CDZ Why Do Alot Of Conservatives Feel Liberals Want Their Guns?

This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Are you aware of the fact that licensed gun owners are the most law abiding of any citizens....?

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen

a. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”

Criminality is .00086%

These are the people that 'gun control' laws are aimed at.

Could it be any more insane????

And keep in mind...of the 44, how many actually used their guns criminally, and how many are going to be found innocent victims who used their guns justifiably...but got caught by an anti-gun prosecutor like the journalist I posted about who was facing a left wing mob when he drew his weapon to keep them from stomping him....and then he was arrested and the prosecutor hit him with 12 or more felonies......and it is clear on the video of the encounter that he feared for his safety against an aggressive and angry mob....
It is not ALL liberals, but some, like Feinstein, have openly said they'd like total bans.

I also think folks are smart enough to realize that what the politicians say and what they really think are often 2 very different things, as well as understanding the concept of creeping gradualism. they take what they can today and come back tomorrow for more.
I think thats just a personal decision and not one people are going to push for. There are many people that detest guns and would like to see a totally ban. There are many people that would like to see bubble gum outlawed. No one is going to take them seriously in each case.

Former mayor bloomber put 19 million dollars into universal background checks in Nevada.....knowing they do nothing...and hoping that he could get it to the Supreme Court.......he wants a total ban....
Because they want criminals to have guns.

Louisiana law floods courts with pro-gun cases

The amendment – backed by the National Rifle Association and Gov. Bobby Jindal – makes gun ownership a "fundamental right," akin to freedom of speech or assembly, and calls for "strict scrutiny" of gun laws – the highest judicial review in the USA.

Armed with the new amendment, attorneys can now challenge the constitutionality of lesser laws – like concealed weapons statutes – making them more favorable to gun owners – including felons, said Laura Cutilletta, senior staff attorney at the San Francisco-based Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.


Republicans fight to arm felons. It's why they want dangerous people on the no fly list to have weapons. Don't ask me why. That's just who they are.

And you are wrong......The NRA, and gun owners want actual gun criminals put in jail....democrats....keep sentences for convicted felons to about 2 years......and obama just freed 1000 convicted felons......
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Are you aware of the fact that licensed gun owners are the most law abiding of any citizens....?

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen

a. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”

Criminality is .00086%

These are the people that 'gun control' laws are aimed at.

Could it be any more insane????

Your argument is weird. How do you know licensed gun owners are the most law abiding? Where did you get that information? Do you mean they just havent gotten caught breaking a law? Same thing for permit holders. Just because they didnt have a weapons related infraction doesnt mean they obey all laws? How many killers, white collar swindlers, speeding infractions have been done by gun owners?

Its not insane. Its the best method of catching criminals and preventing nutcases from getting guns. if you can think of a better one how come no one has offered an alternative? I'm all ears.

Arrest records report if they have concealed permits for guns when they catch criminals......that is how.....
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then why do they refuse to tighten penalties on actual criminals who use guns and the tighten the laws on people who obey gun laws...?

There is nothing to universal background checks, magazine limits, gun registration, or licensing gun owners that does anything that you just posted.....yet those are the very things anti gunners push...while releasing gun felons back onto the streets and refusing to get tough with other gun criminals....

I guess you never heard of the gun enhancement laws that are added to sentences you made that bewildering comment.

I beg to differ and research says youre wrong.
Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.
I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then Pupps would suggest that you begin with Arab terrorists. Don't let them in and throw out those that are already here. Please don't be naive.
Arabia is not in the US. Please get back on topic and address the post.

My reply is exactly on topic. You just fail to grasp it. You want to "prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead".

Arab terrorists in the US fit that bill.

I'd rather start with the white males that make manifestos. Arab terrorists in the US typically use bombs not guns.

Members of black lies matter who shout about killing police........and then their supporters who go out and do it...
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then why do they refuse to tighten penalties on actual criminals who use guns and the tighten the laws on people who obey gun laws...?

There is nothing to universal background checks, magazine limits, gun registration, or licensing gun owners that does anything that you just posted.....yet those are the very things anti gunners push...while releasing gun felons back onto the streets and refusing to get tough with other gun criminals....

I guess you never heard of the gun enhancement laws that are added to sentences you made that bewildering comment.

I beg to differ and research says youre wrong.

Wrong.......gun sentences are extremely lax.......and gun charges are the first things bargained away for plea deals.....actual research says you are wrong...
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Are you aware of the fact that licensed gun owners are the most law abiding of any citizens....?

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen

a. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”

Criminality is .00086%

These are the people that 'gun control' laws are aimed at.

Could it be any more insane????

Your argument is weird. How do you know licensed gun owners are the most law abiding? Where did you get that information? Do you mean they just havent gotten caught breaking a law? Same thing for permit holders. Just because they didnt have a weapons related infraction doesnt mean they obey all laws? How many killers, white collar swindlers, speeding infractions have been done by gun owners?

