Why didn't Obama make any public comments...

Instead of uniting people he's poured gasoline on the fire. He's an expert at causing riots, and dividing people along economic, racial, ethnic, cultural and political lines. The con artist we have in office is employing an old trick in order just to garner more voters for his party. We all know that. That's why there was a landslide victory in the House and Senate the last election cycle.

Uniting people You want a president who unites people? Come on, very few presidents have done such things, and certainly none of them have been the right wing presidents.

Right wingers are calling for unity based on THEIR terms. You unite to us, not us to you.

Come off it. You want everything to great for you and don't give a damn about others.

A lack of unity exists because people find ways to ignore dealing with problems. Like poverty.

I've a great idea, let's make poor people have a really bad education then tell them continually how they can fucking make it in the US with hard work. That'll be fun.
Because he only reaches out to families and the public when he has an agenda.

Taking a stand against illegals that murder people is not on his list of political motivators.

So, he has an agenda, not difficult in a country like the US where black people are far more likely to be at the bottom than white people, 25% black people in poverty to 7% white people. Black people are far more likely to be in inner city ghettos where the right can forget about them and use them as reasons why you need guns and wars.

The US is amazingly messed up. Someone needs an agenda to stop it being so. And yet when they have an agenda to do so, then people criticise them, why? Because they simply don't want it to change.

I mean, how good do you feel knowing you're no where near the bottom of society. If the bottom became more educated, and could make it in the US, like everyone says, then those in middle class obscurity might be feeling a little more nervous about their lives. No, better to have scapegoats for everything at the bottom of the pile who make us feel good.

If the president says anything about these people, then he's a bad president, he too should be ignoring them, that's what you voted him in for. Oh, wait, you didn't vote for him, did you?
Instead of uniting people he's poured gasoline on the fire. He's an expert at causing riots, and dividing people along economic, racial, ethnic, cultural and political lines. The con artist we have in office is employing an old trick in order just to garner more voters for his party. We all know that. That's why there was a landslide victory in the House and Senate the last election cycle.

Uniting people You want a president who unites people? Come on, very few presidents have done such things, and certainly none of them have been the right wing presidents.

Right wingers are calling for unity based on THEIR terms. You unite to us, not us to you.

Come off it. You want everything to great for you and don't give a damn about others.

A lack of unity exists because people find ways to ignore dealing with problems. Like poverty.

I've a great idea, let's make poor people have a really bad education then tell them continually how they can fucking make it in the US with hard work. That'll be fun.

Bill Clinton and Reagan united people. Obama hates America and whites and he projects it all the time. It isn't as if he didn't sit in some crazy preacher named Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and listened to the guy who performed Obama's marriage ceremony bash America 24/7. Funny part is people acted surprised when they realized Obama's true colors.

Educational system in this country is totally in the hands of the radical leftists and unions. And just like Baltimore and Chicago it's a total mess. But guess who they're pointing their fingers at? Anybody other than themselves.
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Because the perpetrator was arrested and charged with a crime.

And aside from Trayvon Martin Obama has spoken on none of these incidents. Don't try bringing Brown or any other black victim into it. Those comments from Obama don't exist.
Nah, Oblahblah had something to say about the police, even when his college professor / friend got arrested. He likes to stick his nose into anything that makes people hate each other.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
It's frightening to me how uninformed some people are.
Bill Clinton and Reagan united people. Obama hates America and whites and he projects it all the time. It isn't as if he didn't sit in some crazy preacher named Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and listened to the guy who performed Obama's marriage ceremony bash America 24/7. Funny part is people acted surprised when they realized Obama's true colors.

Educational system in this country is totally in the hands of the radical leftists and unions. And just like Baltimore and Chicago it's a total mess. But guess who they're pointing their fingers at? Anybody other than themselves.

They united people because they didn't say anything or do anything to really annoy others. Clinton was a politician and charismatic and liked to be liked. So his policies reflected that. He hardly stood up to anything he believed in, probably because he doesn't believe in anything except being popular. Reagan too, another populist. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you look good doing it.

