Why Do American Politicians Dislike Socialism and Communism So Much?

What is required in America today for a person who wants to become a politician ?!
- he must be Jewish or black;
- he must say that he is religious;
- he must be homosexual or at least support LGBT, or he will not get support in Hollywood, Portland or New York;
- he should say that he hates "socialism" or "communism", either sincerely believing that it is BAD, or because he "plays by the rules" adopted in the American establishment, or believing that the split in society on the "poor" and "rich", a Platonic idea going back to the 5th century BC is NORMAL.

In this sense, Trump's speechwriters continue to insert criticism of socialism wherever they go, either because of their poor education at Chicago university or deliberately discrediting their patron to those who know the scientific definition of socialism.

So it was THIS time when the President ripped Biden as a “Trojan Horse” for socialism who would be led around by radicals like Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

View attachment 376592

This is how Democrats are represented by their opponents

View attachment 376597
This is how socialism is portrayed by those who want Americans to believe that socialism is worse than COVID-19

View attachment 376598

This is how Obama's rule and politics are represented

ALTHOUGH ALL THREE cartoons are psychological sabotage aimed at DISCREDITING THE IDEA of socialism!

WHAT DO both Democrats and Republicans DON'T LIKE about the idea of socialism ???

This is that socialism preaches the idea of SOCIAL EQUALITY and EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF HAPPINESS among all members of society!

In Their Own Words: Behind Americans’ Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’
Socialism’s critics say it weakens work ethic; those with positive views say it fosters equality

For many Americans, “socialism” is a word that evokes a weakened work ethic, stifled innovation and excessive reliance on the government. For others, it represents a fairer, more generous society.

View attachment 376600

Critics of socialism point to Venezuela as an example of a country where it has failed.

People with positive views of socialism cite different countries, such as Finland and Denmark, as places where it has succeeded.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

“Capitalism is the worst way to set up a society, except for all the other ways,” said a 44-year-old man. “Free markets allow for more innovative solutions and for more people to succeed.”

When those who hold negative views of capitalism are asked why they hold this view, about a quarter (23%) say that capitalism creates an unfair economic structure, mentioning that the system only benefits a small number of people or that wealth in this country is distributed poorly.
A similar share (20%) says that capitalism has an exploitative and corrupt nature, often hurting either people or the environment.
A smaller share of Americans who have negative views of capitalism (8%) mention that corporations and wealthy people undermine the democratic process by having too much power in political matters. And 4% of those with a negative view say that capitalism can work, but to do so it needs better oversight and regulation.

View attachment 376602

From the author:

I do not want to be like the propagandists of the Deep State, which stands guard over the interests of those who have everything, to brainwash readers and arrogantly and shamelessly claim that capitalism is the ONLY possible, God-given socio-political and economic system for the Chosen.

But I think that the discussion about "capitalism" and "socialism" MATURED in society, but for its adequate development KNOWLEDGE of the definition of socialism and its goals is needed.

Any attempt to cite corrupt propagandists from CNN or the New York Times will emasculate the debate.

Socialism is evil......that's why. It takes from the one who earned and gives it to the politicians in power who use it to increase their power and control....all under the false claim they are entitled to it because they will use it to help others.

I asked you not to quote the dropouts from CNN and the New York Times !!!

Is that why the people of Scandinavia are SO HAPPY ???

You THINK at least a little when you write something.
Or are you - on the salary of the propaganda Deep State ???

Funny how you think lifting someone out of poverty (actually equality of outcome) will make people happy. Happiness has nothing to do with money and certainly not equality of outcome unless you are envious or jealous of other's possessions ( in which case you probably will never be happy or satisfied). It does help to have food, shelter,clothing. (The basics of Maslow's hierarchy of needs). But it happiness comes from within. 99.999% of Americans have more than enough food, shelter and clothing. It's the a lot of the other countries that don't. We are very lucky to live here. That in itself is a blessing.

Yes, and I must thank my grandfathers in making their choice to leave Europe and come to America
Socialism is everyone is equal- except the more equal. Which we already have. Lip service and talking points are just that.

