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Why Did Strzok Refuse to Answer Questions?

Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.

But now there is an investigation into Mr. Strzok, as to whether or not he committed perjury, obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress. Very serious felonies, BTW. So the key here is to have AG Sessions or President Trump order him to spill his guts. They are his superiors.

^ none of that is true or accurate in any way.
I thought he had nothing to hide.

another lie, a half-truth ^^^; he had nothing to hide and by following the Policy of the FBI and advice of the FBI attorney he did the right thing.

Q. Why did the R. interrogators keep asking the same question after it was answered

A. To provide WM2020 with his talking points for today;

Q. Why did the gators continue to question his admitted bias.

A. They needed to get an emotional rise from their base;

Q. What did his bias have to do with the outcome of the election

A. None, Trump won the election and is president

Q. Why then did the gators continue their witch hunt

A. Because they needed to change the talking points for today;

Q. What was their not so well hidden agenda

A. To discredit the Mueller Investigation.
Q. What was their not so well hidden agenda

A. To discredit the Mueller Investigation.

Being discredited is nothing new for Mueller, he has a long record of being a blundering Doofus.

If you'll remember Mueller's screwup of the Anthrax investigation of 2001 and how it cost we the taxpayers $5 Million for ruining one Mr. Hatfill's life.
The country now is watching everything the Republicans in Congress and their right wing supporters are doing and reporting to all Americans their nefarious doings.
Strzok's attack on the distinguished gentleman from Texas, Mr. Gohmert, was despicable.

Why didn't the agent just tell the truth.

Gohmert is a despicable retard.

Rep. Gohmert is a distinguished gentleman and a decorated officer in the US Army. Just like Eisenhower.

Distinguished gentlemen don't make personal attacks against witnesses testifying under oath. His behavior was despicable.
I thought he had nothing to hide.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place.
Watch Peter Strzok Claim His Anti-Trump Texts Were Unbiased

Bias is an action, not a thought. Feel free to point out which official action(s) were done with bias.
I thought he had nothing to hide.
Strzok should have "it depends on what the meaning of "is", is....tatooted on his forehead. What a dick.

I realize you Trumpkins would prefer that Strzok violated his explicit instructions from the FBI which would then be a pretext to having him fired- just so that the Republicans in the House committee could interfere with an FBI investigation.
The FBI has no issue (nor do I) with judging texts/comments made regarding terrorism or Russian trolls as being criminal, yet Strzok seems to think he should be held to a different standard regarding texts/comments he has made regarding political bias involving FBI investigations he is in charge of investigating.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

He didn't disclose the information about investigating the TRUMP campaign most likely because the FBI under direction of Obama was illegally spying on TRUMP..

You Trumpkins do you like to parrot Don the Con's fantasies.
This putz Strzok is making the Socialist Democrats look more pathetic by the minute. How this guy can sit there with a straight face and lie through his teeth and the idiot democrats backing him is unbelievable. He did it. We saw it. He lied. over and over and over. Arrogant A-hole to boot.

actually he was smirking... because he knows what YOU don't know & that it will all come out eventually & he's gonna have a glorious ' i told you so ' moment.

He's smirking at the epic level of retardation shown by the GOPers.
Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.

But now there is an investigation into Mr. Strzok, as to whether or not he committed perjury, obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress. Very serious felonies, BTW. So the key here is to have AG Sessions or President Trump order him to spill his guts. They are his superiors.

An investigation by who? Congress? Congress has no authority to prosecute anyone- they would have to go through the Justice Department......which controls the FBI....

Just because Congress is stomping its feet and making demands doesn't mean that the FBI should let Congress interfere with an ongoing investigation.

But certainly Don the Con can continue to try to interfere with an ongoing FBI investigation.
I thought he had nothing to hide.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place.

Excellent point.

What are the Republicans trying to hide? Why won't they make the transcript public?

There is only one legitimate reason- and they haven't claimed it- that releasing the transcript would interfere with an ongoing investigation.

