Why Do Atheist's Hate The Ground Zero Cross ?

Until you fucking morons stop thinking this way, my work is not done.

Americans would more likely support a philandering presidential candidate than an atheist one -- by an 18 percent margin -- according to a Pew Research Center poll published Monday.

While 35 percent of respondents said they would be less likely to support a presidential candidate who had an extramarital affair, 53 percent of Americans indicated that not believing in God -- the trait viewed most negatively of the 16 tested -- would make them unsupportive of a candidate.

In accordance with a widely cited study by the University of Minnesota, which found atheists to be the most disliked and distrusted minority group in the nation, only 5 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a secular candidate.

The Pew survey, which questioned 1,501 adults nationwide from April 23 to 27, also found a significant partisan divide on the issue.

While 70 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of Democrats expressed opposition to an atheist candidate, 49 percent of Democrats viewed a potential candidate’s atheism as irrelevant.

Overall, even fewer Americans, 22 percent, would oppose a presidential candidate who has admitted to marijuana use.

In addition to the 71 percent of Protestants and the 48 percent of Catholics who would be less likely to favor an atheist candidate, almost a quarter of the religiously unaffiliated, 24 percent, indicated they would be more likely to reject an atheist contender.

So don't play the victim card honey. Oh and PS, I come here to talk about this stuff because you can't talk to religious people about this stuff. They'll just get upset and tell you that you are going to go to hell.

So yes, I am PASSIONATE that human's need to let this stuff go. The 999 other religions that came before the ones we have now died so why can't the ones we have now die?

Damn, I feel bad that I'm laughing at you...I mean I've just never seen anyone get so fucking hysterical over such silliness. Clearly you take this shit very seriously. Sweetie, I don't need to play the victim card, because I'm secure in my beliefs...now I'm beginning to wonder how secure you are in your beliefs, and all of this huffing and puffing is your way to keep the angels at bay.:eusa_whistle: I'm fucking going to hell for taunting your distraught ass.:lmao:

A lot of atheists like Neal Degrass Tyson say they don't have any time or energy to worry about religion. They are too busy with science. I guess eventually, just like born agains all eventually settle down, so will I. I just found NO JESUS about a couple months ago and that is what brought me back to USMB.

I use to talk about politics all the time but then I realized that religion is one of the main ways they have brainwashed Americans and so you have to go to the source of the problem if you want to solve it. You can't rationalize with religious people because they are brainwashed.

You can't convince them that abortion is a necessary evil or that we shouldn't discriminate against gays for example. As Americans and thinking people you think they would get those things but they don't because a made up book about a made up son of god who knocked up a virgin and then he was sacraficed and then came back and will come back again and omg!!! WTF. :cuckoo:

I got to go. It's late. Just know you are all fucking nuts.

Take it easy, ya fuckin' heathen.:D
You're mentally ill.

But I do hope Jesus comes back and takes all the bible thumpers home like they predict he will soon. This planet is too over populated already so it would be great if that many people just floated away one day. They'd be in heaven and we'd be in heaven on earth with all those Christian assholes gone.
Just out of curiousity, are of of European descent, in whole or in part?

For example, my ancestry is primarily a mix of Irish and German.

Greek. I remember my Yaya with a 3rd grade education telling me about god, jesus and the bible and I just knew what she was telling me couldn't be true.

Then I heard about 1000 other spins on Christianity. Know what this tells me? It's all made up.
Are you ex military? I hope they send you back to Iraq so you can meet Jesus sooner than later.

You're mentally ill.

But I do hope Jesus comes back and takes all the bible thumpers home like they predict he will soon. This planet is too over populated already so it would be great if that many people just floated away one day. They'd be in heaven and we'd be in heaven on earth with all those Christian assholes gone.

Do you understand what happens when the Christians are gone. You aren't gonna have as much fun as you think. It's gonna be like iraq and Syria on steroids.
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They probably oppose the cross because it ended up in the pile much like their followers did on 9-11.