George Orwell described Marxist Socialist Communism well in his writing of "Animal Farm". " "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."


Thanks for that...

By the way George Orwell was a Democratic Socialist the same as Bernie Sanders and AOC... Thanks for spreading the message of Democratic Socialism...

Orwell, a democratic socialist, was a critic of Joseph Stalin and hostile to Moscow-directed Stalinism.

Doc thanks for supporting Democratic Socialism....
I dunno. I mean Stalin was really misunderstood. So many ruskies think back to his days as "happy times." That may account for Trump's actions. I mean Nikita did that shoe pounding thing, but really he was sort of clownish, and then he gave that secret speech suggesting torturing political opponents and sending the to die slowly in Siberia was …. maybe a bit much given circumstances. Then of course there's Putin murdering journalists and political opponents, and then Belarus. And then threatening the Baltics.

it's easy to see how Trump could become infatuated. Melania probably has fond memories of being child of apparchinick. It makes me thing of Bruno. So funny.

Thanks, Captain Hyperbole. Yeah, Trump is trying to be Stalin. You may want to pick up a history book so you can pass on your next opportunity to make yourself look stupid
Why do people post made up stuff like this? Politicians (and the American people overall) love Socialist programs.

It's just who benefits where some have problems.

Listen, don't throw everything in "one basket" and DO NOT MIX “social” rather than “socialist” programs with capitalism.
Socialism, as a society of citizens of social equality, is antagonistic to capitalism, as a society of total INEQUALITY !!!

Winston Churchill: " The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries"
once we destroy racist capitalism and get rid of the wh8te people the earth will finally be at peace ...like it always was

It was an unfortunate joke and a clear attempt to divert the forum from discussing the problem of blatant inequality in the United States.

America is extremely fair. Anyone can make it here. We have different standards. We have equality of opportunity, not results. You will never have both. Equality of opportunity is what is fair
Pakistan and Ethiopia have the world's most income equality, yet they are both shithole nations, my friends

it is not important for everyone to have the same...everyone should have enough
What is required in America today for a person who wants to become a politician ?!
- he must be Jewish or black;
- he must say that he is religious;
- he must be homosexual or at least support LGBT, or he will not get support in Hollywood, Portland or New York;
- he should say that he hates "socialism" or "communism", either sincerely believing that it is BAD, or because he "plays by the rules" adopted in the American establishment, or believing that the split in society on the "poor" and "rich", a Platonic idea going back to the 5th century BC is NORMAL.

In this sense, Trump's speechwriters continue to insert criticism of socialism wherever they go, either because of their poor education at Chicago university or deliberately discrediting their patron to those who know the scientific definition of socialism.

So it was THIS time when the President ripped Biden as a “Trojan Horse” for socialism who would be led around by radicals like Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

View attachment 376592

This is how Democrats are represented by their opponents

View attachment 376597
This is how socialism is portrayed by those who want Americans to believe that socialism is worse than COVID-19

View attachment 376598

This is how Obama's rule and politics are represented

ALTHOUGH ALL THREE cartoons are psychological sabotage aimed at DISCREDITING THE IDEA of socialism!

WHAT DO both Democrats and Republicans DON'T LIKE about the idea of socialism ???

This is that socialism preaches the idea of SOCIAL EQUALITY and EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF HAPPINESS among all members of society!

In Their Own Words: Behind Americans’ Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’
Socialism’s critics say it weakens work ethic; those with positive views say it fosters equality

For many Americans, “socialism” is a word that evokes a weakened work ethic, stifled innovation and excessive reliance on the government. For others, it represents a fairer, more generous society.

View attachment 376600

Critics of socialism point to Venezuela as an example of a country where it has failed.

People with positive views of socialism cite different countries, such as Finland and Denmark, as places where it has succeeded.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

“Capitalism is the worst way to set up a society, except for all the other ways,” said a 44-year-old man. “Free markets allow for more innovative solutions and for more people to succeed.”

