Why do Christians support Jews but not Muslims?

Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.

Because Muslims are violent animals who are a danger to all civilized people.

Why do you ask?
you are animal
The Koran has no story to tell; it can't.
The Koran picks up in 600AD and denies the veracity of any Torah in existence in order to go in it's own direction.
I can only judge members of a religion.
Too many Muslims are uneducated and thus easily influenced to commit acts of violence.
A Jew is Biblically mandated to be educated in Torah and Secular knowledge.
you dont answer my question
please answer my question
koran is extremist and torah isnt?

I have only read the first 10 Suras and they are boring as Hell.
If you have an issue with a verse from the Torah I want it presented in context.
please say 1 quotes

Out of text verses from the Koran have been presented here numerous times.
I don't think you're understanding me.
The Koran does NOT promote violence.
The problem is that MANY Mullahs DO promote violence.
ok.i agree with you.
but moslem are 1.2 bil
jewish are 6 million
are you agree?:
if jewish was 1.2 bil then .....................
because both book (koran and torah) have same quote.
its very easy for controll 6 million.maybe just 20% of jewish believe radical quote from torah
but nobody care:because 20% of jewish havnt very crowd

for example iran have 80 million people.80 % of iranian didnt believe this extremist quote ........
but maybe 8 millon of iranian believe this shit.but people see this crowd.
sorry for my bad english
are you see my point?

Deuteronomy - Chapter 7 (Parshah Va'etchanan and Eikev)
7Not because you are more numerous than any people did the Lord delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples. זלֹא מֵרֻבְּכֶם מִכָּל הָעַמִּים חָשַׁק יְהֹוָה בָּכֶם וַיִּבְחַר בָּכֶם כִּי אַתֶּם הַמְעַט מִכָּל הָעַמִּים

Quality, not quantity.
you dont answer my question
please answer my question
koran is extremist and torah isnt?

I have only read the first 10 Suras and they are boring as Hell.
If you have an issue with a verse from the Torah I want it presented in context.
please say 1 quotes

Out of text verses from the Koran have been presented here numerous times.
I don't think you're understanding me.
The Koran does NOT promote violence.
The problem is that MANY Mullahs DO promote violence.
ok.i agree with you.
but moslem are 1.2 bil
jewish are 6 million
are you agree?:
if jewish was 1.2 bil then .....................
because both book (koran and torah) have same quote.
its very easy for controll 6 million.maybe just 20% of jewish believe radical quote from torah
but nobody care:because 20% of jewish havnt very crowd

for example iran have 80 million people.80 % of iranian didnt believe this extremist quote ........
but maybe 8 millon of iranian believe this shit.but people see this crowd.
sorry for my bad english
are you see my point?

Deuteronomy - Chapter 7 (Parshah Va'etchanan and Eikev)
7Not because you are more numerous than any people did the Lord delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples. זלֹא מֵרֻבְּכֶם מִכָּל הָעַמִּים חָשַׁק יְהֹוָה בָּכֶם וַיִּבְחַר בָּכֶם כִּי אַתֶּם הַמְעַט מִכָּל הָעַמִּים

Quality, not quantity.
what is the point?
ok.i agree with you.
but moslem are 1.2 bil
jewish are 6 million
are you agree?:
if jewish was 1.2 bil then .....................
because both book (koran and torah) have same quote.
its very easy for controll 6 million.maybe just 20% of jewish believe radical quote from torah
but nobody care:because 20% of jewish havnt very crowd

for example iran have 80 million people.80 % of iranian didnt believe this extremist quote ........
but maybe 8 millon of iranian believe this shit.but people see this crowd.
sorry for my bad english
are you see my point?

6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust.

There are about 20 million Jews world wide. There are 6 million in the USA alone, another 10 in Israel. Several million in South America, etc.
I did...Jews control industries because they are Biblically commanded to be educated.
We also learn from 1st grade and on to invest and take chances in business.
We also learn Talmud because it hones Abstract thinking.
I asked you for names of non-Jews who you think are as or more talented than those Jews who seem to "control" every industry.
I'm waiting.

I have no problem with Jews; but since you asked about " non-Jews who you think are as or more talented than those Jews;"

Sam Walton
Bill Gates
Andrew Grove
Steve Jobs
Warren Buffet
Jeff Bezos
ad infintium.

Andrew Grove, one of the pioneers of computing is (was?) Jewish.
Sam Walton was a grand human being; his children are a$$holes.
Bill Gates made his fortune stealing and suing.
Steve Jobs...Pure genius and a blessing to mankind.
Warren Buffett is one of the a$$holes responsible for the Derivative crash of Sep-2008.
Jeff Bezos...Pure genius and a blessing to mankind.

And many others.
So why is Penelope so bothered by successful JEWS?
you dont answer my question
please answer my question
koran is extremist and torah isnt?

I have only read the first 10 Suras and they are boring as Hell.
If you have an issue with a verse from the Torah I want it presented in context.
please say 1 quotes

Out of text verses from the Koran have been presented here numerous times.
I don't think you're understanding me.
The Koran does NOT promote violence.
The problem is that MANY Mullahs DO promote violence.
ok.i agree with you.
but moslem are 1.2 bil
jewish are 6 million
are you agree?:
if jewish was 1.2 bil then .....................
because both book (koran and torah) have same quote.
its very easy for controll 6 million.maybe just 20% of jewish believe radical quote from torah
but nobody care:because 20% of jewish havnt very crowd

for example iran have 80 million people.80 % of iranian didnt believe this extremist quote ........
but maybe 8 millon of iranian believe this shit.but people see this crowd.
sorry for my bad english
are you see my point?

