Why do atheists have problem with Donald Trump's polyamorous orientation?


Aug 5, 2018
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Is that you, Doctor Ruth?
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

It’s not that he’s a cheating cad. It’s his illegal use of campaigne funds to pay off all his whores.

The real question is how the “party of family values “ puts up with him?
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?
Don't forget Trump's double knee relationship with Putin.

I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he

Since Trump has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3, and the first two divorced him for his infidelity, his track record says otherwise.

And why would he pay off the porn star?
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he

Since Trump has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3, and the first two divorced him for his infidelity, his track record says otherwise.

And why would he pay off the porn star?
Because society be bigots who know that coming out as polyamorous is way of embarassing them such as accusing people of being gay or sodomite? So people forced to keep it 'in the closet' instead of coming out about their orientation?
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he

Since Trump has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3, and the first two divorced him for his infidelity, his track record says otherwise.

And why would he pay off the porn star?
Because society be bigots who know that coming out as polyamorous is way of embarassing them such as accusing people of being gay or sodomite? So people forced to keep it 'in the closet' instead of coming out about their orientation?

His first two wives wouldn't have divorced him for cheating if they were poly. Remember, polyamory is when everyone involved knows about it.
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he

Since Trump has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3, and the first two divorced him for his infidelity, his track record says otherwise.

And why would he pay off the porn star?
Because society be bigots who know that coming out as polyamorous is way of embarassing them such as accusing people of being gay or sodomite? So people forced to keep it 'in the closet' instead of coming out about their orientation?

His first two wives wouldn't have divorced him for cheating if they were poly. Remember, polyamory is when everyone involved knows about it.
I bet if your ex wanted to divorce you and take your money, she wouldn't care if you were "poly" at the time, she could still use the fact that you cheated on her according to Common Law as means of winning in court, he he
Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he

Since Trump has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3, and the first two divorced him for his infidelity, his track record says otherwise.

And why would he pay off the porn star?
Because society be bigots who know that coming out as polyamorous is way of embarassing them such as accusing people of being gay or sodomite? So people forced to keep it 'in the closet' instead of coming out about their orientation?

His first two wives wouldn't have divorced him for cheating if they were poly. Remember, polyamory is when everyone involved knows about it.
I bet if your ex wanted to divorce you and take your money, she wouldn't care if you were "poly" at the time, she could still use the fact that you cheated on her according to Common Law as means of winning in court, he he

If you kept it a secret from the woman you were screwing, your wife could get away with it too. But if everyone involved doesn't know, it isn't poly.
Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he

Since Trump has been married 3 times and cheated on all 3, and the first two divorced him for his infidelity, his track record says otherwise.

And why would he pay off the porn star?
Because society be bigots who know that coming out as polyamorous is way of embarassing them such as accusing people of being gay or sodomite? So people forced to keep it 'in the closet' instead of coming out about their orientation?

His first two wives wouldn't have divorced him for cheating if they were poly. Remember, polyamory is when everyone involved knows about it.
I bet if your ex wanted to divorce you and take your money, she wouldn't care if you were "poly" at the time, she could still use the fact that you cheated on her according to Common Law as means of winning in court, he he

Well Melania could support her husband by saying that she knew and approved of him sleeping around... That is what a dutiful wife would do..

By the way being Atheist doesn't mean you are polyamorous or that you are even accepting of the behaviour... Atheists just don't believe in God...

Why do feel you have to tell Atheists what they think? Know a load of Atheists with plenty of honor and honesty. Beliveing in God or not doesn't make you a better or worse person...
I see atheists angry that Donald Trump make claims of having multiple lovers such as Stormy Daniels.

But this just means he identify as polyamorous, and since polyamrous marriage is not legal, then he has to kee it "in the closet" and repress his identity just like the way gay men did before Sodomy laws were repealed.

So why do atheist contradict themselves, and attempt to invoke Judeo Christian morality on Mr. Trump, and condemn him simply for being who he is? If Mr. Trump want to make love to multiple women or have porn star girlfriends, what gives them right to enforce their out-dated religious sentiments on him?

Heck, even if Mr. Trump grab pussies, or practice the incest with his daugther like the creepy people insinuate - then if one is atheist then there is nothing wrong with this anyway, just like the Marquis de Sade in Justine, so atheists apparently hate Trump just for being an atheist and not conforming to traditional values. Ironic no?

Haven't we discussed polyamory before? Cheating is not "identifying as polyamorous". Unless all parties involved know, it is not polyamory.

If someone takes a vow to only have sex with one person, and then goes out and bangs whoever he wants, that is cheating. It also speaks to his trustworthiness.
So where your proof that Trump and wife Melania not have private agreement to be polyamorous? Didn't Mr. Trump say "Melania said its okay" in the 'pussy' video?

Maybe they just not come out publicly as polyamorous since society not accept it, and they be 'in the closet' - he he
Ivanna claimed that she and Trump had an open marriage, so it wouldn't be surprising if he has an open marriage with Melania. Open marriages are common among the baby boom generation who came of age during the sexual revolution.

Of course that doesn't mean that he had sex with stormy or that Playboy bunny. That's all he said/she said and Stormy has contradicted herself regarding and made claims that are absolutely ludicrous and unbelievable.
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"polyamorous orientation"


Now THAT'S a Hall of Fame euphemism right there!
It's beyond obvious that democrats employ situational ethics. Three of their most celebrated politicians are/were notorious horn dogs and cheaters. They only scream bloody murder when a Republican acts like those of whom they approve.

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