When those who hold negative views of capitalism are asked why they hold this view, about a quarter (23%) say that capitalism creates an unfair economic structure, mentioning that the system only benefits a small number of people or that wealth in this country is distributed poorly.
A similar share (20%) says that capitalism has an exploitative and corrupt nature, often hurting either people or the environment.
A smaller share of Americans who have negative views of capitalism (8%) mention that corporations and wealthy people undermine the democratic process by having too much power in political matters. And 4% of those with a negative view say that capitalism can work, but to do so it needs better oversight and regulation.

View attachment 376602

From the author:

I do not want to be like the propagandists of the Deep State, which stands guard over the interests of those who have everything, to brainwash readers and arrogantly and shamelessly claim that capitalism is the ONLY possible, God-given socio-political and economic system for the Chosen.

But I think that the discussion about "capitalism" and "socialism" MATURED in society, but for its adequate development KNOWLEDGE of the definition of socialism and its goals is needed.

Any attempt to cite corrupt propagandists from CNN or the New York Times will emasculate the debate.
Socialism ALWAYS leads to STARVATION for the masses and their pets. ALWAYS......Venzuela, Nazi germany, and even the US once tried it resulting in a mostly starved to death colony.

Socialism is simply the promise of giving idiots free stuff-------by taking from others who they call rich but who really aren't. The result is that free stuff comes from the working and middle classes making them poorer and unwilling to be slave labor for everyone so many just stop producing and become freeloaders themselves. This results in less things to spread around making both the working middle and upper classes and the freeloaders on the bottom even poorer----------but somehow the political and super super rich BEZO types get richer and richer as the political class buys votes from the freeloads, and the super rich 'donate' to the political class which buys them loop holes to protect the super rich while the extra strain of governments taxation squashes any potential competition to the already super rich's enterprises.

Hitler, the SOCIALIST LEADER OF THE NAZIS, promised idiots FREE stuff too(socialism) like free college, free entertainment, free food, free medical etc by taking from the rich (especially from the rich jews but all supposed "rich" and working classes were included) as well to rise to power. Criminals, druggies, Drunks, idiotic clueless college kids jumped at the promises of FREE FREE FREE from others who were called rich but actually were just working and middle class people. They also created the brown shirts---Hitlers chaos arm who went about especially before elections rioting, looting, burning, and attacking in order to create enough chaos to get people to want to CHANGE the government to anything else without thought-------thusly allowing Hitler to get into office. Politicians, Celebrities, and the super really rich who donated to the Nazis and Hitler had their loopholes put in-----------these people got richer under Hitler as did HITLER himself--------while everyone else suffered and eventually went hungry.
I think we should avoid socialism and communism in the same way we avoid theocracy, and for the same reason: it gives government too much power. We need a Constitutional amendment prohibiting the state from co-opting economic power. Government should be the referee for society, not the coach.
What is required in America today for a person who wants to become a politician ?!
- he must be Jewish or black;
- he must say that he is religious;
- he must be homosexual or at least support LGBT, or he will not get support in Hollywood, Portland or New York;
- he should say that he hates "socialism" or "communism", either sincerely believing that it is BAD, or because he "plays by the rules" adopted in the American establishment, or believing that the split in society on the "poor" and "rich", a Platonic idea going back to the 5th century BC is NORMAL.

In this sense, Trump's speechwriters continue to insert criticism of socialism wherever they go, either because of their poor education at Chicago university or deliberately discrediting their patron to those who know the scientific definition of socialism.

So it was THIS time when the President ripped Biden as a “Trojan Horse” for socialism who would be led around by radicals like Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

View attachment 376592

This is how Democrats are represented by their opponents

View attachment 376597
This is how socialism is portrayed by those who want Americans to believe that socialism is worse than COVID-19

View attachment 376598

This is how Obama's rule and politics are represented

ALTHOUGH ALL THREE cartoons are psychological sabotage aimed at DISCREDITING THE IDEA of socialism!

WHAT DO both Democrats and Republicans DON'T LIKE about the idea of socialism ???

This is that socialism preaches the idea of SOCIAL EQUALITY and EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF HAPPINESS among all members of society!

