Why Didn't Mary Just Tell Them?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
If I remember correctly when Mary was starting to show in her belly is when her parents and her husband Joseph started getting suspicious of her being pregnant because they knew that she hadn't slept with Joseph yet as I do believe she got pregnant before she was married. So, then shouldn't she have prepared them for it ahead of time? She had to have known that they were going to ask questions.
If I remember correctly when Mary was starting to show in her belly is when her parents and her husband Joseph started getting suspicious of her being pregnant because they knew that she hadn't slept with Joseph yet as I do believe she got pregnant before she was married. So, then shouldn't she have prepared them for it ahead of time? She had to have known that they were going to ask questions.
Leave little mary alone------she was a kid
Back then it wasn't considered a child age. People lived shorter lives.
Nope-----back then people lived, if a rock did not fall on their heads or
if they did not contract cholera------at about the same life span that people
now live ----ie, about 80 years. You are citing a misapprehension. The
age of majority for jewish girls was and is 12.5. Boys were SUPPOSED to
married by age 18
Back then it wasn't considered a child age. People lived shorter lives.
I did read the book-----and the WAY I remember it-----little mary was BETHROVED to
Joe when she got pregnant-------so she was LEGALLY just a bit "premature" AS far
as I understand Jewish law (yeah THAT FAR) baby jesus was LEGIT
You don't remember correctly. The Angell Gabriel appeared to Joseph and told him long before Mary became pregnant. Joseph was told to care for her and protect her.
John the BAPTIST ----used to go around yelling "REPENT, REPENT ---the kingdom
of GAWD is at hand--------I read that somewhere. Such an assertion SUGGESTS
a messiah thing, John the BAPTIST was probably a GILGUL of Elijah
You don't remember correctly. The Angell Gabriel appeared to Joseph and told him long before Mary became pregnant. Joseph was told to care for her and protect her.
I don't remember that part either. ------Gabriel would have made a good BEST MAN
I don't remember that part either. ------Gabriel would have made a good BEST MAN
oh MATTHEW !!!! the putative tax collector. He never met either Joseph or
Jesus as far as I can tell----his entire life being veiled in MYSTERY. I do not trust
Roman tax collectors
If I remember correctly when Mary was starting to show in her belly is when her parents and her husband Joseph started getting suspicious of her being pregnant because they knew that she hadn't slept with Joseph yet as I do believe she got pregnant before she was married. So, then shouldn't she have prepared them for it ahead of time? She had to have known that they were going to ask questions.
Little 14 year old girls who got pregnant without marriage got stoned to death. That girl had guts. She said yes.
And she got shit for it. And, God had to convince Joseph to marry her in spite of the circumstances.
She went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist at the time. Elizabeth's husband was a priest and could have condemned Mary on the spot. But that didn't stop her. And this was the result of her trip:

Luke 1:41 …where she entered the home of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb".
If I remember correctly when Mary was starting to show in her belly is when her parents and her husband Joseph started getting suspicious of her being pregnant because they knew that she hadn't slept with Joseph yet as I do believe she got pregnant before she was married. So, then shouldn't she have prepared them for it ahead of time? She had to have known that they were going to ask questions.

Ummmm NO. Try looking up Jewish marriage laws of that time. One of the ways a wife was "acquired" was through sex. You fuck her, she's your wife....especially if she gets preggo. And btw, generally these children obviously conceived before any formal marriage were called the CHILDREN of GOD. Mary got pregnant---waited till after it was obvious she was pregnant before officially married so she and Joseph got married (no ceremony needed) and the offspring since the timing didn't add up till she was officially joseph's wife was the Son of God. Don't have to worry about being stoned to death for it this way.
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Little 14 year old girls who got pregnant without marriage got stoned to death.

Okay,.. that's a reasonable explanation as she would be afraid of getting stoned, but didn't she come from a spiritual family? If she told them that God had chosen her to give birth to His Son you would think that not only would they believe it, but realize the fact that a true miracle had occurred.
oh MATTHEW !!!! the putative tax collector. He never met either Joseph or
Jesus as far as I can tell----his entire life being veiled in MYSTERY. I do not trust
Roman tax collectors

He wrote one of the Gospels

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