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Why Did Strzok Refuse to Answer Questions?

says buckeye who says he is a Republican but far right of Goldwater.

I am mainstream American and buckey is an Alt Right anti-American.

Strzok had the right to refuse to answer the questions.

Go live in Russia if you can't live with freedoms.
Goldwater was libertarian, it's why he voted against the 64 Civil Rights act....it's easy to be at his far right.....but since you don't know politics, you don't really know that.
Nope, you don't know your Goldwater. I met and talked with him at Utah State University a long time ago. He was conservative not libertarian and had no use for race hatred.

or gay hatred & sure as shit knew how destructive having fundie christians taking over congress would be.
I agree, it would be destructive. It would mean the leftist-socialist-communist corruption in our government would be taken down.

you think you can be taken seriously with that avatar? haaaaaaaa............
Sure, it's a great avatar. It accurately describes obamacare.
Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.
Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.

But now there is an investigation into Mr. Strzok, as to whether or not he committed perjury, obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress. Very serious felonies, BTW. So the key here is to have AG Sessions or President Trump order him to spill his guts. They are his superiors.
Indeed, they are serious considerations. But Strzok cannot answer certain questions from Congress until the investigation is over. As far as Trump or Sessions ordering Strzok to talk, Sessions is recused, and Trump ends his presidency if he does such.
I thought he had nothing to hide.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place.
The FBI has no issue (nor do I) with judging texts/comments made regarding terrorism or Russian trolls as being criminal, yet Strzok seems to think he should be held to a different standard regarding texts/comments he has made regarding political bias involving FBI investigations he is in charge of investigating.

Peter Strzok testified at a joint hearing before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees on Thursday.

It was a total waste of time and Republican members of the two committees embarrassed themselves and they know it. They are trying to discover the evidence against Trump and they are trying too hard.

Exhibit A: They are basing their entire investigation on two-year old text messages between an FBI agent and his girlfriend.

Exhibit B: Republicans are claiming that the text messages showed extreme bias against Trump.

Exhibit C: Indeed, they did, which is why Mueller removed Strzok from the Russian investigation a year ago.

Exhibit D: In July of 2016, the FBI had two active investigations. One concerned Hillary Clinton's server. The other concerned the Russian interference in our election and possible collaboration between the Trump campaign team and the Russians.

Exhibit E: The public was only aware of the Clinton investigation thanks to James Comey's press conference in July. News of the Trump campaign team investigation became known to the public after the election.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

Republicans are claiming Strzok's text messages to his girl indicated a bias and that affected his performance as an agent. Obviously, as can be seen in Exhibit F, that is nonsense.

Michael Horowitz, the DOJ's I.G. concluded Strzok's bias did not affect his work product.
I thought he had nothing to hide.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place.
Nice conjecture sandy....adds nothing.
I thought he had nothing to hide.
He was refusing to answer questions about an ongoing investigation under advice of counsel.

Next question: Why did Steve Bannon refuse to answer questions when under subpoena by Congress?

Bannon refuses to answer questions not pre-approved by the White House
I want Strzok to answer in hopes of saving the FBI.

Strzok is answering- everything except what the FBI counsel advised him not to.

The FBI will survived despite the efforts of Trump and his conspirators in the House.
The FBI counsel is not his lawyer.

They are just covering their own asses.

He works for the FBI- and the FBI counsel told him what he could not testify about. The House members just want Strzok to violate his instructions from the FBI.

Of course Weatherboy and everyone who has read actual news knows this
He can violate his instructions at any time.

What he is being asked has nothing to do with an investigation.
Wrong again

FBI special agent Peter Strzok refused to answer House Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan regarding which individuals gave the Bureau three copies of the Trump dossier, claiming the FBI will not allow him to divulge his sources.

“Very briefly, sir, I would love to do that. There’s an appropriate time for oversight and as you well know that is at the end of an investigation, once it’s concluded. I am certain Congress will absolutely have the opportunity to look at any investigation once it’s closed, ask all these questions, and I would love to answer each and every one of your questions once the FBI allows me to do that.”
He literally gave multiple answers to the same question, idiot.

He was making up all of this as he went, and Republicans got him multiple times.
I thought he had nothing to hide.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place.
Watch Peter Strzok Claim His Anti-Trump Texts Were Unbiased
This putz Strzok is making the Socialist Democrats look more pathetic by the minute. How this guy can sit there with a straight face and lie through his teeth and the idiot democrats backing him is unbelievable. He did it. We saw it. He lied. over and over and over. Arrogant A-hole to boot.
I thought he had nothing to hide.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place.
Nice conjecture sandy....adds nothing.

The Post reports that House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte is planning to issue a subpoena for release of the memos that former FBI director James B. Comey has made of his private conversations with Trump, which have been turned over to Mueller.

Those conversations include the ones in which Trump demanded Comey’s loyalty and pressed him to drop the probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, but there is a lot more in those memos we haven’t heard about. They are probably important evidence in Mueller’s efforts to establish whether Trump obstructed justice.

Opinion | Republicans are actively interfering in the Mueller probe to protect Trump

There is a great deal more, particularly when it concerns the House Intelligence Committee chaired by Devin Nunes.

I realize I am new here. You need to know something about me. I don't make things up.

Is it because I am an honest person? Well, yes, that and I don't care to be caught in a lie by this savvy group. :113:
They need to yank all the cameras out of these hearing and offer transcripts.

Strzok, the Democrats, and Republicans are performing like they are on the Jerry Springer show. They're all posturing and their first wish is to put on a great show for their folks back home.
The FBI has no issue (nor do I) with judging texts/comments made regarding terrorism or Russian trolls as being criminal, yet Strzok seems to think he should be held to a different standard regarding texts/comments he has made regarding political bias involving FBI investigations he is in charge of investigating.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

He didn't disclose the information about investigating the TRUMP campaign most likely because the FBI under direction of Obama was illegally spying on TRUMP.
Strzok like all other democrats didn't think TRUMP was going to win the election, the purpose of the investigation was not to prevent TRUMP from becoming president, but to keep him from disrupting Hillary after she won the election.

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