In Their Own Words: Behind Americans’ Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’
Socialism’s critics say it weakens work ethic; those with positive views say it fosters equality

For many Americans, “socialism” is a word that evokes a weakened work ethic, stifled innovation and excessive reliance on the government. For others, it represents a fairer, more generous society.

View attachment 376600

Critics of socialism point to Venezuela as an example of a country where it has failed.

People with positive views of socialism cite different countries, such as Finland and Denmark, as places where it has succeeded.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

“Capitalism is the worst way to set up a society, except for all the other ways,” said a 44-year-old man. “Free markets allow for more innovative solutions and for more people to succeed.”

When those who hold negative views of capitalism are asked why they hold this view, about a quarter (23%) say that capitalism creates an unfair economic structure, mentioning that the system only benefits a small number of people or that wealth in this country is distributed poorly.
A similar share (20%) says that capitalism has an exploitative and corrupt nature, often hurting either people or the environment.
A smaller share of Americans who have negative views of capitalism (8%) mention that corporations and wealthy people undermine the democratic process by having too much power in political matters. And 4% of those with a negative view say that capitalism can work, but to do so it needs better oversight and regulation.

View attachment 376602

From the author:

I do not want to be like the propagandists of the Deep State, which stands guard over the interests of those who have everything, to brainwash readers and arrogantly and shamelessly claim that capitalism is the ONLY possible, God-given socio-political and economic system for the Chosen.

But I think that the discussion about "capitalism" and "socialism" MATURED in society, but for its adequate development KNOWLEDGE of the definition of socialism and its goals is needed.

Any attempt to cite corrupt propagandists from CNN or the New York Times will emasculate the debate.
Socialism ALWAYS leads to STARVATION for the masses and their pets. ALWAYS......Venzuela, Nazi germany, and even the US once tried it resulting in a mostly starved to death colony.

Socialism is simply the promise of giving idiots free stuff-------

Free stuff.

The never ending QE story
I think we should avoid socialism and communism in the same way we avoid theocracy, and for the same reason: it gives government too much power. We need a Constitutional amendment prohibiting the state from co-opting economic power. Government should be the referee for society, not the coach.

But you know that isn't going to happen. The power wants the free stuff. They aren't very happy in sharing that free stuff but they are never going to get over wanting their free stuff.
I think we should avoid socialism and communism in the same way we avoid theocracy, and for the same reason: it gives government too much power. We need a Constitutional amendment prohibiting the state from co-opting economic power. Government should be the referee for society, not the coach.

But you know that isn't going to happen.

Probably not. Doesn't change my position.

Speaking of what isn't going to happen - we'll never get anything like real socialism in the US. Certainly not if the Democrats have anything to do with it. They're squarely fixated on corporatism, which is even worse.
socialists weren't even footnotes in elections until Crazy Bernie came along...now we have the Squad, and it growing with the victory of Cori Bush and others

Crazy Bernie is too liberal to get elected in Denmark, my friends
Last edited:
"I don’t believe the government should own the means of production, but I do believe that the middle class and working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal." - Crazy Bernie

it's a kinder gentler socialism, without the Gulag
"I don’t believe the government should own the means of production, but I do believe that the middle class and working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a fair deal." - Crazy Bernie

I wonder why he felt it necessary to qualify it? ("but I do believe ...")

If he really didn't believe the government should own the means of production, he should have stopped there.
What is required in America today for a person who wants to become a politician ?!
- he must be Jewish or black;
- he must say that he is religious;
- he must be homosexual or at least support LGBT, or he will not get support in Hollywood, Portland or New York;
- he should say that he hates "socialism" or "communism", either sincerely believing that it is BAD, or because he "plays by the rules" adopted in the American establishment, or believing that the split in society on the "poor" and "rich", a Platonic idea going back to the 5th century BC is NORMAL.

In this sense, Trump's speechwriters continue to insert criticism of socialism wherever they go, either because of their poor education at Chicago university or deliberately discrediting their patron to those who know the scientific definition of socialism.

