Why do ALL Liberals say that America deserved 911?

911 saved my fathers life

I think all Americans deserve 911
Was it because Bush was President?

You are some kind of stupid. 9/11 was planned long before Bush was elected.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Then why post such a stupid topic title?

You don't know what ALL liberals think. I doubt you know what ANY liberals think..any more than I do.

Posts like yours are what is wrong with the thinking and mindless actions of too many people. As lock-step as your premise is the truth is that no two people think exactly alike. Your post is just the trickle down effect of Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove demanding repubicans equate dems and the hated "liberals" as evil people. You were given your marching orders 20 years ago and still ranting the tired mantra like Dustin Hoffman in the Rainman.

It is people like you that hate America. Obama was fairly elected president. You seem to hate those that elected him. I E you hate the MAJORITY of American voters.

It is clear WHO wishes bad things to happen to most Americans and America.
I should have stated MOST Liberals not ALL Liberals.

Okay then.

I think a lot of times when talking about some of the effects our interventionist foreign policies have had, a common knee-jerk yet thoughtless response is that merely talking about how it has driven some people to violent acts, is blaming America.
Dick Cheney might say that HE deserved 9/11. He and his closest friends certainly benefited from it.
Name names.

Sean Penn
Rosie O'Donnel,
Charlie Sheen
Chris Mathews
Joy Beyha
Maggie Gyllenhaal


Google it yourself. I'm not doing a research paper for you.
Actually, when you state a claim of knowledge, you are the one who is supposed to provide evidence. You provide the evidence if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise, you are just pissing in the wind.
Was it because Bush was President?

""Why do ALL Liberals say that America deserved 911?""

So you talked to all the liberals and they confirmed this, right? You're a busy guy who must have racked up a helluva lot of frequent flyer points or road miles.

If Papa Bush had just gotten the hell out of the Holy Lands as he promised, 9/11 would have never happened.
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Most Liberals I talk to say that we deserved 911

Name names.

Sean Penn
Rosie O'Donnel,
Charlie Sheen
Chris Mathews
Joy Beyha
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Quote them. Don't just list names. That proves nothing. Find a quote of them saying America deserved 9/11 and post it.
Here are two people on video

Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are NOT liberals.
Most Liberals I talk to say that we deserved 911

Name names.

Sean Penn
Rosie O'Donnel,
Charlie Sheen
Chris Mathews
Joy Beyha
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Quote them. Don't just list names. That proves nothing. Find a quote of them saying America deserved 9/11 and post it.
Here are two people on video

Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are NOT liberals.
Oops, guess it was the conservatives who blamed America for 9/11, or at least a few of them.
Name names.

Sean Penn
Rosie O'Donnel,
Charlie Sheen
Chris Mathews
Joy Beyha
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Quote them. Don't just list names. That proves nothing. Find a quote of them saying America deserved 9/11 and post it.
Here are two people on video

Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are NOT liberals.
Oops, guess it was the conservatives who blamed America for 9/11, or at least a few of them.
Could be. So far we have no evidence to support the claim in the OP that any liberals say or said that America deserved 9/11.
Was it because Bush was President?

""Why do ALL Liberals say that America deserved 911?""

So you talked to all the liberals and they confirmed this, right? You're a busy guy who must have racked up a helluva lot of frequent flyer points or road miles.

If Papa Bush had just gotten the hell out of the Holy Lands as he promised, 9/11 would have never happened.

At least THAT version of terrorist activity wouldn't have been an excuse.

What I find astonishing is that the Bush's didn't imagine that the Arabs and/or Muslims would ALL just take our invasion of their territories lying down. Actions have consequences. Large lethal actions like invading a country and or countries have LARGE consequences. Only a moron could believe that nothing would come of it.

It takes quite a lot to get people to blow themselves up or fly planes into buildings over any cause.

For us to conclude that we did nothing to provoke those people is stupidity of the dumbest order.

Most of the Americans that think that we have done nothing wrong and didn't shit on many hundreds of thousands of these Muslims invading those countries are republicans. Still we get these apologists that state America/Bush/s did nothing wrong. These republicans are sociopaths. They have no moral compass. They have NO empathy for ANYONE including the Americans that were put in harm's way as a result of their reckless call to go to war in the Mid East.

But, it isn't in the neocon DNA to accept any responsibility for their actions. They are scum. They are criminals of the worst ilk. They commit mass murder and forced migration effecting millions of human beings. Most of these true victims have done NOTHING to this country to deserve such brutal treatment.

Sill these POS's toss around the horror we have visited on these people as a joke with glib bumper sticker support for the perpetrators. You are the true evil in the human family.

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