Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?

Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?

God created Eden as his heaven on Earth so that he could, some day come down and rule over us.

He cast Satan out of heaven. I guess because she was creating a huge division there, and decided to send her to Earth, to also create division here, which she did.

Why would a good God curse the Earth by sending Satan, the personification of evil, to Earth?



blind hearted mortals choose to serve satan over god to please their flesh. They deserve him.

More like to protect their flesh.

Have you counted the many murders attributed to God and how few are attributed to Satan?

Which one would you prefer to meet?

If you are going to reply, tell us what it is you adore about your genocidal on murdering God.


God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?

They became Gnostics and then committed suicide as per their creed.
Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?

God created Eden as his heaven on Earth so that he could, some day come down and rule over us.

He cast Satan out of heaven. I guess because she was creating a huge division there, and decided to send her to Earth, to also create division here, which she did.

Why would a good God curse the Earth by sending Satan, the personification of evil, to Earth?



blind hearted mortals choose to serve satan over god to please their flesh. They deserve him.

More like to protect their flesh.

Have you counted the many murders attributed to God and how few are attributed to Satan?

Which one would you prefer to meet?

If you are going to reply, tell us what it is you adore about your genocidal on murdering God.


God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?


No one ever would have died if satan didn't lie to Eve. Adam could have prevented all of this system, but he stood up for Eve over God. Those first 2 humans chose this system for all.
Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?

God created Eden as his heaven on Earth so that he could, some day come down and rule over us.

He cast Satan out of heaven. I guess because she was creating a huge division there, and decided to send her to Earth, to also create division here, which she did.

Why would a good God curse the Earth by sending Satan, the personification of evil, to Earth?



blind hearted mortals choose to serve satan over god to please their flesh. They deserve him.

More like to protect their flesh.

Have you counted the many murders attributed to God and how few are attributed to Satan?

Which one would you prefer to meet?

If you are going to reply, tell us what it is you adore about your genocidal on murdering God.


God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?


No one ever would have died if satan didn't lie to Eve. Adam could have prevented all of this system, but he stood up for Eve over God. Those first 2 humans chose this system for all.

I do not see the lie you do.

I take more of the Jewish view of Eden. After all, it is their myth.

They see Eden as where man was elevated, not where he fell.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin

"Judaism preaches the Rise of man: and instead of Original Sin, it stresses Original Virtue, the beneficent hereditary influence of righteous ancestors upon their descendants’."

Why do you give the Christian view precedence over the Jewish view of a Jewish myth?

If the talking serpent is evil to you, why do you think God put Satan right there beside Eve?
God is all knowing and knew Eve could not resist God power flowing through Satan.

Would you do such a thing to your children?

Why would an all knowing God test us when he already knows the outcome of the test?
Based on this logic, you might as well ask why He created the universe, right? I mean after all He already knows the outcome, right?

I can only assume He does so because it is His Nature to do so. But you don't believe in God, so why would you even ask this question? In fact, what is more ridiculous and all knowing God who knows the outcome and still chooses to create beings that know and create so that they may progress in virtue and validate His goodness or a jack-a-nape who does not believe in God, yet visits religious forums to validate his non-belief?

So only believers should question. Ok.

Thanks for your argument.

That's not what you are doing. You are not questioning your beliefs to test their validity. You are criticizing the beliefs of others to confirm your bias without ever analyzing what you do believe. But, sure, people should question their beliefs. That is perfectly healthy. And it is ok to be curious about the beliefs of others. I for one like to understand the basis for their beliefs. Additionally, in the course of the investigation if there is an incongruity in their beliefs, there is nothing wrong with asking follow up questions to test their honesty in their beliefs. But to come out swinging without understanding what and why they believe is just plain stupid and more times than not end up backfiring. Sort of like this thread.
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blind hearted mortals choose to serve satan over god to please their flesh. They deserve him.

More like to protect their flesh.

Have you counted the many murders attributed to God and how few are attributed to Satan?

Which one would you prefer to meet?

If you are going to reply, tell us what it is you adore about your genocidal on murdering God.


God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?


No one ever would have died if satan didn't lie to Eve. Adam could have prevented all of this system, but he stood up for Eve over God. Those first 2 humans chose this system for all.

I do not see the lie you do.

I take more of the Jewish view of Eden. After all, it is their myth.

They see Eden as where man was elevated, not where he fell.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin

"Judaism preaches the Rise of man: and instead of Original Sin, it stresses Original Virtue, the beneficent hereditary influence of righteous ancestors upon their descendants’."

Why do you give the Christian view precedence over the Jewish view of a Jewish myth?

