Why didn't Obama make any public comments...

His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Then he should have kept his mouth shut when those black criminals were put down. There was no federal interest in taking sides or commenting. However, this murder was due to sanctuary cities violating federal immigration law.

Should he?

He was elected the first black president. Many black people voted for him with hope in mind. Hope that the troubles between black and white would stop. Hope that the racism would stop. Hope that things would be different, and as a president he's pointing to some of the difficult things that are still going on in a country in 2015.

I mean, for a country with the Bill of Rights, the 14th Amendment, the declaration of independence, for freedom, a country which still seems to have people with a mentality of keeping others down, like gay people, black people, anyone who isn't white at all, it's pretty shameful that all this stuff still goes on. It points to failed policies after failed policies stretching back to 1776 and reaching until the present day.

No federal interest in pointing out that there are problems in society? Then I'd ask what's the point of govt at all if pointing out big problems and trying to solve them isn't part of government.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Then he should have kept his mouth shut when those black criminals were put down. There was no federal interest in taking sides or commenting. However, this murder was due to sanctuary cities violating federal immigration law.

Should he?

He was elected the first black president. Many black people voted for him with hope in mind. Hope that the troubles between black and white would stop. Hope that the racism would stop. Hope that things would be different, and as a president he's pointing to some of the difficult things that are still going on in a country in 2015.

I mean, for a country with the Bill of Rights, the 14th Amendment, the declaration of independence, for freedom, a country which still seems to have people with a mentality of keeping others down, like gay people, black people, anyone who isn't white at all, it's pretty shameful that all this stuff still goes on. It points to failed policies after failed policies stretching back to 1776 and reaching until the present day.

No federal interest in pointing out that there are problems in society? Then I'd ask what's the point of govt at all if pointing out big problems and trying to solve them isn't part of government.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.

Correct, so he should keep him trap shut about any.
Why didn't he make a statement? Simple.

The same reason that the Democrat party has never apologized for their racist past, they think they have done nothing wrong.

He didn't make a statement because see it as a social issue that this innocent woman was murdered by one of his bright lights that keeps sneaking across the border. Just another white person being killed by a person of color, move on, nothing to see here, dog bites man.....
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Well he sure made it a point to get his ass in front of a camera every time the leftist media concocted a "case" that justified riots and looting?

He's not a right wing president. He doesn't need to pander to the right.

Also, white people haven't been enslaved or suffered the bad side of segregation, they're not top.

Why should Obama show more empathy to blacks based on the admitted historical wrong of slavery?
None of his ancestors were slaves. None of his ancestors were victims of segregation.

Every once in a while he should remember that he is half white and supposed to be the President of ALL Americans.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Well he sure made it a point to get his ass in front of a camera every time the leftist media concocted a "case" that justified riots and looting?

He's not a right wing president. He doesn't need to pander to the right.

Also, white people haven't been enslaved or suffered the bad side of segregation, they're not top.

Just asking why he with regards to previous cases he made it a point to jump the gun and get in front of a camera, without even having all the facts at hand, and make blanket statements in order to incite riots.
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His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
How about being HONEST FW? It was a dead white woman and he does not give a damn about dead white women.

Seeing as his mother was white and a woman, oh and is dead, I think you'd probably find that you're talking a lot of nonsense.

Right and as we can see he considers himself more white than black. LOL
Who got more money?
The two dozen PLUS victims of Sandy Hook?
The LESS then a dozen victims of the church shooting?

He ALREADY set the value of lives based on color and it's on record.

I'm sorry, but the value of lives based on color in the US has been something that existed from day one, and black person and Native Americans weren't of the higher value.

Sometimes people who have suffered and still suffer, need someone to fight for them. Just because the president doesn't come out and condemn every murder, doesn't mean that those murders he doesn't condemn he doesn't care less about.

But hey, you're just looking for another, in a massive long line, excuse to attack a guy you don't like because he's a democratic president.

Partisan politics. It's amazing. 90% of this forum is just partisan bull that isn't even worth reading.

Democrats and Republicans slagging it out so the people don't see how much they are kept under the thumb of big money.

