Why Do Atheist's Hate The Ground Zero Cross ?

The cross offends those who hate God because it is God's forgiveness, and they can't accept it. If they accept God's forgiveness they are acknowledging that they are a sinner.

What? :cuckoo: Last I checked we are all sinners.

And I find it funny that your religion revolves around sacraficing a human.

There is no god babe. Why there is no god
Meanwhile, the NSA is watching everyone 24/7 in violation of the 4th Amendment, and everyone knows it, but no one seems to care.

That's because we are use to Jesus watching us masterbate, watching girls put their fingers up my butt, watch me fuck girls in the ass. If I'm ok with god watching what do I care if the NSA watches?
The Atheists who I know aren't threatened by such things. The fact is that over 80% of the country believes in a higher power...I don't understand why a non-believer would be so up in arms about other people finding comfort in the symbolism of an object.

Its very simple....because they don't believe in the cross and such.that more than just Christians died that day.

If it's on governments property than that's an issue. If it's on private than tough shit....

End of story

No, it's not the end of the story. The government is not supporting/endorsing a state sponsored religion by allowing a symbol that gave, and continues to give, many people comfort. Anyone who is offended has serious issues about doing nothing more than looking for a pathetic excuse to attempt and assert their intolerant muscles. Don't pretend that the majority of Atheists truly give a shit about such nonsense, as though just because they don't believe in the "sky fairy", that they don't have the compassion to allow others to find peace in it's existence at a site of such profound loss and grief.

Just remember what the pilots on 9-11 screamed right before they killed all those people on 9-11. Allah Akbar baby! God is GREAT! :cuckoo:
"Do you think that when Jesus comes back, he's ever going to want to see a fucking cross?" - Bill Hicks
Why Do Atheist's Hate The Ground Zero Cross ?

The cross is a pagan symbol that was adopted by Christianity (copycatted like the entire Jesus story).

That's also what Jehovah's Witnesses say.

I notice every branch of christians think they are the one truly right one. Born agains, Catholics and Mormon's mostly. They're all praying to an imaginary made up fictional character.
The cross offends those who hate God because it is God's forgiveness, and they can't accept it. If they accept God's forgiveness they are acknowledging that they are a sinner.

What? :cuckoo: Last I checked we are all sinners.

And I find it funny that your religion revolves around sacraficing a human.

There is no god babe. Why there is no god

Strange post. You acknowledge you're a sinner, then you appear to not acknowledge the sacrifice for your sin.
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The cross is a pagan symbol that was adopted by Christianity (copycatted like the entire Jesus story).

That's also what Jehovah's Witnesses say.

I notice every branch of christians think they are the one truly right one. Born agains, Catholics and Mormon's mostly. They're all praying to an imaginary made up fictional character.

All I know is my Bible says Jesus is the only way. If some group says you need their doctrine to be saved then they are off course. Jesus is the Savior, not a sect or denomination.
Its very simple....because they don't believe in the cross and such.that more than just Christians died that day.

If it's on governments property than that's an issue. If it's on private than tough shit....

End of story

No, it's not the end of the story. The government is not supporting/endorsing a state sponsored religion by allowing a symbol that gave, and continues to give, many people comfort. Anyone who is offended has serious issues about doing nothing more than looking for a pathetic excuse to attempt and assert their intolerant muscles. Don't pretend that the majority of Atheists truly give a shit about such nonsense, as though just because they don't believe in the "sky fairy", that they don't have the compassion to allow others to find peace in it's existence at a site of such profound loss and grief.

Just remember what the pilots on 9-11 screamed right before they killed all those people on 9-11. Allah Akbar baby! God is GREAT! :cuckoo:

Just because you're a radical Atheist who feels compelled to enlighten and educate the idiot believers, doesn't mean that your attitude represents the majority of Atheists. Hey, if it gives you a fucking hard on that evil people use God as an excuse to commit terrorist acts, well then whatever blows your hair back...but not very many people will take seriously your comparison of those extremists to average believers as anything more than a pitiful agenda to silence people's faith.
The cross offends those who hate God because it is God's forgiveness, and they can't accept it. If they accept God's forgiveness they are acknowledging that they are a sinner.

What? :cuckoo: Last I checked we are all sinners.

And I find it funny that your religion revolves around sacraficing a human.

There is no god babe. Why there is no god

Strange post. You acknowledge you're a sinner, then you appear to not acknowledge the sacrifice for you sin.

