Why did Reid make such stupid statements?

Reids statement wasn't stupid... it was brilliant and tactful and great political stragety. It keeps Mitt the twit's reluctance to reveal his tax-returns beyond what he has already revealed in the headlines.

What is Romney hiding?
That is not substance. It is political strategy. Which may get one votes but as far as the Office is concerned, the person is incompetent.
Sort of like the guy in the White House right now.
Obama got where he is with sleight of hand politics. He is in WAY over his head. And the country is suffering for it.
You people have exposed yourself many times for what you are.
You are greedy for political power. You see it as a birthright. Your side will use any means necessary to gain and hold on to political power. Never mind the important stuff such as leadership and statesmanship. Just get your hands on the office, correct?
The liberal side is a fucking disgrace.
Reid is swiftboating Romney, and it will have some effect on Romney's campaign, which won't help.

He doesn't have to.

Well until Reid puts up or shuts up, hearsay is bullshit with no legs. Reasonable people understand that the burden of proof is in the accuser, not the accused.

Gee, only if Politics were a court of law.

It's incredible how little you fools know about politics.

Carry on.

All Romney need do is tell Harry to put up or shut up to end this whole "mess". Tell Harry that if he is in possession of some sort of proof of the claims of his invisible sources, provide it. When Harry can't, everyone will know him for the liar he is.
Reid is swiftboating Romney, and it will have some effect on Romney's campaign, which won't help.

And if you think GOP voters do not realize this political bullshit, you're mistaken.
Look, most political elections analysts agree that about 5% of the electorate has not yet made up their mind as to which candidate they will vote.
Also, there are 4 or 5 states which will decide the election. The rest are already solidly in their usual camps.
If either candidate can win one or two of those swing states, he wins the election.
Virginia is leaning GOP. Pennsylvania, long a democrat stronghold is a virtual dead heat right now. Ohio is teetering GOP but still remains a mystery. Florida can go either way. NJ may just go to Romney because of Gov Christie's strong support of him.
Missouri is a problem for Romney. North Carolina is looking to go back to the GOP.
And of course the question as to whether Romney can win his own state of Massachusetts.
This election's winner may very well LOSE the popular vote yet win the electoral vote.
I predict that if the democrats lose by less than 2% the election may not be decided for over a month.
This may very well be the dirtiest and most disturbing election ever. There will be charges of fraud and cheating hurled about. Mostly from the democrat side.
The far right retards still don't get it that the American people blame Bush and his GOPees far more for the mess than Obama.

•Unemployment is 8.3% and has been above 8% for 42 straight months!
•Underemployed is over 15%
•The price of gas – When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).
•GDP has consistently been under 3% which is awful.
•71% of small business owners believe we’re still in a recession.
•You have to work 107 days each year just to pay Federal, State, & Local taxes – That means you don’t earn a penny until April 18th.
•More than 30% of unemployed Americans have been out of work for more than a year – In 2007, that number was 10%.
•Low income America – According to NBC News, virtually half of all Americans are considered to be “low income” or living in poverty.
•Propping up the economy by monetizing our massive debt — In 2008, the Federal Reserve bought “negligible” amounts of our debt, last year the Fed purchased 61% of the government debt issued by the Treasury Dept.
•The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.
•Billions Spent on Green Energy is just gone with no results.

It's called diversion. Changing the subject.

Just when does this administration begin taking responsibility for the last 3 1/2 years?
Romney's only strong stand on anything in his entire political career is not releasing his taxes.

He must be hiding something pretty big.

How much money do you make a year and how much do you pay in taxes.

I bet you don't even know. You probably don't even work.

It's true. You don't work or pay taxes. Make a copy of your W2 and your last tax return and post it on here or I'll just believe you don't pay taxes.
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I'm dubious that Reid's remarks were the consequence of the price of gold. Politico has a pretty good article explaining why they think Reid is making these remarks:

Why Harry Reid keeps attacking Mitt Romney - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Dingy Harry says stupid things because he feels he can get away with it. The media won't ruin him like they would a Republican so he lies with impunity.

