Why Did Views on The Electoral College and Popular Vote Change?

You misunderstand (yet another big shock). I have no idea what he actually thinks at this moment . . . and I don't care. I'm not his mother; I'm not his wife; I'm not his Chief of Staff. The only thing that matters to me is that he presumably changed his mind; WHY is not my fucking problem. He's not making any effort to undermine or abolish the Electoral College, and for an average, everyday American who's never met the man and probably never will, that's all that's important. Maybe you spend a lot of time and effort trying to discern and judge whether or not unknowable motivations are "pure enough" to suit you. That's your problem, not mine.

Hillary Clinton, the media, and various political officeholders on the left, however, have not only not changed their minds, they are actually working up to trying to do away with the Electoral College. So yes, I consider that VERY different from Trump, and I consider it to be a lot worthier of my attention, alarm, and condemnation than one stupid, forgotten tweet, and fuck you if you see those priorities as "hypocrisy" and demand that I spend equal effort on unequal threats. Fortunately for me, I didn't ask you for your approval, wouldn't take it if you offered it, and have so little interest in guidance from anyone stupid enough to make such suggestions that it would require new technology and a rewriting of the laws of physics to measure it.

Now, IS there anything else you'd like to throw out and have me stomp into the ground, or will that be it?

When you are done having your stomping temper tantrum, go back and look at my statement that started this whole ball a rolling...

Which was this...Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

Trump objected to the EC when it did not give him the desired results, not that it did he has no issues with it.

Which is in line with why I said people object to things.

There, now you can go back to stomping on the ground.


When you are done trying to justify your debunked bullshit, THINK about your statement that started this whole ball a-rolling. Because it's still wrong, and your "proof" of it just shows you to be even more wrong, on even more levels.

Trump is one person. The President, yes, but still only one person. That means that when you make a generalization about people, and then produce him, all by himself, and say, "Aha! That proves me right!" you've only proven that you're a fucking moron who believes things because he wants to, not because there's a reason to.

There, now you can go back to reviling the right while flattering yourself about how "moderate" and "reasonable" you are.
You misunderstand (yet another big shock). I have no idea what he actually thinks at this moment . . . and I don't care. I'm not his mother; I'm not his wife; I'm not his Chief of Staff. The only thing that matters to me is that he presumably changed his mind; WHY is not my fucking problem. He's not making any effort to undermine or abolish the Electoral College, and for an average, everyday American who's never met the man and probably never will, that's all that's important. Maybe you spend a lot of time and effort trying to discern and judge whether or not unknowable motivations are "pure enough" to suit you. That's your problem, not mine.

Hillary Clinton, the media, and various political officeholders on the left, however, have not only not changed their minds, they are actually working up to trying to do away with the Electoral College. So yes, I consider that VERY different from Trump, and I consider it to be a lot worthier of my attention, alarm, and condemnation than one stupid, forgotten tweet, and fuck you if you see those priorities as "hypocrisy" and demand that I spend equal effort on unequal threats. Fortunately for me, I didn't ask you for your approval, wouldn't take it if you offered it, and have so little interest in guidance from anyone stupid enough to make such suggestions that it would require new technology and a rewriting of the laws of physics to measure it.

Now, IS there anything else you'd like to throw out and have me stomp into the ground, or will that be it?

When you are done having your stomping temper tantrum, go back and look at my statement that started this whole ball a rolling...

Which was this...Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

Trump objected to the EC when it did not give him the desired results, not that it did he has no issues with it.

Which is in line with why I said people object to things.

There, now you can go back to stomping on the ground.


When you are done trying to justify your debunked bullshit, THINK about your statement that started this whole ball a-rolling. Because it's still wrong, and your "proof" of it just shows you to be even more wrong, on even more levels.

Trump is one person. The President, yes, but still only one person. That means that when you make a generalization about people, and then produce him, all by himself, and say, "Aha! That proves me right!" you've only proven that you're a fucking moron who believes things because he wants to, not because there's a reason to.

There, now you can go back to reviling the right while flattering yourself about how "moderate" and "reasonable" you are.

Too bad you are too blinded by the sheep's wool over your eyes to see that I am reviling the right and the left at the same time.

But such a concept is beyond you it seems.
Actually Clinton DID win the popular vote in both 92 & 96. . He did not exceed 50% of the PV, but got more than any other canidate.
He didn't gain a plurality, so the argument that he "didn't win the popular vote" is correct in substance, in the fact that more voted against him than in favor..

I suppose, and there is the bases for the argument favoring a 2 party system.
Dude, what are you talking about? She was on the same ballot as any congressman, amendment, bill or referendum. Her name was on the ballot I cast. It didn’t have an X Next to it when I mailed it in however.

