Why Did Views on The Electoral College and Popular Vote Change?

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!

So what.
See topic title.

All caught up now?

Sorry to blow the narrative you parrots are copying from your propagandists!
The Democrats have been advocating for the abolition of the Electoral College for at least two or three decades.

They haven't changed. Your propagandists are lying to you.

But Trump sure did! :lol:

I wonder why...
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Look at the date/time stamp on that tweet.

Trump was butt hurt Obama had just won re-election by an electoral landslide compared to the popular vote.

Obama achieved 61.4 percent of the electoral vote, compared to 51.1 percent of the popular vote.

Trump did not achieve either one of those benchmarks, so his tweet is especially rich in irony. :lol:

Hell, even Romney got a larger percentage of the popular vote than Trump did!

So what.
See topic title.

All caught up now?

Sorry to blow the narrative you parrots are copying from your propagandists!

Hey, you're the dipshit going on about Obama and Romney, Obama's gone and Hillary lost, move on, Jesus.
an empty house at Trumps inauguration tells the story.

No, him being sworn in at his inauguration tells the story.

However much you want to claim, "But THIS means WE actually won!" he's still President.
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?

Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

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I think what he was going for was that Clinton didn't win a majority in the popular vote.

But that is not what he said.

What can I say? Some people aren't as articulate as others.

Also, as he pointed out, if you count ALL the people who voted who did not vote for Clinton, he didn't win the popular vote. Had it been a standard two-candidate race, he arguably would have lost.

Really irrelevant to the topic of the thread, though. I don't think anyone doubts that the only real reason that the left objects to the Electoral College, and now the Senate, is because the system isn't favoring them.

Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.
Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

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View attachment 222140

I think what he was going for was that Clinton didn't win a majority in the popular vote.

But that is not what he said.

What can I say? Some people aren't as articulate as others.

Also, as he pointed out, if you count ALL the people who voted who did not vote for Clinton, he didn't win the popular vote. Had it been a standard two-candidate race, he arguably would have lost.

Really irrelevant to the topic of the thread, though. I don't think anyone doubts that the only real reason that the left objects to the Electoral College, and now the Senate, is because the system isn't favoring them.

Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.

Well, if those same people talking about respecting the laws and institutions of this country were not bashing the FBI on a daily basis you might have a point..
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?

Are you drunk this morning? Bill won the popular vote both elections.

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I think he was trying to point out that he received a plurality of votes, but not a majority

That is not what he said, not even close. And Obama did win a majority both times.
Nice straw man.


It is not a fucking strawman, you said that Clinton never won the popular vote, that is a lie. it is not my fault that you are too stupid to know the difference.

Maybe he meant from popular people? As opposed to those who got pushed into lockers?
I think what he was going for was that Clinton didn't win a majority in the popular vote.

But that is not what he said.

What can I say? Some people aren't as articulate as others.

Also, as he pointed out, if you count ALL the people who voted who did not vote for Clinton, he didn't win the popular vote. Had it been a standard two-candidate race, he arguably would have lost.

Really irrelevant to the topic of the thread, though. I don't think anyone doubts that the only real reason that the left objects to the Electoral College, and now the Senate, is because the system isn't favoring them.

Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.

Well, if those same people talking about respecting the laws and institutions of this country were not bashing the FBI on a daily basis you might have a point..

When the right bashes the FBI, they're not bashing the institution. They're bashing the people perverting the institution into something it isn't supposed to be. Sort of like when the right complains about the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, they're not bashing the institution of the Supreme Court; they're bashing the people misusing it.

Y'know, it's important to actually listen to the words when people talk. Words mean things.
I mean, Slick Willie Clinton never won the popular vote. Even candycorn was proud to post the electoral college results every time Obama got lambasted. As she included it in her signature

So what's different now?


Bill Clinton didn't win the popular vote, but got more votes than anyone else. It's not great, but it's better than someone winning with LESS votes than their opponent. It's like going into the Superbowl with 10 points already.

You said LESS. You’re an idiot. It’s FEWER. Dumbass Leftist.
I think what he was going for was that Clinton didn't win a majority in the popular vote.

But that is not what he said.

What can I say? Some people aren't as articulate as others.

Also, as he pointed out, if you count ALL the people who voted who did not vote for Clinton, he didn't win the popular vote. Had it been a standard two-candidate race, he arguably would have lost.

Really irrelevant to the topic of the thread, though. I don't think anyone doubts that the only real reason that the left objects to the Electoral College, and now the Senate, is because the system isn't favoring them.

Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.

Well, if those same people talking about respecting the laws and institutions of this country were not bashing the FBI on a daily basis you might have a point..

Like the Leftists and James Comey? Ha ha ha ba
But that is not what he said.

What can I say? Some people aren't as articulate as others.

Also, as he pointed out, if you count ALL the people who voted who did not vote for Clinton, he didn't win the popular vote. Had it been a standard two-candidate race, he arguably would have lost.

