Why didn't Putin also hack and publish RNC emails?

If you paid attention, the hackers tried to hack into the RNC but couldn't break through the defenses. The intruders got through the DNC with simple phishing. Podesta gave the hackers his password.

An insider, now murdered, helped leaked the DNC emails. Assange had previously leaked some info on Republicans but the left has conveniently forgot that. Assange has taken credit for this from the start.

We've seen how lax Dems can be with cyber security. Even the Obamacare website was easy to hack for amateurs. Hillary didn't seem to give a shit about national security.

Yes, the Repubs had better security and no one was leaking anything.

The left needs to get off this Russia bullshit. Face it, Hillary was rejected by most states. Russia didn't tell people who to vote for. Russia didn't cause Hillary to act like an emotionless robot. Russia didn't cause Hillary to act like a crazy woman having seizures, to nearly pass out or have wild eye and head movements. Russia didn't cause Hillary to disrespect national security by having a homebrew server. Russia didn't tell the DNC to favor Hillary over Bernie. Many of these things turned people off.

Obama told illegals they could vote. Soros paid thugs to riot all over the country to rile people before and after the election. The media lied their asses off to help Hillary. They failed to report the truth about her while engaging in tabloid type reporting to go after Republicans. One reporter helped Hillary cheat in the debate by giving her questions beforehand and one moderator followed Hillary's signals to allow her to get another word in when she wanted.

That is interference with an election.

If you paid attention, the hackers tried to hack into the RNC but couldn't break through the defenses. The intruders got through the DNC with simple phishing. Podesta gave the hackers his password.

Bullshit. The RNC was hacked. They stated that once the hacking of the DNC was advised. The Russians didn't release any hacking of the RNC because the wanted Trump to win. He promised to gut NATO, which would give Putin a free hand to rebuild the Russian empire.

You do like to make up your shit, Mrs. Mao. Learn that from the old man?
What irony? Please explain.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
You are obviously illiterate. Your own link says that there was no evidence her server was hacked.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

So you're justification for breaking the law, compromising national security, destroying 30,000 emails after receiving a subpoena--well nothing happened. There is no direct evidence. There is also no direct evidence that it wasn't hacked. Lack of proof somehow proves your point, but we may never know.

Leftists have zero integrity. If this was a Republican you would be calling for a public lynching, and what is sad is that you are such a delusional partisan hack you can't admit that.
The point that I was making to the OP was very precise and accurate and had nothing to do with your current line of attack. It was not meant as a justification of Hillary Clinton. You calling me a partisan is laughable. You are obviously confused.

Oh, excuse me! You're obviously a down the line moderate, and way more delusional than I thought. The point you were making to the OP was "very precise and accurate", does it hurt contorting yourself like that just to kiss your own ass?

You're point is that there is no evidence that Russia attempted to hack the RNC, so obviously Russia just had it out for Clinton? If that is precise and accurate point, you're wrong.

Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion.

Republican National Committee Security Foiled Russian Hackers
If you paid attention, the hackers tried to hack into the RNC but couldn't break through the defenses. The intruders got through the DNC with simple phishing. Podesta gave the hackers his password.

God, just when you think someone can't get even dumber.
Assange wants to have the rape charges in Sweden dropped so he can leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London and go back to Australia. That takes money. Follow the money. Or were you not paying attention when the RNC broke into Watergate? Nothing has changed. The game is the same. Just different methods, idiot.
I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump. In my opinion, the fact that he didn't also hack and publish any RNC emails proves that he was in fact trying to swing the election to Trump. Tension was running high between Trump and the RNC during the campaign process - so does anyone doubt there would have been some damaging emails between the Trump camp and the RNC? Does anyone believe that Putin did hack the RNC - but Julian Assange (Wikileaks) refused to publish them? I would love to hear opposing arguments.
Who says they didnt hack the GOP? Maybe they just didnt have any scandalous cover ups and inter-party back stabbing in their emails. Dont compare republican politicians to corrupt democrats.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
You are obviously illiterate. Your own link says that there was no evidence her server was hacked.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

So you're justification for breaking the law, compromising national security, destroying 30,000 emails after receiving a subpoena--well nothing happened. There is no direct evidence. There is also no direct evidence that it wasn't hacked. Lack of proof somehow proves your point, but we may never know.

Leftists have zero integrity. If this was a Republican you would be calling for a public lynching, and what is sad is that you are such a delusional partisan hack you can't admit that.
The point that I was making to the OP was very precise and accurate and had nothing to do with your current line of attack. It was not meant as a justification of Hillary Clinton. You calling me a partisan is laughable. You are obviously confused.

Oh, excuse me! You're obviously a down the line moderate, and way more delusional than I thought. The point you were making to the OP was "very precise and accurate", does it hurt contorting yourself like that just to kiss your own ass?

