Zone1 Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?

BS, I am shocked, as a Christian, you do not know the history and the origin of the religion.
Is saying I am lying, when I am not lying, a sin?

In the three main Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), the individual, God, and the universe are highly separate from each other. The Abrahamic religions believe in a judging, paternal, fully external god to which the individual and nature are both subordinate.
I can show Scriptures prophesying the Messiah and the Church. Show me Scriptures prophesying Mohammed and Islam.
I can show Scriptures prophesying the Messiah and the Church. Show me Scriptures prophesying Mohammed and Islam.

Abraham made covenants with God when he received the gospel, when he was ordained a high priest, and when he entered into celestial marriage. In these covenants, God promised great blessings to Abraham and his family. These blessings, which extend to all of Abraham's seed, are called the Abrahamic covenant.

The people of Israel across their history hold onto the promises of this covenant and appeal to them (Exodus 32:13) and Yahweh himself remembers these promises and acts accordingly (Leviticus 26:42). In the New Testament, Mary and Zechariah saw Christ's birth in terms of God's covenant with Abraham (Luke 1:72–75)
Abraham made covenants with God when he received the gospel, when he was ordained a high priest, and when he entered into celestial marriage. In these covenants, God promised great blessings to Abraham and his family. These blessings, which extend to all of Abraham's seed, are called the Abrahamic covenant.

The people of Israel across their history hold onto the promises of this covenant and appeal to them (Exodus 32:13) and Yahweh himself remembers these promises and acts accordingly (Leviticus 26:42). In the New Testament, Mary and Zechariah saw Christ's birth in terms of God's covenant with Abraham (Luke 1:72–75)
Which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. His son Isaac was the promise. Ishmael was not, but God said Ishmael would be the father of a great nation, the Arabs. Abraham is the father of Jews and Arabs. Nothing to do with Islam.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. His son Isaac was the promise. Ishmael was not, but God said Ishmael would be the father of a great nation, the Arabs. Abraham is the father of Jews and Arabs. Nothing to do with Islam.
Go talk to your church leader. Any theologian know Judiaism, Christianity use the covenant of Abraham as their inspiration.

That is a given. No argument.
Go talk to your church leader. Any theologian know Judiaism, Christianity use the covenant of Abraham as their inspiration.

That is a given. No argument.
I don't need to talk to a church leader. I know what I'm talking about. Islam has absolutely nothing to do with Abraham.
I don't need to talk to a church leader. I know what I'm talking about. Islam has absolutely nothing to do with Abraham.
You absolutely don't know what you are talking about. The Abraham religions used Abraham's covenant in the origination.
Why are you fighting the fact.

Everlasting Covenant: God made everlasting covenants with Abraham and his descendents. Muslim still keep this covenant; they circumcise their sons at birth. 13. Abraham 's Son Ishmael : The name Ishmael was chosen by God Himself (Genesis 16:11).
You absolutely don't know what you are talking about. The Abraham religions used Abraham's covenant in the origination.
Why are you fighting the fact.

Everlasting Covenant: God made everlasting covenants with Abraham and his descendents. Muslim still keep this covenant; they circumcise their sons at birth. 13. Abraham 's Son Ishmael : The name Ishmael was chosen by God Himself (Genesis 16:11).
Have you ever read Galatians in the New Testament? Study it. Isaac was the promise of God. Ishmael was the flesh of Abraham. The Spirit and the flesh are constantly fighting. Islam is a fraud. It's not of God. If Islam is from the God of Israel then God is schizophrenic.
Have you ever read Galatians in the New Testament? Study it. Isaac was the promise of God. Ishmael was the flesh of Abraham. The Spirit and the flesh are constantly fighting. Islam is a fraud. It's not of God. If Islam is from the God of Israel then God is schizophrenic.
Not from God. From Abraham's covenant. Have you never heard the Abrhamic religions are Judioism, Christianty and Islam. Where do go for your theology. To fully understand the Bible you need to know the history of Christianity
i get that....i want to know who god prays people are telling me that Jesus is god here on earth....ok ....who was god praying too?...
We've answered this multiple times already. This is the last time. Yeshua, being God and part of the triune God, lowered Himself and became human to provide the perfect sacrifice for the sin of mankind. While He was here on earth, He communicated with the Father through prayer, just like we do, because He was human. Thus, He, being God, prayed to the Father, also God, because He was human and voluntarily lowered Himself. Now, if you keep asking the same question, it's obvious that you're simply ignoring the answer.
I don't care if you disagree. If you do, say why instead of just disagreeing. This is a debate discussion forum. Not a chicken little infant's club.
Because matter and energy are not unchanging and therefore cannot be eternal. It seems to me that you are trying to make God into man.
We've answered this multiple times already. This is the last time. Yeshua, being God and part of the triune God, lowered Himself and became human to provide the perfect sacrifice for the sin of mankind. While He was here on earth, He communicated with the Father through prayer, just like we do, because He was human. Thus, He, being God, prayed to the Father, also God, because He was human and voluntarily lowered Himself. Now, if you keep asking the same question, it's obvious that you're simply ignoring the answer.
you guys are telling me there are 2 said.....Thus, He, being God, prayed to the Father, also God.....2 distinct beings or one and the same?....if you say like the other posters said, one and the same.....then i will say so he is praying to himself?...and you guys just cant see how thats what you are saying......
you guys are telling me there are 2 said.....Thus, He, being God, prayed to the Father, also God.....2 distinct beings or one and the same?....if you say like the other posters said, one and the same.....then i will say so he is praying to himself?...and you guys just cant see how thats what you are saying......
We are saying that Yeshua is God, and He and the Father are both one and distinct persons. You can't wrap your mind around it, so you reject it, but that's what Scripture says.
...and you guys just cant see how thats what you are saying......
Is that all you want to hear? For someone to tell you Jesus was merely talking to himself? That's hilarious! :)