If you tell me your state I will give you the laws about the ballot. You *cannot* have voted for Hillary or Trump. Its not up to you. Only the electoral college can vote on a president.
Hillary Clinton got not one popular vote because people only vote for electors.

The electoral votes of each state for the most part are cast or awarded based on the PV of each state, so I did indeed vote for Trump, but he got zero electoral votes because he lost the PV in my state. I understand the vote is technically for a elector, but the actual voter cast their vote for the canidate, not the electoral.

You misunderstand (yet another big shock). I have no idea what he actually thinks at this moment . . . and I don't care. I'm not his mother; I'm not his wife; I'm not his Chief of Staff. The only thing that matters to me is that he presumably changed his mind; WHY is not my fucking problem. He's not making any effort to undermine or abolish the Electoral College, and for an average, everyday American who's never met the man and probably never will, that's all that's important. Maybe you spend a lot of time and effort trying to discern and judge whether or not unknowable motivations are "pure enough" to suit you. That's your problem, not mine.

Hillary Clinton, the media, and various political officeholders on the left, however, have not only not changed their minds, they are actually working up to trying to do away with the Electoral College. So yes, I consider that VERY different from Trump, and I consider it to be a lot worthier of my attention, alarm, and condemnation than one stupid, forgotten tweet, and fuck you if you see those priorities as "hypocrisy" and demand that I spend equal effort on unequal threats. Fortunately for me, I didn't ask you for your approval, wouldn't take it if you offered it, and have so little interest in guidance from anyone stupid enough to make such suggestions that it would require new technology and a rewriting of the laws of physics to measure it.

Now, IS there anything else you'd like to throw out and have me stomp into the ground, or will that be it?

When you are done having your stomping temper tantrum, go back and look at my statement that started this whole ball a rolling...

Which was this...Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

Trump objected to the EC when it did not give him the desired results, not that it did he has no issues with it.

Which is in line with why I said people object to things.

There, now you can go back to stomping on the ground.


When you are done trying to justify your debunked bullshit, THINK about your statement that started this whole ball a-rolling. Because it's still wrong, and your "proof" of it just shows you to be even more wrong, on even more levels.

Trump is one person. The President, yes, but still only one person. That means that when you make a generalization about people, and then produce him, all by himself, and say, "Aha! That proves me right!" you've only proven that you're a fucking moron who believes things because he wants to, not because there's a reason to.

There, now you can go back to reviling the right while flattering yourself about how "moderate" and "reasonable" you are.

Too bad you are too blinded by the sheep's wool over your eyes to see that I am reviling the right and the left at the same time.

But such a concept is beyond you it seems.

Consider the possibility that you ACTUALLY just don't look all that "moderate" to anyone who isn't you.
You misunderstand (yet another big shock). I have no idea what he actually thinks at this moment . . . and I don't care. I'm not his mother; I'm not his wife; I'm not his Chief of Staff. The only thing that matters to me is that he presumably changed his mind; WHY is not my fucking problem. He's not making any effort to undermine or abolish the Electoral College, and for an average, everyday American who's never met the man and probably never will, that's all that's important. Maybe you spend a lot of time and effort trying to discern and judge whether or not unknowable motivations are "pure enough" to suit you. That's your problem, not mine.

Hillary Clinton, the media, and various political officeholders on the left, however, have not only not changed their minds, they are actually working up to trying to do away with the Electoral College. So yes, I consider that VERY different from Trump, and I consider it to be a lot worthier of my attention, alarm, and condemnation than one stupid, forgotten tweet, and fuck you if you see those priorities as "hypocrisy" and demand that I spend equal effort on unequal threats. Fortunately for me, I didn't ask you for your approval, wouldn't take it if you offered it, and have so little interest in guidance from anyone stupid enough to make such suggestions that it would require new technology and a rewriting of the laws of physics to measure it.

Now, IS there anything else you'd like to throw out and have me stomp into the ground, or will that be it?

When you are done having your stomping temper tantrum, go back and look at my statement that started this whole ball a rolling...

Which was this...Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

Trump objected to the EC when it did not give him the desired results, not that it did he has no issues with it.

Which is in line with why I said people object to things.

There, now you can go back to stomping on the ground.


When you are done trying to justify your debunked bullshit, THINK about your statement that started this whole ball a-rolling. Because it's still wrong, and your "proof" of it just shows you to be even more wrong, on even more levels.

Trump is one person. The President, yes, but still only one person. That means that when you make a generalization about people, and then produce him, all by himself, and say, "Aha! That proves me right!" you've only proven that you're a fucking moron who believes things because he wants to, not because there's a reason to.