Just asking why Oblahblah didn't get in front of the cameras to condemn the killing of an innocent women by a liberal immigration system providing sanctuary to criminals. Was this woman's life not worth it? I guess she didn't rob a store, beat up its owner, and then attack a cop, like Mike Brown.
Obama says nothing because his policy of sanctuary cities is what go this girl killed. That and he's a racist.
This case highlights who Obama is. A case like this which has gotten so much national attention, and the president hasn't said or done jack shit.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Then he should have kept his mouth shut when those black criminals were put down. There was no federal interest in taking sides or commenting. However, this murder was due to sanctuary cities violating federal immigration law.

Should he?

He was elected the first black president. Many black people voted for him with hope in mind. Hope that the troubles between black and white would stop. Hope that the racism would stop. Hope that things would be different, and as a president he's pointing to some of the difficult things that are still going on in a country in 2015.

I mean, for a country with the Bill of Rights, the 14th Amendment, the declaration of independence, for freedom, a country which still seems to have people with a mentality of keeping others down, like gay people, black people, anyone who isn't white at all, it's pretty shameful that all this stuff still goes on. It points to failed policies after failed policies stretching back to 1776 and reaching until the present day.

No federal interest in pointing out that there are problems in society? Then I'd ask what's the point of govt at all if pointing out big problems and trying to solve them isn't part of government.
You've given me an excellent reason to continue believing that we should never elected a black president ever again in this country. He is supposed to be the president of all of us not for the black people and that's the way he's conducting himself. I repeat there is no federal reason for him to be calling these black families because their son was murdered or killed. But there is a federal reason for him to be involved in problems with sanctuary cities releasing hardened criminals. They are violating federal law.
Why should Obama show more empathy to blacks based on the admitted historical wrong of slavery?
None of his ancestors were slaves. None of his ancestors were victims of segregation.

Every once in a while he should remember that he is half white and supposed to be the President of ALL Americans.

Who says he isn't being President of ALL Americans? Oh, apart from racists and people who just hate Democrats?

Race is a major issue. It's a part of the country and something that needs to be tackled.

Here's a thing about Germany, as an example.

In 1945 Germany was occupied. Four sections were made, French, British, American and Russian. The Russian part became East Germany. The other three parts West Germany. There was also one other area, Austria, which has been a part of the 3rd Reich when Hitler invaded/was let in to cheering crowds (what's the difference, right?).
So, there was a process of de-Nazification which stopped when the US govt realised that Nazis made very good anti-Communists. However in West Germany the Germans there were forced to accept their guilt of what happened in WW2, especially to the Jews.
In Austria, they were told they were the victims of Hitler's aggression. Let's forget that Hitler was Austrian, let's forget that 40% of concentration camp commanders and 25% of their workers were Austrian. Let's forget that the Austrians wanted the Germans in, and let's forget that Hitler's racism came from beerhalls in Vienna and other such places. No, Austria was a victim which didn't need to worry about guilt.
In East Germany the Russians didn't care at all, they only cared about people being good Communists. Be loyal to the USSR and Communism and whatever you did in the war will be forgotten.

So bring on 70 years later. What impact has this had? A massive one actually.

The NPD, basically a far right party that contests elections in Germany, does well in the former East Germany.


You can see that those places which are 12%+ are former East Germany, those places below 12% are former West Germany.

Austria has far right-ish parties. In 2000 Austria (in the EU) was diplomatically embargoed because Jorg Haider's FPOe got into junior govt. Then he went on to form the BZOe, a Carinthian party that was also based on very right wing stuff.
I lived in Carinthia for a year, and I asked some kids if they thought policies which made it illegal to give Nazi Salutes and so on (because a dog in Germany had done this and its owner had gone to prison) should be repealed.
"No, otherwise we'll become Nazis again".

So, Austria and East Germany are far more racist simple because they have not had to deal with the impact of what happened in WW2.

Back to the USA.

People aren't dealing with the issue of race much. The killing the other week has forced people to think more about racism. Murders of black kids by white police officers is forcing open the debate.

