Why didn't Putin also hack and publish RNC emails?

I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump. In my opinion, the fact that he didn't also hack and publish any RNC emails proves that he was in fact trying to swing the election to Trump. Tension was running high between Trump and the RNC during the campaign process - so does anyone doubt there would have been some damaging emails between the Trump camp and the RNC? Does anyone believe that Putin did hack the RNC - but Julian Assange (Wikileaks) refused to publish them? I would love to hear opposing arguments.
Why does the media publish dirt almost exclusively on the GOP? Could it be that they are trying to swing the vote in favor of the Democrats?
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I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump. In my opinion, the fact that he didn't also hack and publish any RNC emails proves that he was in fact trying to swing the election to Trump. Tension was running high between Trump and the RNC during the campaign process - so does anyone doubt there would have been some damaging emails between the Trump camp and the RNC? Does anyone believe that Putin did hack the RNC - but Julian Assange (Wikileaks) refused to publish them? I would love to hear opposing arguments.
---- Maybe the RNC has better security. Maybe the DNC password was PASSWORD.

That's who was supporting her server

There is no evidence that Hillary's "private server" was ever hacked.
You're too dim witted to grasp the irony.

What irony? Please explain.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
. She said herself that Putin had a beef with her, and then there she was compromising national security with a private server in someone's bathroom of all places while knowing this information ??? Wow she keeps on implicating herself in the situation, but she is so mad that she lost (not at the hands of Putin himself), that she has once again become her own worst enemy in the situation. LOL. Maybe she should just shut up, and go away now.
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...there is forensic evidence the DNC was hacked by the Russians, and evidence of hacking credit card accounts with the same footprint of the hackers, and the same footprint left for the hacking of Ukraine's election and the Ukraine's power grid and same footprint left on the hacking of Podesta emails and the same Russian footprint on the hackers of the Vermont power grid...

There was no hacking of Hillary's server and no evidence left of any hacking of her server, no footprint left behind....

AND not 1 single itty bitty email from Hillary's server was ever released by any hacking/hackers.....

But you all want to continue to lie like rugs....about it.

you sure are people of good character, aren't cha?

Wow. It was illegal. Just like Bill Clinton lied under oath and became the first president in United States history to be disbarred from ever practicing law again.

Liberals have zero conviction. They feign outrage when it is politically expedient, and roll their eyes and dismiss the same topic months later.

Does everyone remember WAY back in 2012 when the Democrats all declared Russia a trusted ally? Obama passing secret messages to Putin that he didn't want Americans to know about, scrapping Easter European missile defense and capitulating to all of Russia's demands to weaken our military presence in Eastern Europe?

Two years later Russia was marching into Crimea, two years later that "rigged" the American election. This is a stunning failure of foreign policy by the most inept and weak modern American president.

There is no evidence that Hillary's "private server" was ever hacked.
You're too dim witted to grasp the irony.

What irony? Please explain.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
. She said herself that Putin had a beef with her, and then there she was compromising national security with a private server in someone's bathroom of all places while knowing this information ??? Wow she keeps on implicating herself in the situation, but she is so mad that she lost (not at the hands of Putin himself), that she has once again become her own worst enemy in the situation. LOL. Maybe she should just shut up, and go away now.

Maybe Hillary also shouldn't have told the Russians and Chinese in the debates that our nuclear response time is four minutes
If you paid attention, the hackers tried to hack into the RNC but couldn't break through the defenses. The intruders got through the DNC with simple phishing. Podesta gave the hackers his password.
Suuuuuure. You have something available to prove that assertion, right?

Just announce "I am completely ignorant of current events, but I like to add my pointless and ill-informed, hyper-partisan, childish comments anyway".

Russia’s Attempt to Hack the RNC Was Thwarted by a Spam Filter
Russian hackers tried, failed to breach Republican National Committee, officials say
Russia's attempts to hack the Republican Party reportedly failed because of a spam filter
Report: Russians failed to hack RNC

Let's hear the all to predictable "what the NY Magazine, Fox News, Business Insider, and The Hill--you can't trust them you stupid idiot".
That's who was supporting her server

There is no evidence that Hillary's "private server" was ever hacked.
You're too dim witted to grasp the irony.

What irony? Please explain.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
You are obviously illiterate. Your own link says that there was no evidence her server was hacked.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.
...there is forensic evidence the DNC was hacked by the Russians, and evidence of hacking credit card accounts with the same footprint of the hackers, and the same footprint left for the hacking of Ukraine's election and the Ukraine's power grid and same footprint left on the hacking of Podesta emails and the same Russian footprint on the hackers of the Vermont power grid...

