Zone1 Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?

I agree. We, unto whom the word of God has come, will die. But thanks be to our God and Savior we will all be resurrected to live immortally forever and ever. Jesus himself died. Jesus is part of the one true godhead. In many ways we are like God and in many ways we are not. I think the ultimate desire of God is that we become more and more like Him. Jesus taught:

Matthew 5:48
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
And we will be perfect one day. My point is the gods in psalm 81 are not like the One living eternal God. Jesus died as a man, not God.
You're ignoring what we've told you. Yeshua lowered Himself to become one of us. Once you understand that, you will better understand the answer to your incessant question.
i get that....i want to know who god prays people are telling me that Jesus is god here on earth....ok ....who was god praying too?...
And there it is, the true motivation behind ignoring the evidence provided. You do know that Yeshua created everything that was created, right?
i just told you that.....but you cant tell me who god is praying too....i know Jesus was praying too.....but you guys are saying he is god here on who does god pray too?...
and when i ask you a question on have no answer.....just like the dam priest.....
Again, your questions have been answered repeatedly. You obviously have an ax to grind. I can't help that your priest failed you. Get that chip off your shoulder. You're ignoring what's being presented to you because you want to. Everyone answered you in good faith.
And we will be perfect one day. My point is the gods in psalm 81 are not like the One living eternal God. Jesus died as a man, not God.
Even as our Father in Heaven is perfect? If so I imagine that we too will be Gods.

Jesus was perfect in all that He did. He alone, as the very Son of God in the flesh, was able to be perfect and to be a sacrifice for all others. Jesus was not simply any man. He alone was able to suffer for the sins of all the world. I don't think any regular human could have lived through such a suffering. I also find the following words interesting regarding Jesus' life and death:

John 10:17-18
17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Here Jesus tells us that no man could take His life from Him. He alone had the power to lay down his life and of Himself and to take it again. I don't believe Jesus was like any other mortal man. I believe as the very Son of the Father in the Flesh that He was an infinite sacrifice. It was Jesus who eventually said, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit". I think only Jesus decided when it was time to go. As a Son of Mary, He had the ability to lay down his life, but as a perfect Son of God, it was Jesus and He alone who decided to lay down his life. Neither the Romans or the Jews could end Jesus' life without his personal consent. I think Jesus, as the very Son of God in the flesh, has powers that no average human could ever possess.
That's Scripture, not my opinion. God looks at the heart. Jesus said "No one goes to the Father except through me".
I believe the Bible was devinely inspired but written and interpretted by common humans who make mistakes.
Look at all the different interpretations, within the Christian religion, on what God wants.
I am a humble believer. I grew up Christian and am a Christian. As I have gotten older I have studied the Bible and the origins of the Bible. I have looked at the life of Abraham and the religions that grew out of Abrahams beliefs, Judiaism, Christan and Islam. The history of Jerusalem is very relevant. I have looked outside the Christian religion for more information..

The one fact is that common man has many interpretations of God. Too many humans have used God for their own power and money.

I fine a divine inspiration common throug all the Abraham religions and in all religions. That is what I am searching and living.
Even as our Father in Heaven is perfect? If so I imagine that we too will be Gods.

Jesus was perfect in all that He did. He alone, as the very Son of God in the flesh, was able to be perfect and to be a sacrifice for all others. Jesus was not simply any man. He alone was able to suffer for the sins of all the world. I don't think any regular human could have lived through such a suffering. I also find the following words interesting regarding Jesus' life and death:

John 10:17-18
17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Here Jesus tells us that no man could take His life from Him. He alone had the power to lay down his life and of Himself and to take it again. I don't believe Jesus was like any other mortal man. I believe as the very Son of the Father in the Flesh that He was an infinite sacrifice. It was Jesus who eventually said, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit". I think only Jesus decided when it was time to go. As a Son of Mary, He had the ability to lay down his life, but as a perfect Son of God, it was Jesus and He alone who decided to lay down his life. Neither the Romans or the Jews could end Jesus' life without his personal consent. I think Jesus, as the very Son of God in the flesh, has powers that no average human could ever possess.
We are created beings. Jesus and the Father are eternal.
Again, your questions have been answered repeatedly. You obviously have an ax to grind. I can't help that your priest failed you. Get that chip off your shoulder. You're ignoring what's being presented to you because you want to. Everyone answered you in good faith.
those answers made no tell me Jesus and the Father are one and the same.....yet when i ask you who is God /Jesus praying too, you tell me the Father, who is also Jesus on earth then i ask is he then praying to himself?.......and i get called a name..........funny how you religious people cant answer questions like that.....
I believe the Bible was devinely inspired but written and interpretted by common humans who make mistakes.
Look at all the different interpretations, within the Christian religion, on what God wants.
I am a humble believer. I grew up Christian and am a Christian. As I have gotten older I have studied the Bible and the origins of the Bible. I have looked at the life of Abraham and the religions that grew out of Abrahams beliefs, Judiaism, Christan and Islam. The history of Jerusalem is very relevant. I have looked outside the Christian religion for more information..

The one fact is that common man has many interpretations of God. Too many humans have used God for their own power and money.

I fine a divine inspiration common throug all the Abraham religions and in all religions. That is what I am searching and living.
Islam isn't from Abraham. Islam is a lie. The Old Testament foretells of Jesus and Jesus appeared in the OT. There is absolutely no mention of Islam anywhere in Scripture.
those answers made no tell me Jesus and the Father are one and the same.....yet when i ask you who is God /Jesus praying too, you tell me the Father, who is also Jesus on earth then i ask is he then praying to himself?.......and i get called a name..........funny how you religious people cant answer questions like that.....
Of course it makes no sense. You're a very confused person and I believe your confusion is deliberate. I'm not wasting my time on you any longer.
Of course it makes no sense. You're a very confused person and I believe your confusion is deliberate. I'm not wasting my time on you any longer.
im confused? ...and yet you cant explain to me how what you say is logical.....all you say is well scripture says so.....thats like the democrats telling me....well thats what we say it shutup and sit down.....yea bullshit should try it....
im confused? ...and yet you cant explain to me how what you say is logical.....all you say is well scripture says so.....thats like the democrats telling me....well thats what we say it shutup and sit down.....yea bullshit should try it....
I'm done with you. You're disturbed.
Islam isn't from Abraham. Islam is a lie. The Old Testament foretells of Jesus and Jesus appeared in the OT. There is absolutely no mention of Islam anywhere in Scripture.
BS, I am shocked, as a Christian, you do not know the history and the origin of the religion.
Is saying I am lying, when I am not lying, a sin?

In the three main Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), the individual, God, and the universe are highly separate from each other. The Abrahamic religions believe in a judging, paternal, fully external god to which the individual and nature are both subordinate.

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