Why Do Atheist's Hate The Ground Zero Cross ?

Pass blame off of "the left"? Who the fuck was President in 2001? A "Leftist"?

Leftists don't need to transfer blame for 9/11. Republicans armed the jihad and a Republican was reading My Pet Goat on 9/11 instead of the security briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside the United States". That's all on the GOP.

Or were Reagan and Bush powerless under the oppressive thumb of liberal leftist Sharia Marxists?

Wow the far left revisionist history is on full display.

Clinton gets a five year pass from the far left, but not someone that was in office for less than 9 months..

Even the 9/11 commission report shows that Clinton dropped the ball several times, but hey don't let that far left propaganda get in the way of the facts.
Look at yourself trying to pass the blame off of the GOP. "Yes, Reagan armed the jihad and Bush was completely inept and he lied to the entire world to start a war that he couldn't finish, but what about Clinton????"

It's just sad. Take your fucking medicine. The GOP is not innocent. Saying that the GOP is not innocent does NOT mean that Democrats are. It means that the GOP is not innocent. Blame is due to those responsible. Reagan was fucking responsible.

The far left revision still continues..

What other parts of history will they rewrite so they don't have to accept blame or admit any wrong doing?
Because like gays, vegans and anti gluten fans, they can't stand the fact everyone doesn't agree with them.
Wow the far left revisionist history is on full display.

Clinton gets a five year pass from the far left, but not someone that was in office for less than 9 months..

Even the 9/11 commission report shows that Clinton dropped the ball several times, but hey don't let that far left propaganda get in the way of the facts.
Look at yourself trying to pass the blame off of the GOP. "Yes, Reagan armed the jihad and Bush was completely inept and he lied to the entire world to start a war that he couldn't finish, but what about Clinton????"

It's just sad. Take your fucking medicine. The GOP is not innocent. Saying that the GOP is not innocent does NOT mean that Democrats are. It means that the GOP is not innocent. Blame is due to those responsible. Reagan was fucking responsible.

The far left revision still continues..

What other parts of history will they rewrite so they don't have to accept blame or admit any wrong doing?
What is being revised? Why don't you stop typing "Liberal leftists are revising history" and actually explain what is being revised? It's just pathetic. Correct me, please. Tell me that I'm a Democrat because I hate Bush, with your 2-dimensional logic. Reagan secretly sold weapons to terrorists and dictators in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. That's not "revision". That's just history. That's what happened. But in your 2-sided small mind, you think that if I'm against Bush then I'm obviously an Obama lover. Society is not a 2-sided coin, the world is round, and people don't have to belong to any political party.

Every US President for the past 40 years has been a liar and a corporate shill, Reagan supported terrorism, and George W. Bush lied to invade Iraq. That's not "leftist liberal revision". If it is then explain how.
The Atheists who I know aren't threatened by such things. The fact is that over 80% of the country believes in a higher power...I don't understand why a non-believer would be so up in arms about other people finding comfort in the symbolism of an object.

Its very simple....because they don't believe in the cross and such.that more than just Christians died that day.

If it's on governments property than that's an issue. If it's on private than tough shit....

End of story
A better question is why a burned out piece of metal from a destroyed building gives morons any comfort. Was Jesus protecting the towers that day? Is that why a cross formed? Or was it just a matter of chance that a cross-section of steel support beams was cut by the destruction in such a way as to form an easily recognizable shape and therefore doesn't have any meaning other than what morons attribute to it?

"Whenever I look at the Ground Zero Cross, I am reminded of how much God loves America." Is that the mentality? It's wrong. God doesn't love America. God doesn't even know that America exists. Americans are so vain and egotistical that they think that an all-knowing omnipotent eternal being cares about a particular sports team.

God wasn't in the World Trade Center. Do you know why?

"You cannot serve both God and money." - Jesus H. Christ

And the Asshole Atheist contingent makes their appearance in the thread.
A better question is why a burned out piece of metal from a destroyed building gives morons any comfort. Was Jesus protecting the towers that day? Is that why a cross formed? Or was it just a matter of chance that a cross-section of steel support beams was cut by the destruction in such a way as to form an easily recognizable shape and therefore doesn't have any meaning other than what morons attribute to it?