In the beginning there were probably several atheist's that wen't to work that morning. In the end as the buildings fell there wasn't an atheist to found.

Out of the three thousand that died that day a percentage were atheist's in the beginning. At the end there were none.

Atheist's don't like the cross because it reminds them that when the chips are down they will cease being atheist so fast it will make their heads spin.

Many atheist's wen't to work the morning of 9-11. Not a single one wen't down with the buildings.
They probably oppose the cross because it ended up in the pile much like their followers did on 9-11.

In the beginning there were probably several atheist's that wen't to work that morning. In the end as the buildings fell there wasn't an atheist to found.

Out of the three thousand that died that day a percentage were atheist's in the beginning. At the end there were none.

Atheist's don't like the cross because it reminds them that when the chips are down they will cease being atheist so fast it will make their heads spin.

Many atheist's wen't to work the morning of 9-11. Not a single one wen't down with the buildings.

It's how many of us were originally indoctrinated - Brainwashed. As with many childhood fantasies - I grew out of it. If I had been brainwashed to holler SHIT when I was in trouble - I'd have hollered SHIT. If I had been brainwashed to pray to a rock when I was in trouble - I'd have prayed to a rock. I evolved...
Out of the three thousand that died that day a percentage were atheist's in the beginning. At the end there were none.

Evidence for that?

You have none. Because it's pure wishful thinking on your part. It bothers you that someone doesn't think like you, so you have to create some comforting fables that atheists aren't actually atheists.

You know what I think about when things get dodgy? How to fix the problem. Wasting time thinking about some deity is pointless and will get you killed. In real life, foxholes create atheists.
But I do hope Jesus comes back and takes all the bible thumpers home like they predict he will soon. This planet is too over populated already so it would be great if that many people just floated away one day. They'd be in heaven and we'd be in heaven on earth with all those Christian assholes gone.
Just out of curiousity, are of of European descent, in whole or in part?

For example, my ancestry is primarily a mix of Irish and German.

Greek. I remember my Yaya with a 3rd grade education telling me about god, jesus and the bible and I just knew what she was telling me couldn't be true.

Then I heard about 1000 other spins on Christianity. Know what this tells me? It's all made up.
So, virtually all of your Greek ancestry line, going back the better part of 2000 years, are a collection of 'Christian assholes'?

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Can you tell us what it is or up as you go along?
please rephrase so I may understand your mumblings.

You implied that you had a moral compass. I asked what was the meaning or what does it entail or what does it contain, thinking that perhaps you could describe it.

I think in order for people to believe that you have a moral compass you would have to be able to articulate it.
this will make it easy for you to understand.
Dawkins: Religion no moral compass | Richard Dawkins Foundation
please rephrase so I may understand your mumblings.

You implied that you had a moral compass. I asked what was the meaning or what does it entail or what does it contain, thinking that perhaps you could describe it.

I think in order for people to believe that you have a moral compass you would have to be able to articulate it.
this will make it easy for you to understand.
Dawkins: Religion no moral compass | Richard Dawkins Foundation

You aren't able to articulate your moral compass?

I'm thinking you don't have one. You could, at the very least, say your moral compass is whatever Richard Dawkins says,
Just remember what the pilots on 9-11 screamed right before they killed all those people on 9-11. Allah Akbar baby! God is GREAT! :cuckoo:

Just because you're a radical Atheist who feels compelled to enlighten and educate the idiot believers, doesn't mean that your attitude represents the majority of Atheists. Hey, if it gives you a fucking hard on that evil people use God as an excuse to commit terrorist acts, well then whatever blows your hair back...but not very many people will take seriously your comparison of those extremists to average believers as anything more than a pitiful agenda to silence people's faith.

More and more people are leaving the churches or they aren't brainwashing their kids with that shit anymore. I'm just trying to fast track religion out of existence or if that's not possible just get religious nuts to start keeping that shit to themselves.

