Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

Nope. Try again. I work a ton of hours but every one of them is fun for me.
A ton of hours? Damn, how much does one hour weigh? Thanks for admitting you don't work at all! Hours weigh nothing. there is no such thing as a ton of hours! Stupid fuck!
. I get paid to write software, which was my hobby before I became a paid professional at it.
When do you find the time? USMB takes up most of it! BTW if you do write software it is probably viruses! You seem pathological!

Other than people like you, my world is not a garbage dump.

I have given meaning to your miserable life and this is how you repay me? Ok, no more mister nice guy :lol: Your sensitivity on garbage dumps betrays you. Did you clean up the junk around your computer this morning?

I don't shell my own peanuts. I don't drink beer very often. I don't smoke, never have.
Well, those empty peanut packages have to be thrown out, sonny. And some of those pop cans do resemble beer cans...but they must go....and so does that big gut! Get up and walk around for a few hours...it will do you good!

My education comes from every source I can use. I've never received a dime in welfare and never will.
I thought so:lol: Back alleys, brothels, and the RW talking heads. Well rounded education.

anybody else see this leftard as bout to blow a gasket or something??

actually under Obama the black unemployment rate went BACK TO TWICE THE WHITE RATE; having fallen below that under Bush

stop lying to yourself

The black unemployment rate has dropped under Obama
It nearly doubled under Bush
ROFL Yeah cause an average of 8% under bush is higher than an average of 16% under Obama. ROFL...


Bush doubles the black unemployment rate and gives Obama a rate of 14% (Clinton gave Bush a rate of 7,5%) and you claim that is a victory for Bush?

you are a complete idiot; Bush did not double the Black unemployment rate

He was given a rate of 7.5% and it was 14% and rising when Obama came in to fix Bush's mess

you're the kind of idiot then that takes one year and draws a conclusion?
using your logic Michael was one of the most overpaid basketball players of all time; his last year was terrible

FACT; obama's average Black unemployment is MUCH WORSE than Bush's

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Nope. Try again. I work a ton of hours but every one of them is fun for me.
A ton of hours? Damn, how much does one hour weigh? Thanks for admitting you don't work at all! Hours weigh nothing. there is no such thing as a ton of hours! Stupid fuck!
. I get paid to write software, which was my hobby before I became a paid professional at it.
When do you find the time? USMB takes up most of it! BTW if you do write software it is probably viruses! You seem pathological!

Other than people like you, my world is not a garbage dump.

I have given meaning to your miserable life and this is how you repay me? Ok, no more mister nice guy :lol: Your sensitivity on garbage dumps betrays you. Did you clean up the junk around your computer this morning?

I don't shell my own peanuts. I don't drink beer very often. I don't smoke, never have.
Well, those empty peanut packages have to be thrown out, sonny. And some of those pop cans do resemble beer cans...but they must go....and so does that big gut! Get up and walk around for a few hours...it will do you good!

My education comes from every source I can use. I've never received a dime in welfare and never will.
I thought so:lol: Back alleys, brothels, and the RW talking heads. Well rounded education.

anybody else see this leftard as bout to blow a gasket or something??
No, just you queers and steers...and the only horn you have is the one in your car for honking at the gay guys on queer street!

i can see why you losers lie to yourselves so much
you ran out of ideas long ago

as you can see from this graph Blackunemployment was 8.2% when bush took office and 12.7 when he left; FAR FROM doubling it as you're claiming leftard

now OBAMA took that 12.7% black unemployment and INCREASED IT; to 16.8 in march of 2010, and it is currently at 9.5%

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Graph: Unemployment Rate: Black or African American - St ...
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Graph: Unemployment Rate: Black or African American. 1yr | 5yr | 10yr | Max. From to. Created with Highstock 2.1.7 Unemployment Rate: Black or African ...
Nope. Try again. I work a ton of hours but every one of them is fun for me.
A ton of hours? Damn, how much does one hour weigh? Thanks for admitting you don't work at all! Hours weigh nothing. there is no such thing as a ton of hours! Stupid fuck!
. I get paid to write software, which was my hobby before I became a paid professional at it.
When do you find the time? USMB takes up most of it! BTW if you do write software it is probably viruses! You seem pathological!

Other than people like you, my world is not a garbage dump.

I have given meaning to your miserable life and this is how you repay me? Ok, no more mister nice guy :lol: Your sensitivity on garbage dumps betrays you. Did you clean up the junk around your computer this morning?

