Why Did Strzok Refuse to Answer Questions?

Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.

But now there is an investigation into Mr. Strzok, as to whether or not he committed perjury, obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress. Very serious felonies, BTW. So the key here is to have AG Sessions or President Trump order him to spill his guts. They are his superiors.

An investigation by who? Congress? Congress has no authority to prosecute anyone- they would have to go through the Justice Department......which controls the FBI....

Just because Congress is stomping its feet and making demands doesn't mean that the FBI should let Congress interfere with an ongoing investigation.

But certainly Don the Con can continue to try to interfere with an ongoing FBI investigation.
Mueller only can relieve the pressure on Trump, and apparently the former believes the latter is dirty.

I don't know what Mueller thinks. I think that Mueller is an aggressive prosecutor that is following all the leads.

Do I think that Don the Con is dirty? Very possibly. Do I believe that Don the Con conspired with Russia? No firm evidence of that yet- I am going to wait and see what Mueller comes up with.

But Don the Con sure acts like he is guilty of something that he fears Mueller will find.
Not to mention he just lied to Congress about letting his bias affect his investigation.

LOL since his testimony is completely in line with what the Inspector General's report said- it would appear that you are the one lying.
Except it wasn't.
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

Ah- you want to go by hyperbole- and feelings- not facts- I get it- you are loyal Trumpkin who feels a need to protect Don the Con.

Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

it's starkey, he says he's a republican but is left of Marx.
says buckeye who says he is a Republican but far right of Goldwater.

I am mainstream American and buckey is an Alt Right anti-American.

Strzok had the right to refuse to answer the questions.

Go live in Russia if you can't live with freedoms.

No he doesn't as long as he works for the FBI. Paige can, because she quit! By the way, why won't she testify? Where is the old, "if you have nothing to hide routine?"

Strzok is refusing to answer the questions that the FBI legal counsel advised him not to answer- because it would be interfering with an ongoing FBI investigation.

Why won't she testify? Hmmmm how many Trump administration officials have refused to testify completely?

Democrat cites 'pattern' of U.S. administration refusals to testify...
Steve Bannon
Hope Hicks
Top Dem: Hope Hicks refuses to answer questions about time in White House

What does the Adminstration have to hide?
Well we have evidence of him doing and saying stuff. What do you have on any of those 3?
And how many in the administration have testified ?

I love the double standard you loyal Trumpkins use to dance for Don the Con!

Plenty of evidence that Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks 'doing and saying stuff'- and that is why Congress subpoened them and they refused to answer all of Congress's questions.

Don't worry- I will never expect you to hold any of Don the Con's people to the same standard as the FBI.

After all- your mission is now to destroy the FBI- just to protect Don the Con.
it's starkey, he says he's a republican but is left of Marx.
says buckeye who says he is a Republican but far right of Goldwater.

I am mainstream American and buckey is an Alt Right anti-American.

Strzok had the right to refuse to answer the questions.

Go live in Russia if you can't live with freedoms.

No he doesn't as long as he works for the FBI. Paige can, because she quit! By the way, why won't she testify? Where is the old, "if you have nothing to hide routine?"

Strzok is refusing to answer the questions that the FBI legal counsel advised him not to answer- because it would be interfering with an ongoing FBI investigation.

Why won't she testify? Hmmmm how many Trump administration officials have refused to testify completely?

Democrat cites 'pattern' of U.S. administration refusals to testify...
Steve Bannon
Hope Hicks
Top Dem: Hope Hicks refuses to answer questions about time in White House

What does the Adminstration have to hide?
Well we have evidence of him doing and saying stuff. What do you have on any of those 3?
And how many in the administration have testified ?

I love the double standard you loyal Trumpkins use to dance for Don the Con!

Plenty of evidence that Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks 'doing and saying stuff'- and that is why Congress subpoened them and they refused to answer all of Congress's questions.

Don't worry- I will never expect you to hold any of Don the Con's people to the same standard as the FBI.

After all- your mission is now to destroy the FBI- just to protect Don the Con.
what evidence????
Do tell

do you guys know how to link articles? It's kind of an important skill on a message board.
Think he was very clear about how he felt about the whole deal. not a excuse for his personal behavior.
LOL since his testimony is completely in line with what the Inspector General's report said- it would appear that you are the one lying.
Except it wasn't.
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

Ah- you want to go by hyperbole- and feelings- not facts- I get it- you are loyal Trumpkin who feels a need to protect Don the Con.

Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

Ok, so again if a DA calls the person he's investigating the n word. you would be ok with that? You guys use different rules depending on who is being investigated.....it's called partisanship.
Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.

But now there is an investigation into Mr. Strzok, as to whether or not he committed perjury, obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress. Very serious felonies, BTW. So the key here is to have AG Sessions or President Trump order him to spill his guts. They are his superiors.

