Why Did The South Secede?

"TheUnion blockadein theAmerican Civil War was a naval tactic by the Northern government to prevent the Confederacy from trading. The blockade was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln in April 1861, and required the closure of 3,500 miles (5,600 km) of Atlantic and Gulf coastline, ..." blah blah blah.....

Okay Okay, you've got in your clip and pastes, you've established the era and the setting and set forth your grand analysis for the historical blunder, "a misunderstanding of geopolitical realities". Now tell us what we're all waiting to hear. Which liberal malefactor is to blame for one of the worst strategic decisions in world history? It won't be a real PC post if there isn't a liberal blackguard awaiting conviction and the noose. Don't keep us in suspense.

Intelligent people can argue a point without personal attacks and ad- hominem...
The South felt it was threatened by it's way of life..And rejected the proposal by Lincoln to buy the slaves and set them free..
The war over slavery was a festering boil that was decades in the making.It just didn't occur with one president, it was an issue over states rights and the balance of power by the pro and anti crowd in federal legislation...
Oblama has not a damn thing to do with the reasons for the Civil war...The Bible does since it advocated slavery and how to treat them as slaves. So if God said it was ok, why not do it?

"...The war over slavery....."

4. Now....let's deal with our Liberal amateur historians who need to keep slavery on the front burner...after all, without the black vote the Democrats would never win another election.

Secession....wasn't about slavery.

If you believe otherwise, take a look at Lincoln's Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861:

"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.
Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:

'Resolved', That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes. I now reiterate these sentiments,..."
Abraham Lincoln Inaugural Address

Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address.
He made it pretty clear.

So......did the South secede due to a fear of the North making slavery illegal?
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"TheUnion blockadein theAmerican Civil War was a naval tactic by the Northern government to prevent the Confederacy from trading. The blockade was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln in April 1861, and required the closure of 3,500 miles (5,600 km) of Atlantic and Gulf coastline, ..." blah blah blah.....

Okay Okay, you've got in your clip and pastes, you've established the era and the setting and set forth your grand analysis for the historical blunder, "a misunderstanding of geopolitical realities". Now tell us what we're all waiting to hear. Which liberal malefactor is to blame for one of the worst strategic decisions in world history? It won't be a real PC post if there isn't a liberal blackguard awaiting conviction and the noose. Don't keep us in suspense.

Intelligent people can argue a point without personal attacks and ad- hominem...

What if it's more fun my way????
"TheUnion blockadein theAmerican Civil War was a naval tactic by the Northern government to prevent the Confederacy from trading. The blockade was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln in April 1861, and required the closure of 3,500 miles (5,600 km) of Atlantic and Gulf coastline, ..." blah blah blah.....

Okay Okay, you've got in your clip and pastes, you've established the era and the setting and set forth your grand analysis for the historical blunder, "a misunderstanding of geopolitical realities". Now tell us what we're all waiting to hear. Which liberal malefactor is to blame for one of the worst strategic decisions in world history? It won't be a real PC post if there isn't a liberal blackguard awaiting conviction and the noose. Don't keep us in suspense.

Intelligent people can argue a point without personal attacks and ad- hominem...

What if it's more fun my way????

To a degree you can...
"TheUnion blockadein theAmerican Civil War was a naval tactic by the Northern government to prevent the Confederacy from trading. The blockade was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln in April 1861, and required the closure of 3,500 miles (5,600 km) of Atlantic and Gulf coastline, ..." blah blah blah.....

Okay Okay, you've got in your clip and pastes, you've established the era and the setting and set forth your grand analysis for the historical blunder, "a misunderstanding of geopolitical realities". Now tell us what we're all waiting to hear. Which liberal malefactor is to blame for one of the worst strategic decisions in world history? It won't be a real PC post if there isn't a liberal blackguard awaiting conviction and the noose. Don't keep us in suspense.

Intelligent people can argue a point without personal attacks and ad- hominem...

What if it's more fun my way????

To a degree you can...