There was no hacking of Hillary's server and no evidence left of any hacking of her server, no footprint left behind....

AND not 1 single itty bitty email from Hillary's server was ever released by any hacking/hackers.....

But you all want to continue to lie like rugs....about it.

you sure are people of good character, aren't cha?

There was "no hacking of Hillary's server?" You know the FBI is wrong how exactly?
no, the FBI was RIGHT when it said there was NO EVIDENCE of Hillary's server being hacked.

NONE that any of the many FBI Agents working the case could find... yet they could find the DNC hacks, the Podesta hacks, the Vermont electric grid hacks, the Ukraine election hacks, the Ukraine power grid hacks, the thousands upon thousands of State Dept hacks last year alone, but for some reason these imaginary hackers in your head, used a method of hacking on Hillary's server that could not be traced and left zero evidence behind.... :rolleyes:

sure sparky, sure...that's the ticket!


Comey said that while she was overseas, using her blackberry phone, the possibility of hacking was high... that had nothing to do with her server.

ALL LIARS will be thrown in to the lake of fire in the end...be careful! :p
There is no evidence that Hillary's "private server" was ever hacked.
You're too dim witted to grasp the irony.

What irony? Please explain.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
You are obviously illiterate. Your own link says that there was no evidence her server was hacked.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

For Democrats, no proof of their guilt is proof of their innocence.

No proof of Republican innocence is proof they are guilty.

Proof of Republican innocence was faked
...there is forensic evidence the DNC was hacked by the Russians, and evidence of hacking credit card accounts with the same footprint of the hackers, and the same footprint left for the hacking of Ukraine's election and the Ukraine's power grid and same footprint left on the hacking of Podesta emails and the same Russian footprint on the hackers of the Vermont power grid...

There was no hacking of Hillary's server and no evidence left of any hacking of her server, no footprint left behind....

AND not 1 single itty bitty email from Hillary's server was ever released by any hacking/hackers.....

But you all want to continue to lie like rugs....about it.

you sure are people of good character, aren't cha?
. The dam illegal server say's it all.. The rest is just semantics or business as usual in the world of Intel, counter intelligence, and spying. The Dems just want an excuse for their rejection of their party this round, and they want to blame it on something that makes the Americans think hmmm. That's all they want is that thought to exist in the back of the electorates mind, and then they can move on as they swallow that big ole lump in their throat. They were rejected by the American people because of their bull crap over the last 8 years, but they can't except that.
...there is forensic evidence the DNC was hacked by the Russians, and evidence of hacking credit card accounts with the same footprint of the hackers, and the same footprint left for the hacking of Ukraine's election and the Ukraine's power grid and same footprint left on the hacking of Podesta emails and the same Russian footprint on the hackers of the Vermont power grid...

There was no hacking of Hillary's server and no evidence left of any hacking of her server, no footprint left behind....

AND not 1 single itty bitty email from Hillary's server was ever released by any hacking/hackers.....

But you all want to continue to lie like rugs....about it.

you sure are people of good character, aren't cha?

There was "no hacking of Hillary's server?" You know the FBI is wrong how exactly?
no, the FBI was RIGHT when it said there was NO EVIDENCE of Hillary's server being hacked.

NONE that any of the many FBI Agents working the case could find... yet they could find the DNC hacks, the Podesta hacks, the Vermont electric grid hacks, the Ukraine election hacks, the Ukraine power grid hacks, the thousands upon thousands of State Dept hacks last year alone, but for some reason these imaginary hackers in your head, used a method of hacking on Hillary's server that could not be traced and left zero evidence behind.... :rolleyes:

sure sparky, sure...that's the ticket!


Comey said that while she was overseas, using her blackberry phone, the possibility of hacking was high... that had nothing to do with her server.

ALL LIARS will be thrown in to the lake of fire in the end...be careful! :p

Swish. I didn't dispute the FBI said there was no evidence.

I disputed your claim the server was not hacked when the FBI said there almost certainly would be no evidence, it's clear our enemies knew about the server and it almost certainly was hacked.

Hence my question, you know the FBI is wrong ... how ???
There is no evidence that Hillary's "private server" was ever hacked.
You're too dim witted to grasp the irony.