A secondary reason he talks like an idiot is because it makes Obama seem rational in comparison. Notice how Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid all sound like they've taken leave of their senses? This is by design.
Reid can make any kind of statement he wants. He will not have to face voters in the future. This is his last term. What he can do, is help his sons. This means keeping democrats in power because the money is coming from democrats. Did Reid care about Nevada when he helped his son land a government contract for a Chinese company? Of course not. Reid, will still be able to use his influence and be unaccountable to the people of Nevada, or anywhere else.
Reid does not care about the GOP at all.

He is trying to rattle the centrists, and in the swing states, along with the growing dislike for the TPM, the Dems are making ground.

I hope we are able to counter.

Reid is swiftboating Romney, and it will have some effect on Romney's campaign, which won't help.

And if you think GOP voters do not realize this political bullshit, you're mistaken.
Look, most political elections analysts agree that about 5% of the electorate has not yet made up their mind as to which candidate they will vote.
Also, there are 4 or 5 states which will decide the election. The rest are already solidly in their usual camps.
If either candidate can win one or two of those swing states, he wins the election.
Virginia is leaning GOP. Pennsylvania, long a democrat stronghold is a virtual dead heat right now. Ohio is teetering GOP but still remains a mystery. Florida can go either way. NJ may just go to Romney because of Gov Christie's strong support of him.
Missouri is a problem for Romney. North Carolina is looking to go back to the GOP.
And of course the question as to whether Romney can win his own state of Massachusetts.
This election's winner may very well LOSE the popular vote yet win the electoral vote.
I predict that if the democrats lose by less than 2% the election may not be decided for over a month.
This may very well be the dirtiest and most disturbing election ever. There will be charges of fraud and cheating hurled about. Mostly from the democrat side.
Reid does not care about the GOP at all.

He is trying to rattle the centrists, and in the swing states, along with the growing dislike for the TPM, the Dems are making ground.

I hope we are able to counter.

Reid is swiftboating Romney, and it will have some effect on Romney's campaign, which won't help.

And if you think GOP voters do not realize this political bullshit, you're mistaken.
Look, most political elections analysts agree that about 5% of the electorate has not yet made up their mind as to which candidate they will vote.
Also, there are 4 or 5 states which will decide the election. The rest are already solidly in their usual camps.
If either candidate can win one or two of those swing states, he wins the election.
Virginia is leaning GOP. Pennsylvania, long a democrat stronghold is a virtual dead heat right now. Ohio is teetering GOP but still remains a mystery. Florida can go either way. NJ may just go to Romney because of Gov Christie's strong support of him.
Missouri is a problem for Romney. North Carolina is looking to go back to the GOP.
And of course the question as to whether Romney can win his own state of Massachusetts.
This election's winner may very well LOSE the popular vote yet win the electoral vote.
I predict that if the democrats lose by less than 2% the election may not be decided for over a month.
This may very well be the dirtiest and most disturbing election ever. There will be charges of fraud and cheating hurled about. Mostly from the democrat side.

You're not a very good comedian. Centrists, independents, swing voters......whatever you want to call them are sorry they voted for Obama and won't again. The numbers are beginning to swing against him as are the lack of contributions. His days are numbered and none too soon as we can't survive another four years at this level of incompetence.
•Unemployment is 8.3% and has been above 8% for 42 straight months!
•Underemployed is over 15%
•The price of gas – When Obama took office, a gallon of gas cost you $1.85. Today, it’s up to $3.59 per gallon (July’s rise was 17 cents a gallon).
•GDP has consistently been under 3% which is awful.
•71% of small business owners believe we’re still in a recession.
•You have to work 107 days each year just to pay Federal, State, & Local taxes – That means you don’t earn a penny until April 18th.
•More than 30% of unemployed Americans have been out of work for more than a year – In 2007, that number was 10%.
•Low income America – According to NBC News, virtually half of all Americans are considered to be “low income” or living in poverty.
•Propping up the economy by monetizing our massive debt — In 2008, the Federal Reserve bought “negligible” amounts of our debt, last year the Fed purchased 61% of the government debt issued by the Treasury Dept.
•The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.
•Billions Spent on Green Energy is just gone with no results.