You're point is that there is no evidence that Russia attempted to hack the RNC, so obviously Russia just had it out for Clinton? If that is precise and accurate point, you're wrong.

Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion.

Republican National Committee Security Foiled Russian Hackers

Hmmmm....since none of the Trumpers will actually read this.

From your link:
"And people close to the investigation said it indicated a less aggressive and much less persistent effort by Russian intelligence to hack the Republican group than the Democratic National Committee. Only a single email account linked to a long-departed RNC staffer was targeted."""

So in other words, Assange had to make it LOOK like he was hacking both parties, I get it.
You're point is that there is no evidence that Russia attempted to hack the RNC, so obviously Russia just had it out for Clinton? If that is precise and accurate point, you're wrong.

You should seek help for your problem with reading comprehension.
If you paid attention, the hackers tried to hack into the RNC but couldn't break through the defenses. The intruders got through the DNC with simple phishing. Podesta gave the hackers his password.

God, just when you think someone can't get even dumber.
Assange wants to have the rape charges in Sweden dropped so he can leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London and go back to Australia. That takes money. Follow the money. Or were you not paying attention when the RNC broke into Watergate? Nothing has changed. The game is the same. Just different methods, idiot.

What a blithering idiot. Connect the dots, of course there is a parallel to Watergate! Assange was literally the left's darling not long ago, now he's Nixon but more rapier.

Never mind that the DNC hack was due to negligence of their own staff, that even Obama is out there saying there wasn't anything substantive, there is no evidence of motive--and completely let us all ignore the fact that the NSA was caught doing infinitely more criminal cyber espinouge in 2011. America was spying on 1,000's of private organizations, foreign heads of state (Germany, Israel, Holland, etc).

Just ignore that there is much more concrete evidence that under Obama's order's illegal funds were spent to sway the Israeli election.

The is so inconsequential, much like the Democrat party itself. Relegated to making absurd conspiracy accusations to stay relevant. The Democrat party is a regional party with no national influence at all. Historically low number of state legislatures, governorships--and the Supreme Court stays conservative for another generation.

Obama led the Democrats to their demise, and now all they have left is this--I haven't been able to stop smiling since the election. Tell us more about how Boris and Natasha pulled a Rocky and Bullwinkle on Clinton, I love it!!!!!!!!
Putin did not hack the DNC. He has witnesses to prove that he was in planning sessions with the Russian military to deploy more troops in the Ukraine when this happened. It is an ironclad alibi.
I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump. In my opinion, the fact that he didn't also hack and publish any RNC emails proves that he was in fact trying to swing the election to Trump. Tension was running high between Trump and the RNC during the campaign process - so does anyone doubt there would have been some damaging emails between the Trump camp and the RNC? Does anyone believe that Putin did hack the RNC - but Julian Assange (Wikileaks) refused to publish them? I would love to hear opposing arguments.
The most likely explanation is that Putin did not want another Democrat as president. In other words, it is not so much that Putin wanted to have an unstable narcissist in the Oval Office as not wanting Hillary Clinton who would have been more resolute in opposing the ex-KGB bully than Trump appears to be.
More fake news.

Putin didn't publish the Hillary and DNC emails, Wikileaks did.

Correct....... but who supplied Wikiwiki?

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'
The WikiLeaks founder maintained his source was not state-sponsored.
Jason Murdock By Jason Murdock

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has said some of the cyberattacks against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have been the work of Russian hackers, but denied that anything published by his whistleblowing website was submitted by Vladimir Putin's state.

Speaking on Sean Hannity's radio show on 15 December, Assange made reference to a little-known website called DCLeaks and a mysterious figure called Guccifer 2.0 – both suspected to be fronts for Russian propaganda. He said these may have Kremlin links but were not related to WikiLeaks.
"There is a conflation between three things: WikiLeaks' publications, alleged hacks on the US voting system and other publications appearing on the internet that basically no-one has heard of, that didn't have any impact in the election," he said.
Why advertise with us
"There is a website called DCLeaks and a WordPress website run by a guy calling himself Guccifer 2. Who is behind these we don't know [...] those look very much like the Russians but in some ways they look very amateur and they look too much like it."
Since WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails from the DNC and 60,000 more from the personal inbox of a close Clinton aide called John Podesta, US intelligence has publicly accused WikiLeaks of releasing documents initially stolen by state-sponsored hackers. Assange denies this.
Putin has all the blackmail material he needs from hacking the RNC.
Trump is his bitch.

Tell us Einstein what info could they possibly be that trump didn't already say himself?


His tax returns, businesses dealings that he denied it existed, lawsuits, fraud cases, sexual contacts or maybe porno sites, emails. Just to name a few.

Now conspiracy theories are trendy again for leftists. I love how they attacked conservatives as racist conspiracy theorists--but now it's back to Prescott Bush, Nazi, and literally any bullshit story they can come up with.
More fake news.

Putin didn't publish the Hillary and DNC emails, Wikileaks did.

