Why Did Democrats Choose the Hills They Did to Die On?

Democrats have really gone ape shit.

We have two dozen of them right here on this forum, doing it every day.


What part of "stay away from my child" do you not understand?

Touch my child and I'll fuck you up. Big time. And quickly.

I won't stop to ask if you're left or right, straight or gay, green or pink.

If I see any of these deviant fucktards in my daughter's classroom, I'll put and end to the class, the teacher, and the entire school.

And fuck you if you don't like it.

Stay away from my child, and you won't have to deal with me. Mess with my kid and you'll have to deal with me AND my friends
No there aren't. Stop shoveling shit. No one is "grooming" or coming for your child.
And the rest of your post, just an ever increasing, amped up, outraged fueled spew.
EXACTLY what your alt-right media masters want. You..in a constant state of outrage.
That's how discrimination starts. That's how bigotry survives. That's how you can justify
physical harm...in the name of your just and righteous beliefs.
No there aren't. Stop shoveling shit. No one is "grooming" or coming for your child.
And the rest of your post, just an ever increasing, amped up, outraged fueled spew.
EXACTLY what your alt-right media masters want. You..in a constant state of outrage.
That's how discrimination starts. That's how bigotry survives. That's how you can justify
physical harm...in the name of your just and righteous beliefs.
Explain why you want to talk to other peoples 5 year olds about perverted sex.
To be fair, they're already dead on the other hills. Not many left. Not to worry though, they've built another hill to defend with the SCOTUS leak.
The Supreme Court justice that Biden picked cannot tell the difference between a man and a woman, because she isn't a biologists. That's how perverted your party is. Teaching that to 4 to 8 year olds is grooming and your party are the worst of human kind.
That's YOUR leap. Not hers. And the question was just an attempt at badgering by the political opposition. Again, if this kind of faux outrage is all you have left, there's not much hope for your side.
You've already let the worst of human kind invade your party. And you welcomed them with open arms too.
None of them will say they want to, but they will righteously defend the right of others to do so.
There are laws in place that impose penalties for this. It's not accepted behavior, or righteously defended....by anyone, who's a normal, thinking human being.
Again, if you want to get tribal over this, feel free. But it's just wasted outrage. Drummed up by a belief system and a party..that has absolutely NOTHING left.
I don't. Neither does anyone else here. You mental midgets are weak.
Really don't have anything left except outrage, huh?
Sad. :)
Good to see you support the new Florida law then. Now shut up and wait for your next Soros email directing you to what to be outraged about next.
Of all the hills to die on, exposing children to deviant sex practices and allowing millions of unvetted illegals to bypass our immigration system.

Topics every voter has a clear understanding about. Top 3 jobs in Virginia went from blue to red in a landslide last year over just the kids issue.

Topics like taxes and spending are always gray areas to voters because of their complexity. So why did Democrats chose to defend talking about sexual perversions to kids and open borders that a solid majority of Americans do not support in an election year?

Maybe because racism and homophobia are bad things?

But I don't think you'd understand that concept.

Here's a better question- Why does the GOP constantly trot out fake moral panics over sex and race?

Maybe because if stupid white people actually looked at their ACTUAL policies, they'd realize that they really don't benefit from tax cuts from rich people, de-regulation and reduction in government services.

Hey, remember in 2004 when Geo. W. Stupid was going to save us all from the EEEEEEEEEEvil gays getting married? He was even going to amend the constitution! How did that work out? Oh, yeah, he forgot about it faster than he forgot Cheney's other daughter was a lesbian and proceeded to let the Banksters loot the treasury.

So just remember the political cycle.

1) Republicans fuck up the economy
2) People vote in the Democrats to fix what the Republicans fucked up
3) Republicans whine Democrats haven't fixed what Republicans have fucked up fast enough
4) When these things get fixed, they start harping on bullshit social issues to fool stupid white people into voting against their own economic isssues.
5) If all else fails, cheat!
6) See Step one.

Right now, we are finishing up Step 3 and moving into Step 4. Eeek, the Trannies are going to get you all! Eek... your kids are going to be taught slavery was a thing!
There are laws in place that impose penalties for this. It's not accepted behavior, or righteously defended....by anyone, who's a normal, thinking human being.
Again, if you want to get tribal over this, feel free. But it's just wasted outrage. Drummed up by a belief system and a party..that has absolutely NOTHING left.
So who got arrested for talking to kids about perverted sex without parents being told, allowing kids a changing room in school to put on slutwear their parents object to, not telling parents their daughter was raped by a man pretending to be a woman in the school bathroom?
Maybe because racism and homophobia are bad things?

But I don't think you'd understand that concept.

Here's a better question- Why does the GOP constantly trot out fake moral panics over sex and race?

Maybe because if stupid white people actually looked at their ACTUAL policies, they'd realize that they really don't benefit from tax cuts from rich people, de-regulation and reduction in government services.

Hey, remember in 2004 when Geo. W. Stupid was going to save us all from the EEEEEEEEEEvil gays getting married? He was even going to amend the constitution! How did that work out? Oh, yeah, he forgot about it faster than he forgot Cheney's other daughter was a lesbian and proceeded to let the Banksters loot the treasury.

So just remember the political cycle.

1) Republicans fuck up the economy
2) People vote in the Democrats to fix what the Republicans fucked up
3) Republicans whine Democrats haven't fixed what Republicans have fucked up fast enough
4) When these things get fixed, they start harping on bullshit social issues to fool stupid white people into voting against their own economic isssues.
5) If all else fails, cheat!
6) See Step one.

Right now, we are finishing up Step 3 and moving into Step 4. Eeek, the Trannies are going to get you all! Eek... your kids are going to be taught slavery was a thing!
As Virginia goes so goes the nation.
- Kamala Harris.
As Virginia goes so goes the nation.
- Kamala Harris.

