Why Did Views on The Electoral College and Popular Vote Change?

The left's faux rage over the EC vs popular vote is laughable. Liberals routinely run to the courts to overturn the result of popular votes when they don't like the result.
Er.. umm... Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98

Pot meet Kettle.

Er . . . ummm . . . Bush wasn't trying to overturn anything.

Big Lie, meet actual history.

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

Wrong, Bush won fair and square then Gore tried to steal the election. Hanging chads my ass.
No. If you bothered to listen at all, you'd realize that when people on the right talk about respecting the laws and institutions of this country, they actually mean it. Whatever cynical "Oh, they SAY that, but they really just want power" spin you've been putting on it is basically just in your head.

Well, if those same people talking about respecting the laws and institutions of this country were not bashing the FBI on a daily basis you might have a point..

When the right bashes the FBI, they're not bashing the institution. They're bashing the people perverting the institution into something it isn't supposed to be. Sort of like when the right complains about the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, they're not bashing the institution of the Supreme Court; they're bashing the people misusing it.

Y'know, it's important to actually listen to the words when people talk. Words mean things.

It is always "different" when your side does it.

Those of us without a side do not seem much difference.

No, it's always different THE WAY my side does it.

And it's always "the same" when YOU want to hear it that way.

Those of you pretending not to take a side mysteriously never see much difference when you don't want there to be.

Let me see if I can simple it up enough even for the likes of you. "The Supreme Court should apply the law, not write it" is bashing the people and misuse; "Abolish the Electoral College and the Senate!" is bashing the institution itself.

If you still "do not see much difference", I won't be the least bit surprised. I also won't be bothering to try to explain the English language or critical thinking skills any further, since I never wanted a career in Special Ed.

But you willfully choose to ignore your side doing what the other side does. There have been multiple people on here calling to abolish the FBI and other organizations.

one coin, two sides.

No, sorry, a handful of fringe lunatics on an Internet message board is not "my side doing what the other side does". It's a handful of anonymous nobody fringe lunatics on the Internet. I happen to consider major media outlets, political office holders, and the most recent Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College to be something entirely different, and more important, than what dimwits on a message board say.

And if you want to screech "Hypocrisy!" because I don't devote as much attention to running around hollering at every board poster who says something stupid about the FBI as I do to opposing public figures proposing the abolition of the EC . . . well, see above, regarding "dimwits on a message board". Feel free to take your "one coin" and both its sides and shove it up your "I see no difference if I don't want to admit it" ass.
The left's faux rage over the EC vs popular vote is laughable. Liberals routinely run to the courts to overturn the result of popular votes when they don't like the result.
Er.. umm... Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98

Pot meet Kettle.

Er . . . ummm . . . Bush wasn't trying to overturn anything.

Big Lie, meet actual history.

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

Wrong, Bush won fair and square then Gore tried to steal the election. Hanging chads my ass.

Yes Georgy Boy won the election in part because his shysters out lawyer'd Vice President Inconvenient Bullshit's shysters.

… but "fair and square" lost its place in American Politics shortly after George Washington left office and was promptly replaced by monkey see, monkey do and the one upsmanship of partisan hypocrisy hasn't taken a breather since.
No, sorry, a handful of fringe lunatics on an Internet message board is not "my side doing what the other side does". It's a handful of anonymous nobody fringe lunatics on the Internet. I happen to consider major media outlets, political office holders, and the most recent Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College to be something entirely different, and more important, than what dimwits on a message board say.

What about this...what do you consider it...

The left's faux rage over the EC vs popular vote is laughable. Liberals routinely run to the courts to overturn the result of popular votes when they don't like the result.
Er.. umm... Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98

Pot meet Kettle.

Er . . . ummm . . . Bush wasn't trying to overturn anything.

Big Lie, meet actual history.

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

Bullshit. There's no number of times that Big Lie is going to be repeated that's going to make it true, much less make me feel some sort of guilt for it. I don't spend a lot of time feeling guilty over things that ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Feel free to shout "Hypocrisy!" until your face turns blue. We aren't, it didn't happen, and I utterly reject YOUR right to pass judgement on it when you clearly don't remember past last week and weren't paying attention anyway.

One major reason I pay no attention to people who give me that "I'm so superior because I condemn BOTH sides" line: because they're virtually always making shit up to enable their idiocy.
The left's faux rage over the EC vs popular vote is laughable. Liberals routinely run to the courts to overturn the result of popular votes when they don't like the result.
Er.. umm... Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98

Pot meet Kettle.

