Why didn't Obama make any public comments...

...on that poor woman that got killed by an illegal alien criminal that was deported five times yet kept coming back to SF abusing its outrageous sanctuary city laws? Perhaps because it wasn't an occasion to skewer law enforcement yet again, or maybe he couldn't incite another race riot followed by looting and destruction. Yup.
She was white.
can't wait untl Obama disappears...
from US history...
in shame
he his Chelley and her lunches and all this !@#$%% ....all of him and his
can't wait...
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Really cause he had no problem with Trayvon Martin and Freddy Gray. J/S

And why do you think that was? I mean, really, try and think.

A clue, I've already mentioned it. Go read some of my previous posts if you really are stuck.
I'm still waiting for a reasonable answer, all I've read are excuses. The President didn't give a fuck enough to speak out because:

1. His party made the stupid sanctuary law that got that woman killed.
2. She's not black. Only black lives matter apparently.
3. It would highlight his shitty policy on illegals.
4.Saying anything negative about Illegals will get back lash as already proven by Donald Trump, even if what's said is true.
5.His speaking out only for blacks proves he's a racist. If he's not being racist by your standards that means he's just an asshole, take your pick.
His job would be quite difficult if he had to report on every person murdered. That'd be like 50 times a day he'd have to come out and make a statement because someone got killed.
Really cause he had no problem with Trayvon Martin and Freddy Gray. J/S

And why do you think that was? I mean, really, try and think.

A clue, I've already mentioned it. Go read some of my previous posts if you really are stuck.
I'm still waiting for a reasonable answer, all I've read are excuses. The President didn't give a fuck enough to speak out because:

1. His party made the stupid sanctuary law that got that woman killed.
2. She's not black. Only black lives matter apparently.
3. It would highlight his shitty policy on illegals.
4.Saying anything negative about Illegals will get back lash as already proven by Donald Trump, even if what's said is true.
5.His speaking out only for blacks proves he's a racist. If he's not being racist by your standards that means he's just an asshole, take your pick.

1) His party, not Obama, made a policy you think is stupid and which you think got this woman killed. Which you can only make with a load of assumptions, like, that without the sanctuary law the guy wouldn't have done what he did. Very tenuous.

2) Who said her life didn't matter? Do all the murders that happen that don't get spoken about mean the person doesn't matter. Plenty of black people have died in the US since Obama was president and he didn't comment on them.

3) So why no highlight policies on illegal immigrants instead of wasting your time just bashing the president?

4) "Saying anything negative about Illegals", what, like calling a whole group of people, legal or otherwise "rapists" shouldn't get a backlash. What are you on?

5) He's not speaking out just for black people. He speaking out for a society which has had and is still having problems with race that need to be talked about in the open. As for your nonsense about racism, jeez. It just shows you're more into partisan bull games rather than actually willing to discuss the issues.
can't wait untl Obama disappears...
from US history...
in shame
he his Chelley and her lunches and all this !@#$%% ....all of him and his
can't wait...
Not if Hillary gets in. She might possibly be even worse.

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