If the talking serpent is evil to you, why do you think God put Satan right there beside Eve?
God is all knowing and knew Eve could not resist God power flowing through Satan.

Would you do such a thing to your children?

Myth? No. Allegory? Yes. The first five Books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel, but the first eleven Chapters of the Bible records the history that all nations have in common. So, you are wrong that it is a Jewish Myth. It is the allegorical account of a common people/religion being scattered around the world. Scholars traditionally regard Mesopotamia as the cradle of civilization. So the Bible is proven correct once again.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago
Why would an all knowing God test us when he already knows the outcome of the test?
Based on this logic, you might as well ask why He created the universe, right? I mean after all He already knows the outcome, right?

I can only assume He does so because it is His Nature to do so. But you don't believe in God, so why would you even ask this question? In fact, what is more ridiculous and all knowing God who knows the outcome and still chooses to create beings that know and create so that they may progress in virtue and validate His goodness or a jack-a-nape who does not believe in God, yet visits religious forums to validate his non-belief?

So only believers should question. Ok.

Thanks for your argument.

That's not what you are doing. You are not questioning your beliefs to test its validity. You are criticizing the beliefs of others to confirm your bias without ever analyzing what you do believe. But, sure, people should question their beliefs. That is perfectly healthy. And it is ok to be curious about the beliefs of others. I for one like to understand the basis for their beliefs. Additionally, in the course of the investigation if there is an incongruity in their beliefs, there is nothing wrong with asking follow up questions to test their own honesty of their beliefs. But to come out swinging without understanding what and why they believe is just plain stupid and more times than not end up backfiring. Sort of like this thread.

I am an esoteric ecumenist and do as you suggest. I just do it my way as part of what I do is fight poor ideas were I find them.

I test my way, you test your way. I do it with more aplomb.

My beliefs are validated by Christians not being able to ague successfully for theirs.

Would you do such a thing to your children?
Doesn't everyone? Think about it. When they are young we give them laws to keep them safe. As they progress we allow them to make mistakes so they can learn from them. Anyone who believe that everything must be perfect or there can be no God is an idiot.
Why would an all knowing God test us when he already knows the outcome of the test?
Based on this logic, you might as well ask why He created the universe, right? I mean after all He already knows the outcome, right?

I can only assume He does so because it is His Nature to do so. But you don't believe in God, so why would you even ask this question? In fact, what is more ridiculous and all knowing God who knows the outcome and still chooses to create beings that know and create so that they may progress in virtue and validate His goodness or a jack-a-nape who does not believe in God, yet visits religious forums to validate his non-belief?

So only believers should question. Ok.

Thanks for your argument.

That's not what you are doing. You are not questioning your beliefs to test its validity. You are criticizing the beliefs of others to confirm your bias without ever analyzing what you do believe. But, sure, people should question their beliefs. That is perfectly healthy. And it is ok to be curious about the beliefs of others. I for one like to understand the basis for their beliefs. Additionally, in the course of the investigation if there is an incongruity in their beliefs, there is nothing wrong with asking follow up questions to test their own honesty of their beliefs. But to come out swinging without understanding what and why they believe is just plain stupid and more times than not end up backfiring. Sort of like this thread.

I am an esoteric ecumenist and do as you suggest. I just do it my way as part of what I do is fight poor ideas were I find them.

I test my way, you test your way. I do it with more aplomb.

My beliefs are validated by Christians not being able to ague successfully for theirs.

No offense, but you suck at it. I think a better explanation is that you are rationalizing your behavior. The evidence before me suggest that you are here to confirm your bias.

Adam did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me. See? That was Adam rationalizing that he didn't do wrong.
More like to protect their flesh.

Have you counted the many murders attributed to God and how few are attributed to Satan?

Which one would you prefer to meet?

If you are going to reply, tell us what it is you adore about your genocidal on murdering God.


God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?


No one ever would have died if satan didn't lie to Eve. Adam could have prevented all of this system, but he stood up for Eve over God. Those first 2 humans chose this system for all.

I do not see the lie you do.

I take more of the Jewish view of Eden. After all, it is their myth.

They see Eden as where man was elevated, not where he fell.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin

"Judaism preaches the Rise of man: and instead of Original Sin, it stresses Original Virtue, the beneficent hereditary influence of righteous ancestors upon their descendants’."

Why do you give the Christian view precedence over the Jewish view of a Jewish myth?

If the talking serpent is evil to you, why do you think God put Satan right there beside Eve?
God is all knowing and knew Eve could not resist God power flowing through Satan.

Would you do such a thing to your children?