Correct....... but who supplied Wikiwiki?

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'
The WikiLeaks founder maintained his source was not state-sponsored.
Jason Murdock By Jason Murdock

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has said some of the cyberattacks against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have been the work of Russian hackers, but denied that anything published by his whistleblowing website was submitted by Vladimir Putin's state.

Speaking on Sean Hannity's radio show on 15 December, Assange made reference to a little-known website called DCLeaks and a mysterious figure called Guccifer 2.0 – both suspected to be fronts for Russian propaganda. He said these may have Kremlin links but were not related to WikiLeaks.
"There is a conflation between three things: WikiLeaks' publications, alleged hacks on the US voting system and other publications appearing on the internet that basically no-one has heard of, that didn't have any impact in the election," he said.
Why advertise with us
"There is a website called DCLeaks and a WordPress website run by a guy calling himself Guccifer 2. Who is behind these we don't know [...] those look very much like the Russians but in some ways they look very amateur and they look too much like it."
Since WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails from the DNC and 60,000 more from the personal inbox of a close Clinton aide called John Podesta, US intelligence has publicly accused WikiLeaks of releasing documents initially stolen by state-sponsored hackers. Assange denies this.

Julian Assange is an accused rapist who is hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy in London. I don't believe anything he says.
Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
You are obviously illiterate. Your own link says that there was no evidence her server was hacked.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

So you're justification for breaking the law, compromising national security, destroying 30,000 emails after receiving a subpoena--well nothing happened. There is no direct evidence. There is also no direct evidence that it wasn't hacked. Lack of proof somehow proves your point, but we may never know.

Leftists have zero integrity. If this was a Republican you would be calling for a public lynching, and what is sad is that you are such a delusional partisan hack you can't admit that.
The point that I was making to the OP was very precise and accurate and had nothing to do with your current line of attack. It was not meant as a justification of Hillary Clinton. You calling me a partisan is laughable. You are obviously confused.

Oh, excuse me! You're obviously a down the line moderate, and way more delusional than I thought. The point you were making to the OP was "very precise and accurate", does it hurt contorting yourself like that just to kiss your own ass?

You're point is that there is no evidence that Russia attempted to hack the RNC, so obviously Russia just had it out for Clinton? If that is precise and accurate point, you're wrong.

Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion.

Republican National Committee Security Foiled Russian Hackers

Hmmmm....since none of the Trumpers will actually read this.

From your link:
"And people close to the investigation said it indicated a less aggressive and much less persistent effort by Russian intelligence to hack the Republican group than the Democratic National Committee. Only a single email account linked to a long-departed RNC staffer was targeted."""

So in other words, Assange had to make it LOOK like he was hacking both parties, I get it.
Wow. People close to the investigation? I heard that "people close to the investigation of the Clinton foundation" have found that they are preparing the earth for alien invasion. No really people close to the investigation said so.
Putin has all the blackmail material he needs from hacking the RNC.
Trump is his bitch.

Tell us Einstein what info could they possibly be that trump didn't already say himself?


His tax returns, businesses dealings that he denied it existed, lawsuits, fraud cases, sexual contacts or maybe porno sites, emails. Just to name a few.

I am sure you and him can trade notes on your fetish for midget porn

More fake news.

Putin didn't publish the Hillary and DNC emails, Wikileaks did.

Correct....... but who supplied Wikiwiki?

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'
The WikiLeaks founder maintained his source was not state-sponsored.
Jason Murdock By Jason Murdock

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has said some of the cyberattacks against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have been the work of Russian hackers, but denied that anything published by his whistleblowing website was submitted by Vladimir Putin's state.

Speaking on Sean Hannity's radio show on 15 December, Assange made reference to a little-known website called DCLeaks and a mysterious figure called Guccifer 2.0 – both suspected to be fronts for Russian propaganda. He said these may have Kremlin links but were not related to WikiLeaks.
"There is a conflation between three things: WikiLeaks' publications, alleged hacks on the US voting system and other publications appearing on the internet that basically no-one has heard of, that didn't have any impact in the election," he said.
Why advertise with us
"There is a website called DCLeaks and a WordPress website run by a guy calling himself Guccifer 2. Who is behind these we don't know [...] those look very much like the Russians but in some ways they look very amateur and they look too much like it."
Since WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails from the DNC and 60,000 more from the personal inbox of a close Clinton aide called John Podesta, US intelligence has publicly accused WikiLeaks of releasing documents initially stolen by state-sponsored hackers. Assange denies this.

Julian Assange is an accused rapist who is hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy in London. I don't believe anything he says.

So much so that Debbie had to step down...

"Why didn't Putin also hack and publish RNC emails?"

Easy, really. Steal from a republican and on a good day you get your ass beat. On a bad day shot.

Steal from a democrat?
Its just a bunch of whining and sniveling.

It's amazing how stupid the shit that floats in your head is.

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