Boring is not part of my resume.
PC, once again, demonstrates her lack of understanding of American history.

Its not that she doesn't understand, but that she prefers to make up her own version

Do you realize how dumb you appear when I have Lincoln's words to back up my premise???

Do you?


You forgot FDR

I'll take that as your admission that you've been made to appear dumb.

We finally agree.
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.
If I wrote thesis papers like that when I was in college I would have not been on the Deans List..
How many in your graduating class? 3
32, I went to a smaller school. Since I moved from Norman Oklahoma when there was 1000 students in the freshman comp. class in 1983..Same with the 500 in the FORTRAN programming class at Ark Univ.1989..To many people, less time with instructor...
The South started the war because of Obama

Very true..... The idea that a black man would someday become president is more than enough reason to secede. Especially, a mixed race black

Obama represents everything the south was fighting against

Can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the comic relief you provide.

But don't give up the retirement for that stand-up gig.

President Obama represents everything the South fought to prevent

1. A mixing of the races
2. Blacks not...."knowing their place"
3. Blacks with political power

I recognize your declination with respect to the OP question.

Thanks for dropping by.

I congratulate you on your unique spin on history and tying President Obama to the reasons for the Civil War

In a nutshell....President Obama IS the reason for the Civil War

A mixed race black President was the souths worst nightmare. A well educated black man with political power.

That is what the south fought against. Blacks who thought they were the equal of whites, blacks and whites marrying and producing children. Blacks in a political position to tell whites what to do
Which was the cause of the formation of the KKK after the war ended..

Very true

If Obamas father had attempted to marry his mother in the South in 1961 he would have been lynched

In many ways the Civil War had not ended

Those damned KKKers....and their founder, the Democrat Party!!!!

Trying to prevent a system that would allow Barack Obama to be our president is the reason the South fought the Civil War

They could have eventually accepted an end to slavery....but they NEVER would have accepted a mixed race black man as their president

Even in 1861, the South understood the path the nation was going on. Slavery was just a start, then the black vote, civil rights, marrying white women, black political power

Eventually resulting in.....Barack Obama
Gee....I show that Lincoln stated that slavery was not the issue.....and nothing but deafening silence from the pack who claimed that it was the reason that the South seceded.

And, as the jazz singer said.....

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
I've yet to see proof of anything more than weak scholarship evidenced by awkward conclusions based on out of context quotes. Your jello will not nail to the wall.

"I've yet to see ...."

So we agree...the problem is with your insight.....
As Abraham Lincoln and I have shown, the proximate reason for secession was not slavery.
Seems to have silenced the peanut gallery.

5. Well, if the issue wasn't about slavery, what was it about???

This, from the Op-
" You see, the South believed that they ruled the world.
Really. Ruled!
Whether or not they imagined that they could defeat the North militarily,they fervently believed that they could oblige....compel... the greatest military power in the world to back them."

Here are some facts that you make it clear:

a. 75% of the world's cotton, and up to 84% of Britain's, came from the South's cotton fields. The Cotton Economy in the South FREE The Cotton Economy in the South information Encyclopedia.com Find The Cotton Economy in the South research

b. In Britain's industrial heartland, where all but 500 of the country's 2,650 cotton factories, employing 440 000 people, were located, and almost all of the cotton came from the Southern United States. A history of the Lancashire cotton mills

c. "In 1861 the London Times estimated that one fifth of the British population was dependent, directly or indirectly, on the success of the cotton districts." "Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"byGavin Mortimer, p.72

6. "The Trent Affairwas an international diplomatic incident that occurred during the American Civil War. On November 8, 1861, the USS San Jacinto, commanded by Union Captain Charles Wilkes, intercepted the British mail packet RMSTrent and removed, as contraband of war, two Confederate diplomats, James Mason and John Slidell. The envoys were bound for Great Britain and France to press the Confederacy's case for diplomatic recognition and financial support for the Confederacy in the name of King Cotton."
Trent Affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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