Why did you vote for Trump...let's be blunt.

Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that

How? lol

To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that

When? This I gotta see.

To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that


To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that

When did he do that?

To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that

And Mexico's gonna pay for it, right? LOL

To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that

Huh? What the hell does that even mean?

To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that


To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that

Hahahahahahahahahahahah......that's rich

To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that


To bring God back to our nation...he's done that

When? When Melania recited the Our Father? LOL

To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that


I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.

You barely give a shit about facts, apparently.

Am I missing something here?

You're missing a few screws, that's for sure

Playing stupid and pretending shit isn't happening isn't usually an effective way to debate an issue.
What Trump has been able to accomplish or has tried to accomplish in a very short period has been spelled out many times...is that what you need me to do?

Well, yeah. That's why I asked you those questions ya dunce. Considering not ONE of your items on your list is true, you should be able to back them up with something....though I highly doubt you'll be able to do it without linking out to some bizarre rightist site or repeating some worn out right wing talking point like the muppet you are.

No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.
#1 Capitalism It touches and enhances nearly every aspect of modern living like the rays of the sun would shine down allowing a plant to grow, so too does capitalism shine down and improve our lives. Capitalism is the life blood of this nation, it brought us from secular insulated communities forced to "make due" into the grand interwoven tapestry that provides us an unprecedented standard of living and quality of life. It is a shame that today's pampered citizens have allowed their greed and envy to cloud their vision on the true beauty and benefit of capitalism; it seems to me these idiots would prefer to blow up the sun on the off chance that it 'might' have a CME - and thus doom us all to a return to historic poverty.

#2 Illegal Immigration In typical hypocrisy, we are expected to support non-citizens with our earnings, not because said folks necessarily bring anything to the table, but rather because democrats need votes. I'm consistently astounded at how stupid left wing supporters are by falling for this so thinly veiled fraud. Immigration is lovely, but illegal immigration degrades everything - from job availability, to our school resources, to our welfare rolls (via anchor babies), to our crime rates and "American social norms."

#3 Fair Trade Our previous trade negotiators suck ass. I can't decide if the intention was some kind of global wealth redistribution scheme, or just idiots who don't know how to math...

#4 Law and Order I'm not sure how you lower 48ers survive frankly, I've been calling it the lawless south for a good while. Crime is like a disease, if you don't treat it, it spreads. I'm just thankful that the attempts to "infect" Alaska have largely failed, thanks to our excellent police officers and the hard nosed enforcement policies born of our Christian base up here. While I might disagree with some of their stances for personal and intellectual reasons (LGBT, pro-life, etc.) I have much respect for how their dedication to the "morals of God" play out on the canvas as far as catching and punishing criminals goes. This ties in the SCOTUS pick as well.

#5 Honesty I'm sure the liberals will laugh, but then again they're snowed by the most simple of tricks (see #2). I'm tired of word games and bullshit, the PC culture (dishonest twisting of words looking for something to complain about,) the disastrous faux extension of racism (here again for votes), and the whole rediculious bathroom thing (which had a disastrous effect on LGBT progress, again all for votes.) Very few of my LGBT people even gave a shit, yet the dems needed votes so they pushed it into a frenzy of constitutional conflicts, the votes failed the dems, but the backlash of their crap will be floating around for years; the fucking assholes. I'm tired of our politicians selling out American laws and values for votes (both sides frankly)

#6 ISIS We've been pussy footing around with these bastards for almost a decade, pave the fucks already and lets move on. If we're so interested in stopping the power vacuum then we need to take over the damn area - that might finally bring stability and peace to a bloody spot of hell on the planet that's been stuck in a perpetual war since the beginning of time.

#7 Public Education Even if it's not exactly a "platform" of President Trump's, there is no doubt that he has drawn attention to the glaring anti-american anti-free speech sentiments that our education system is putting out. Finally. I hope that we pick up that ball and correct the dangerous subversive elements that have taken over the raising of our children in this nation.