Which is exactly what they were trying to get Strzok to do.
Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.

But now there is an investigation into Mr. Strzok, as to whether or not he committed perjury, obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress. Very serious felonies, BTW. So the key here is to have AG Sessions or President Trump order him to spill his guts. They are his superiors.

An investigation by who? Congress? Congress has no authority to prosecute anyone- they would have to go through the Justice Department......which controls the FBI....

Just because Congress is stomping its feet and making demands doesn't mean that the FBI should let Congress interfere with an ongoing investigation.

But certainly Don the Con can continue to try to interfere with an ongoing FBI investigation.
Mueller only can relieve the pressure on Trump, and apparently the former believes the latter is dirty.
The FBI has no issue (nor do I) with judging texts/comments made regarding terrorism or Russian trolls as being criminal, yet Strzok seems to think he should be held to a different standard regarding texts/comments he has made regarding political bias involving FBI investigations he is in charge of investigating.

Peter Strzok testified at a joint hearing before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees on Thursday.

It was a total waste of time and Republican members of the two committees embarrassed themselves and they know it. They are trying to discover the evidence against Trump and they are trying too hard.

Exhibit A: They are basing their entire investigation on two-year old text messages between an FBI agent and his girlfriend.

Exhibit B: Republicans are claiming that the text messages showed extreme bias against Trump.

Exhibit C: Indeed, they did, which is why Mueller removed Strzok from the Russian investigation a year ago.

Exhibit D: In July of 2016, the FBI had two active investigations. One concerned Hillary Clinton's server. The other concerned the Russian interference in our election and possible collaboration between the Trump campaign team and the Russians.

Exhibit E: The public was only aware of the Clinton investigation thanks to James Comey's press conference in July. News of the Trump campaign team investigation became known to the public after the election.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

Republicans are claiming Strzok's text messages to his girl indicated a bias and that affected his performance as an agent. Obviously, as can be seen in Exhibit F, that is nonsense.

Michael Horowitz, the DOJ's I.G. concluded Strzok's bias did not affect his work product.

I have raised this point repeatedly but the Trumpkins continue to parrot their Don the Con and claim that there was a conspiracy in the FBI.

IF the FBI- if Strzok- had wanted to sabotage Trump's election- all they had to do was issue a press release announcing that the FBI was investigating collusion between Russia and Trump's campaign regarding the election- which would have been a completely honest announcement.

The FBI didn't do that.
Comey didn't do that.
Strzok didn't do that.
McCabe didn't do that.

Was Strzok biased against Trump? Certainly. That is not a crime- despite what the Trumpkins here at USMB like to parrot.

Did Strzok let his bias interefere with the investigation? There is no evidence that he did.

The Trumpkins want to paint Strzok's personal bias as tainting the entire investigation- even though he was far from the only investigator- and they can't even find any evidence that his bias interfered with his own personal work.

The Trumpkins have shown they are willing to destroy the FBI to protect Don the Con.
I thought he had nothing to hide.
He was refusing to answer questions about an ongoing investigation under advice of counsel.

Next question: Why did Steve Bannon refuse to answer questions when under subpoena by Congress?

Bannon refuses to answer questions not pre-approved by the White House
Strzok is answering- everything except what the FBI counsel advised him not to.

The FBI will survived despite the efforts of Trump and his conspirators in the House.
The FBI counsel is not his lawyer.

They are just covering their own asses.

He works for the FBI- and the FBI counsel told him what he could not testify about. The House members just want Strzok to violate his instructions from the FBI.

Of course Weatherboy and everyone who has read actual news knows this
He can violate his instructions at any time.

What he is being asked has nothing to do with an investigation.
Wrong again

FBI special agent Peter Strzok refused to answer House Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan regarding which individuals gave the Bureau three copies of the Trump dossier, claiming the FBI will not allow him to divulge his sources.