It's called diversion. Changing the subject.

Reid only made those statements because that is what the white house directed him to do. Like everything else Obama does, he makes sure he has plausible deniability.
Romney's only strong stand on anything in his entire political career is not releasing his taxes.

He must be hiding something pretty big.

Very true, why won't Willard show the american people his papers like Obama and his own father have? :eusa_think:

Why wont obama show us his college transcripts and his real long form birth certificate? If I where romney I would tell Reid that I would produce the last two years of tax forms if Obama presents his college transcripts. That would shut them up.
Reids statement wasn't stupid... it was brilliant and tactful and great political stragety. It keeps Mitt the twit's reluctance to reveal his tax-returns beyond what he has already revealed in the headlines.

What is Romney hiding?
That is not substance. It is political strategy. Which may get one votes but as far as the Office is concerned, the person is incompetent.
Sort of like the guy in the White House right now.
Obama got where he is with sleight of hand politics. He is in WAY over his head. And the country is suffering for it.
You people have exposed yourself many times for what you are.
You are greedy for political power. You see it as a birthright. Your side will use any means necessary to gain and hold on to political power. Never mind the important stuff such as leadership and statesmanship. Just get your hands on the office, correct?
The liberal side is a fucking disgrace.

So... answer the 64 thousand dollar question. Why won't Romney release no further tax returns beyond his 2010 and 2011 returns?

What is Romney hiding?
I'm dubious that Reid's remarks were the consequence of the price of gold. Politico has a pretty good article explaining why they think Reid is making these remarks:

Why Harry Reid keeps attacking Mitt Romney - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Dingy Harry says stupid things because he feels he can get away with it. The media won't ruin him like they would a Republican so he lies with impunity.

A secondary reason he talks like an idiot is because it makes Obama seem rational in comparison. Notice how Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid all sound like they've taken leave of their senses? This is by design.

I agree with everything you say except the last 4 words. I think they do it because they are whack jobs.
Reids statement wasn't stupid... it was brilliant and tactful and great political stragety. It keeps Mitt the twit's reluctance to reveal his tax-returns beyond what he has already revealed in the headlines.

What is Romney hiding?
That is not substance. It is political strategy. Which may get one votes but as far as the Office is concerned, the person is incompetent.
Sort of like the guy in the White House right now.
Obama got where he is with sleight of hand politics. He is in WAY over his head. And the country is suffering for it.
You people have exposed yourself many times for what you are.
You are greedy for political power. You see it as a birthright. Your side will use any means necessary to gain and hold on to political power. Never mind the important stuff such as leadership and statesmanship. Just get your hands on the office, correct?
The liberal side is a fucking disgrace.

So... answer the 64 thousand dollar question. Why won't Romney release no further tax returns beyond his 2010 and 2011 returns?

What is Romney hiding?

No one but Romney knows the answer to your "64 thousand dollar" question. Let me ask you, why would he? He has already released what he is required and to release more would just give the untruthful left more to scrutinize and make up their own facts. Releasing anything else isn't going to convince the Obamabots to vote for Romney Anyone else should have half a brain and realize that his tax returns are not what is important to the vast majority of Americans. Especially over 8 percent of Americans that officially our out of a job.

So when do you think that the left will stop bring up this type of BS and start talking about the real conditions in America? That's the real million dollar question.
Reids statement wasn't stupid... it was brilliant and tactful and great political stragety. It keeps Mitt the twit's reluctance to reveal his tax-returns beyond what he has already revealed in the headlines.