#8 Corruption I've long felt that our government was corrupt to the core and that the nation was on the "wrong side" in many issues. While it remains to be seen if President Trump can really drain the swamp or not, either way the reality of deep corruption is being brought to light now; from the FBI playing political favorites, to spying on not only our allies in other nations but American's themselves, and all manor of barbs that [ideally at least] would separate America from despotism. We American's must push back this slide, haul our government back up to its proper standing as the brightest star in the sky - We are like the parents of the planet today, we must show the children nations that we are worth striving to be; that is the best way to promote freedom and democracy, not through underhanded dealings and throwing money around, but leading by example.

meh I'm in the middle of a project so I'll stop there.
No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.

I disagree. in my opinion, they are lying trash that know exactly what they are doing.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that

How? lol

To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that

When? This I gotta see.

To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that


To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that

When did he do that?

To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that

And Mexico's gonna pay for it, right? LOL

To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that

Huh? What the hell does that even mean?

To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that


To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that

Hahahahahahahahahahahah......that's rich

To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that


To bring God back to our nation...he's done that

When? When Melania recited the Our Father? LOL

To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that


I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.

You barely give a shit about facts, apparently.

Am I missing something here?

You're missing a few screws, that's for sure

Playing stupid and pretending shit isn't happening isn't usually an effective way to debate an issue.
What Trump has been able to accomplish or has tried to accomplish in a very short period has been spelled out many times...is that what you need me to do?

Well, yeah. That's why I asked you those questions ya dunce. Considering not ONE of your items on your list is true, you should be able to back them up with something....though I highly doubt you'll be able to do it without linking out to some bizarre rightist site or repeating some worn out right wing talking point like the muppet you are.

No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.

Exactly as I thought. I knew you were just running your big fucking mouth in the OP. That's all you ever do here anyway.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that

How? lol

To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that

When? This I gotta see.

To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that


To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that

When did he do that?

To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that

And Mexico's gonna pay for it, right? LOL

To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that

Huh? What the hell does that even mean?

To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that


To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that

Hahahahahahahahahahahah......that's rich

To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that


To bring God back to our nation...he's done that

When? When Melania recited the Our Father? LOL

To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that


I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.

You barely give a shit about facts, apparently.

Am I missing something here?

You're missing a few screws, that's for sure

Playing stupid and pretending shit isn't happening isn't usually an effective way to debate an issue.
What Trump has been able to accomplish or has tried to accomplish in a very short period has been spelled out many times...is that what you need me to do?

Well, yeah. That's why I asked you those questions ya dunce. Considering not ONE of your items on your list is true, you should be able to back them up with something....though I highly doubt you'll be able to do it without linking out to some bizarre rightist site or repeating some worn out right wing talking point like the muppet you are.

No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.

Hello pot, have you met kettle?

You are as much a partisan hypocrite as you accuse others of being.
To piss off the Clinton's and the Obama's Do ya think it worked?
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that

How? lol

To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that

When? This I gotta see.

To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that


To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that

When did he do that?

To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that

And Mexico's gonna pay for it, right? LOL

To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that

Huh? What the hell does that even mean?

To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that


To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that

Hahahahahahahahahahahah......that's rich

To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that


To bring God back to our nation...he's done that

When? When Melania recited the Our Father? LOL

To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that


I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.

You barely give a shit about facts, apparently.

Am I missing something here?

You're missing a few screws, that's for sure

Playing stupid and pretending shit isn't happening isn't usually an effective way to debate an issue.
What Trump has been able to accomplish or has tried to accomplish in a very short period has been spelled out many times...is that what you need me to do?

Well, yeah. That's why I asked you those questions ya dunce. Considering not ONE of your items on your list is true, you should be able to back them up with something....though I highly doubt you'll be able to do it without linking out to some bizarre rightist site or repeating some worn out right wing talking point like the muppet you are.

No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.

I'm only going to say this once here, it took me decades to figure this out. If you're still operating from a Right/Left two party paradigm, if you still think Oswald killed JFK, if you still think 19 backward assed Saudi's pulled of 9/11 you need to stop all of that shit right now :(

None of what we do matters. You found out in 2016 that Hillary was pre-chosen. You had a Republican super-delegate admit that THEY pick the candidates, not us.

You should have learned that WE created and are funding Al Qaeda and Isis and that we are, or were supporting them BOTH in Syria. We truly live in a "Matrix", and we truly are only here for one purpose, to make the Bankster's money. Hence, we are going to war.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that

How? lol

To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that

When? This I gotta see.