But at the end of the day both of them kept away from issues that are extremely important and need to be solved, but didn't do so because they worried about their approval ratings.

Obama stands up what for he thinks is right. He has stood up for people not getting healthcare, he's standing up for people who have been at the bottom of society ever since forever.

He gets a lot of stick. Colin Powell was asked whether he'd run for president and he said 99% of people would hate him because he'd do what he thought was right.

You talk about Obama's true colors. Like what? That he's black. I think people could see this right from the start.

You also talk about bashing the US. No, he's bashing part of the US that isn't working. It's bull**** patriotic right wing nonsense that happens all over to label certain things they like as "patriotic" and that they are "patriots" because they support this and that and the other and this is what "patriots" do and anyone who doesn't support these views is a traitor and anti-American and.... and I've heard it all before. I've heard it in Europe, I've heard it in Asian, and I've heard it before in the US. Nothing new.

It's just simple bashing. You're not bashing him for doing something badly, your bashing him because you don't understand the problems, and you don't see solutions, you're just on the partisan bandwagon and anything that is part of the right wing wagon you will trumpet and anything not you will ridicule. And then you might even try and pretend you're being intelligent about it.
...on that poor woman that got killed by an illegal alien criminal that was deported five times yet kept coming back to SF abusing its outrageous sanctuary city laws? Perhaps because it wasn't an occasion to skewer law enforcement yet again, or maybe he couldn't incite another race riot followed by looting and destruction. Yup.
And had the president commented you and other nitwits on the right would whine about how the president is 'exploiting' the woman's murder.

This is the essence of the ridiculous right.
Instead of uniting people he's poured gasoline on the fire. He's an expert at causing riots, and dividing people along economic, racial, ethnic, cultural and political lines. The con artist we have in office is employing an old trick in order just to garner more voters for his party. We all know that. That's why there was a landslide victory in the House and Senate the last election cycle.

Uniting people You want a president who unites people? Come on, very few presidents have done such things, and certainly none of them have been the right wing presidents.

Right wingers are calling for unity based on THEIR terms. You unite to us, not us to you.

Come off it. You want everything to great for you and don't give a damn about others.

A lack of unity exists because people find ways to ignore dealing with problems. Like poverty.

I've a great idea, let's make poor people have a really bad education then tell them continually how they can fucking make it in the US with hard work. That'll be fun.

Bill Clinton and Reagan united people. Obama hates America and whites and he projects it all the time. It isn't as if he didn't sit in some crazy preacher named Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and listened to the guy who performed Obama's marriage ceremony bash America 24/7. Funny part is people acted surprised when they realized Obama's true colors.

Educational system in this country is totally in the hands of the radical leftists and unions. And just like Baltimore and Chicago it's a total mess. But guess who they're pointing their fingers at? Anybody other than themselves.
...on that poor woman that got killed by an illegal alien criminal that was deported five times yet kept coming back to SF abusing its outrageous sanctuary city laws? Perhaps because it wasn't an occasion to skewer law enforcement yet again, or maybe he couldn't incite another race riot followed by looting and destruction. Yup.
And had the president commented you and other nitwits on the right would whine about how the president is 'exploiting' the woman's murder.

This is the essence of the ridiculous right.

Perhaps you can tell us why he felt it necessary to comment on the Travon Martin, Mike Brown, and Gray cases, even before the true facts were out?
...on that poor woman that got killed by an illegal alien criminal that was deported five times yet kept coming back to SF abusing its outrageous sanctuary city laws? Perhaps because it wasn't an occasion to skewer law enforcement yet again, or maybe he couldn't incite another race riot followed by looting and destruction. Yup.
And had the president commented you and other nitwits on the right would whine about how the president is 'exploiting' the woman's murder.

This is the essence of the ridiculous right.

Perhaps you can tell us why he felt it necessary to comment on the Travon Martin, Mike Brown, and Gray cases, even before the true facts were out?

Maybe he remembered how Bush massively messed up after Katrina, and decided that some things, like these cases, the President HAS to make a comment before the true facts are out.