What irony? Please explain.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
You are obviously illiterate. Your own link says that there was no evidence her server was hacked.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

So you're justification for breaking the law, compromising national security, destroying 30,000 emails after receiving a subpoena--well nothing happened. There is no direct evidence. There is also no direct evidence that it wasn't hacked. Lack of proof somehow proves your point, but we may never know.

Leftists have zero integrity. If this was a Republican you would be calling for a public lynching, and what is sad is that you are such a delusional partisan hack you can't admit that.
...there is forensic evidence the DNC was hacked by the Russians, and evidence of hacking credit card accounts with the same footprint of the hackers, and the same footprint left for the hacking of Ukraine's election and the Ukraine's power grid and same footprint left on the hacking of Podesta emails and the same Russian footprint on the hackers of the Vermont power grid...

There was no hacking of Hillary's server and no evidence left of any hacking of her server, no footprint left behind....

AND not 1 single itty bitty email from Hillary's server was ever released by any hacking/hackers.....

But you all want to continue to lie like rugs....about it.

you sure are people of good character, aren't cha?

There was "no hacking of Hillary's server?" You know the FBI is wrong how exactly?
no, the FBI was RIGHT when it said there was NO EVIDENCE of Hillary's server being hacked.

NONE that any of the many FBI Agents working the case could find... yet they could find the DNC hacks, the Podesta hacks, the Vermont electric grid hacks, the Ukraine election hacks, the Ukraine power grid hacks, the thousands upon thousands of State Dept hacks last year alone, but for some reason these imaginary hackers in your head, used a method of hacking on Hillary's server that could not be traced and left zero evidence behind.... :rolleyes:

sure sparky, sure...that's the ticket!


Comey said that while she was overseas, using her blackberry phone, the possibility of hacking was high... that had nothing to do with her server.

ALL LIARS will be thrown in to the lake of fire in the end...be careful! :p

Swish. I didn't dispute the FBI said there was no evidence.

I disputed your claim the server was not hacked when the FBI said there almost certainly would be no evidence, it's clear our enemies knew about the server and it almost certainly was hacked.

Hence my question, you know the FBI is wrong ... how ???

His argument is so flimsy--he wants to prove a negative. That no one released the emails, so obviously despite the known fact that foreign hostile actors knew of the existence of Clinton's illegal server, the same people that hacked the much more secured DNC server were dumbfounded as to how to access Clinton's bathroom server.

This is the logical depth of liberals. They can hold complete contradictory ideas and beliefs in their mind in complete harmony. Straw men, proving a negative--they rely on endless logical fallacies to justify their ever changing, illogical positions.
You're too dim witted to grasp the irony.

What irony? Please explain.
There is no evidence that Hillary's server was hacked. Please present the evidence that Putin was involved in the DNC hack.

I repeat myself, you're dimwitted.

Well you are incredibly uninformed, or simply willfully ignorant. The FBI director stated that there was evidence that hostile foreign actors both knew of the existence of her illegal server in her bathroom, and did attempt and most likely did gain access. Are you so partisan that you can't acknowledge that? There is more evidence, at this point, that Russia hacked Clinton's server than the DNC's email servers. But hell, Democrats are obviously unable to handle email, and they are dumbfounded why they lost.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

FBI: ‘Hostile Actors’ Likely Hacked Clinton Email Secrets
You are obviously illiterate. Your own link says that there was no evidence her server was hacked.

An extensive FBI investigation found evidence that foreign government hackers accessed private emails sent by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but no direct evidence spies hacked into the several unsecure servers she used.

So you're justification for breaking the law, compromising national security, destroying 30,000 emails after receiving a subpoena--well nothing happened. There is no direct evidence. There is also no direct evidence that it wasn't hacked. Lack of proof somehow proves your point, but we may never know.

Leftists have zero integrity. If this was a Republican you would be calling for a public lynching, and what is sad is that you are such a delusional partisan hack you can't admit that.
The point that I was making to the OP was very precise and accurate and had nothing to do with your current line of attack. It was not meant as a justification of Hillary Clinton. You calling me a partisan is laughable. You are obviously confused.
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If you paid attention, the hackers tried to hack into the RNC but couldn't break through the defenses. The intruders got through the DNC with simple phishing. Podesta gave the hackers his password.

Bullshit. The RNC was hacked. They stated that once the hacking of the DNC was advised. The Russians didn't release any hacking of the RNC because the wanted Trump to win. He promised to gut NATO, which would give Putin a free hand to rebuild the Russian empire.

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