Why Did Democrats Choose the Hills They Did to Die On?

That's YOUR leap. Not hers. And the question was just an attempt at badgering by the political opposition. Again, if this kind of faux outrage is all you have left, there's not much hope for your side.
You've already let the worst of human kind invade your party. And you welcomed them with open arms too.
Lol, she isn't a biologist.
So who got arrested for talking to kids about perverted sex without parents being told, allowing kids a changing room in school to put on slutwear their parents object to, not telling parents their daughter was raped by a man pretending to be a woman in the school bathroom?
Again, faux outrage. People have these tendencies. There are laws in place to address it. Political affiliation doesn't mean a hill of beans when talking about the dregs of humanity.

Your issue is that you weaponize it for political gain and to gin up the just and righteous "warriors for God".

You are truly weak minded. Malleable. No wonder you can be outraged at the drop of a hat. :)
Of all the hills to die on, exposing children to deviant sex practices and allowing millions of unvetted illegals to bypass our immigration system.

Topics every voter has a clear understanding about. Top 3 jobs in Virginia went from blue to red in a landslide last year over just the kids issue.

Topics like taxes and spending are always gray areas to voters because of their complexity. So why did Democrats chose to defend talking about sexual perversions to kids and open borders that a solid majority of Americans do not support in an election year?
Democrats embraced / are embracing who they really are.

'Nuff said.
Of all the hills to die on, exposing children to deviant sex practices and allowing millions of unvetted illegals to bypass our immigration system.

Topics every voter has a clear understanding about. Top 3 jobs in Virginia went from blue to red in a landslide last year over just the kids issue.

Topics like taxes and spending are always gray areas to voters because of their complexity. So why did Democrats chose to defend talking about sexual perversions to kids and open borders that a solid majority of Americans do not support in an election year?

Why do Republicans continue to make up shit about what Democrats are doing?

1. No one is grooming school children and it's a sign of the desperation of Republicans that they would continue to promote these lies.

2. More immigration bullshit. The border isn't open and no one is bypassing immigration law.

3. Republicans are the ones who are doing all of the talking about sexual perversion.

Why aren't Republicans spending their time promoting their plans for America? Because they have none. No agenda. Nothing but hate for Democrats.
So who got arrested for talking to kids about perverted sex without parents being told, allowing kids a changing room in school to put on slutwear their parents object to, not telling parents their daughter was raped by a man pretending to be a woman in the school bathroom?

No one. These are just stories that the Gateway Pundit makes up to keep you ranting and raving. None of these stories are true, including the girl being raped in a bathroom by a tranny.

The girl was raped but not in the bathroom, and not by a tranny. But the right wing billionaire media likes to "add" these little details, to keep you screaming.
No one. These are just stories that the Gateway Pundit makes up to keep you ranting and raving. None of these stories are true, including the girl being raped in a bathroom by a tranny.

The girl was raped but not in the bathroom, and not by a tranny. But the right wing billionaire media likes to "add" these little details, to keep you screaming.
Virginia went from Blue to Red last year over the same issue. Democrats have flipped Democrat voters over the topic. You’re just clueless.
Why do Republicans continue to make up shit about what Democrats are doing?

1. No one is grooming school children and it's a sign of the desperation of Republicans that they would continue to promote these lies.

2. More immigration bullshit. The border isn't open and no one is bypassing immigration law.

3. Republicans are the ones who are doing all of the talking about sexual perversion.

Why aren't Republicans spending their time promoting their plans for America? Because they have none. No agenda. Nothing but hate for Democrats.
Per Brandon via The NY Times 18,000 make it into America per day.
That’s a major KKKanadian city every week.
So again, you’re clueless.
We can now add unrestricted abortions to the crappy hills the Left chose to die on. Only 20% support 3rd trimester abortions.

Okay, but you are the ones who want to ban all abortions..

It will not go well for you.
Of all the hills to die on, exposing children to deviant sex practices and allowing millions of unvetted illegals to bypass our immigration system.

Topics every voter has a clear understanding about. Top 3 jobs in Virginia went from blue to red in a landslide last year over just the kids issue.

Topics like taxes and spending are always gray areas to voters because of their complexity. So why did Democrats chose to defend talking about sexual perversions to kids and open borders that a solid majority of Americans do not support in an election year?
The statist left never die on top of hills as they are too busy dying in the sewers, as you mentioned in the 1st sentence of your post. The statist left might be setting a record with the Biden admin if the Biden administration does lose out bigger than the past Carter admin did but that contest is quite a ways off from now. State, county & city political contests are generally more stable for the incumbents but as bad as it looks for the statist left @ current one may be seeing some really rough water ahead for the statist left @ all levels of government in the upcoming mid-term elections. If the left goes down hard in the rapidly closing mid term elections then they will take a real beating in the yet distant general election!

We can now add unrestricted abortions to the crappy hills the Left chose to die on. Only 20% support 3rd trimester abortions.
Didn't you mean to say "unrestricted murder"? The word 'abortion' seems to 'soften' up the act of butchering a baby alive in the womb.
Virginia went from Blue to Red last year over the same issue. Democrats have flipped Democrat voters over the topic. You’re just clueless.

Virginia goes the opposite of whatever the white house is. Means nothing.
You really should ignore the clearly Partisan hacks.
Many of these threads are partially based on a fact few still seem to understand or accept.

The American people are being played against one another. There is the Leftist stroking media (Most of it) and a few fake Right stroking Media outlets (Fox, Newsmax). To their prospective and captivated audience, they deliver a message that they want to hear, tainted with the poison of misinformation just enough to fool the easily fooled, but not enough (usually for the smarter of the weak) to completely believe

The Left is convinced by their media the Right is completely to blame while the Right is convinced by what they read or hear from their "sources" that the Left is completely to blame.


The Establishment manipulates ALL media sources and is behind this elaborate game of playing you against the "other" side.
It is essential they keep America divided because a truly United America would be the greatest threat to their agendas and schemes.
You can easily tell the weak from the thinkers on this forum.....

The Thinkers don't point to the "other side" directly as often. They understand the greater role of Billionaires, corporations and the greedy wicked in manipulating the government, the news and social media.

The weak often directly and consistently blame either Republicans or Democrats (depending on their state of weakness and confusion)
Those are the ones either very gullible, very uninformed or working for the establishment machine.
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Why do Republicans continue to make up shit about what Democrats are doing?

1. No one is grooming school children and it's a sign of the desperation of Republicans that they would continue to promote these lies.

2. More immigration bullshit. The border isn't open and no one is bypassing immigration law.

3. Republicans are the ones who are doing all of the talking about sexual perversion.

Why aren't Republicans spending their time promoting their plans for America? Because they have none. No agenda. Nothing but hate for Democrats.
Oh please, and you just love you some constitutional conservatism don’t you freak?

1. is a lie, and has been debunked by libs in their own words.

2. is another lie, reports on it daily. If I were Abbott I’d not only bus some to DC, but bus the remaining straight through to Canada, then watch you squeal.

3. Again a lie…teachers making videos talking about it…plenty posted right here in the board.
You can easily tell the weak from the thinkers on this forum.....

The Thinkers don't point to the "other side" directly as often. They understand the greater role of Billionaires, corporations and the greedy wicked in manipulating the government, the news and social media.

The weak often directly and consistently blame either Republicans or Democrats (depending on their state of weakness and confusion)
Those are the ones either very gullible, very uninformed or working for the establishment machine.
Oh, that’s a good one….lol

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