You are confusing me with your orange buddy.
10 Reasons why I don't buy into their pseudo-science bullshit.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

1) "average" look it up.
2) It does not need to be as accurate as today's devices to know what it was.
3) Greenhouse effect is a fact. It is one factor of many
4) CO2 levels have been shown to effect temperatures but it is just one fasctor than can be overshadowed by other factors such as solar cycles, etc
5) Based on what?
6-7) It is a range. It is like predicting hurricane effects. Don't they look at , say, the storm surge as 3-8 feet & warn based on that 8 feet possibility? The purpose is to prepare for those worse conditions. These models predict a range of effects. Now you can say gee a 3 for surge I'm staying in my home & then drown because the 8 feet surge happened. Or you can protect your family & prepare for the worse.
8) the effects could be devastating if we opt for the Trump/Republican plan & reverse our present course. Is that what you think is best? Why? Why would you put your future generations at risk? For what gain?

9_ Deniers are dumber than shit. Period.
Dave, do you have a background in science?
I also might remind people that in Al Gore's 2006 doc. "An Inconvenient Truth" he predicated that in 10 years we would no longer have polar icecaps. Well gee whiz, 2016 has come and gone and our arctic caps are still there! It proves that Global Warmers are no different from any religious fanatic screaming about the rapture that's about to happen.
I might remind you that you are a lying POS., Al Gore quoted a study that said the arctic could be ice free within ten years.

The arctic is on a path to be ice free within the nest few years.

You dipsticks also forget that actions have ben taken to not only reduce the increase in greenhouse gas emissions but to actually reduce them.

You fucking idiots either lie about shit or are so fucking stupid you actually think the crap you post is true.

dang s0n........whats up with the perpetual anger and misery? Nobody cares about reducing the greenhouse gases s0n so why get all angst about it? Only the progressive k00kers are worried about that shit = a pronounced minority. Only the k00kers actually believe we can change the climate.

s0n.......you need a hobby or something.:2up:
Only a dumbass Trump loving, Limbaugh butt ,licking, uneducated, ignorant, fool would put their families at risk.

People are angry because your stupidity affects everyone.

If it was just you who would suffer, I wouldn't give a shit.,
10 Reasons why I don't buy into their pseudo-science bullshit.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

1) "average" look it up.
2) It does not need to be as accurate as today's devices to know what it was.
3) Greenhouse effect is a fact. It is one factor of many
4) CO2 levels have been shown to effect temperatures but it is just one fasctor than can be overshadowed by other factors such as solar cycles, etc
5) Based on what?
6-7) It is a range. It is like predicting hurricane effects. Don't they look at , say, the storm surge as 3-8 feet & warn based on that 8 feet possibility? The purpose is to prepare for those worse conditions. These models predict a range of effects. Now you can say gee a 3 for surge I'm staying in my home & then drown because the 8 feet surge happened. Or you can protect your family & prepare for the worse.
8) the effects could be devastating if we opt for the Trump/Republican plan & reverse our present course. Is that what you think is best? Why? Why would you put your future generations at risk? For what gain?

9_ Deniers are dumber than shit. Period.
Dave, do you have a background in science?
Yes. Don't pretend you do.
Because they don’t believe in the bullshit manmade climate crap either.

If only there was a way of communicating voice and images across the airwaves.....

Why did climate scientists emit 30,000 tonnes of C02 this weekend? | Peter Kalmus

Do we even realize how retarded these people are who say CO2 is bad, My gawd you've got to be a freaking moron the plants and trees need CO2 to make Oxygen. We need CO 2 .

WTF do they think is is SODA/POP they fkn drink it lmao.


The fizz that bubbles up when you crack open a can of soda is carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Soft drink manufacturers add this tingling froth by forcing carbon dioxide and water into your soda at high pressures—up to 1,200 pounds per square inch. The "fssst" you hear is millions of carbon dioxide molecules bursting out of their sweet, watery prisons, where they have been held against their will.
Why Does Soda Fizz?

They pull it off all the time from Clinton's body count's to everything else they use to enslave us all.

How many do you think haven't even thought of this, how many do you think are morons because as we always say want to hide somehting put it in plain view.

Now you can see why leftist Trump haters are all the same they're stupid and can't see a fkn thing right in front of them.
So they traveled to an important Fall meeting.

How horrid! :rolleyes-41:
Important? How so? What did they obtain that could not be obtained via email and Skype?

Spin for us.

Climate deniers aren't worthy of explanations ;-)

Well then dumbass you better listen to Obama who told his African people STOP USING AC as the pos skirted away in his JET. which was air conditioned by the way lfao. gawd ur fkrs are so lame.

Well then dumbass you better listen to Obama who told his African people STOP USING AC as the pos skirted away in his JET. which was air conditioned by the way lfao. gawd ur fkrs are so lame.