You see many people, like yourself, who are resisting this debate, but it's happening, and it's changing the US, but it will be a painful debate, it's going much slower than West Germany's debate.

However, the ONLY way race as an issue will disappear is people open up to it and talk about it.

Obama's doing that. He making the dialogue happen. He's doing what he, as President, should be doing. He's doing what Bush didn't do, what Clinton didn't do, What Bush snr didn't do, what Reagan didn't do..........

Change. He promised change, he's helping change come about.

Sure, you don't like it. Just as many don't like gay marriage. Just as many didn't like the end to segregation, just as many didn't like the end of slavery. How many people NOW believe that slavery and segregation were right? Things were dealt with, issues discussed, people took on the issue and NOW the issues have been resolved. But the whole issue of racism has not been resolved, there's a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong damn way to go. The ONLY way to solve these issues is by discussing them.

Other things also need to happen, better education and opportunities would make this go faster, especially when kids confront race and racism in school, and especially when people learn skills like debating.
This case highlights who Obama is. A case like this which has gotten so much national attention, and the president hasn't said or done jack shit.

So you're complaining he has done stuff, and you're complaining he hasn't done anything, at the same time. Impressive.
You've given me an excellent reason to continue believing that we should never elected a black president ever again in this country. He is supposed to be the president of all of us not for the black people and that's the way he's conducting himself. I repeat there is no federal reason for him to be calling these black families because their son was murdered or killed. But there is a federal reason for him to be involved in problems with sanctuary cities releasing hardened criminals. They are violating federal law.

This is kind of like a rich person saying that the govt doesn't work for them because an unemployed person is getting unemployment benefits.
"Hey, the govt is supposed to be equal and fair, if he get $100 a week, I should get $100 a week too".

No doubt you said before Obama was elected that he would be a bad president and every day you go looking for reasons to prove this.

I don't think Obama has done an amazing job, he's had some fuck ups, he's done most things right. Compared to his predecessor who is going to go down as one of the worst presidents, certainly in the bottom three in the past 114 years.

But are you discussing or just bashing? I've fed up of the reps v. dems saturday night fight night every night that goes on here.
This case highlights who Obama is. A case like this which has gotten so much national attention, and the president hasn't said or done jack shit.

So you're complaining he has done stuff, and you're complaining he hasn't done anything, at the same time. Impressive.

Yeah he's done stuff like divide Americans and bash America every chance that he gets. At times when he needs to provide leadership he's AWOL.
This case highlights who Obama is. A case like this which has gotten so much national attention, and the president hasn't said or done jack shit.

So you're complaining he has done stuff, and you're complaining he hasn't done anything, at the same time. Impressive.

Yeah he's done stuff like divide Americans and bash America every chance that he gets. At times when he needs to provide leadership he's AWOL.

Divide America? America is so divided in the first place.

The only reason you're saying this is because the divide generally favors white richer males, not necessarily all at the same time, and you don't like it when you have to confront the reality of this situation.

Provide leadership when someone gets killed in America? Like I said, it happens 50 times a day.
This case highlights who Obama is. A case like this which has gotten so much national attention, and the president hasn't said or done jack shit.

So you're complaining he has done stuff, and you're complaining he hasn't done anything, at the same time. Impressive.

Yeah he's done stuff like divide Americans and bash America every chance that he gets. At times when he needs to provide leadership he's AWOL.

Divide America? America is so divided in the first place.

The only reason you're saying this is because the divide generally favors white richer males, not necessarily all at the same time, and you don't like it when you have to confront the reality of this situation.

Provide leadership when someone gets killed in America? Like I said, it happens 50 times a day.

Instead of uniting people he's poured gasoline on the fire. He's an expert at causing riots, and dividing people along economic, racial, ethnic, cultural and political lines. The con artist we have in office is employing an old trick in order just to garner more voters for his party. We all know that. That's why there was a landslide victory in the House and Senate the last election cycle.
Because he only reaches out to families and the public when he has an agenda.

Taking a stand against illegals that murder people is not on his list of political motivators.

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