Myth? No. Allegory? Yes. The first five Books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel, but the first eleven Chapters of the Bible records the history that all nations have in common. So, you are wrong that it is a Jewish Myth. It is the allegorical account of a common people/religion being scattered around the world. Scholars traditionally regard Mesopotamia as the cradle of civilization. So the Bible is proven correct once again.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago

Allegory is representative of real world events. I agree.

Talking serpents and donkeys as well as that 7 headed beast makes the bible a book of myths.

I am not here to argue the meaning of words though and you have mostly shown that you are not worth my time.

I will discuss the issues of the O.P. with you if you behave better though.

My beliefs are validated by Christians not being able to ague successfully for theirs.
Then I have spoiled your show and you have confirmed my assessment. You criticize the beliefs of others to justify what you believe without ever critically examining what you believe. That is why we have so many stupid people on this planet. They do what you are doing.
God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?


No one ever would have died if satan didn't lie to Eve. Adam could have prevented all of this system, but he stood up for Eve over God. Those first 2 humans chose this system for all.

I do not see the lie you do.

I take more of the Jewish view of Eden. After all, it is their myth.

They see Eden as where man was elevated, not where he fell.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin

"Judaism preaches the Rise of man: and instead of Original Sin, it stresses Original Virtue, the beneficent hereditary influence of righteous ancestors upon their descendants’."

Why do you give the Christian view precedence over the Jewish view of a Jewish myth?

If the talking serpent is evil to you, why do you think God put Satan right there beside Eve?
God is all knowing and knew Eve could not resist God power flowing through Satan.

Would you do such a thing to your children?

Myth? No. Allegory? Yes. The first five Books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel, but the first eleven Chapters of the Bible records the history that all nations have in common. So, you are wrong that it is a Jewish Myth. It is the allegorical account of a common people/religion being scattered around the world. Scholars traditionally regard Mesopotamia as the cradle of civilization. So the Bible is proven correct once again.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago

Allegory is representative of real world events. I agree.

Talking serpents and donkeys as well as that 7 headed beast makes the bible a book of myths.

I am not here to argue the meaning of words though and you have mostly shown that you are not worth my time.

I will discuss the issues of the O.P. with you if you behave better though.

So on one hand you acknowledge allegory and on the other hand you dismiss allegory/symbolism as myth. You can't have it both ways. That is illogical. Of course you are here to argue the meaning of words, how else do we communicate if not through the meaning of words. Can you explain exactly what I have written that leads you to conclude I am not worthy of your time? Are we even reading the same thread? I'm actually behaving pretty well, but I understand why you see that differently.
Would you do such a thing to your children?
Doesn't everyone? Think about it. When they are young we give them laws to keep them safe. As they progress we allow them to make mistakes so they can learn from them. Anyone who believe that everything must be perfect or there can be no God is an idiot.

I agree.

But few of us do as God is depicted as doing. That being killing his children by neglect and negligence as a punishment for those mistakes.

God locking away the tree of life is like a J. W. withholding a life saving blood transfusion from their children.

Yet Christians still see man as falling in Eden when it was really God who fell?

Would you do such a thing to your children?
Doesn't everyone? Think about it. When they are young we give them laws to keep them safe. As they progress we allow them to make mistakes so they can learn from them. Anyone who believe that everything must be perfect or there can be no God is an idiot.

I agree.

But few of us do as God is depicted as doing. That being killing his children by neglect and negligence as a punishment for those mistakes.

God locking away the tree of life is like a J. W. withholding a life saving blood transfusion from their children.

Yet Christians still see man as falling in Eden when it was really God who fell?

Only because you don't understand it. Your whole view is wrong. Maybe this will help.

07 Judaism
Why would an all knowing God test us when he already knows the outcome of the test?
Based on this logic, you might as well ask why He created the universe, right? I mean after all He already knows the outcome, right?

I can only assume He does so because it is His Nature to do so. But you don't believe in God, so why would you even ask this question? In fact, what is more ridiculous and all knowing God who knows the outcome and still chooses to create beings that know and create so that they may progress in virtue and validate His goodness or a jack-a-nape who does not believe in God, yet visits religious forums to validate his non-belief?

So only believers should question. Ok.

Thanks for your argument.

That's not what you are doing. You are not questioning your beliefs to test its validity. You are criticizing the beliefs of others to confirm your bias without ever analyzing what you do believe. But, sure, people should question their beliefs. That is perfectly healthy. And it is ok to be curious about the beliefs of others. I for one like to understand the basis for their beliefs. Additionally, in the course of the investigation if there is an incongruity in their beliefs, there is nothing wrong with asking follow up questions to test their own honesty of their beliefs. But to come out swinging without understanding what and why they believe is just plain stupid and more times than not end up backfiring. Sort of like this thread.