Hopefully one day no one will vote for a Christian the same way today most Americans feel this way about Atheists.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

So don't cry like you are a victim when it is us who have to live in a society full of fucking retards just like you. THERE IS NO GOD! You believe a fairy tale stupid.
Hopefully our next PM will be the Jewish Atheist Ed Miliband: I don't believe in God - Telegraph
Bobo mate America went wrong by banning religious education from schools,if you believe education is to give young adults the tools to make meaningful decisions. You will then understand that compulsory religious education in all our schools has created a population where only 37% believe in god. This figure reduces year on year.

Ps dont you admire the freedom of our society when a candidate to be the most powerful person in the country is not frightened by saying he is an atheist.
You implied that you had a moral compass. I asked what was the meaning or what does it entail or what does it contain, thinking that perhaps you could describe it.

I think in order for people to believe that you have a moral compass you would have to be able to articulate it.
this will make it easy for you to understand.
Dawkins: Religion no moral compass | Richard Dawkins Foundation

You aren't able to articulate your moral compass?

I'm thinking you don't have one. You could, at the very least, say your moral compass is whatever Richard Dawkins says,
I believe in and respect all the man made laws of our land that were democratically arrived at.
Ground Zero Cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive' | Fox News

Ground Zero Cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive'

A federal appeals court said this week that an atheist group trying to keep the so-called Ground Zero Cross out of the National September 11 Memorial Museum must better explain how displaying the artifact is “offensive” and violates members’ constitutional rights.

The 17-foot-tall, steel beam “cross” was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center twin towers in New York that fell during the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

The cross became a sort of shrine or place of comfort for first responders who often prayed there and left messages or flowers. It was moved away from the debris a few weeks later and became a tourist attraction through several years of reconstruction.

American Atheists filed the suit in 2011, which was thrown out last year by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York.

see ? just like their comrades in hate, the libercRATS, these people never give up, they keep chipping away at our rights, their constant, incessant whining and crying will eventually get what they want thru political channels thru a sympathetic libercRAT congress critter who will introduce a bill, it may not pass the first up, but you can bet your ass they will keep at it until that very tiny minority of a few hundred people over rule the wishes and common sense of 300,000,000 citizens.......,

take our Second Amendment Vs Gun Control.., need i say more ?


I'm an atheist. The American Atheists are overstepping in this case. That cross is part of the story of what happened on 9/11. It should be in the museum.
The funny thing atheism is a religion..
Wrong, please educate yourself on the definitions of each word.

Atheism is an active stance that there is no God.
How is it an active stance? Is my non belief in unicorns and ghosts an active stance?

Agnostics have a much better argument for not being a religion than Atheists do.
Neither is a religion. One can be atheist or agnostic and be religious eg. buddists but a disbelief in all gods is not a religion. It would be like me saying your disbelief in all other gods is a religiion.

Especially when they try to sway people over to their belief structure.
Again, not a belief structure but a lack of belief. The amount atheists try to sway people is about a decimal point of a percentage compared to what religious zealots try.
You implied that you had a moral compass. I asked what was the meaning or what does it entail or what does it contain, thinking that perhaps you could describe it.

I think in order for people to believe that you have a moral compass you would have to be able to articulate it.
this will make it easy for you to understand.
Dawkins: Religion no moral compass | Richard Dawkins Foundation

You aren't able to articulate your moral compass?

I'm thinking you don't have one. You could, at the very least, say your moral compass is whatever Richard Dawkins says,
You don't have one either and don't say you got it from the bible because that would be a huge LIE.
Wrong, please educate yourself on the definitions of each word.

Atheism is an active stance that there is no God.
How is it an active stance? Is my non belief in unicorns and ghosts an active stance?

Agnostics have a much better argument for not being a religion than Atheists do.
Neither is a religion. One can be atheist or agnostic and be religious eg. buddists but a disbelief in all gods is not a religion. It would be like me saying your disbelief in all other gods is a religiion.

Especially when they try to sway people over to their belief structure.
Again, not a belief structure but a lack of belief. The amount atheists try to sway people is about a decimal point of a percentage compared to what religious zealots try.