To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that


To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that

When did he do that?

To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that

And Mexico's gonna pay for it, right? LOL

To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that

Huh? What the hell does that even mean?

To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that


To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that

Hahahahahahahahahahahah......that's rich

To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that


To bring God back to our nation...he's done that

When? When Melania recited the Our Father? LOL

To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that


I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.

You barely give a shit about facts, apparently.

Am I missing something here?

You're missing a few screws, that's for sure

Playing stupid and pretending shit isn't happening isn't usually an effective way to debate an issue.
What Trump has been able to accomplish or has tried to accomplish in a very short period has been spelled out many times...is that what you need me to do?

Well, yeah. That's why I asked you those questions ya dunce. Considering not ONE of your items on your list is true, you should be able to back them up with something....though I highly doubt you'll be able to do it without linking out to some bizarre rightist site or repeating some worn out right wing talking point like the muppet you are.

No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.

Hello pot, have you met kettle?

You are as much a partisan hypocrite as you accuse others of being.

Most of the shit you people stand for or against has almost nothing to do with being partisan or not...it's often times rudimentary issues based on right and wrong.
You loons love science but you'll defy basic biology.
You applaud almost all that should be denounced.
You remove shame from what should be shameful.
You cheer our worst and condemn our best.
I could go on and on....These are not "partisan" issues.
How? lol

When? This I gotta see.


When did he do that?

And Mexico's gonna pay for it, right? LOL

Huh? What the hell does that even mean?


Hahahahahahahahahahahah......that's rich


When? When Melania recited the Our Father? LOL


You barely give a shit about facts, apparently.

You're missing a few screws, that's for sure

Playing stupid and pretending shit isn't happening isn't usually an effective way to debate an issue.
What Trump has been able to accomplish or has tried to accomplish in a very short period has been spelled out many times...is that what you need me to do?

Well, yeah. That's why I asked you those questions ya dunce. Considering not ONE of your items on your list is true, you should be able to back them up with something....though I highly doubt you'll be able to do it without linking out to some bizarre rightist site or repeating some worn out right wing talking point like the muppet you are.

No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.

Hello pot, have you met kettle?

You are as much a partisan hypocrite as you accuse others of being.

Most of the shit you people stand for or against has almost nothing to do with being partisan or not...it's often times rudimentary issues based on right and wrong.
You loons love science but you'll defy basic biology.
You applaud almost all that should be denounced.
You remove shame from what should be shameful.
You cheer our worst and condemn our best.
I could go on and on....These are not "partisan" issues.

Such as?
#1 Capitalism It touches and enhances nearly every aspect of modern living like the rays of the sun would shine down allowing a plant to grow, so too does capitalism shine down and improve our lives. Capitalism is the life blood of this nation, it brought us from secular insulated communities forced to "make due" into the grand interwoven tapestry that provides us an unprecedented standard of living and quality of life. It is a shame that today's pampered citizens have allowed their greed and envy to cloud their vision on the true beauty and benefit of capitalism; it seems to me these idiots would prefer to blow up the sun on the off chance that it 'might' have a CME - and thus doom us all to a return to historic poverty.

#2 Illegal Immigration In typical hypocrisy, we are expected to support non-citizens with our earnings, not because said folks necessarily bring anything to the table, but rather because democrats need votes. I'm consistently astounded at how stupid left wing supporters are by falling for this so thinly veiled fraud. Immigration is lovely, but illegal immigration degrades everything - from job availability, to our school resources, to our welfare rolls (via anchor babies), to our crime rates and "American social norms."

#3 Fair Trade Our previous trade negotiators suck ass. I can't decide if the intention was some kind of global wealth redistribution scheme, or just idiots who don't know how to math...

#4 Law and Order I'm not sure how you lower 48ers survive frankly, I've been calling it the lawless south for a good while. Crime is like a disease, if you don't treat it, it spreads. I'm just thankful that the attempts to "infect" Alaska have largely failed, thanks to our excellent police officers and the hard nosed enforcement policies born of our Christian base up here. While I might disagree with some of their stances for personal and intellectual reasons (LGBT, pro-life, etc.) I have much respect for how their dedication to the "morals of God" play out on the canvas as far as catching and punishing criminals goes. This ties in the SCOTUS pick as well.

