Why Did Views on The Electoral College and Popular Vote Change?

No, sorry, a handful of fringe lunatics on an Internet message board is not "my side doing what the other side does". It's a handful of anonymous nobody fringe lunatics on the Internet. I happen to consider major media outlets, political office holders, and the most recent Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College to be something entirely different, and more important, than what dimwits on a message board say.

What about this...what do you consider it...

View attachment 222207

Donald Trump being an idiot. He frequently is. And I've been saying he's an idiot since he decided to run for President. Where have YOU been, that you don't know that?

Is he any different than the Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College?

Insofar as he's not accompanied by large segments of his party and has presumably been told differently and actually listened, yes. Otherwise, what part of "idiot" was not clear enough for you?

So, he changed because he has been told differently and actually listened, and not because things went his way this time with the EC.

I see. So, he is different after all. Shocking

I see. So, you're going to believe you hear blind, partisan "hypocrisy" no matter what I say. Shocking.
What about this...what do you consider it...

View attachment 222207

Donald Trump being an idiot. He frequently is. And I've been saying he's an idiot since he decided to run for President. Where have YOU been, that you don't know that?

Is he any different than the Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College?

Insofar as he's not accompanied by large segments of his party and has presumably been told differently and actually listened, yes. Otherwise, what part of "idiot" was not clear enough for you?

So, he changed because he has been told differently and actually listened, and not because things went his way this time with the EC.

I see. So, he is different after all. Shocking

I see. So, you're going to believe you hear blind, partisan "hypocrisy" no matter what I say. Shocking.

I call it like I see it. The other people are hypocrites, Trump "actually listened"...but yeah there is no partisanship there on your part! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?

Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

View attachment 222139
View attachment 222140
Over 50% no


That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics
Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

View attachment 222139
View attachment 222140
Over 50% no


That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.
Over 50% no


That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.
LMAO. She is calling for abolishment of the electoral college.

Donald Trump being an idiot. He frequently is. And I've been saying he's an idiot since he decided to run for President. Where have YOU been, that you don't know that?

Is he any different than the Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College?

Insofar as he's not accompanied by large segments of his party and has presumably been told differently and actually listened, yes. Otherwise, what part of "idiot" was not clear enough for you?

So, he changed because he has been told differently and actually listened, and not because things went his way this time with the EC.

I see. So, he is different after all. Shocking

I see. So, you're going to believe you hear blind, partisan "hypocrisy" no matter what I say. Shocking.

I call it like I see it. The other people are hypocrites, Trump "actually listened"...but yeah there is no partisanship there on your part! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

You misunderstand (yet another big shock). I have no idea what he actually thinks at this moment . . . and I don't care. I'm not his mother; I'm not his wife; I'm not his Chief of Staff. The only thing that matters to me is that he presumably changed his mind; WHY is not my fucking problem. He's not making any effort to undermine or abolish the Electoral College, and for an average, everyday American who's never met the man and probably never will, that's all that's important. Maybe you spend a lot of time and effort trying to discern and judge whether or not unknowable motivations are "pure enough" to suit you. That's your problem, not mine.

Hillary Clinton, the media, and various political officeholders on the left, however, have not only not changed their minds, they are actually working up to trying to do away with the Electoral College. So yes, I consider that VERY different from Trump, and I consider it to be a lot worthier of my attention, alarm, and condemnation than one stupid, forgotten tweet, and fuck you if you see those priorities as "hypocrisy" and demand that I spend equal effort on unequal threats. Fortunately for me, I didn't ask you for your approval, wouldn't take it if you offered it, and have so little interest in guidance from anyone stupid enough to make such suggestions that it would require new technology and a rewriting of the laws of physics to measure it.

Now, IS there anything else you'd like to throw out and have me stomp into the ground, or will that be it?
Over 50% no


That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.

The shift in question, Mensa Boy, would be from NOT demanding the Electoral College be abolished as an "evil mistake", to doing so.
That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.
LMAO. She is calling for abolishment of the electoral college.


yes, I am aware of that. But not for the reason that your OP claimed.
Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

View attachment 222139
View attachment 222140
Over 50% no


That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

Now WTF does that have to do with Bill Clinton who did indeed win the popular vote, dope?
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.
LMAO. She is calling for abolishment of the electoral college.


yes, I am aware of that. But not for the reason that your OP claimed.
There were many here very proud of Obama's electoral college results.