Huh? I think sexual perverted thoughts. I have stolen and might again in the future if the opportunity presents itself. I dishonor my parents when I do drugs or fuck lose women. So I am a "sinner" just like you. I just don't think there is an invisible man watching me and who's going to send me to hell for all eternity if I don't repent. That's all man made up bullshit. Hitler isn't in hell he's just dead/gone.
No, it's not the end of the story. The government is not supporting/endorsing a state sponsored religion by allowing a symbol that gave, and continues to give, many people comfort. Anyone who is offended has serious issues about doing nothing more than looking for a pathetic excuse to attempt and assert their intolerant muscles. Don't pretend that the majority of Atheists truly give a shit about such nonsense, as though just because they don't believe in the "sky fairy", that they don't have the compassion to allow others to find peace in it's existence at a site of such profound loss and grief.

Just remember what the pilots on 9-11 screamed right before they killed all those people on 9-11. Allah Akbar baby! God is GREAT! :cuckoo:

Just because you're a radical Atheist who feels compelled to enlighten and educate the idiot believers, doesn't mean that your attitude represents the majority of Atheists. Hey, if it gives you a fucking hard on that evil people use God as an excuse to commit terrorist acts, well then whatever blows your hair back...but not very many people will take seriously your comparison of those extremists to average believers as anything more than a pitiful agenda to silence people's faith.

More and more people are leaving the churches or they aren't brainwashing their kids with that shit anymore. I'm just trying to fast track religion out of existence or if that's not possible just get religious nuts to start keeping that shit to themselves.

Hopefully one day no one will vote for a Christian the same way today most Americans feel this way about Atheists.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So don't cry like you are a victim when it is us who have to live in a society full of fucking retards just like you. THERE IS NO GOD! You believe a fairy tale stupid.
That's also what Jehovah's Witnesses say.

I notice every branch of christians think they are the one truly right one. Born agains, Catholics and Mormon's mostly. They're all praying to an imaginary made up fictional character.

All I know is my Bible says Jesus is the only way. If some group says you need their doctrine to be saved then they are off course. Jesus is the Savior, not a sect or denomination.

Don't you ever question how ONE book can rule your life? Who wrote it? ONE book and you are hooked? Got any proof? What's your prayer success rate?

Oh well, I believe in Spiderman. I've read his book...
That's also what Jehovah's Witnesses say.

I notice every branch of christians think they are the one truly right one. Born agains, Catholics and Mormon's mostly. They're all praying to an imaginary made up fictional character.

All I know is my Bible says Jesus is the only way. If some group says you need their doctrine to be saved then they are off course. Jesus is the Savior, not a sect or denomination.

All I know is my koran says.....whatever stupid. :eusa_shhh:
I notice every branch of christians think they are the one truly right one. Born agains, Catholics and Mormon's mostly. They're all praying to an imaginary made up fictional character.

All I know is my Bible says Jesus is the only way. If some group says you need their doctrine to be saved then they are off course. Jesus is the Savior, not a sect or denomination.

Don't you ever question how ONE book can rule your life? Who wrote it? ONE book and you are hooked? Got any proof? What's your prayer success rate?

Oh well, I believe in Spiderman. I've read his book...

And then they get their feelings hurt when we point it out to them they have zero proof the fairy tale they've been force fed from birth is a fairy tale joke.

One day soon I hope Christianity will die just like the 999 other religions that were made up before it.
Just remember what the pilots on 9-11 screamed right before they killed all those people on 9-11. Allah Akbar baby! God is GREAT! :cuckoo:

Just because you're a radical Atheist who feels compelled to enlighten and educate the idiot believers, doesn't mean that your attitude represents the majority of Atheists. Hey, if it gives you a fucking hard on that evil people use God as an excuse to commit terrorist acts, well then whatever blows your hair back...but not very many people will take seriously your comparison of those extremists to average believers as anything more than a pitiful agenda to silence people's faith.

More and more people are leaving the churches or they aren't brainwashing their kids with that shit anymore. I'm just trying to fast track religion out of existence or if that's not possible just get religious nuts to start keeping that shit to themselves.

Hopefully one day no one will vote for a Christian the same way today most Americans feel this way about Atheists.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So don't cry like you are a victim when it is us who have to live in a society full of fucking retards just like you. THERE IS NO GOD! You believe a fairy tale stupid.

Wow, you are on a serious mission to convert, little man.:lol: The only thing more obnoxious than someone trying to cram religion down my throat, would be a fucking douche bag like you trying to cram your anti-religion down my throat...you clearly would not have my best interest at heart.:D BTW, how sad for you that your dear leader and his wife believe in a fairy tale, and are brainwashing their children to believe it.:eusa_whistle:
What? :cuckoo: Last I checked we are all sinners.

And I find it funny that your religion revolves around sacraficing a human.

There is no god babe. Why there is no god

Strange post. You acknowledge you're a sinner, then you appear to not acknowledge the sacrifice for you sin.