I am an esoteric ecumenist and do as you suggest. I just do it my way as part of what I do is fight poor ideas were I find them.

I test my way, you test your way. I do it with more aplomb.

My beliefs are validated by Christians not being able to ague successfully for theirs.

No offense, but you suck at it. I think a better explanation is that you are rationalizing your behavior. The evidence before me suggest that you are here to confirm your bias.

Adam did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me. See? That was Adam rationalizing that he didn't do wrong.

Yes, I am here, in part, to confirm my bias that says that Christianity should have followed the Chrestian teaching and not change them to the garbage they ended with. I believe the Chrestians to be what became Gnostic Christianity.

As to Adam, remember that he did not even say a word to Eve when he took the apple. Eve would have been the personification of Sophia to us Gnostic Christians. Wisdom. Adam recognized that he should follow his better half.

I might speak to you again when you learn to control your mouth and lay off the personal garbage. Goodnight.

I might speak to you again when you learn to control your mouth and lay off the personal garbage. Goodnight.

People who go looking for a fight should not be surprised when they get one. It seems to me that you don't mind dishing out but have a problem when it is returned.
blind hearted mortals choose to serve satan over god to please their flesh. They deserve him.

More like to protect their flesh.

Have you counted the many murders attributed to God and how few are attributed to Satan?

Which one would you prefer to meet?

If you are going to reply, tell us what it is you adore about your genocidal on murdering God.


God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?


No one ever would have died if satan didn't lie to Eve. Adam could have prevented all of this system, but he stood up for Eve over God. Those first 2 humans chose this system for all.

I do not see the lie you do.

I take more of the Jewish view of Eden. After all, it is their myth.

They see Eden as where man was elevated, not where he fell.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin

"Judaism preaches the Rise of man: and instead of Original Sin, it stresses Original Virtue, the beneficent hereditary influence of righteous ancestors upon their descendants’."

Why do you give the Christian view precedence over the Jewish view of a Jewish myth?

If the talking serpent is evil to you, why do you think God put Satan right there beside Eve?
God is all knowing and knew Eve could not resist God power flowing through Satan.

Would you do such a thing to your children?


One shouldnt be trying to speak of things they have no clue about.
God made the angel being who became satan-- over the whole earth. He got jealous and wanted worship. He told Eve-- you will not die if you eat of that tree= pure lie.
God protecting the righteous, rids the world of the wicked---very wise indeed. Satans LIE caused every death.

So now you have Satan controlling death and not God.

Where have all the decent apologists gone?


No one ever would have died if satan didn't lie to Eve. Adam could have prevented all of this system, but he stood up for Eve over God. Those first 2 humans chose this system for all.

I do not see the lie you do.

I take more of the Jewish view of Eden. After all, it is their myth.

They see Eden as where man was elevated, not where he fell.

The Original Meaning Of Original Sin

"Judaism preaches the Rise of man: and instead of Original Sin, it stresses Original Virtue, the beneficent hereditary influence of righteous ancestors upon their descendants’."

Why do you give the Christian view precedence over the Jewish view of a Jewish myth?

If the talking serpent is evil to you, why do you think God put Satan right there beside Eve?
God is all knowing and knew Eve could not resist God power flowing through Satan.

Would you do such a thing to your children?

Myth? No. Allegory? Yes. The first five Books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel, but the first eleven Chapters of the Bible records the history that all nations have in common. So, you are wrong that it is a Jewish Myth. It is the allegorical account of a common people/religion being scattered around the world. Scholars traditionally regard Mesopotamia as the cradle of civilization. So the Bible is proven correct once again.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago

Allegory is representative of real world events. I agree.

Talking serpents and donkeys as well as that 7 headed beast makes the bible a book of myths.

I am not here to argue the meaning of words though and you have mostly shown that you are not worth my time.

I will discuss the issues of the O.P. with you if you behave better though.


satan spoke through the serpent--an angel spoke through the donkey. A 7 headed beast is symbolic-- all can see it.
Why did God say: Let us give Satan to mankind?

God created Eden as his heaven on Earth so that he could, some day come down and rule over us.

He cast Satan out of heaven. I guess because she was creating a huge division there, and decided to send her to Earth, to also create division here, which she did.

Why would a good God curse the Earth by sending Satan, the personification of evil, to Earth?


Was it because the Gnostics were reprehensible human beings?
Maybe he really does think a "She" is really the devil in disguise even though one of those she's gave birth to the him's of this world too?


I say Satan was a she because that is the way the Church had her painted, unless you think those breasts belong to a man.

michelangelo eden - Google Search:

You seem to not recognize that it takes both a man and a woman to make a child.




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