#5 Honesty I'm sure the liberals will laugh, but then again they're snowed by the most simple of tricks (see #2). I'm tired of word games and bullshit, the PC culture (dishonest twisting of words looking for something to complain about,) the disastrous faux extension of racism (here again for votes), and the whole rediculious bathroom thing (which had a disastrous effect on LGBT progress, again all for votes.) Very few of my LGBT people even gave a shit, yet the dems needed votes so they pushed it into a frenzy of constitutional conflicts, the votes failed the dems, but the backlash of their crap will be floating around for years; the fucking assholes. I'm tired of our politicians selling out American laws and values for votes (both sides frankly)

#6 ISIS We've been pussy footing around with these bastards for almost a decade, pave the fucks already and lets move on. If we're so interested in stopping the power vacuum then we need to take over the damn area - that might finally bring stability and peace to a bloody spot of hell on the planet that's been stuck in a perpetual war since the beginning of time.

#7 Public Education Even if it's not exactly a "platform" of President Trump's, there is no doubt that he has drawn attention to the glaring anti-american anti-free speech sentiments that our education system is putting out. Finally. I hope that we pick up that ball and correct the dangerous subversive elements that have taken over the raising of our children in this nation.

#8 Corruption I've long felt that our government was corrupt to the core and that the nation was on the "wrong side" in many issues. While it remains to be seen if President Trump can really drain the swamp or not, either way the reality of deep corruption is being brought to light now; from the FBI playing political favorites, to spying on not only our allies in other nations but American's themselves, and all manor of barbs that [ideally at least] would separate America from despotism. We American's must push back this slide, haul our government back up to its proper standing as the brightest star in the sky - We are like the parents of the planet today, we must show the children nations that we are worth striving to be; that is the best way to promote freedom and democracy, not through underhanded dealings and throwing money around, but leading by example.

meh I'm in the middle of a project so I'll stop there.

"#2 Illegal Immigration In typical hypocrisy, we are expected to support non-citizens with our earnings, not because said folks necessarily bring anything to the table, but rather because democrats need votes. I'm consistently astounded at how stupid left wing supporters are by falling for this so thinly veiled fraud. Immigration is lovely, but illegal immigration degrades everything - from job availability, to our school resources, to our welfare rolls (via anchor babies), to our crime rates and "American social norms.""

I'd like to say I thought of this, and as much time as I spend contemplating these I should have.
This Sanctuary City thing is about Representation, not compassion. The more people "counted" in a given census, the more seats the State gets.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that

How? lol

To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that

When? This I gotta see.

To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that


To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that

When did he do that?

To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that

And Mexico's gonna pay for it, right? LOL

To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that

Huh? What the hell does that even mean?

To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that


To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that

Hahahahahahahahahahahah......that's rich

To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that


To bring God back to our nation...he's done that

When? When Melania recited the Our Father? LOL

To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that


I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.

You barely give a shit about facts, apparently.

Am I missing something here?

You're missing a few screws, that's for sure

Playing stupid and pretending shit isn't happening isn't usually an effective way to debate an issue.
What Trump has been able to accomplish or has tried to accomplish in a very short period has been spelled out many times...is that what you need me to do?

Well, yeah. That's why I asked you those questions ya dunce. Considering not ONE of your items on your list is true, you should be able to back them up with something....though I highly doubt you'll be able to do it without linking out to some bizarre rightist site or repeating some worn out right wing talking point like the muppet you are.

No offense but at some point it gets old going in circles with you brainless fucking idiots. If you can't see that Trump has worked tirelessly to deliver on promises made to his base than you're probably just a retarded Lefty with your head in your ass. You hate any truth that doesn't further your twisted agenda and ideology. You shield yourselves from things that would help you become un-twisted...you love being out of touch with reality.

Exactly as I thought. I knew you were just running your big fucking mouth in the OP. That's all you ever do here anyway.

I'm sensing some serious sphincter pain in this post...
Last edited:
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

Honestly, because he wasn't Hillary. I knew he wouldn't sell us out by supporting Soros and his one world order bullshit.