What is Romney hiding?
That is not substance. It is political strategy. Which may get one votes but as far as the Office is concerned, the person is incompetent.
Sort of like the guy in the White House right now.
Obama got where he is with sleight of hand politics. He is in WAY over his head. And the country is suffering for it.
You people have exposed yourself many times for what you are.
You are greedy for political power. You see it as a birthright. Your side will use any means necessary to gain and hold on to political power. Never mind the important stuff such as leadership and statesmanship. Just get your hands on the office, correct?
The liberal side is a fucking disgrace.

So... answer the 64 thousand dollar question. Why won't Romney release no further tax returns beyond his 2010 and 2011 returns?

What is Romney hiding?
Nothing...Never before has any candidate been charged with such a requirement.
Let's look at it from another direction. If Romney paid less than the law requires, is it not probable that the IRS would have caught up to Romney by now?
Should those who can and do obey the tax code and use it to pay less be commended?
If you were a business owner or a sub contractor would it not be in your best interest to use any and all tax code regulations to pay as little as the law allows?
You are another useful tool of the Far Right with those silly statements.

Go check RCP in the swing states and come back and tell us what you found.

Romney has to drop the Tea Party now, not tomorrow, not a second from now, just now.
Reid does not care about the GOP at all.

He is trying to rattle the centrists, and in the swing states, along with the growing dislike for the TPM, the Dems are making ground.

I hope we are able to counter.

And if you think GOP voters do not realize this political bullshit, you're mistaken.
Look, most political elections analysts agree that about 5% of the electorate has not yet made up their mind as to which candidate they will vote.
Also, there are 4 or 5 states which will decide the election. The rest are already solidly in their usual camps.
If either candidate can win one or two of those swing states, he wins the election.
Virginia is leaning GOP. Pennsylvania, long a democrat stronghold is a virtual dead heat right now. Ohio is teetering GOP but still remains a mystery. Florida can go either way. NJ may just go to Romney because of Gov Christie's strong support of him.
Missouri is a problem for Romney. North Carolina is looking to go back to the GOP.
And of course the question as to whether Romney can win his own state of Massachusetts.
This election's winner may very well LOSE the popular vote yet win the electoral vote.
I predict that if the democrats lose by less than 2% the election may not be decided for over a month.
This may very well be the dirtiest and most disturbing election ever. There will be charges of fraud and cheating hurled about. Mostly from the democrat side.

You're not a very good comedian. Centrists, independents, swing voters......whatever you want to call them are sorry they voted for Obama and won't again. The numbers are beginning to swing against him as are the lack of contributions. His days are numbered and none too soon as we can't survive another four years at this level of incompetence.
Reid does not care about the GOP at all.

He is trying to rattle the centrists, and in the swing states, along with the growing dislike for the TPM, the Dems are making ground.

I hope we are able to counter.

And if you think GOP voters do not realize this political bullshit, you're mistaken.
Look, most political elections analysts agree that about 5% of the electorate has not yet made up their mind as to which candidate they will vote.
Also, there are 4 or 5 states which will decide the election. The rest are already solidly in their usual camps.
If either candidate can win one or two of those swing states, he wins the election.
Virginia is leaning GOP. Pennsylvania, long a democrat stronghold is a virtual dead heat right now. Ohio is teetering GOP but still remains a mystery. Florida can go either way. NJ may just go to Romney because of Gov Christie's strong support of him.
Missouri is a problem for Romney. North Carolina is looking to go back to the GOP.
And of course the question as to whether Romney can win his own state of Massachusetts.
This election's winner may very well LOSE the popular vote yet win the electoral vote.
I predict that if the democrats lose by less than 2% the election may not be decided for over a month.
This may very well be the dirtiest and most disturbing election ever. There will be charges of fraud and cheating hurled about. Mostly from the democrat side.

You're not a very good comedian. Centrists, independents, swing voters......whatever you want to call them are sorry they voted for Obama and won't again. The numbers are beginning to swing against him as are the lack of contributions. His days are numbered and none too soon as we can't survive another four years at this level of incompetence.
I was not trying to be funny. I have no idea where you are going with this post.

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