Why didn't Putin also hack and publish RNC emails?

...there is forensic evidence the DNC was hacked by the Russians, and evidence of hacking credit card accounts with the same footprint of the hackers, and the same footprint left for the hacking of Ukraine's election and the Ukraine's power grid and same footprint left on the hacking of Podesta emails and the same Russian footprint on the hackers of the Vermont power grid...

There was no hacking of Hillary's server and no evidence left of any hacking of her server, no footprint left behind....

AND not 1 single itty bitty email from Hillary's server was ever released by any hacking/hackers.....

But you all want to continue to lie like rugs....about it.

you sure are people of good character, aren't cha?

There was "no hacking of Hillary's server?" You know the FBI is wrong how exactly?
no, the FBI was RIGHT when it said there was NO EVIDENCE of Hillary's server being hacked.

NONE that any of the many FBI Agents working the case could find... yet they could find the DNC hacks, the Podesta hacks, the Vermont electric grid hacks, the Ukraine election hacks, the Ukraine power grid hacks, the thousands upon thousands of State Dept hacks last year alone, but for some reason these imaginary hackers in your head, used a method of hacking on Hillary's server that could not be traced and left zero evidence behind.... :rolleyes:

sure sparky, sure...that's the ticket!


Comey said that while she was overseas, using her blackberry phone, the possibility of hacking was high... that had nothing to do with her server.

ALL LIARS will be thrown in to the lake of fire in the end...be careful! :p

Swish. I didn't dispute the FBI said there was no evidence.

I disputed your claim the server was not hacked when the FBI said there almost certainly would be no evidence, it's clear our enemies knew about the server and it almost certainly was hacked.

Hence my question, you know the FBI is wrong ... how ???

His argument is so flimsy--he wants to prove a negative. That no one released the emails, so obviously despite the known fact that foreign hostile actors knew of the existence of Clinton's illegal server, the same people that hacked the much more secured DNC server were dumbfounded as to how to access Clinton's bathroom server.

This is the logical depth of liberals. They can hold complete contradictory ideas and beliefs in their mind in complete harmony. Straw men, proving a negative--they rely on endless logical fallacies to justify their ever changing, illogical positions.
. It's called being corrupted to the inth degree.
The RNC would never admit to being hacked - because none of their emails were ever published.
I haven't the foggiest notion as to why the Right thinks that the democrats are involved in some mega conspiracy about lying about Russian hacking. It is not as if anyone is calling for the election to be voided, and nobody is running for office. In short, nobody has the slightest thing to gain by making this stuff up.
I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump. In my opinion, the fact that he didn't also hack and publish any RNC emails proves that he was in fact trying to swing the election to Trump. Tension was running high between Trump and the RNC during the campaign process - so does anyone doubt there would have been some damaging emails between the Trump camp and the RNC? Does anyone believe that Putin did hack the RNC - but Julian Assange (Wikileaks) refused to publish them? I would love to hear opposing arguments.


What a ma-roon
I haven't the foggiest notion as to why the Right thinks that the democrats are involved in some mega conspiracy about lying about Russian hacking. It is not as if anyone is calling for the election to be voided, and nobody is running for office. In short, nobody has the slightest thing to gain by making this stuff up.

Amen! But also remember that NaziCons won't even admit that Hillary received almost 3 million more popular votes than Adolf Trump. They won't even agree on whether it's night or day.
More fake news.

Putin didn't publish the Hillary and DNC emails, Wikileaks did.

Correct....... but who supplied Wikiwiki?

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'
The WikiLeaks founder maintained his source was not state-sponsored.
Jason Murdock By Jason Murdock

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has said some of the cyberattacks against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have been the work of Russian hackers, but denied that anything published by his whistleblowing website was submitted by Vladimir Putin's state.

Speaking on Sean Hannity's radio show on 15 December, Assange made reference to a little-known website called DCLeaks and a mysterious figure called Guccifer 2.0 – both suspected to be fronts for Russian propaganda. He said these may have Kremlin links but were not related to WikiLeaks.
"There is a conflation between three things: WikiLeaks' publications, alleged hacks on the US voting system and other publications appearing on the internet that basically no-one has heard of, that didn't have any impact in the election," he said.
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"There is a website called DCLeaks and a WordPress website run by a guy calling himself Guccifer 2. Who is behind these we don't know [...] those look very much like the Russians but in some ways they look very amateur and they look too much like it."
Since WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails from the DNC and 60,000 more from the personal inbox of a close Clinton aide called John Podesta, US intelligence has publicly accused WikiLeaks of releasing documents initially stolen by state-sponsored hackers. Assange denies this.

Julian Assange is an accused rapist who is hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy in London. I don't believe anything he says.
. But you believe Hillary after all the evidence against her ?? How partisan of you comrade, and how blind are you that you have only one eye open at any given time in life. Open both your eyes wide open, and you just might become sane again, but it's doubtful.
More fake news.

Putin didn't publish the Hillary and DNC emails, Wikileaks did.

Correct....... but who supplied Wikiwiki?

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'
The WikiLeaks founder maintained his source was not state-sponsored.
Jason Murdock By Jason Murdock

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has said some of the cyberattacks against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have been the work of Russian hackers, but denied that anything published by his whistleblowing website was submitted by Vladimir Putin's state.