"Whenever I look at the Ground Zero Cross, I am reminded of how much God loves America." Is that the mentality? It's wrong. God doesn't love America. God doesn't even know that America exists. Americans are so vain and egotistical that they think that an all-knowing omnipotent eternal being cares about a particular sports team.

God wasn't in the World Trade Center. Do you know why?

"You cannot serve both God and money." - Jesus H. Christ

And the Asshole Atheist contingent makes their appearance in the thread.

Calling people assholes is so much nicer when coming from an idiot that believes in sky fairies.
A better question is why a burned out piece of metal from a destroyed building gives morons any comfort. Was Jesus protecting the towers that day? Is that why a cross formed? Or was it just a matter of chance that a cross-section of steel support beams was cut by the destruction in such a way as to form an easily recognizable shape and therefore doesn't have any meaning other than what morons attribute to it?

"Whenever I look at the Ground Zero Cross, I am reminded of how much God loves America." Is that the mentality? It's wrong. God doesn't love America. God doesn't even know that America exists. Americans are so vain and egotistical that they think that an all-knowing omnipotent eternal being cares about a particular sports team.

God wasn't in the World Trade Center. Do you know why?

"You cannot serve both God and money." - Jesus H. Christ

And the Asshole Atheist contingent makes their appearance in the thread.
Well Merde a Dieu! the title of the thread should give even a religious pule like a clue why n'est-ce pas?
A better question is why a burned out piece of metal from a destroyed building gives morons any comfort. Was Jesus protecting the towers that day? Is that why a cross formed? Or was it just a matter of chance that a cross-section of steel support beams was cut by the destruction in such a way as to form an easily recognizable shape and therefore doesn't have any meaning other than what morons attribute to it?

"Whenever I look at the Ground Zero Cross, I am reminded of how much God loves America." Is that the mentality? It's wrong. God doesn't love America. God doesn't even know that America exists. Americans are so vain and egotistical that they think that an all-knowing omnipotent eternal being cares about a particular sports team.

God wasn't in the World Trade Center. Do you know why?

"You cannot serve both God and money." - Jesus H. Christ

And the Asshole Atheist contingent makes their appearance in the thread.

Calling people assholes is so much nicer when coming from an idiot that believes in sky fairies.

And the next asshole makes it to the scene.
A better question is why a burned out piece of metal from a destroyed building gives morons any comfort. Was Jesus protecting the towers that day? Is that why a cross formed? Or was it just a matter of chance that a cross-section of steel support beams was cut by the destruction in such a way as to form an easily recognizable shape and therefore doesn't have any meaning other than what morons attribute to it?

"Whenever I look at the Ground Zero Cross, I am reminded of how much God loves America." Is that the mentality? It's wrong. God doesn't love America. God doesn't even know that America exists. Americans are so vain and egotistical that they think that an all-knowing omnipotent eternal being cares about a particular sports team.

God wasn't in the World Trade Center. Do you know why?

"You cannot serve both God and money." - Jesus H. Christ

And the Asshole Atheist contingent makes their appearance in the thread.
Well Merde a Dieu! the title of the thread should give even a religious pule like a clue why n'est-ce pas?

Sigh, i swear being full one oneself must be the equivalent of Grace for Atheists.
A better question is why a burned out piece of metal from a destroyed building gives morons any comfort. Was Jesus protecting the towers that day? Is that why a cross formed? Or was it just a matter of chance that a cross-section of steel support beams was cut by the destruction in such a way as to form an easily recognizable shape and therefore doesn't have any meaning other than what morons attribute to it?

"Whenever I look at the Ground Zero Cross, I am reminded of how much God loves America." Is that the mentality? It's wrong. God doesn't love America. God doesn't even know that America exists. Americans are so vain and egotistical that they think that an all-knowing omnipotent eternal being cares about a particular sports team.

God wasn't in the World Trade Center. Do you know why?

"You cannot serve both God and money." - Jesus H. Christ

Why do you hate the religion of our President so much? You must be a racist.

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