Why did the Syrian War start?

Hey folks!

Syria: over there .........>
I am posting direct responses to your posts.

I didn't start the thread to do "I said, you said",confrontations.

Or to do romantic discussions of Muslims.
Education is extremely important to middle class and upper class Muslims. Their children go to universities all over the world, the best universities. There is strong competition to get into the best universities.
The muslim masses are idiots. And even many of the muslim educated are fanatics too.

The husband in 'Not without my Daughter' brought home the cultural chameleon makeup of Muslims to me.

One story does not make up all of reality. That is ONE story. I know a woman who married an Iranian. He is the total opposite of the man in that movie.

I'm not getting into it. With all due respect.
Well, you are not getting anywhere. Either people lost focus or are deliberately deflecting.
She's deflecting and then getting pissed off because someone responds to it.
|'m outta here. I won't bother you anymore miss mindful.

So why do you think the war in Syria started? It had long roots of course; Assad Snr put down an insurrection many years ago; the report of 10000 dead may be a gross underestimate. So what happened in Syria to ignite the current troubles?

|'m outta here. I won't bother you anymore miss mindful.

So why do you think the war in Syria started? It had long roots of course; Assad Snr put down an insurrection many years ago; the report of 10000 dead may be a gross underestimate. So what happened in Syria to ignite the current troubles?

Obama's Arab Spring policy had something to do with it. With insurrections in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Iran, and Yemen it is clear many people in those nations wanted change and Obama was glad to assist them. It did not matter if they were radical Islamists.

Funny thing is he refused to do anything to assist those in Iran, but he was glad to help elsewhere. Valerie Jarrett, born in Iran, may have had something to do with it.
This is not fact. You apparently don't know what a fact is. Just because someone says something happened does not mean it happened. You are repeating rumor and lies. You do not have any concrete evidence to back up your claim. Are you so stupid and so uneducated that you cannot understand the difference between a substantiated fact and someone just claiming something as fact?
Fact: Muslims pray 5 times per day.

Fact: Muslim believe whatever mullah's tell them to.

Fact: Muslims are anti Israeli.

Fact: Muslims are anti American.

Conclusion: Muslims are stupid.

Conclusion: Muslims are fanatics.

Conclusion: Muslims are not fit for democracy.

Conclusion: Muslims need to be herded by dictators.

Ok now does that make more sense to you Esmeralda ??

Or do I need to spell out the facts more ??

You confuse your bigoted delusions with 'facts'
|'m outta here. I won't bother you anymore miss mindful.

So why do you think the war in Syria started? It had long roots of course; Assad Snr put down an insurrection many years ago; the report of 10000 dead may be a gross underestimate. So what happened in Syria to ignite the current troubles?


The war in Syria started out with peaceful protests against Assad's brutal dictatorial regime.

Remember going back- that Syria's regime was labeled a terrorist state by Bush. Syria has long backed terrorists in Lebanon and other places.

And Assad brutally cracked down on the peaceful protests. Which led to less peaceful confrontation. Which led to outright civil war.

Syria's Civil War started out internally, but of course outside players wanted to influence the war, and the chaos of the war allowed ISIS to grow in Syria(ISIS which started in the chaos of Iraq, and had its own origins in the chaos of Afghanistan).

Like every revolution- there were always different factions- from Democratic secularists who wanted to overthrow a corrupt dictator to Muslim fundamentalists who wanted to overthrow a Secular government.

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