There, now you can go back to reviling the right while flattering yourself about how "moderate" and "reasonable" you are.

Too bad you are too blinded by the sheep's wool over your eyes to see that I am reviling the right and the left at the same time.

But such a concept is beyond you it seems.

Consider the possibility that you ACTUALLY just don't look all that "moderate" to anyone who isn't you.

I never claim to be moderate, moderates do not have strong views one way or the other, they are wishy washy in the middle...you might have noticed that I do indeed have strong views, they just do not correlate well with either of the two major parties. I do not fit in either of their boxes.
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?


Bill Clinton didn't win the popular vote, but got more votes than anyone else. It's not great, but it's better than someone winning with LESS votes than their opponent. It's like going into the Superbowl with 10 points already.

You said LESS. You’re an idiot. It’s FEWER. Dumbass Leftist.

Ignore list. Bye.
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?


My good person-----------> these things need to be removed by them because...…………...the constitution DEMANDS states rights, and they want everything controlled from Washington.

And yet, they are phony! They only want it ALL controlled by Washington, when they are in control of Washington, lol.

And to those like OLD LADY, and a few other traditional Democrats------------->these people are coming for YOU also, as soon as you realize they have gone to far, and voice your opinion! That is the people you are associating with!

The sooner people like OLD LADY and MAC realize this, the sooner you will regain your party. It is not the Republicans are great; because they are NOT! What it actually is--------> The Leftists are actually socialists trying to destroy the country you knew, and loved.

Most of you post regularly here. Do some homework! Look at JFK, or Jimmy Carter, or even Bill Clinton. How do their policies stack up against todays Left? Look at what was said by these Presidents, and what is said today by the modern left!

To everyone reading this post, realize WHAT you are actually fighting for, or standing up to promote! Take away the political monikers, and if you loved JFK, then you must despise today's Left.

If you do not understand this, then you are to partisan to be spoken to. A D or an R in front of their names has NOTHING to do with this, forget that. What this REALLY has to do with is what YOU actually believe in.

If you decide you believe in what far Leftists are putting forth; even as it goes against what every President guided us towards until Obama, then God bless you!

But, if you believe what JFK, Eisenhower, Truman, and Reagan believed in; then God Bless America!

Your choice, and if you don't vote, don't bitch!
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?


Bill Clinton didn't win the popular vote, but got more votes than anyone else. It's not great, but it's better than someone winning with LESS votes than their opponent. It's like going into the Superbowl with 10 points already.

You said LESS. You’re an idiot. It’s FEWER. Dumbass Leftist.

Ignore list. Bye.

LMAO weak
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?


My good person-----------> these things need to be removed by them because...…………...the constitution DEMANDS states rights, and they want everything controlled from Washington.

And yet, they are phony! They only want it ALL controlled by Washington, when they are in control of Washington, lol.

And to those like OLD LADY, and a few other traditional Democrats------------->these people are coming for YOU also, as soon as you realize they have gone to far, and voice your opinion! That is the people you are associating with!

The sooner people like OLD LADY and MAC realize this, the sooner you will regain your party. It is not the Republicans are great; because they are NOT! What it actually is--------> The Leftists are actually socialists trying to destroy the country you knew, and loved.

Most of you post regularly here. Do some homework! Look at JFK, or Jimmy Carter, or even Bill Clinton. How do their policies stack up against todays Left? Look at what was said by these Presidents, and what is said today by the modern left!

To everyone reading this post, realize WHAT you are actually fighting for, or standing up to promote! Take away the political monikers, and if you loved JFK, then you must despise today's Left.

If you do not understand this, then you are to partisan to be spoken to. A D or an R in front of their names has NOTHING to do with this, forget that. What this REALLY has to do with is what YOU actually believe in.

If you decide you believe in what far Leftists are putting forth; even as it goes against what every President guided us towards until Obama, then God bless you!

But, if you believe what JFK, Eisenhower, Truman, and Reagan believed in; then God Bless America!

Your choice, and if you don't vote, don't bitch!
One of the best post I have read on USMB ever!:clap2:

I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?

Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

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Over 50% no


Well, if we're talking majority ....

I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?


Bill Clinton didn't win the popular vote, but got more votes than anyone else. It's not great, but it's better than someone winning with LESS votes than their opponent. It's like going into the Superbowl with 10 points already.
I look back now on Clinton and realize I did well under him. He really looks middle isle when compared to Obama


That's because he was pragmatic enough to know he didn't control Congress so he worked with them instead of against them. Obama was incapable of doing that.
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?


What changed? The democrats keep losing Presidential elections.....
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?

Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

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View attachment 222140

Only because Perot was running as a spoiler....he never won the majority of the country....

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