Speaking on Sean Hannity's radio show on 15 December, Assange made reference to a little-known website called DCLeaks and a mysterious figure called Guccifer 2.0 – both suspected to be fronts for Russian propaganda. He said these may have Kremlin links but were not related to WikiLeaks.
"There is a conflation between three things: WikiLeaks' publications, alleged hacks on the US voting system and other publications appearing on the internet that basically no-one has heard of, that didn't have any impact in the election," he said.
Why advertise with us
"There is a website called DCLeaks and a WordPress website run by a guy calling himself Guccifer 2. Who is behind these we don't know [...] those look very much like the Russians but in some ways they look very amateur and they look too much like it."
Since WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails from the DNC and 60,000 more from the personal inbox of a close Clinton aide called John Podesta, US intelligence has publicly accused WikiLeaks of releasing documents initially stolen by state-sponsored hackers. Assange denies this.

Julian Assange is an accused rapist who is hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy in London. I don't believe anything he says.
. But you believe Hillary after all the evidence against her ?? How partisan of you comrade, and how blind are you that you have only one eye open at any given time in life. Open both your eyes wide open, and you just might become sane again, but it's doubtful.

What are you talking about? What's your point? Is someone accusing Hillary of rape? Is she hiding out in a foreign embassy?

Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News

Julian Assange's Arrest Warrant in Rape Case Upheld by Swedish Court
I haven't the foggiest notion as to why the Right thinks that the democrats are involved in some mega conspiracy about lying about Russian hacking. It is not as if anyone is calling for the election to be voided, and nobody is running for office. In short, nobody has the slightest thing to gain by making this stuff up.
. Your feckless leader claimed that Russia tried to influence the election by way of hacking, and this just showed how he lives in denial that the American people voted his chosen agenda pushing clone out.
More fake news.

Putin didn't publish the Hillary and DNC emails, Wikileaks did.

Correct....... but who supplied Wikiwiki?

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'

Julian Assange: Some DNC leaks may have come from Russian hackers, but not WikiLeaks'
The WikiLeaks founder maintained his source was not state-sponsored.
Jason Murdock By Jason Murdock

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has said some of the cyberattacks against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have been the work of Russian hackers, but denied that anything published by his whistleblowing website was submitted by Vladimir Putin's state.

Speaking on Sean Hannity's radio show on 15 December, Assange made reference to a little-known website called DCLeaks and a mysterious figure called Guccifer 2.0 – both suspected to be fronts for Russian propaganda. He said these may have Kremlin links but were not related to WikiLeaks.
"There is a conflation between three things: WikiLeaks' publications, alleged hacks on the US voting system and other publications appearing on the internet that basically no-one has heard of, that didn't have any impact in the election," he said.
Why advertise with us
"There is a website called DCLeaks and a WordPress website run by a guy calling himself Guccifer 2. Who is behind these we don't know [...] those look very much like the Russians but in some ways they look very amateur and they look too much like it."
Since WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails from the DNC and 60,000 more from the personal inbox of a close Clinton aide called John Podesta, US intelligence has publicly accused WikiLeaks of releasing documents initially stolen by state-sponsored hackers. Assange denies this.

Julian Assange is an accused rapist who is hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy in London. I don't believe anything he says.
. But you believe Hillary after all the evidence against her ?? How partisan of you comrade, and how blind are you that you have only one eye open at any given time in life. Open both your eyes wide open, and you just might become sane again, but it's doubtful.

What are you talking about? What's your point? Is someone accusing Hillary of rape? Is she hiding out in a foreign embassy?

Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News

Julian Assange's Arrest Warrant in Rape Case Upheld by Swedish Court
. Huh ? What are you talking about ?
Last edited:
I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump.

You skipped a step. First prove Putin had anything to do with anything.
Obama said so!!

No he didn't but in answer to the op, Pooting didn't hack the rnc that's not what trump paid him to do.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

\__ but libs said Hillary paid Trump to win the nomination and lose to her,
Why can't lefties put two and two together? Hillary was so criminally negligent in dealing with national security that she was easy pickings for hackers The DNC was part of the Hillary campaign and her aid was the wife of a NY politician who dabbled in pervert internet relationships. A freaking high school nerd could probably have hacked the DNC. The insane pizza parlor attack (conveniently?) obscured allegations of some sort of pedophile internet operation by John Podesta.
I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump.

You skipped a step. First prove Putin had anything to do with anything.
Obama said so!!

No he didn't but in answer to the op, Pooting didn't hack the rnc that's not what trump paid him to do.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

\__ but libs said Hillary paid Trump to win the nomination and lose to her,

Actually, that's what I heard many NaziCons saying before they joined the Adolf Trump cult.
I haven't the foggiest notion as to why the Right thinks that the democrats are involved in some mega conspiracy about lying about Russian hacking. It is not as if anyone is calling for the election to be voided, and nobody is running for office. In short, nobody has the slightest thing to gain by making this stuff up.
. Your feckless leader claimed that Russia tried to influence the election by way of hacking, and this just showed how he lives in denial that the American people voted his chosen agenda pushing clone out.

Well, if it makes you feel better to beat a dead horse over a non issue for the rest of your life, in spite of having your "pussy grabbing" hero winning, I guess you should go for it...
I ask this question in response to those who say there is no "evidence" that Putin was trying to swing the election to Trump. In my opinion, the fact that he didn't also hack and publish any RNC emails proves that he was in fact trying to swing the election to Trump. Tension was running high between Trump and the RNC during the campaign process - so does anyone doubt there would have been some damaging emails between the Trump camp and the RNC? Does anyone believe that Putin did hack the RNC - but Julian Assange (Wikileaks) refused to publish them? I would love to hear opposing arguments.
b/c the gop didn't have a mole giving info to julian assuange.
You wanted proof of wmd's
we want proof of hacking.

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