Its not insane. Its the best method of catching criminals and preventing nutcases from getting guns. if you can think of a better one how come no one has offered an alternative? I'm all ears.

Arrest records report if they have concealed permits for guns when they catch criminals......that is how.....

All gun owners dont have concealed permits silly. What are you talking about?
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then why do they refuse to tighten penalties on actual criminals who use guns and the tighten the laws on people who obey gun laws...?

There is nothing to universal background checks, magazine limits, gun registration, or licensing gun owners that does anything that you just posted.....yet those are the very things anti gunners push...while releasing gun felons back onto the streets and refusing to get tough with other gun criminals....

I guess you never heard of the gun enhancement laws that are added to sentences you made that bewildering comment.

I beg to differ and research says youre wrong.

you have not yet linked to a single study or fact. Go figure.
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then why do they refuse to tighten penalties on actual criminals who use guns and the tighten the laws on people who obey gun laws...?

There is nothing to universal background checks, magazine limits, gun registration, or licensing gun owners that does anything that you just posted.....yet those are the very things anti gunners push...while releasing gun felons back onto the streets and refusing to get tough with other gun criminals....

I guess you never heard of the gun enhancement laws that are added to sentences you made that bewildering comment.

I beg to differ and research says youre wrong.

Wrong.......gun sentences are extremely lax.......and gun charges are the first things bargained away for plea deals.....actual research says you are wrong...

Nope gun sentences are extremely rough. Most court cases in any area are plea . Thats how the system works. If it didnt then the courts would never be able to get to all cases.
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.

I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then why do they refuse to tighten penalties on actual criminals who use guns and the tighten the laws on people who obey gun laws...?

There is nothing to universal background checks, magazine limits, gun registration, or licensing gun owners that does anything that you just posted.....yet those are the very things anti gunners push...while releasing gun felons back onto the streets and refusing to get tough with other gun criminals....

I guess you never heard of the gun enhancement laws that are added to sentences you made that bewildering comment.

I beg to differ and research says youre wrong.

A look at gun sentencing....

America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers

Wisconsin isn’t alone in its nonchalance. California normally treats straw purchases as misdemeanors or minor infractions. Even as the people of Baltimore suffer horrific levels of violence, Maryland classifies the crime as a misdemeanor, too. Straw buying is a felony in progressive Connecticut, albeit one in the second-least-serious order of felonies. It is classified as a serious crime in Illinois (Class 2 felony), but police rarely (meaning “almost never”) go after the nephews and girlfriends with clean records who provide Chicago’s diverse and sundry gangsters with their weapons. In Delaware, it’s a Class F felony, like forging a check. In Oregon, it’s a misdemeanor.


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive. In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible. Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention. In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.

And this.....

Baltimore's yearlong war on 'trigger pullers' and illegal guns, by the numbers

Davis believes one reason is that those arrested for guns in the city aren't landing in prison for long periods of time.


Possession of an illegal gun in Baltimore is a misdemeanor rather than a felony, which Davis unsuccessfully tried to change during the last General Assembly session.


That means 52 people with illegal guns were put behind bars for a total of 65 years — just over a year per person, on average.


Davis said police currently have a list of 431 "trigger pullers" and have identified 566 trigger pullers since the war room's creation.

Of those identified as trigger pullers, 11 have been arrested for murder, 28 have been arrested for attempted murder, and 80 have been arrested for illegal possession of a firearm, he said. Also, 32 have been killed, and 52 others have been wounded in shootings.

"We're convinced that we're looking at the right people who are disproportionately responsible for violence in the city. It happens from time to time that there will be an outlier, but we are looking at the right people," Davis said.

"We know who they are. They're in the game, they're choosing not to leave the game, and they choose to carry a gun again and again and again, because they know there's not a significant consequence for carrying a gun.

"And those are the people we have to continue to focus on."

The Left’s Phony War on Guns, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Chicago has Wild West levels of homicide.

(Worse, in fact; the criminality and violence of the ungoverned West has been greatly exaggerated, and some of those old cow towns had lower per capita crime rates back when they had no formal government than they do today.)

Do you know what kind of crime illegal possession of a firearm is in the state of Illinois?

It is a misdemeanor.

A 2014 study conducted by the Chicago Sun-Times found that in most cases, Cook County judges handed down the minimum sentence for gun possession, and in most cases, the criminals ended up serving far less than that, doing only a few months.

Those charged with simple possession had an average of four prior arrests; those charged with the more serious crime of being a felon in possession of a firearm had an average of ten previous arrests.

Ten arrests, and the eleventh is for a gun-related crime.

One wonders how many undetected crimes are covered by such criminal careers.