An investigation by who? Congress? Congress has no authority to prosecute anyone- they would have to go through the Justice Department......which controls the FBI....

Just because Congress is stomping its feet and making demands doesn't mean that the FBI should let Congress interfere with an ongoing investigation.

But certainly Don the Con can continue to try to interfere with an ongoing FBI investigation.
Mueller only can relieve the pressure on Trump, and apparently the former believes the latter is dirty.

I don't know what Mueller thinks. I think that Mueller is an aggressive prosecutor that is following all the leads.

Do I think that Don the Con is dirty? Very possibly. Do I believe that Don the Con conspired with Russia? No firm evidence of that yet- I am going to wait and see what Mueller comes up with.

But Don the Con sure acts like he is guilty of something that he fears Mueller will find.
Well this investigation is about Russian collusion.......you guys are using it for a fishing expedition....which we can do as well.......and we will remember this.....lefties are very very dirty.
So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

DA's are suits who really should know better than that.

But the NAACP had no problem with LBJ addressing them at their convention and explaining his Great Society Giveaway programs and saying "With this program, I will have you n's voting Democrat for a hundred years"

Why do you Trumpkins feel such an obligation to copy Don the Con and lie like him?

LBJ of course didn't say that to the NAACP at their convention- I can't even find any record of LBJ speaking at the NAACP's annual convention.


As far as LBJ's supposed statement- that was the claim of one man- unconfirmed by anyone else.

If you like unconfirmed claims by a single person- you probably love these

A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
Except it wasn't.
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

Ah- you want to go by hyperbole- and feelings- not facts- I get it- you are loyal Trumpkin who feels a need to protect Don the Con.

Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

Ok, so again if a DA calls the person he's investigating the n word. you would be ok with that? You guys use different rules depending on who is being investigated.....it's called partisanship.

Feel free to show me a quote where I have advocated for different rules- meanwhile I am pointing out that the Trumpkins certainly use different rules depending on who is being investigated......we can call it partisanship....or just gullible idiocy.

Except of course his texts showed his bias- not that that it affected his investigation.

Trumkpkins....always protecting Don the Con.

Strzok was following the FBI counsel's advice.

As he said, when the investigation is over, Congress can have all the info it wants.

But Congress is never, ever in charge of DOJ or FBI investigations: separation of powers.

But now there is an investigation into Mr. Strzok, as to whether or not he committed perjury, obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress. Very serious felonies, BTW. So the key here is to have AG Sessions or President Trump order him to spill his guts. They are his superiors.

An investigation by who? Congress? Congress has no authority to prosecute anyone- they would have to go through the Justice Department......which controls the FBI....

Just because Congress is stomping its feet and making demands doesn't mean that the FBI should let Congress interfere with an ongoing investigation.

But certainly Don the Con can continue to try to interfere with an ongoing FBI investigation.
Mueller only can relieve the pressure on Trump, and apparently the former believes the latter is dirty.

I don't know what Mueller thinks. I think that Mueller is an aggressive prosecutor that is following all the leads.

Do I think that Don the Con is dirty? Very possibly. Do I believe that Don the Con conspired with Russia? No firm evidence of that yet- I am going to wait and see what Mueller comes up with.

But Don the Con sure acts like he is guilty of something that he fears Mueller will find.
Well this investigation is about Russian collusion.......you guys are using it for a fishing expedition....which we can do as well.......and we will remember this.....lefties are very very dirty.

This investigation is about Russia's attempt to interference with the 2016 election- and possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

'us guys'- the ones who started this investigation- are the FBI- and Republican Bob Muehler, appointed by Republican Rosenstein.

So far that 'fishing expedition' has resulted in several guilty pleas and one of Trump's former campaign managers sitting in jail awaiting trial- why for example- do you believe that Manafort shouldn't be prosecuted for violating U.S. law?

Oh and I am sure that you are very willing to act as dishonestly as Don the Con tells you to do.
or gay hatred & sure as shit knew how destructive having fundie christians taking over congress would be.
I agree, it would be destructive. It would mean the leftist-socialist-communist corruption in our government would be taken down.

you think you can be taken seriously with that avatar? haaaaaaaa............
Sure, it's a great avatar. It accurately describes obamacare.

uh-sure. why not just have one of 'obamacare' with a red slash thru it?

yaaaaaa.................. we both know why ......
No, I don't know. Why don't you tell us. Go ahead. Are you upset that I'm mocking your lying hero?

really? you got ^^^ that ^^^ out of what i wrote? oh, silly you...you don't upset me. i am simply putting a fine point of what you is.

Not to mention he just lied to Congress about letting his bias affect his investigation.