It's an image role. It's about looking good to those people who support you. Your opinion polls are not going to be boosted by moronic right wingers, they're never going to support you. You don't need to pacify these people. The people you need to pacify are people who are on your "side", and presenting the image that you care about events that are based on one of the most sensitive topics in politics, certainly helps.

Or maybe he just fucking cares.
...on that poor woman that got killed by an illegal alien criminal that was deported five times yet kept coming back to SF abusing its outrageous sanctuary city laws? Perhaps because it wasn't an occasion to skewer law enforcement yet again, or maybe he couldn't incite another race riot followed by looting and destruction. Yup.
Because the illegal murdering scum is a member of a politically correct protected class.
Obama kept his mouth shut for the same reason Donald Trump was pilloried in the media....For saying not so pleasant things ( all true) about some illegal aliens from Mexico.
Any one who denies that a significant portion of illegals from Mexico and Central America are not only committing serious crimes against their own, but against American citizens who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.....
BTW Illegals have for some time now drawn the interest of vicious Latino gangs such as MS-13 who have followed illegals into the US. The gangs have done this because the illegals are an easy mark for crime.....
Illegals keep a lot of cash at home because they do not want or have bank accounts.
Illegals whose only experience with law enforcement is the oft corrupt Mexican police authorities are reluctant to report crimes to local police because they believe the police hereare the same as those in their homeland.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Just a minute. On which issue that has gained national news attention has Obama NOT commented?
Please. Obama has something to say about almost everything,
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Well he sure made it a point to get his ass in front of a camera every time the leftist media concocted a "case" that justified riots and looting?

He's not a right wing president. He doesn't need to pander to the right.

Also, white people haven't been enslaved or suffered the bad side of segregation, they're not top.
Oh cut the fucking bullshit...
Show me one person alive today who was enslaved. Or for that matter show me black people who KNOW for a fact they had blood ancestors who were enslaved....
I am so sick of the "Black people were oppressed so therefore we must excuse them should they express bad conduct"......
Try something else.
...on that poor woman that got killed by an illegal alien criminal that was deported five times yet kept coming back to SF abusing its outrageous sanctuary city laws? Perhaps because it wasn't an occasion to skewer law enforcement yet again, or maybe he couldn't incite another race riot followed by looting and destruction. Yup.
Because Democrats made that stupid sanctuary law in SF. Obutthead can't say anything bad about his homeboyz in the democratic party that might make the look bad with the 2016 elections around the corner. Also it proved Trumps point about illegals.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Just a minute. On which issue that has gained national news attention has Obama NOT commented?
Please. Obama has something to say about almost everything,

So... he knows how to play the game. He knows how not to get caught with his underwear around his ankles like Dubya did.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Well he sure made it a point to get his ass in front of a camera every time the leftist media concocted a "case" that justified riots and looting?

He's not a right wing president. He doesn't need to pander to the right.

Also, white people haven't been enslaved or suffered the bad side of segregation, they're not top.
Oh cut the fucking bullshit...
Show me one person alive today who was enslaved. Or for that matter show me black people who KNOW for a fact they had blood ancestors who were enslaved....
I am so sick of the "Black people were oppressed so therefore we must excuse them should they express bad conduct"......
Try something else.

And your attitude is part of the problem. Do I expect you to see it? No, not at all.

Yes, black people have a hang up. You would to. Ancestors enslaved, ancestors and maybe even living relatives who lived through segregation. People who lived through difficult times when black people were called all sorts of things, denied the vote, denied decent education, denied a lot of things.

Have things changed? Yes they have. However they're not perfect. You don't want to see that black people still have legitimate reasons for being pissed off. Fine, you don't. Well this change will be just that much harder for you. But the change is happening.

Just as change is happening in gay rights, it's changing in how black people and other minorities are seen.

Sure, some people don't like change. But tough luck.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Really cause he had no problem with Trayvon Martin and Freddy Gray. J/S

And why do you think that was? I mean, really, try and think.

A clue, I've already mentioned it. Go read some of my previous posts if you really are stuck.

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