Why didn't Hillary suceed? Why didn't she accept the results?

You mean you don't think Trump is everything I said? What election were you watching? The man has so many dangerous personality disorders that Freud wouldn't know where to begin.
Disagreed on all points. Time will tell, but Trump's speech and comments about Hillary after she conceded are more telling than campaign trail rhetoric.

I wish it was just rhetoric. His staff had to take away his Twitter account because he kept making an ass of himself.

I hope Republicans in the House and Senate can keep him in check, I really do.
Hillary lost because the American people rejected Washington politics. They did so by voting for the most disgusting human being that's ever run for office, but apparently it's what they wanted. They would rather have an asshole, sexist, narcissitic, sociopath, ect........... then politics as usual.

Just keep up that rhetoric that isnt true and the american people rejected and see what happens in 4 years.

Not true?

You mean you don't think Trump is everything I said? What election were you watching? The man has so many dangerous personality disorders that Freud wouldn't know where to begin.
That's enough out of you asshole!
You a fucking loser!
I bet that's not the first time someone's told you that.
Permanent Ignore!
It's 6 AM on the west coast.
Hillary is already into her second bottle of Bombay gin by now.
She'll drink herself to death within a year.
BTW I've NEVER made ANY prediction on this forum that hasn't come true.
Go back to the Zimmerman case and see for yourselves.
I wish it was just rhetoric. His staff had to take away his Twitter account because he kept making an ass of himself.

I hope Republicans in the House and Senate can keep him in check, I really do.

1) Trump still has his Twitter account. You might want to recheck your sources.

2) Congress always does....if they choose to do their job.
No one called the election until well after midnight. She called and conceeded to Donald and he accepted. She'll speak this morning. Transition of power is working fine. As for why she didn't suceed? Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Most of us expected her to lose Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, and New Hampshire. But she did hold on to Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia, etc. But she lost in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, states the DNC have held onto for years and years.

So any lessons as to what happened will lie with what happened in those states.
No one called the election until well after midnight. She called and conceeded to Donald and he accepted. She'll speak this morning. Transition of power is working fine. As for why she didn't suceed? Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Most of us expected her to lose Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, and New Hampshire. But she did hold on to Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia, etc. But she lost in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, states the DNC have held onto for years and years.

So any lessons as to what happened will lie with what happened in those states.
An oversimplification because, no, "most of us" didn't expect "her to lose Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, and New Hampshire." Most were called "tossup states" for a reason.

Regardless, it was a very close race in most states, so just examining "Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania" would be repeating the same mistakes that caused the DNC to underestimate the American people in the first place.
When has Hillary ever succeeded at anything? No seriously I can't tell you
Couldn't happen to a nastier piece of shit. She should pack her shit with the rest of Hillywood and Move On out of here.

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that's so funny when you voted for the nastiest most disgusting candidate i've ever seen.

You voted for a future inmate of our prison system! What a great day to be an American!
No one called the election until well after midnight. She called and conceeded to Donald and he accepted. She'll speak this morning. Transition of power is working fine. As for why she didn't suceed? Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Most of us expected her to lose Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, and New Hampshire. But she did hold on to Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia, etc. But she lost in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, states the DNC have held onto for years and years.

So any lessons as to what happened will lie with what happened in those states.
The final lesson is not to nominate a fucking corrupt career Washington insider.
The ONLY person to blame is Hillary herself.
She spent decades crossing the line so often she eventually came to believe she was immune to what everyone else would be held accountable for.
I've been waiting for several hours for Hillary's concession speech which means I've listened to talking heads for more time today than I have in the last two weeks. All keep mentioning about this "long campaign" and a few times the 596 days of campaigning was mentioned. Although no one said it, I wonder if the extremely long campaign, almost 20 months worth, was a factor in Hillary losing? Sure, the distrust, her paranoid exclusive use of a private server, the shifty way she deleted emails, etc all played a factor, but I wonder is the tipping point was sheer weariness on the part of the American voters?

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