I don't shell my own peanuts. I don't drink beer very often. I don't smoke, never have.
Well, those empty peanut packages have to be thrown out, sonny. And some of those pop cans do resemble beer cans...but they must go....and so does that big gut! Get up and walk around for a few hours...it will do you good!

My education comes from every source I can use. I've never received a dime in welfare and never will.
I thought so:lol: Back alleys, brothels, and the RW talking heads. Well rounded education.

anybody else see this leftard as bout to blow a gasket or something??
No, just you queers and steers...and the only horn you have is the one in your car for honking at the gay guys on queer street!


Nope. Try again. I work a ton of hours but every one of them is fun for me.
A ton of hours? Damn, how much does one hour weigh? Thanks for admitting you don't work at all! Hours weigh nothing. there is no such thing as a ton of hours! Stupid fuck!
. I get paid to write software, which was my hobby before I became a paid professional at it.
When do you find the time? USMB takes up most of it! BTW if you do write software it is probably viruses! You seem pathological!

Other than people like you, my world is not a garbage dump.

I have given meaning to your miserable life and this is how you repay me? Ok, no more mister nice guy :lol: Your sensitivity on garbage dumps betrays you. Did you clean up the junk around your computer this morning?

I don't shell my own peanuts. I don't drink beer very often. I don't smoke, never have.
Well, those empty peanut packages have to be thrown out, sonny. And some of those pop cans do resemble beer cans...but they must go....and so does that big gut! Get up and walk around for a few hours...it will do you good!

My education comes from every source I can use. I've never received a dime in welfare and never will.
I thought so:lol: Back alleys, brothels, and the RW talking heads. Well rounded education.
Ton - 3: a great quantity... examples of use: <ate tons of cookies><has tons of money><a ton of work to do> Ton Definition of ton by Merriam-Webster

moron - usually offensive : a person affected with mild mental retardation
2: a very stupid person Example of use. JQPublic1 is a moron.
The black unemployment rate has dropped under Obama
It nearly doubled under Bush
ROFL Yeah cause an average of 8% under bush is higher than an average of 16% under Obama. ROFL...


Bush doubles the black unemployment rate and gives Obama a rate of 14% (Clinton gave Bush a rate of 7,5%) and you claim that is a victory for Bush?

you are a complete idiot; Bush did not double the Black unemployment rate

He was given a rate of 7.5% and it was 14% and rising when Obama came in to fix Bush's mess

you're the kind of idiot then that takes one year and draws a conclusion?
using your logic Michael was one of the most overpaid basketball players of all time; his last year was terrible

FACT; obama's average Black unemployment is MUCH WORSE than Bush's

libs are losers who lie to themselves
There is a difference when you enter a basketball game ahead 50-0 vs entering behind 50-0
Nope. Try again. I work a ton of hours but every one of them is fun for me.
A ton of hours? Damn, how much does one hour weigh? Thanks for admitting you don't work at all! Hours weigh nothing. there is no such thing as a ton of hours! Stupid fuck!
. I get paid to write software, which was my hobby before I became a paid professional at it.
When do you find the time? USMB takes up most of it! BTW if you do write software it is probably viruses! You seem pathological!

Other than people like you, my world is not a garbage dump.

I have given meaning to your miserable life and this is how you repay me? Ok, no more mister nice guy :lol: Your sensitivity on garbage dumps betrays you. Did you clean up the junk around your computer this morning?

I don't shell my own peanuts. I don't drink beer very often. I don't smoke, never have.
Well, those empty peanut packages have to be thrown out, sonny. And some of those pop cans do resemble beer cans...but they must go....and so does that big gut! Get up and walk around for a few hours...it will do you good!

My education comes from every source I can use. I've never received a dime in welfare and never will.
I thought so:lol: Back alleys, brothels, and the RW talking heads. Well rounded education.
Ton - 3: a great quantity... examples of use: <ate tons of cookies><has tons of money><a ton of work to do> Ton Definition of ton by Merriam-Webster

moron - usually offensive : a person affected with mild mental retardation
2: a very stupid person Example of use. JQPublic1 is a moron.

A ton of work might actually be a ton of work and so could any of the material examples you cited. Time has no mass so even a billion years can't be a ton of years. That s probably why the Merriam-Webster dictionary didn't include any reference to increments of time in their example, idiot! Of course there is regional acceptance of informal colloquial references to "tons of hours" like you just used but that does NOT make it proper English, fool! Besides, there are only 24 hours in a day...how many of those hours is a "ton" of hours? You spend 14 to 15 hours a day on USMB and porn sites, you have to sleep at least 4 hours a day, bath>( I hope)= 1hr; snacking all day long:lol: ; changing underwear=once a week; Aw shit, you are lying! There are no "tons" of working hours for you!
It's simple, Babylon has us thinking we have to get involved, we have to vote to make a difference. Even though we know the deck is stacked. And democratics LOOK to be the lesser of all the evils. But it is still all evil. Don't matter who you are, black or white, it's Babylon.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

Vee are doink a vord association test of right wingers. Would you like to try it?