Okay, let's go with that. Any other questions?
We are saying that Yeshua is God, and He and the Father are both one and distinct persons. You can't wrap your mind around it, so you reject it, but that's what Scripture says.
so now you are saying they are one,in terms of character?... ....yet they are 2 distinct beings?.......i believe Jesus and Yahweh are the same type of being,especially character wise.....but they are 2 very distinct beings....not one and the same,.....
so now you are saying they are one,in terms of character?... ....yet they are 2 distinct beings?.......i believe Jesus and Yahweh are the same type of being,especially character wise.....but they are 2 very distinct beings....not one and the same,.....
Ah, therein lies the rub, and your true motivation. You do not want to accept that Yeshua is God incarnate. Tell me, which version of the Bible are you using that substantiates that belief?
Is that all you want to hear? For someone to tell you Jesus was merely talking to himself? That's hilarious! :)

Okay, let's go with that. Any other questions?
yea you and the BS guy would be terrible teachers for people asking knew exactly what i was asking but couldnt answer it, so you resort to making fun of the question...just like the fucking catholic priest....
Ah, therein lies the rub, and your true motivation. You do not want to accept that Yeshua is God incarnate. Tell me, which version of the Bible are you using that substantiates that belief?
no i dont believe Jesus is God.....i believe Yahweh or Jehovah,a another being entirely, holds that distinction......Jesus is his son,probably the 1st being he created sent here by him to do what he had to do.....
yea you and the BS guy would be terrible teachers for people asking questions......
Actually, all my students who asked that question got the same response I gave you in Posts #38 and #43. For some reason they thought that made sense when looking through it with the eyes of faith.

The difference between my students and you is that they were filled with curiosity not with resentment and anger. They were able to grasp that God is truly beyond human comprehension. Imagine a human being able to send his word, not by letter or text, but actually his word showing up in person. Imagine a person not being able to attend a family event assuring loved ones, "But I will be with you in spirit" and that spirit showed up in person.

My assessment is that you want a reason to hate Catholics and the Catholic faith. So, lay it on me. I can take it and make something good out of it.

Working with kids, I take their questions seriously, and more--I take them seriously. It appears at some point in your life a priest wounded you badly by not taking seriously your well-meant question. I am very sorry about that. Children are tender and most want very much to learn.

I spent most of yesterday taking you very seriously, but you would have none of it. Could it be, with age, you found your anger ebbing and wanted a place to rev it up once more? Think about it, anyway.
no i dont believe Jesus is God.....i believe Yahweh or Jehovah,a another being entirely, holds that distinction......Jesus is his son,probably the 1st being he created sent here by him to do what he had to do.....
Well, except for that pesky little thing about Him creating everything that was created. It doesn't say everything but Himself, it says everything that was created. Then, of course, we see Him leading the armies of heaven, carrying the name "Word of God" and the title "Lord of lords", while God remains on His throne. You do know that "Lord of lords" is a title God claims for Himself, right?

You didn't answer my question, which version of the Bible are you reading that makes you think Yeshua is not God?
Actually, all my students who asked that question got the same response I gave you in Posts #38 and #43. For some reason they thought that made sense when looking through it with the eyes of faith.

The difference between my students and you is that they were filled with curiosity not with resentment and anger. They were able to grasp that God is truly beyond human comprehension. Imagine a human being able to send his word, not by letter or text, but actually his word showing up in person. Imagine a person not being able to attend a family event assuring loved ones, "But I will be with you in spirit" and that spirit showed up in person.

My assessment is that you want a reason to hate Catholics and the Catholic faith. So, lay it on me. I can take it and make something good out of it.

Working with kids, I take their questions seriously, and more--I take them seriously. It appears at some point in your life a priest wounded you badly by not taking seriously your well-meant question. I am very sorry about that. Children are tender and most want very much to learn.

I spent most of yesterday taking you very seriously, but you would have none of it. Could it be, with age, you found your anger ebbing and wanted a place to rev it up once more? Think about it, anyway.
yea yea you sound like a knew what i was asking and you could not explain it to me to show me how i am wrong....teacher my ass....

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