A lack of belief still requires you to have a position on the matter. You are actively saying there is NO God, not that you are ambivalent about it, or don't care about it.

The whole unicorn/ghost thing is argumentum ad absurdum. Unicorns have nothing to do with the basic question of what happens to our consciousness after we die, ghosts do, but is not exactly the same.

And I don't see religious zealots trying to FORCE you using the government to practice a religion. What Asshole Atheists are doing is forcing hostility to religion on the commons, not neutrality, which was the purpose of the 1st amendment.

You aren't able to articulate your moral compass?

I'm thinking you don't have one. You could, at the very least, say your moral compass is whatever Richard Dawkins says,
You don't have one either and don't say you got it from the bible because that would be a huge LIE.

Does anybody have a moral compass then?
You aren't able to articulate your moral compass?

I'm thinking you don't have one. You could, at the very least, say your moral compass is whatever Richard Dawkins says,
You don't have one either and don't say you got it from the bible because that would be a huge LIE.

Does anybody have a moral compass then?
IMHO, most people have a moral compass.

It's a matter of where they got it from, and how well it's working.

For Bad Guys, their moral compass points 180-degrees opposite of the rest of us.

But they have one.

It's just broke.
A lack of belief still requires you to have a position on the matter. You are actively saying there is NO God, not that you are ambivalent about it, or don't care about it.
Atheists are not saying there is no god. There is zero evidence for your god and any other god so we do not believe any god exists. Provide the evidence and we will believe. Don't forget this quote also. 'We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."

The whole unicorn/ghost thing is argumentum ad absurdum. Unicorns have nothing to do with the basic question of what happens to our consciousness after we die, ghosts do, but is not exactly the same.
They are both beliefs systems, period. Still haven't proven how atheism is an active stance.

And I don't see religious zealots trying to FORCE you using the government to practice a religion.
So they are not trying to get prayer back in school or to get people to swear on a bible in a court of law or erect some reilgious symbol on public land or to force people to use the word god in your pledge of allegiance ...etc.

What Asshole Atheists are doing is forcing hostility to religion on the commons, not neutrality, which was the purpose of the 1st amendment.
Not one atheist has ever said you cannot have a place to worship or you cannot practice your religion. It seems to me religious people are not happy having their churches and their homes to practice religion. They somehow need to spread in every public place they see fit. You christian zealots would be agreeing with atheists if the muslims or sikhs were trying to populate their religious symbols on public land.
A lack of belief still requires you to have a position on the matter. You are actively saying there is NO God, not that you are ambivalent about it, or don't care about it.
Atheists are not saying there is no god. There is zero evidence for your god and any other god so we do not believe any god exists. Provide the evidence and we will believe. Don't forget this quote also. 'We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."

The whole unicorn/ghost thing is argumentum ad absurdum. Unicorns have nothing to do with the basic question of what happens to our consciousness after we die, ghosts do, but is not exactly the same.
They are both beliefs systems, period. Still haven't proven how atheism is an active stance.

And I don't see religious zealots trying to FORCE you using the government to practice a religion.
So they are not trying to get prayer back in school or to get people to swear on a bible in a court of law or erect some reilgious symbol on public land or to force people to use the word god in your pledge of allegiance ...etc.

What Asshole Atheists are doing is forcing hostility to religion on the commons, not neutrality, which was the purpose of the 1st amendment.
Not one atheist has ever said you cannot have a place to worship or you cannot practice your religion. It seems to me religious people are not happy having their churches and their homes to practice religion. They somehow need to spread in every public place they see fit. You christian zealots would be agreeing with atheists if the muslims or sikhs were trying to populate their religious symbols on public land.

I agree somewhat. I don't want a murdering totalitarian cult in my country. Christians are harmless and provide many humanitarian services.
If any bothered to look for it, there was a bent piece of metal and a round trash can lid that could have formed the Muslim crescent and moon.

That should have gone in the museum, too. You know, since it's part of the story of what happened that day.

Also, this:

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