Er . . . ummm . . . Bush wasn't trying to overturn anything.

Big Lie, meet actual history.

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

Wrong, Bush won fair and square then Gore tried to steal the election. Hanging chads my ass.

Yes Georgy Boy won the election in part because his shysters out lawyer'd Vice President Inconvenient Bullshit's shysters.

… but "fair and square" lost its place in American Politics shortly after George Washington left office and was promptly replaced by monkey see, monkey do and the one upsmanship of partisan hypocrisy hasn't taken a breather since.

Feel free to offer an alternative.
Er.. umm... Bush v. Gore 531 U.S. 98

Pot meet Kettle.

Er . . . ummm . . . Bush wasn't trying to overturn anything.

Big Lie, meet actual history.

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

Wrong, Bush won fair and square then Gore tried to steal the election. Hanging chads my ass.

Yes Georgy Boy won the election in part because his shysters out lawyer'd Vice President Inconvenient Bullshit's shysters.

… but "fair and square" lost its place in American Politics shortly after George Washington left office and was promptly replaced by monkey see, monkey do and the one upsmanship of partisan hypocrisy hasn't taken a breather since.

Feel free to offer an alternative.

An alternative to what ? George W. Bush and Al Gore? such a target rich environment... hmmm..

Satan? at least The Prince of Darkness is honest about being an unethical, disingenuous dick weed, not the mention the fact that he appears to be a halfway competent executive.
Er . . . ummm . . . Bush wasn't trying to overturn anything.

Big Lie, meet actual history.

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

Wrong, Bush won fair and square then Gore tried to steal the election. Hanging chads my ass.

Yes Georgy Boy won the election in part because his shysters out lawyer'd Vice President Inconvenient Bullshit's shysters.

… but "fair and square" lost its place in American Politics shortly after George Washington left office and was promptly replaced by monkey see, monkey do and the one upsmanship of partisan hypocrisy hasn't taken a breather since.

Feel free to offer an alternative.

An alternative to what ? George W. Bush and Al Gore? such a target rich environment... hmmm..

Satan? at least The Prince of Darkness is honest about being an unethical, disingenuous dick weed, not the mention the fact that he appears to be a halfway competent executive.

I have no use for people who just bitch and moan about a problem and never offer any solutions.
Dude, what are you talking about? She was on the same ballot as any congressman, amendment, bill or referendum. Her name was on the ballot I cast. It didn’t have an X Next to it when I mailed it in however.

If you tell me your state I will give you the laws about the ballot. You *cannot* have voted for Hillary or Trump. Its not up to you. Only the electoral college can vote on a president.
Hillary Clinton got not one popular vote because people only vote for electors.
Then why aren't the ELECTORS on the ballot, like they used to be during our founder's time?

There were no electors on the ballot.... only candidates, so we voted for the candidate, NOT the electors....?

We cant keep going over this over and over. This should settle it. If it doesnt know that if you continue to be dense I will just ignore it. My state still puts the electors. When I lived in Texas the electors appeared as well. I cant say for sure if they still do. No matter. In every state, regardless of appearance on the ballot, only electors are voted for.

US Constitution Article II Section 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows :Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.

You shouldnt need more than that. There is no higher law. But I'll add from the Federal Register for clarity. (Note the .gov domain)

"The second part of the process happens on Election Day. When the voters in each state cast votes for the Presidential candidate of their choice they are voting to select their state's Electors. The potential Electors' names may or may not appear on the ballot below the name of the Presidential candidates, depending on election procedures and ballot formats in each state."

U. S. Electoral College: Who Are the Electors? How Do They Vote?

And from the left wing media back when they were still hoping and praying the electoral college would renege on its duties and install Hillary Clinton as president.( "Hamilton..and a play..and Hamilton said something...all the best celebrities agree...")

"When voters go to the polls, they’re actually casting ballots for their party’s slate of electors, rather than a presidential candidate. Though Trump and Clinton’s names appear on the ballot, they’re really stand-ins for electors."

Who are the electors?

Bullshit, he was using the courts to make sure that all the votes in Florida weren't counted.

… which is EXACTLY the kind of thing the left wing dingbats do when they don't like the way things are going.

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same hypocrisy coin.

Wrong, Bush won fair and square then Gore tried to steal the election. Hanging chads my ass.

Yes Georgy Boy won the election in part because his shysters out lawyer'd Vice President Inconvenient Bullshit's shysters.

… but "fair and square" lost its place in American Politics shortly after George Washington left office and was promptly replaced by monkey see, monkey do and the one upsmanship of partisan hypocrisy hasn't taken a breather since.