Let us begin. Tell me the first vord which pops into your mind when I say...black.


Food stamps!


Interesting. Most people say, "White".






You said white.


I see. Very interesting. Let us continue in this vein then. How about...homosexual?











And that, boys and girls, is why minorities vote Democrat, if they vote at all.
Last edited:
it's sad when losers have to create straw man arguments or they'll have nothing to say at all^^^^^^^
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

because they enjoy being fed a line of BS

Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

i can understand why you would feel Republicans unafraid of Progressive racial bully tactics is somewhow racist in your eyes. in y our world a bunch of pandering white losers toss your salad for you on the regular, and none of you idiots on the Left regardless of race ever questions your failed race-baiting ideology
Do Republicans ever engage in "race-baiting?"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

because they enjoy being fed a line of BS

Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

i can understand why you would feel Republicans unafraid of Progressive racial bully tactics is somewhow racist in your eyes. in y our world a bunch of pandering white losers toss your salad for you on the regular, and none of you idiots on the Left regardless of race ever questions your failed race-baiting ideology
Do Republicans ever engage in "race-baiting?"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

nobody race-baits like the Left
Black unemployment is much higher than Hispanic unemployment and even higher still than White unemployment, just under TWICE THE RATE OF WHITE UNEMPLOYMENT.

WE on the Right dont believe Black voters are stupid, we beleive many of them are BRAINWASHED into voting against their own interests by a non-stop barrage of left-wing victimhood pandering that says to Black people ALL IS LOST, and hopeless; and incredibly, that there is no "HOPE" unless it comes from the Left.

What are Republicans doing that is in their interest?
Why should blacks vote Republican rather than Democrat?

1. Black unemployment fell under twice the rate of White unemployment under Bush for the first time almost in our history, in decades.

2. Progressives have set back race relations decades with their incessant racial pandering
What are Republicans doing in their interest? Why should blacks vote Republican rather than Democratic?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

because they enjoy being fed a line of BS

Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

i can understand why you would feel Republicans unafraid of Progressive racial bully tactics is somewhow racist in your eyes. in y our world a bunch of pandering white losers toss your salad for you on the regular, and none of you idiots on the Left regardless of race ever questions your failed race-baiting ideology
Do Republicans ever engage in "race-baiting?"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

nobody race-baits like the Left
Do Republicans ever engage in race-baiting bedowin62?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Easy enough

Why don't Republicans go into minority neighborhoods and convince them how Republicans will make their lives better?
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

i can understand why you would feel Republicans unafraid of Progressive racial bully tactics is somewhow racist in your eyes. in y our world a bunch of pandering white losers toss your salad for you on the regular, and none of you idiots on the Left regardless of race ever questions your failed race-baiting ideology
Do Republicans ever engage in "race-baiting?"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

nobody race-baits like the Left
Do Republicans ever engage in race-baiting bedowin62?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


i answered you
Republicans had an opportunity to attend a major black constituency last weekend, they actually invited ALL Presidential candidates. All the Democrats showed up, and only Ben Carson did on the Republican side.

This thread is a joke. A failed racist one at that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

i can understand why you would feel Republicans unafraid of Progressive racial bully tactics is somewhow racist in your eyes. in y our world a bunch of pandering white losers toss your salad for you on the regular, and none of you idiots on the Left regardless of race ever questions your failed race-baiting ideology
Do Republicans ever engage in "race-baiting?"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

nobody race-baits like the Left
Do Republicans ever engage in race-baiting bedowin62?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


i answered you
It's a yes or no question. So which one is it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
i can understand why you would feel Republicans unafraid of Progressive racial bully tactics is somewhow racist in your eyes. in y our world a bunch of pandering white losers toss your salad for you on the regular, and none of you idiots on the Left regardless of race ever questions your failed race-baiting ideology
Do Republicans ever engage in "race-baiting?"

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

nobody race-baits like the Left
Do Republicans ever engage in race-baiting bedowin62?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


i answered you
It's a yes or no question. So which one is it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

no; not really

do Democrats engage in race-baiting?

yes; the Party cant survive without it

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