He was correct - You remain a maroon
10 Reasons why I don't buy into their pseudo-science bullshit.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

1) "average" look it up.
2) It does not need to be as accurate as today's devices to know what it was.
3) Greenhouse effect is a fact. It is one factor of many
4) CO2 levels have been shown to effect temperatures but it is just one fasctor than can be overshadowed by other factors such as solar cycles, etc
5) Based on what?
6-7) It is a range. It is like predicting hurricane effects. Don't they look at , say, the storm surge as 3-8 feet & warn based on that 8 feet possibility? The purpose is to prepare for those worse conditions. These models predict a range of effects. Now you can say gee a 3 for surge I'm staying in my home & then drown because the 8 feet surge happened. Or you can protect your family & prepare for the worse.
8) the effects could be devastating if we opt for the Trump/Republican plan & reverse our present course. Is that what you think is best? Why? Why would you put your future generations at risk? For what gain?

9_ Deniers are dumber than shit. Period.
Dave, do you have a background in science?
Yes. Don't pretend you do.
I'm an engineer. Been doing it for over 30 years. What do you do?
10 Reasons why I don't buy into their pseudo-science bullshit.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

1) "average" look it up.
2) It does not need to be as accurate as today's devices to know what it was.
3) Greenhouse effect is a fact. It is one factor of many
4) CO2 levels have been shown to effect temperatures but it is just one fasctor than can be overshadowed by other factors such as solar cycles, etc
5) Based on what?
6-7) It is a range. It is like predicting hurricane effects. Don't they look at , say, the storm surge as 3-8 feet & warn based on that 8 feet possibility? The purpose is to prepare for those worse conditions. These models predict a range of effects. Now you can say gee a 3 for surge I'm staying in my home & then drown because the 8 feet surge happened. Or you can protect your family & prepare for the worse.
8) the effects could be devastating if we opt for the Trump/Republican plan & reverse our present course. Is that what you think is best? Why? Why would you put your future generations at risk? For what gain?

9_ Deniers are dumber than shit. Period.
Dave, do you have a background in science?
Yes. Don't pretend you do.
I'm an engineer. Been doing it for over 30 years. What do you do?
That explains it. An Engineer.
10 Reasons why I don't buy into their pseudo-science bullshit.

The inability to represent the earth's climate with a single temperature.
The inability to accurately estimate a single temperature for the planet for each of the last 2000 years.
The misuse of the greenhouse gas effect to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.
The inability to show how CO2 has effected previous climates throughout the geologic record.
The overestimation of feedback in their climate models.
Blaming global warming for natural events such as heat waves, droughts, blizzards, floods, hurricanes and forest fires.
The overestimation of temperature and sea level in their models.
The overestimation of the impact on life and property of climate change.
The overdramatization of climate change.
The demonization of anyone who dares to challenge the science and findings of climate change.

1) "average" look it up.
2) It does not need to be as accurate as today's devices to know what it was.
3) Greenhouse effect is a fact. It is one factor of many
4) CO2 levels have been shown to effect temperatures but it is just one fasctor than can be overshadowed by other factors such as solar cycles, etc
5) Based on what?
6-7) It is a range. It is like predicting hurricane effects. Don't they look at , say, the storm surge as 3-8 feet & warn based on that 8 feet possibility? The purpose is to prepare for those worse conditions. These models predict a range of effects. Now you can say gee a 3 for surge I'm staying in my home & then drown because the 8 feet surge happened. Or you can protect your family & prepare for the worse.
8) the effects could be devastating if we opt for the Trump/Republican plan & reverse our present course. Is that what you think is best? Why? Why would you put your future generations at risk? For what gain?

9_ Deniers are dumber than shit. Period.
Dave, do you have a background in science?
Yes. Don't pretend you do.
I'm an engineer. Been doing it for over 30 years. What do you do?
That explains it. An Engineer.
What would you like to pretend you do, Dave?
Well then dumbass you better listen to Obama who told his African people STOP USING AC as the pos skirted away in his JET. which was air conditioned by the way lfao. gawd ur fkrs are so lame.


He was correct - You remain a maroon

YOu went way past moron.
Well then dumbass you better listen to Obama who told his African people STOP USING AC as the pos skirted away in his JET. which was air conditioned by the way lfao. gawd ur fkrs are so lame.


He was correct - You remain a maroon

YOu dumb asses DRINK CO2 in soda yet your all to fkn to see how they use it as a climate change bs excuse they know your all that fkn stupid too ...

CO2 are you kidding me...... idiots fall for that bs.

Do we even realize how retarded these people are who say CO2 is bad, My gawd you've got to be a freaking moron the plants and trees need CO2 to make Oxygen. We need CO 2 .

The fizz that bubbles up when you crack open a can of soda is carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Soft drink manufacturers add this tingling froth by forcing carbon dioxide and water into your soda at high pressures—up to 1,200 pounds per square inch. The "fssst" you hear is millions of carbon dioxide molecules bursting out of their sweet, watery prisons, where they have been held against their will.
Why Does Soda Fizz?
Only one teeny tiny question liberals have never been able to answer.

Climate change in the 3.9 billion years of this planets life BEFORE man or any of our ancestors ever stepped foot on it.


5.5 million years of data. Climate has been changing like a mutha fucka the whole time. We've only been on this planet a few thousand years. So who the fuck caused the change before us? And why are we solely to blame now?

Answers? Or more crickets?
Well then dumbass you better listen to Obama who told his African people STOP USING AC as the pos skirted away in his JET. which was air conditioned by the way lfao. gawd ur fkrs are so lame.


He was correct - You remain a maroon

I think the only "maroon" here is you, you fucking idiot.

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