Many in Illinois have argued that, given the state of crime there, stiffer sentences are warranted.

A bill was introduced to that end, and it was opposed by Democrats who argued that stiffer sentences for those actually committing crimes with guns would “unfairly target African-Americans,” as the Sun-Times put it.

The NRA, to its discredit, opposed that bill, too, arguing that the penalties for simple possession in absence of other criminal activity were too stiff.
But that’s an argument for liberalizing Illinois gun laws, not for forgoing the punishment of criminals.
The NRA did support harsher punishment for felons in possession of firearms, and for the use of firearms in crimes. Democrats have generally opposed them.
Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.
I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then why do they refuse to tighten penalties on actual criminals who use guns and the tighten the laws on people who obey gun laws...?

There is nothing to universal background checks, magazine limits, gun registration, or licensing gun owners that does anything that you just posted.....yet those are the very things anti gunners push...while releasing gun felons back onto the streets and refusing to get tough with other gun criminals....

I guess you never heard of the gun enhancement laws that are added to sentences you made that bewildering comment.

I beg to differ and research says youre wrong.

Wrong.......gun sentences are extremely lax.......and gun charges are the first things bargained away for plea deals.....actual research says you are wrong...
Nope gun sentences are extremely rough. Most court cases in any area are plea . Thats how the system works. If it didnt then the courts would never be able to get to all cases.
You can NOT support that claim with any links or facts, ohh wait I forgot, you don't do facts.
Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.
I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Then why do they refuse to tighten penalties on actual criminals who use guns and the tighten the laws on people who obey gun laws...?

There is nothing to universal background checks, magazine limits, gun registration, or licensing gun owners that does anything that you just posted.....yet those are the very things anti gunners push...while releasing gun felons back onto the streets and refusing to get tough with other gun criminals....

I guess you never heard of the gun enhancement laws that are added to sentences you made that bewildering comment.

I beg to differ and research says youre wrong.

Wrong.......gun sentences are extremely lax.......and gun charges are the first things bargained away for plea deals.....actual research says you are wrong...
Nope gun sentences are extremely rough. Most court cases in any area are plea . Thats how the system works. If it didnt then the courts would never be able to get to all cases.

You are wrong.......convicted felons caught with illegal guns serve less than two years in chicago...more than likely put into Boot Camps instead of are wrong...
Are you aware of the fact that licensed gun owners are the most law abiding of any citizens....?

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen

a. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”

Criminality is .00086%

These are the people that 'gun control' laws are aimed at.

Could it be any more insane????
Your argument is weird. How do you know licensed gun owners are the most law abiding? Where did you get that information? Do you mean they just havent gotten caught breaking a law? Same thing for permit holders. Just because they didnt have a weapons related infraction doesnt mean they obey all laws? How many killers, white collar swindlers, speeding infractions have been done by gun owners?

Its not insane. Its the best method of catching criminals and preventing nutcases from getting guns. if you can think of a better one how come no one has offered an alternative? I'm all ears.

You sound to me like a gun banner. The only way to stop most violent crime is for people to be armed. They are on the scene while the police are not.
My Glock 19 and my Springfield XDM are laughing at such silliness from you. I asked to offer a better alternative and you deflected. Please address the point.
-------------------- big deal , so you own a Glock 19 and maybe an AR . If you are in California your 2 guns effectiveness has been reduced to to the fact that your guns cannot use NORMAL capacity magazines Ace .
Its a very big deal if someone is claiming I am a gun banner. Does it make sense that I would want my weapons banned? my guns effectiveness is fine. If I cant kill someone with 10 rounds I shouldnt even pick up a gun.

Gun banners want other people to be banned from owning guns, not, the biggest gun banner in the country is surrounded by men armed with guns......they want everything they can get to make it expensive and difficult for everyone else to own a gun......they put on taxes, fees, training requirements, permits.......that only the rich and powerful get to own and carry guns...try to get a carry permit in New York....
Perhaps it mystifies you because you cannot see the truth. Just like Obamacare was designed as the start of national governmental healthcare, gun control efforts are designed to overturn the second amendment and result in an unarmed populace.
I can see the truth. There are some nuts on both sides of the issue. Gun control is not meant to overturn the second amendment. Its to prevent nutcases from getting guns and shooting people dead. Please dont be naive. There is no way the populace would ever be unarmed even if they took away all the registered guns.

Are you aware of the fact that licensed gun owners are the most law abiding of any citizens....?

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen

a. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”

Criminality is .00086%

These are the people that 'gun control' laws are aimed at.

Could it be any more insane????
Your argument is weird. How do you know licensed gun owners are the most law abiding? Where did you get that information? Do you mean they just havent gotten caught breaking a law? Same thing for permit holders. Just because they didnt have a weapons related infraction doesnt mean they obey all laws? How many killers, white collar swindlers, speeding infractions have been done by gun owners?

