Why did Russia donate money to the CLINTON FOUNDATION

Ukrainians paid the Foundation even more than the Gulf States. Just staggering figures. Always watch for the link to Pinchuk. Key player. But in return.....

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, 54, has courted the Clintons for at least nine years – in the United States, the Alps and Ukraine.

Earlier this year, he was confirmed as the largest individual contributor to the Clinton Foundation, whose aims include the creation of “economic opportunity and growth”. He also has links to the Tony Blair Foundation and represented its biggest single donor in 2013.

The fourth richest man in Ukraine, Pinchuk owns Interpipe Group, a Cyprus-incorporated manufacturer of seamless pipes used in oil and gas sectors.

Newsweek has seen declarations and documents from Ukraine that show a series of shipments from Interpipe to Iran in 2011 and 2012, including railway parts and products commonly used in the oil and gas sectors.

Among a number of high-value invoices for products related to rail or oil and gas, one shipment for $1.8m (1.7m) in May 2012 was for “seamless hot-worked steel pipes for pipelines” and destined for a city near the Caspian Sea.

Both the rail and oil and gas sectors are sanctioned by the US, which specifically prohibits any single invoice to the Iranian petrochemical industry worth more than $1m.

However, US sanctions laws are complex and, in certain areas, ill-defined. Interpipe may qualify for penalties due to the mere presence on American soil of North American Interpipe Inc, its United States subsidiary.

The US authorities can also penalise non-American companies with no base in the US at all which it judges to be working counter to its foreign policy, as happened to Zhuhai Zhenrong, a Chinese oil company, in 2012.

Being denied access to US markets and the US banking system could prove catastrophic to Interpipe, given that accountancy giant Ernst & Young has raised questions over its viability.

The person in charge of this list of non-US companies is the Secretary of State, who between 2009 to 2013 – the period during which Pinchuk’s company was trading with Iran – was Hillary Clinton.


Every Secretary of State set up a phony Foundation to get paid off from foreign governments, or something. Powell? Condi Rice? Boooosh
It's Hillary...a Democrat...snowflakes don't care. Pictures could surface of her having a threesone with Putin and the Shsh of Iran and they would not care - They would still defend her.
Every Secretary of State set up a phony Foundation to get paid off from foreign governments, or something. Powell? Condi Rice? Boooosh

Cripes CF how deep is Deep State? Even John McCain has a Foundation that took money from Soros. This swamp is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.
Citizens United...You repubs love this organization and yet it doesn't reflect your values..The right wanted to recognize business and govt as individuals..This is the end result of that "desire"....Live it and love it, you guys wanted it...

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