Huh? I think sexual perverted thoughts. I have stolen and might again in the future if the opportunity presents itself. I dishonor my parents when I do drugs or fuck lose women. So I am a "sinner" just like you. I just don't think there is an invisible man watching me and who's going to send me to hell for all eternity if I don't repent. That's all man made up bullshit. Hitler isn't in hell he's just dead/gone.

Cool. I'm just saying that acknowledging you're a sinner is a Judeo/Christian doctrine. Interesting.
Just because you're a radical Atheist who feels compelled to enlighten and educate the idiot believers, doesn't mean that your attitude represents the majority of Atheists. Hey, if it gives you a fucking hard on that evil people use God as an excuse to commit terrorist acts, well then whatever blows your hair back...but not very many people will take seriously your comparison of those extremists to average believers as anything more than a pitiful agenda to silence people's faith.

More and more people are leaving the churches or they aren't brainwashing their kids with that shit anymore. I'm just trying to fast track religion out of existence or if that's not possible just get religious nuts to start keeping that shit to themselves.

Hopefully one day no one will vote for a Christian the same way today most Americans feel this way about Atheists.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So don't cry like you are a victim when it is us who have to live in a society full of fucking retards just like you. THERE IS NO GOD! You believe a fairy tale stupid.

Wow, you are on a serious mission to convert, little man.:lol: The only thing more obnoxious than someone trying to cram religion down my throat, would be a fucking douche bag like you trying to cram your anti-religion down my throat...you clearly would not have my best interest at heart.:D BTW, how sad for you that your dear leader and his wife believe in a fairy tale, and are brainwashing their children to believe it.:eusa_whistle:

Well who knows if Bush or Obama really believe. Fact is you have to say you believe whether you do or not or you can't get elected and I think that's pretty sad considering the facts that..

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artefacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

The Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and texts and many of his supposed teachings existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution:
I notice every branch of christians think they are the one truly right one. Born agains, Catholics and Mormon's mostly. They're all praying to an imaginary made up fictional character.

All I know is my Bible says Jesus is the only way. If some group says you need their doctrine to be saved then they are off course. Jesus is the Savior, not a sect or denomination.

All I know is my koran says.....whatever stupid. :eusa_shhh:

I can tell you're really really smart. Harvard?
Strange post. You acknowledge you're a sinner, then you appear to not acknowledge the sacrifice for you sin.

Huh? I think sexual perverted thoughts. I have stolen and might again in the future if the opportunity presents itself. I dishonor my parents when I do drugs or fuck lose women. So I am a "sinner" just like you. I just don't think there is an invisible man watching me and who's going to send me to hell for all eternity if I don't repent. That's all man made up bullshit. Hitler isn't in hell he's just dead/gone.

Cool. I'm just saying that acknowledging you're a sinner is a Judeo/Christian doctrine. Interesting.

Yea I was born and raised in this society.

And I was a "christian" probably until about a year or two ago. Then I believed in God for about a year but realized all the organized religions are made up and now I realize there is no god.

When I became convinced that the universe was natural, that all the ghosts and gods were myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell. The dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles turned to dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf, or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world, not even in infinite space.

I was free to think. Free to express my thoughts, free to live in my own ideal. Free to live for myself and those I loved. Free to use all my faculties, all my senses. Free to spread imagination’s wings, free to investigate, to guess, and dream and hope. Free to judge and determine for myself. Free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the inspired books that savages have produced, and the barbarous legends of the past. Free from sanctified mistakes and “holy” lies. Free from the fear of eternal pain, free from the winged monsters of the night. Free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free.

There were no prohibited places in all of the realm of thought. No error, no space where fancy could not spread her painted wings. No chains for my limbs. No lashes for my back. No flames for my flesh. No Master’s frown or threat, no following in another’s steps. No need to bow or cringe or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free; I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced all worlds.

My heart was filled with gratitude, with thankfulness, and went out in love to all the heros, the thinkers who gave their lives for liberty of hand and brain, for the freedom of labor and thought to those who fell on the fierce fields of war. To those who died in dungeons, bound in chains, to those by fire consumed, to all the wise, the good, the brave of every land whose thoughts and deeds have given freedom to the sons of men. And then, I vowed to grasp the torch that they held, and hold it high, That light might conquer darkness still.

-Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899)
All I know is my Bible says Jesus is the only way. If some group says you need their doctrine to be saved then they are off course. Jesus is the Savior, not a sect or denomination.

All I know is my koran says.....whatever stupid. :eusa_shhh:

I can tell you're really really smart. Harvard?

No but I do have a masters and remember, the validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

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