Also, he would take national security more seriously. That includes everything from border security to importing more radicals on purpose. Not to mention sending bombers to ISIS instead of money.

I also feel that, as a business man, he knows better than lifetime politicians what it takes to get our economy on track.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

I have no idea what fantasy world you're living in,

but I am very thankful it's not the real world.
Here are my reasons in short and in no order:
To fight to restore law and order...he's done that
To bitch slap nut-job Liberals...he's done that
To govern on behalf of our best...he's done that
To fight to bring jobs back to the U.S....he's done that
To fight to secure our southern border...he's done that
To bring likeminded REAL American's back together...he's done that
To bitch slap crooked politicians that have refused to enforce our laws...he's done that
To restore shame in what should be shameful...he's done that
To restore American pride and patriotism...he's done that
To bring God back to our nation...he's done that
To fight to make our nation safer from foreign whacko's...he's done that

I barely give a shit about foreign policy, I barely give a shit about Hussein Care, I don't give a shit at all if he's blowin' Putin or the Chinese president or NATO.
Am I missing something here?
I'm having a real hard time wrapping my head around how or why anyone who voted Trump would feel disappointed....You didn't elect a Politician, you elected someone to operate outside the box in every way. Forget what you thought you knew about how a traditional President should operate and how a traditional President should act. There is nothing traditional about Trump...you knew that and you expected that.

I often don't read RWNJs posts but I really do want to understand so I read this twice and jesus h fucking christ ----

He has not done even one of those things. Not even one.

Honestly, I have read his fake exec orders and I can't find much of anything he has done.

Watching him lie to, then screw over the miners who were right there in the room with him, and then have the nerve to give the SEVEN of them one stinking pen! All he did was give his 1% cronies permission to poison the mining community's water. Yeah, promise jobs then poison the children.

Then watching him lie to, stand up (twice), screw over the vets just so he could go play golf. The bastard didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets he lied to before.

My heart breaks for those people. They believed him. Most of them are desperate, really up against the wall and that son of a bitch lied to them and then the 1% fucker played some more golf.

Many trump voters now know they've been had, screwed by a master grifter family. The rest know it, even if they can't admit it.

You are my fellow Americans and I wish you well.

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I voted for Trump because of the Supreme Court I did not want to see that

open seat filled by another Ruth Bader Ginsberg type.

I'll never understand why you RWNJs vote for Citizens United.

Are ALL of you 1%ers?

If you're not, why do you vote to be owned by them?

Please answer ...


Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
BrokeLoser if you think REAL AMERICANS are only those who agree with you, then you're not a REAL AMERICAN.

I am an American, too.

Just as all low-life piece of shit's would love nothing more than to be overlooked and included in the percentages with productive people...all humans standing on this soil would love to be considered American…SORRY...it doesn't work that way. You must first act American to be considered a REAL American!

The Romans used to think they were special too, as did the Germans under Hitler's.

You are an American by an accident of birth. Nothing more. Having been born an American is no big deal. There are 300,000,000 million of you, and 63,000,000 of which were dumb enough to vote for Trump.
BrokeLoser if you think REAL AMERICANS are only those who agree with you, then you're not a REAL AMERICAN.

I am an American, too.

Just as all low-life piece of shit's would love nothing more than to be overlooked and included in the percentages with productive people...all humans standing on this soil would love to be considered American…SORRY...it doesn't work that way. You must first act American to be considered a REAL American!

The Romans used to think they were special too, as did the Germans under Hitler's.

You are an American by an accident of birth. Nothing more. Having been born an American is no big deal. There are 300,000,000 million of you, and 63,000,000 of which were dumb enough to vote for Trump.

You're right...why take pride in anything...my complete existence is accidental now that I think about it.
Thank you for verifying exactly why you weirdos can't and won't be prideful, patriotic and likeminded with your fellow American.
Oh wait...you're a fucking Canadian...your opinion doesn't matter...haha
Isn't this U.S.messageboard.com? Isn't there a Canadian board that you can stalk people on...you might know something about the people of your own country? I'm thinking around here you're just another bitter foreigner looking in from the outside.

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