Over 50% no


That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

Now WTF does that have to do with Bill Clinton who did indeed win the popular vote, dope?
No he didn't. More people voted for someone else than Bill Clinton

You misunderstand (yet another big shock). I have no idea what he actually thinks at this moment . . . and I don't care. I'm not his mother; I'm not his wife; I'm not his Chief of Staff. The only thing that matters to me is that he presumably changed his mind; WHY is not my fucking problem. He's not making any effort to undermine or abolish the Electoral College, and for an average, everyday American who's never met the man and probably never will, that's all that's important. Maybe you spend a lot of time and effort trying to discern and judge whether or not unknowable motivations are "pure enough" to suit you. That's your problem, not mine.

Hillary Clinton, the media, and various political officeholders on the left, however, have not only not changed their minds, they are actually working up to trying to do away with the Electoral College. So yes, I consider that VERY different from Trump, and I consider it to be a lot worthier of my attention, alarm, and condemnation than one stupid, forgotten tweet, and fuck you if you see those priorities as "hypocrisy" and demand that I spend equal effort on unequal threats. Fortunately for me, I didn't ask you for your approval, wouldn't take it if you offered it, and have so little interest in guidance from anyone stupid enough to make such suggestions that it would require new technology and a rewriting of the laws of physics to measure it.

Now, IS there anything else you'd like to throw out and have me stomp into the ground, or will that be it?

When you are done having your stomping temper tantrum, go back and look at my statement that started this whole ball a rolling...

Which was this...Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

Trump objected to the EC when it did not give him the desired results, not that it did he has no issues with it.

Which is in line with why I said people object to things.

There, now you can go back to stomping on the ground.

That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

Now WTF does that have to do with Bill Clinton who did indeed win the popular vote, dope?
No he didn't. More people voted for someone else than Bill Clinton


Bill Clinton got more votes than any other individual.
That is not what you said, one does not need to be over 50% to win the popular vote.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

Now WTF does that have to do with Bill Clinton who did indeed win the popular vote, dope?
No he didn't. More people voted for someone else than Bill Clinton


Sure he did. You didn't see a Bush/Perot president did ya?
No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.
LMAO. She is calling for abolishment of the electoral college.


yes, I am aware of that. But not for the reason that your OP claimed.
There were many here very proud of Obama's electoral college results.


I am sure they were, he got the most popular votes and the most Electoral College votes.
But in the current case, that's the beef... right?

Point being.. More people voted for Perot and Dole than did for Clinton

Why the shift?


No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

Now WTF does that have to do with Bill Clinton who did indeed win the popular vote, dope?
No he didn't. More people voted for someone else than Bill Clinton


Sure he did. You didn't see a Bush/Perot president did ya?
That's because they didn't win the electoral college which is how Slick Willie won....... right?

I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.
LMAO. She is calling for abolishment of the electoral college.


yes, I am aware of that. But not for the reason that your OP claimed.
There were many here very proud of Obama's electoral college results.


I am sure they were, he got the most popular votes and the most Electoral College votes.
And one of those is irrelevant

I'll let you guess which one

There is still no shift. She is complain that the person that got the most popular votes did not win the election...that has not changed.

That was not the case for her husband, he got the most votes and won the election.
LMAO. She is calling for abolishment of the electoral college.


yes, I am aware of that. But not for the reason that your OP claimed.
There were many here very proud of Obama's electoral college results.


I am sure they were, he got the most popular votes and the most Electoral College votes.
And one of those is irrelevant

I'll let you guess which one


Yet you are the one that started a thread about the irrelevant one.


There is a lot of that going on with you Trump sheep.

Must have been in the latest talking points email.
No one is asserting that, dope.
There is no shift and no direct comparison to either the Gore or HRC elections.
I guess you missed this earlier. I;ll post again for you slow readers.

Does she not represent the Democrat party?


Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Hillary Clinton: Time to abolish the Electoral College - CNNPolitics

Now WTF does that have to do with Bill Clinton who did indeed win the popular vote, dope?
No he didn't. More people voted for someone else than Bill Clinton


Sure he did. You didn't see a Bush/Perot president did ya?
That's because they didn't win the electoral college which is how Slick Willie won....... right?


In the popular vote between the three, he won. He also won the EC vote. Thank Ross I suppose.

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