Really irrelevant to the topic of the thread, though. I don't think anyone doubts that the only real reason that the left objects to the Electoral College, and now the Senate, is because the system isn't favoring them.

Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.

Well, if those same people talking about respecting the laws and institutions of this country were not bashing the FBI on a daily basis you might have a point..

When the right bashes the FBI, they're not bashing the institution. They're bashing the people perverting the institution into something it isn't supposed to be. Sort of like when the right complains about the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, they're not bashing the institution of the Supreme Court; they're bashing the people misusing it.

Y'know, it's important to actually listen to the words when people talk. Words mean things.

It is always "different" when your side does it.

Those of us without a side do not seem much difference.
The left's faux rage over the EC vs popular vote is laughable. Liberals routinely run to the courts to overturn the result of popular votes when they don't like the result.
Taz is very correct, they lost. If Clinton had won only by the electoral college and Trump had won the popular vote they would be defending it to the bitter end. They will always try and change anything that does not allow them to win. If changing it does not allow them to win they will change it again or go back to what we had. Why do you think they are so upset that the so called flyover areas have representation? Why do you think they want the higher population areas to have more representation?
If they can get the illegal people counted as living in the State without the status It could increase the Seats they get in the House....Progressives on the move.
The left's faux rage over the EC vs popular vote is laughable. Liberals routinely run to the courts to overturn the result of popular votes when they don't like the result.
Er.. umm... Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98

Pot meet Kettle.
Taz is very correct, they lost. If Clinton had won only by the electoral college and Trump had won the popular vote they would be defending it to the bitter end. They will always try and change anything that does not allow them to win. If changing it does not allow them to win they will change it again or go back to what we had. Why do you think they are so upset that the so called flyover areas have representation? Why do you think they want the higher population areas to have more representation?
If they can get the illegal people counted as living in the State without the status It could increase the Seats they get in the House....Progressives on the move.
What can I say? Some people aren't as articulate as others.

Also, as he pointed out, if you count ALL the people who voted who did not vote for Clinton, he didn't win the popular vote. Had it been a standard two-candidate race, he arguably would have lost.

Really irrelevant to the topic of the thread, though. I don't think anyone doubts that the only real reason that the left objects to the Electoral College, and now the Senate, is because the system isn't favoring them.

Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.

Well, if those same people talking about respecting the laws and institutions of this country were not bashing the FBI on a daily basis you might have a point..

When the right bashes the FBI, they're not bashing the institution. They're bashing the people perverting the institution into something it isn't supposed to be. Sort of like when the right complains about the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, they're not bashing the institution of the Supreme Court; they're bashing the people misusing it.

Y'know, it's important to actually listen to the words when people talk. Words mean things.

It is always "different" when your side does it.

Those of us without a side do not seem much difference.

No, it's always different THE WAY my side does it.

And it's always "the same" when YOU want to hear it that way.

Those of you pretending not to take a side mysteriously never see much difference when you don't want there to be.

Let me see if I can simple it up enough even for the likes of you. "The Supreme Court should apply the law, not write it" is bashing the people and misuse; "Abolish the Electoral College and the Senate!" is bashing the institution itself.

If you still "do not see much difference", I won't be the least bit surprised. I also won't be bothering to try to explain the English language or critical thinking skills any further, since I never wanted a career in Special Ed.
Isnt that the only reasons anyone objects to much of anything these days?

No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.

Well, if those same people talking about respecting the laws and institutions of this country were not bashing the FBI on a daily basis you might have a point..

When the right bashes the FBI, they're not bashing the institution. They're bashing the people perverting the institution into something it isn't supposed to be. Sort of like when the right complains about the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, they're not bashing the institution of the Supreme Court; they're bashing the people misusing it.

Y'know, it's important to actually listen to the words when people talk. Words mean things.

It is always "different" when your side does it.

Those of us without a side do not seem much difference.

No, it's always different THE WAY my side does it.

And it's always "the same" when YOU want to hear it that way.

Those of you pretending not to take a side mysteriously never see much difference when you don't want there to be.

Let me see if I can simple it up enough even for the likes of you. "The Supreme Court should apply the law, not write it" is bashing the people and misuse; "Abolish the Electoral College and the Senate!" is bashing the institution itself.

If you still "do not see much difference", I won't be the least bit surprised. I also won't be bothering to try to explain the English language or critical thinking skills any further, since I never wanted a career in Special Ed.

But you willfully choose to ignore your side doing what the other side does. There have been multiple people on here calling to abolish the FBI and other organizations.

one coin, two sides.
The left's faux rage over the EC vs popular vote is laughable. Liberals routinely run to the courts to overturn the result of popular votes when they don't like the result.
Er.. umm... Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98

Pot meet Kettle.

Er . . . ummm . . . Bush wasn't trying to overturn anything.

Big Lie, meet actual history.

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

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