So it was THIS time when the President ripped Biden as a “Trojan Horse” for socialism who would be led around by radicals like Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

View attachment 376592

This is how Democrats are represented by their opponents

View attachment 376597
This is how socialism is portrayed by those who want Americans to believe that socialism is worse than COVID-19

View attachment 376598

This is how Obama's rule and politics are represented

ALTHOUGH ALL THREE cartoons are psychological sabotage aimed at DISCREDITING THE IDEA of socialism!

WHAT DO both Democrats and Republicans DON'T LIKE about the idea of socialism ???

This is that socialism preaches the idea of SOCIAL EQUALITY and EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF HAPPINESS among all members of society!

In Their Own Words: Behind Americans’ Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’
Socialism’s critics say it weakens work ethic; those with positive views say it fosters equality

For many Americans, “socialism” is a word that evokes a weakened work ethic, stifled innovation and excessive reliance on the government. For others, it represents a fairer, more generous society.

View attachment 376600

Critics of socialism point to Venezuela as an example of a country where it has failed.

People with positive views of socialism cite different countries, such as Finland and Denmark, as places where it has succeeded.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

Many with positive views of socialism say it fosters equality
Why do you have a positive view of socialism?About four-in-ten Americans (42%) have positive views of socialism. Among this group, the most frequently cited reason is that it will result in fairer, more generous society (31% say this). This includes 10% who specifically express a belief that it is important for the government to take care of its citizens or for fellow citizens to care for each other.

A smaller share of Americans who have a positive view of socialism say it would build upon and improve capitalism (20%). Some in this group say the U.S. already has socialism, in the form of government programs. Others specifically say they prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism. “A blend can ensure a thriving productive society for all,” said a 42-year-old woman.

Just 2% of those who have a positive view of socialism explicitly mention the phrase “democratic socialism” as the reason.

While some who express a negative view of socialism link it with countries like Venezuela, some of those with a positive view point to different countries – such as Denmark or Finland – as models. Among those with a positive impression, 6% say it has been a historical or comparative success, with most of these people citing how it has worked in European countries.

“Capitalism is the worst way to set up a society, except for all the other ways,” said a 44-year-old man. “Free markets allow for more innovative solutions and for more people to succeed.”

When those who hold negative views of capitalism are asked why they hold this view, about a quarter (23%) say that capitalism creates an unfair economic structure, mentioning that the system only benefits a small number of people or that wealth in this country is distributed poorly.
A similar share (20%) says that capitalism has an exploitative and corrupt nature, often hurting either people or the environment.
A smaller share of Americans who have negative views of capitalism (8%) mention that corporations and wealthy people undermine the democratic process by having too much power in political matters. And 4% of those with a negative view say that capitalism can work, but to do so it needs better oversight and regulation.

View attachment 376602

From the author:

I do not want to be like the propagandists of the Deep State, which stands guard over the interests of those who have everything, to brainwash readers and arrogantly and shamelessly claim that capitalism is the ONLY possible, God-given socio-political and economic system for the Chosen.

But I think that the discussion about "capitalism" and "socialism" MATURED in society, but for its adequate development KNOWLEDGE of the definition of socialism and its goals is needed.

Any attempt to cite corrupt propagandists from CNN or the New York Times will emasculate the debate.
When the government owns all means of production and distribution ( socialism) then it is the government that decides what the quality of your life will be not the individual.

A country whose Constitution is based on individual rights cannot implement socialism without a complete rewrite of is constitution.
I think we should avoid socialism and communism in the same way we avoid theocracy, and for the same reason: it gives government too much power. We need a Constitutional amendment prohibiting the state from co-opting economic power. Government should be the referee for society, not the coach.

But you know that isn't going to happen.

Probably not. Doesn't change my position.

Speaking of what isn't going to happen - we'll never get anything like real socialism in the US. Certainly not if the Democrats have anything to do with it. They're squarely fixated on corporatism, which is even worse.

They absolutely do. Sadly neither party is who they pretend to be but we continue to support them for some reason.

Just to note, Trump supports Corporatism also which is why he does nothing about the employers hiring illegals. Corporations want the low wages.

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