Feel free to offer an alternative.

An alternative to what ? George W. Bush and Al Gore? such a target rich environment... hmmm..

Satan? at least The Prince of Darkness is honest about being an unethical, disingenuous dick weed, not the mention the fact that he appears to be a halfway competent executive.

I have no use for people who just bitch and moan about a problem and never offer any solutions.

Sorry to hear that.

… on the bright side, I hear there's a twelve step program that'll help you deal with that problem.

Alternatively you could just keep plugging away at that posting your way to solutions strategy you're pursuing, seems to be working out spectacularly so far.:cool:
Trump didn't even manage to win the plurality, let alone the majority.

He won the majority of States which gave him the Electoral College win.

Also had it not been for California Hillary Popular vote win would not have happen.

She only won the National Popular vote by three million because of her Four million more votes in California.

Ao let be factual and admit Hillary was not as popular in the majority of States!
The only important "mob" action going on in America is in D.C., in hallowed marble halls.
Two wolves devouring the flesh and fortune of obviously willing flocks.
Some think those lobos have leashes. Some think at the ends of those leashes are ever larger canines.

You bring up such dumb arguments.

We don’t know how liberals will act if their candidate ever wins the electoral college but not the popular vote. It hasn’t happened and isn’t likely to.

We do know how liberals act when the GOP candidate wins the WH while being less popular than his opponent. We accept the result because that’s the system we have. Just like we have with this asshole Trump. He’s the president. We are dealing with him as president.

Now, we also don’t know how you assholes would behave if the Dem candidate were ever to win the WH while losing the popular vote. We can guess, but we don’t know. How do YOU think you’d react?

One thing is for sure. When your guy wins even though he gets fewer votes....you fucking love it.
No, sorry, a handful of fringe lunatics on an Internet message board is not "my side doing what the other side does". It's a handful of anonymous nobody fringe lunatics on the Internet. I happen to consider major media outlets, political office holders, and the most recent Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College to be something entirely different, and more important, than what dimwits on a message board say.

What about this...what do you consider it...

View attachment 222207

Donald Trump being an idiot. He frequently is. And I've been saying he's an idiot since he decided to run for President. Where have YOU been, that you don't know that?
No, sorry, a handful of fringe lunatics on an Internet message board is not "my side doing what the other side does". It's a handful of anonymous nobody fringe lunatics on the Internet. I happen to consider major media outlets, political office holders, and the most recent Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College to be something entirely different, and more important, than what dimwits on a message board say.

What about this...what do you consider it...

View attachment 222207

Donald Trump being an idiot. He frequently is. And I've been saying he's an idiot since he decided to run for President. Where have YOU been, that you don't know that?

Is he any different than the Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College?
Some of us have always opposed the electoral college system for being a useless vestige of the past.
That doesn't make us 'right' or 'left', it just means we have an opinion.
That is correct. It does not make you left or right. It just makes you wrong.
That is what most Americans seem to think.
It feels nice to be in the majority.
No, sorry, a handful of fringe lunatics on an Internet message board is not "my side doing what the other side does". It's a handful of anonymous nobody fringe lunatics on the Internet. I happen to consider major media outlets, political office holders, and the most recent Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College to be something entirely different, and more important, than what dimwits on a message board say.

What about this...what do you consider it...

View attachment 222207

Donald Trump being an idiot. He frequently is. And I've been saying he's an idiot since he decided to run for President. Where have YOU been, that you don't know that?

Is he any different than the Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College?

Insofar as he's not accompanied by large segments of his party and has presumably been told differently and actually listened, yes. Otherwise, what part of "idiot" was not clear enough for you?
No, sorry, a handful of fringe lunatics on an Internet message board is not "my side doing what the other side does". It's a handful of anonymous nobody fringe lunatics on the Internet. I happen to consider major media outlets, political office holders, and the most recent Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College to be something entirely different, and more important, than what dimwits on a message board say.

What about this...what do you consider it...

View attachment 222207

Donald Trump being an idiot. He frequently is. And I've been saying he's an idiot since he decided to run for President. Where have YOU been, that you don't know that?

Is he any different than the Democrat candidate for President calling for abolition of the Electoral College?

Insofar as he's not accompanied by large segments of his party and has presumably been told differently and actually listened, yes. Otherwise, what part of "idiot" was not clear enough for you?

So, he changed because he has been told differently and actually listened, and not because things went his way this time with the EC.

I see. So, he is different after all. Shocking

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