“Very briefly, sir, I would love to do that. There’s an appropriate time for oversight and as you well know that is at the end of an investigation, once it’s concluded. I am certain Congress will absolutely have the opportunity to look at any investigation once it’s closed, ask all these questions, and I would love to answer each and every one of your questions once the FBI allows me to do that.”
He literally gave multiple answers to the same question, idiot.

He was making up all of this as he went, and Republicans got him multiple times.

As was pointed out earlier- he had an FBI counsel behind him and was told what he could comment on and what he couldn't.

You are just a gullible Trumpkin with your head buried firmly up Don the Con's ass.

FBI special agent Peter Strzok refused to answer House Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan regarding which individuals gave the Bureau three copies of the Trump dossier, claiming the FBI will not allow him to divulge his sources.

“Very briefly, sir, I would love to do that. There’s an appropriate time for oversight and as you well know that is at the end of an investigation, once it’s concluded. I am certain Congress will absolutely have the opportunity to look at any investigation once it’s closed, ask all these questions, and I would love to answer each and every one of your questions once the FBI allows me to do that.”
I thought he had nothing to hide.

Republicans on the two committees, House Judiciary and Oversight, want information on the ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign team. They want to protect the Republican President.

An FBI lawyer was sitting right behind Strzok. When Strzok was asked about the ongoing investigation, he was not able to answer the questions.

That was the entire purpose of the hearing, to gain intelligence on the Mueller investigation. Strzok wouldn't cooperate.

Here is what is interesting. Prior to the hearing today, there was an 11-hour closed hearing featuring Strzok. The Democrats on the committees want the transcript of that hearing made public. Republicans are refusing. Who is doing the hiding?

Republicans and Trump are between a rock and a hard place.
Watch Peter Strzok Claim His Anti-Trump Texts Were Unbiased

Where does Strzok say that his texts were unbiased?

Where does Strzok ever claim he was not personally biased?
In the summer of 2016, I was one of a handful of people who knew the details of Russian election interference and its possible connections with members of the Trump campaign. This information had the potential to derail, and quite possibly, defeat Mr. Trump. But the thought of exposing that information never crossed my mind.

Full text: FBI agent Peter Strzok’s statement before Congress
I expect that during this hearing, I’ll be asked about that ongoing investigation. During my testimony before these Committees two weeks ago, I was asked a number of questions, including about the ongoing Russia investigation, that counsel for the FBI instructed me not to answer. Consistent with my obligations, I followed the instructions of agency counsel. However, these exchanges generated significant tension with the Majority Members and numerous time-consuming sidebars and discussions amongst counsel.

Earlier this week, my attorney asked the Committees and the FBI to confer and agree on ground rules about which topics the FBI would allow me to testify about, and which I could not. As recently as last night, the FBI and Congress were still negotiating about what questions I would be allowed to answer here today. My understanding is that the FBI’s Office of General Counsel has provided the Committee with a list of questions that I will be permitted to answer today; the list includes certain questions that I was asked but instructed not to answer during my previous interview by the Committees. I am happy to answer any questions for which I have authorization to answer and where the FBI has directed me not to answer, I will abide by the FBI’s instructions – but let me clear: this is not because I don’t want to answer your questions; if I were permitted to answer, I would. And the answers would doubtless be disappointing to the questioners and undermine the conspiracy narrative being told about the Russia investigation.

Full text: FBI agent Peter Strzok’s statement before Congress
This putz Strzok is making the Socialist Democrats look more pathetic by the minute. How this guy can sit there with a straight face and lie through his teeth and the idiot democrats backing him is unbelievable. He did it. We saw it. He lied. over and over and over. Arrogant A-hole to boot.

And by 'lie'- you mean you are just another gullible Trumpkin who parrots what Don the Con says.
They need to yank all the cameras out of these hearing and offer transcripts.

Strzok, the Democrats, and Republicans are performing like they are on the Jerry Springer show. They're all posturing and their first wish is to put on a great show for their folks back home.

Yes and no- I agree with the posturing- but they already have had a private hearing- and the Republicans won't release that transcript.

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