Again, let's get realistic... VA swings the opposite way of the white house, every time. This is what happened in every election except 2013.

The problem with off-year elections is most people don't vote in them.
And are often ignorant of what is at stake.

The Left went absolutely nuts on the cultural issues, and this is the pushback. I've been saying this since I've been on this board.

So now we enter a period of Autocratic White "Christian" Nationalism, and the Left will not look in the mirror over the role it played in this, even once.

So who got arrested for talking to kids about perverted sex without parents being told, allowing kids a changing room in school to put on slutwear their parents object to, not telling parents their daughter was raped by a man pretending to be a woman in the school bathroom?

Still pushing that lie?

But this week, during a juvenile court hearing, a fuller picture of Smith’s daughter’s ordeal emerged. She suffered something atrocious. It had nothing at all to do, however, with trans bathroom policies. Instead, like many women and girls, she was a victim of relationship violence.

Smith’s daughter testified that she’d previously had two consensual sexual encounters with her attacker in the school bathroom. On the day of her assault, they’d agreed to meet up again. “The evidence was that the girl chose that bathroom, but her intent was to talk to him, not to engage in sexual relations,” Biberaj, whose office prosecuted the case, told me. The boy, however, expected sex and refused to accept the girl’s refusal. As the The Washington Post reported, she testified, “He flipped me over. I was on the ground and couldn’t move and he sexually assaulted me.”

We don’t know exactly why the boy was allowed to attend a different school after his first arrest. The district has refused to comment on the transfer because of state and federal privacy laws. According to Biberaj, under state law, juveniles can be detained for only 21 days without a hearing, and her office needed more time than that to get DNA results. A condition of the boy’s release was that he could have no contact with the girl, so he couldn’t return to his original school.

It’s not clear whether the school system had the option of barring the boy from in-person school altogether. In a statement this month, the Loudoun County Public Schools superintendent, Scott Ziegler, called for policy changes that would allow administrators to “separate alleged offenders from the general student body.” Conservatives, of course, have traditionally opposed policies that would keep accused offenders out of school
Again, let's get realistic... VA swings the opposite way of the white house, every time. This is what happened in every election except 2013.

The problem with off-year elections is most people don't vote in them.
And are often ignorant of what is at stake.

View attachment 639747
A. Virginia has never swung period until it went blue while Obummer was POTUS.

B. Democracies and the support of criminals and sexual perversions has never coexisted in human history.
Isn't it funny, these days, how the depraved filth on the left wrong, speaking with forked tongues on the subject of sexually brainwashing children, alternate between, with one tip of their forked tongues, denying that it is happening (even though they are doing it in plain site, for everyone to see); while, with the other tip of their forked tongues, defending it and claiming that it is those of us who object to it with whom there is something seriously wrong?

In his darkest nightmares, I doubt if George Orwell imagined this level of unabashed duplicity.
Still pushing that lie?

But this week, during a juvenile court hearing, a fuller picture of Smith’s daughter’s ordeal emerged. She suffered something atrocious. It had nothing at all to do, however, with trans bathroom policies. Instead, like many women and girls, she was a victim of relationship violence.

Smith’s daughter testified that she’d previously had two consensual sexual encounters with her attacker in the school bathroom. On the day of her assault, they’d agreed to meet up again. “The evidence was that the girl chose that bathroom, but her intent was to talk to him, not to engage in sexual relations,” Biberaj, whose office prosecuted the case, told me. The boy, however, expected sex and refused to accept the girl’s refusal. As the The Washington Post reported, she testified, “He flipped me over. I was on the ground and couldn’t move and he sexually assaulted me.”

We don’t know exactly why the boy was allowed to attend a different school after his first arrest. The district has refused to comment on the transfer because of state and federal privacy laws. According to Biberaj, under state law, juveniles can be detained for only 21 days without a hearing, and her office needed more time than that to get DNA results. A condition of the boy’s release was that he could have no contact with the girl, so he couldn’t return to his original school.

It’s not clear whether the school system had the option of barring the boy from in-person school altogether. In a statement this month, the Loudoun County Public Schools superintendent, Scott Ziegler, called for policy changes that would allow administrators to “separate alleged offenders from the general student body.” Conservatives, of course, have traditionally opposed policies that would keep accused offenders out of school
Ah yes. The NY Times. The ‘Hunters laptop is a Russian plot’ NY Times.
A. Virginia has never swung period until it went blue while Obummer was POTUS.

B. Democracies and the support of criminals and sexual perversions has never coexisted in human history.

Uh, guy, Virginia flipped under Bush, Clinton and Baby Bush... Only Obama held the line. And that was mostly because the GOP ran awful candidates.

As far as "sexual perversions"... um... Okay, let's look at that.

When I was growing up, I had a cousin who moved in with her boyfriend before they were married.. This was considered A HUGE scandal! GASP.

Now... most people live with their partners before marriage. Which when you think about it, actually kind of makes sense, you find out of you are really compatible BEFORE you spend tens of thousands of dollars on a wedding.

As far as attitudes towards Gays... How the wheel has turned.


Isn't it funny, these days, how the depraved filth on the left wrong, speaking with forked tongues on the subject of sexually brainwashing children, alternate between, with one tip of their forked tongues, denying that it is happening (even though they are doing it in plain site, for everyone to see); while, with the other tip of their forked tongues, defending it and claiming that it is those of us who object to it with whom there is something seriously wrong?

In his darkest nightmares, I doubt if George Orwell imagined this level of unabashed duplicity.

If Children were that easy to brainwash, then I'd be a devout Catholic instead of an atheist.

And, yes, if you are so sexually insecure the mere existence of gay people horrifies you, you might have something wrong with you...


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