Why did you vote for Trump?

I didn't vote this last go round. I wish I had. I would have voted for Trump. In 2020, if he runs again...you bet your ass I will vote Trump.
How come you didn't vote?
I couldn't decide on the worst of the two evils running. Much to my surprise, Trump has done well. I'm glad he won.
Ahhh...You are in California? Not a swing state so either way win or lose California wouldn't have cost him....hopefully you get the chance to vote for him in 2020. I think my entire family voted for Trump. Me and the wife voted early,my parents voted absentee...
Sorry bout that,

  1. Trump is and was always fit to lead, fit to change USA back to what it once was before Obama, *what it was back in the 1950's, when America was Great indeed*, USA is so lucky he ran, there is little surprise he won, even with all the back stabbing from the GOP, the Liberal Media always doing a hatchet job on what ever he does, the Democrats slinging a constant flow of bullshit, starting with the Hillary dossier, put into play by McCain, there you have *WHY*, in a nice little *nutshell*!
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It was a last minute decision for me when I voted early.

I was going to vote for Johnson as I did in the last election. After thinking about, in the voting booth I might add, I decided to vote for Trump.

He's not a politician and I decided a non politician was someone we needed.

Its a vote I have never, ever regretted taking.

Trump keeps his campaign promises and he is making America great again.

He'll have my vote in 2020 if he decides to run.

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