Its not insane. Its the best method of catching criminals and preventing nutcases from getting guns. if you can think of a better one how come no one has offered an alternative? I'm all ears.
And yet every single mass shooter has passed all the firearm laws to get their firearms. Remind me how those laws prevented them again?
Obviously it didnt stop those mass shooters. Are you one of those people that think if it doesnt make the news then its not working? How many potential mass shooters has it stopped?

Laws do not stop mass shooters or other criminals..that is what we keep telling you....
Are you aware of the fact that licensed gun owners are the most law abiding of any citizens....?

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen

a. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”

Criminality is .00086%

These are the people that 'gun control' laws are aimed at.

Could it be any more insane????
Your argument is weird. How do you know licensed gun owners are the most law abiding? Where did you get that information? Do you mean they just havent gotten caught breaking a law? Same thing for permit holders. Just because they didnt have a weapons related infraction doesnt mean they obey all laws? How many killers, white collar swindlers, speeding infractions have been done by gun owners?

Its not insane. Its the best method of catching criminals and preventing nutcases from getting guns. if you can think of a better one how come no one has offered an alternative? I'm all ears.
And yet every single mass shooter has passed all the firearm laws to get their firearms. Remind me how those laws prevented them again?
Obviously it didnt stop those mass shooters. Are you one of those people that think if it doesnt make the news then its not working? How many potential mass shooters has it stopped?
Ahh you want PROOF firearms owners are law abiding but now claim some nefarious unknown number of mass shooters were stopped by firearms laws? Link please?

I didnt claim anything. I asked you how many potential mass shooters has background checks and permits stopped? I have a buddy that cant legally get a weapon because he did 5 years in the pen. I know for a fact it works.

He can't get a gun if he wants one? .......right.....he is the only criminal who can't....
This has always mystified me to no end. As a owner of several weapons and a liberal it always makes me laugh when they say this. I was looking at one of my favorite guys on youtube by the name of Colion Noir and found this video. The guy in the video is Tyson Beckford who I happened to meet a long time ago and didnt even know he was famous. We hit it off pretty good and its funny how we have the same outlook on the issue.

Does Nancy Pelosi or Diane Feinstein or Barbara Boxer come to mind ??

These wacko's are afraid of guns so they try to ban them outright.

Like banning the flu.

No one takes them seriously.

Yeah....they are just two of the most powerful poltiicians in the country....
There is NO evidence anyone was stopped from a mass shooting. That is the second time you made that claim and now you will deny it again.
I am asking you for proof that the gun laws didnt stop potential mass shooters. You have no evidence so far.
Right here is the proof you claim the law worked.
There is nothing there. ^^^^ Where is your proof I made a claim?
There is ZERO evidence that firearms laws have stopped a single mass shooting. My proof is the fact that there is ZERO evidence to support the claim. You don't agree? Provide evidence to the contrary.
Prove there is ZERO evidence. I dont trust your opinion.

State: New background check law stopped 72 private gun sales to criminals

Sorry.....doesn't work....if they want guns they will get guns....and of the 72 stats show most of them will be false positives that have to be corrected for the law abiding citizen to go on and get their gun....
Well I asked the question and got some good answers. It seems to me that cons think libs want their guns because some people said ban all guns. Now I am wondering why they were ok with the GOP banning guns at the convention?

They didn't.....there was carry at the convention in all areas not controlled by the Secret Service, in fact there was a video of two libs who carried rifles into the convention area...and were ignored...the Secret service asked to see their permits for a silencer they had but other than that....they walked around with rifles....
This is pretty interesting.

"Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?"

Repubs support it to the tune of 90%


They don't understand the issue...if they did they wouldn't support it....

liars polling the uninformed......

The question is never....Do you support universal background checks if it means:

That they would not stop criminals from getting guns...since criminals use people with clean records to buy guns at gun stores currently, and that this same method to buy guns would be used to get around background checks for private sellers..but would now require you to pay for a background check to sell any gun to any one......often times even to family members...

1) get a background check before you can loan your wife your pistol..and pay 100 dollars to do it....and if you didn't, both your wife and you would now be felons...who would lose your jobs, your home and be fined and possibly jailed....

2) get a background check to store your guns at a friends house when you go on vacation and then again when you come back from vacation to get your guns 100 dollars a background check...

3) if it meant that down the road you would be forced to register your guns with the government since universal background checks cannot work without universal gun registration....

4) would meant that self defense classes for firearms would be reduced and limited...

5) that universal background checks would not stop mass shooters from getting guns

6) that background checks do not stop the 9,616 gun murders that were committed last year....since 90% of gun murderers are already legally forbidden from buying, owning or carrying guns...but they get them anyway through straw buyers and stealing them....

if those were put into the question, 90% of Americans would not support universal background checks...

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