LOL since his testimony is completely in line with what the Inspector General's report said- it would appear that you are the one lying.
Except it wasn't.
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

you do realize that if he let his personal bias ( or page's ) interfere with & actually conspire to take president tribbles down.... he (they) could easily have enough intel leaked to get 'er done.

yet he didn't. hmmmmm.... because he is able to keep the two sides of his brain separate. unlike the poorly educated that trump loves long time.

like you.
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LOL since his testimony is completely in line with what the Inspector General's report said- it would appear that you are the one lying.
Except it wasn't.
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

you do realize that if he let his personal bias interfere with & actually conspire to take president tribbles down.... he could easily had enough intel leaked to get 'er done.

yet he didn't. hmmmmm.... because he is able to keep the two sides of his brain separate. unlike the poorly educated that trump loves long time.

like you.
then how do you know he had enough intel?
LOL since his testimony is completely in line with what the Inspector General's report said- it would appear that you are the one lying.
Except it wasn't.
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

you do realize that if he let his personal bias interfere with & actually conspire to take president tribbles down.... he could easily had enough intel leaked to get 'er done.

yet he didn't. hmmmmm.... because he is able to keep the two sides of his brain separate. unlike the poorly educated that trump loves long time.

like you.

Well that doesn't fit with the narrative that Don the Con has told his Trumpkins to bleat.

Strzok said as much during his open statement- he absolutely could have sabotaged the Trump campaign if he wanted to- if there really had been the 'conspiracy' that Don the Con lies about- by the FBI- Don the Con would never have gotten elected.
Except it wasn't.
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

you do realize that if he let his personal bias interfere with & actually conspire to take president tribbles down.... he could easily had enough intel leaked to get 'er done.

yet he didn't. hmmmmm.... because he is able to keep the two sides of his brain separate. unlike the poorly educated that trump loves long time.

like you.

Well that doesn't fit with the narrative that Don the Con has told his Trumpkins to bleat.

Strzok said as much during his open statement- he absolutely could have sabotaged the Trump campaign if he wanted to- if there really had been the 'conspiracy' that Don the Con lies about- by the FBI- Don the Con would never have gotten elected.
ah I hate to interrupt the circle jerk of pseudo intellecuals, but what evidence is he talking about? Or is this one of those we'll see in the report kinda deals?
Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

you do realize that if he let his personal bias interfere with & actually conspire to take president tribbles down.... he could easily had enough intel leaked to get 'er done.

yet he didn't. hmmmmm.... because he is able to keep the two sides of his brain separate. unlike the poorly educated that trump loves long time.

like you.

Well that doesn't fit with the narrative that Don the Con has told his Trumpkins to bleat.

Strzok said as much during his open statement- he absolutely could have sabotaged the Trump campaign if he wanted to- if there really had been the 'conspiracy' that Don the Con lies about- by the FBI- Don the Con would never have gotten elected.
ah I hate to interrupt the circle jerk of pseudo intellecuals, but what evidence is he talking about? Or is this one of those we'll see in the report kinda deals?
Trumpanzees have issues with intellecTuals.
Strzok's attack on the distinguished gentleman from Texas, Mr. Gohmert, was despicable.

Why didn't the agent just tell the truth.

Gohmert is a despicable retard.

Rep. Gohmert is a distinguished gentleman and a decorated officer in the US Army. Just like Eisenhower.


Not even in line with his texts to Lisa Paige.....ooooppps
Except of course his texts showed his bias- no that that it affected his investigation.

So if a DA used the n word while investigating a black, you would be ok with that?

you do realize that if he let his personal bias interfere with & actually conspire to take president tribbles down.... he could easily had enough intel leaked to get 'er done.

yet he didn't. hmmmmm.... because he is able to keep the two sides of his brain separate. unlike the poorly educated that trump loves long time.

like you.

Well that doesn't fit with the narrative that Don the Con has told his Trumpkins to bleat.

Strzok said as much during his open statement- he absolutely could have sabotaged the Trump campaign if he wanted to- if there really had been the 'conspiracy' that Don the Con lies about- by the FBI- Don the Con would never have gotten elected.
ah I hate to interrupt the circle jerk of pseudo intellecuals

LOL it is pretty clear that circle jerks are the only kind of 'entertainment' you get.
The FBI has no issue (nor do I) with judging texts/comments made regarding terrorism or Russian trolls as being criminal, yet Strzok seems to think he should be held to a different standard regarding texts/comments he has made regarding political bias involving FBI investigations he is in charge of investigating.

Exhibit F: Strzok had the magic bullet and he didn't use it. He testified that he was aware of the investigation of possible collaboration on the part of the Trump campaign team in July of 2016. He never disclosed that information to a soul outside of the FBI.

What are the House committees investigating? If Strzok wanted to sabotage the Trump campaign, he had the weapon to do exactly that and he didn't.

He didn't disclose the information about investigating the TRUMP campaign most likely because the FBI under direction of Obama was illegally spying on TRUMP..

You Trumpkins do you like to parrot Don the Con's fantasies.


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