Quality, not quantity.
you cant find one hospital without one iranian in west europe.
because if humanity have 3 million jewish educated.but have 40 million iranian educated
I have only read the first 10 Suras and they are boring as Hell.
If you have an issue with a verse from the Torah I want it presented in context.
please say 1 quotes

Out of text verses from the Koran have been presented here numerous times.
I don't think you're understanding me.
The Koran does NOT promote violence.
The problem is that MANY Mullahs DO promote violence.
ok.i agree with you.
but moslem are 1.2 bil
jewish are 6 million
are you agree?:
if jewish was 1.2 bil then .....................
because both book (koran and torah) have same quote.
its very easy for controll 6 million.maybe just 20% of jewish believe radical quote from torah
but nobody care:because 20% of jewish havnt very crowd

for example iran have 80 million people.80 % of iranian didnt believe this extremist quote ........
but maybe 8 millon of iranian believe this shit.but people see this crowd.
sorry for my bad english
are you see my point?

Deuteronomy - Chapter 7 (Parshah Va'etchanan and Eikev)
7Not because you are more numerous than any people did the Lord delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples. זלֹא מֵרֻבְּכֶם מִכָּל הָעַמִּים חָשַׁק יְהֹוָה בָּכֶם וַיִּבְחַר בָּכֶם כִּי אַתֶּם הַמְעַט מִכָּל הָעַמִּים

Quality, not quantity.
what is the point?

Then I'm not understanding your point.
I have only read the first 10 Suras and they are boring as Hell.
If you have an issue with a verse from the Torah I want it presented in context.
please say 1 quotes

Out of text verses from the Koran have been presented here numerous times.
I don't think you're understanding me.
The Koran does NOT promote violence.
The problem is that MANY Mullahs DO promote violence.
ok.i agree with you.
but moslem are 1.2 bil
jewish are 6 million
are you agree?:
if jewish was 1.2 bil then .....................
because both book (koran and torah) have same quote.
its very easy for controll 6 million.maybe just 20% of jewish believe radical quote from torah
but nobody care:because 20% of jewish havnt very crowd

for example iran have 80 million people.80 % of iranian didnt believe this extremist quote ........
but maybe 8 millon of iranian believe this shit.but people see this crowd.
sorry for my bad english
are you see my point?

Quality, not quantity.
you cant find one hospital without one iranian in west europe.

Who said educated Muslims are evil?
I did...Jews control industries because they are Biblically commanded to be educated.
We also learn from 1st grade and on to invest and take chances in business.
We also learn Talmud because it hones Abstract thinking.
I asked you for names of non-Jews who you think are as or more talented than those Jews who seem to "control" every industry.
I'm waiting.

I have no problem with Jews; but since you asked about " non-Jews who you think are as or more talented than those Jews;"

Sam Walton
Bill Gates
Andrew Grove
Steve Jobs
Warren Buffet
Jeff Bezos
ad infintium.
sorry.american jewish was my .........
that's a lie. jews never proselytize. it's forbidden.

any more lies you want to tell, oh ignorant one?

Nobody ever accused Penelope of stating facts.
That is all I state.

Backed by nothing.
You weren't expecting someone like myself to know that everything you post is not fact.
Tough luck for you.

Are you denying the Jews are in control of the media, banking in the US and globally? Are you denying the Jews hold more positions in the ACLU and ADA than others? I mean come on they are also over represented on the SCOTUS since they are 2-3% of the US pop. Are you denying this. Are you denying Jews pretty much control Hollywood?

Of course most fields are spearheaded by Jews, religious and non-affiliated.
I once asked you to present the names of non-Jews who would fill these fields as well or better and you haven't.

I fear they are just to numerous, we have many non Jews, who do you think taught the jews!!
please say 1 quotes

Out of text verses from the Koran have been presented here numerous times.
I don't think you're understanding me.
The Koran does NOT promote violence.
The problem is that MANY Mullahs DO promote violence.
ok.i agree with you.
but moslem are 1.2 bil
jewish are 6 million
are you agree?:
if jewish was 1.2 bil then .....................
because both book (koran and torah) have same quote.
its very easy for controll 6 million.maybe just 20% of jewish believe radical quote from torah
but nobody care:because 20% of jewish havnt very crowd

for example iran have 80 million people.80 % of iranian didnt believe this extremist quote ........
but maybe 8 millon of iranian believe this shit.but people see this crowd.
sorry for my bad english
are you see my point?

Deuteronomy - Chapter 7 (Parshah Va'etchanan and Eikev)
7Not because you are more numerous than any people did the Lord delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples. זלֹא מֵרֻבְּכֶם מִכָּל הָעַמִּים חָשַׁק יְהֹוָה בָּכֶם וַיִּבְחַר בָּכֶם כִּי אַתֶּם הַמְעַט מִכָּל הָעַמִּים

Quality, not quantity.
what is the point?

Then I'm not understanding your point.
i dont understand this quote
Not because you are more numerous than any people did the Lord delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.
None of the pilots on 9/11 were jews
none of the people sawing off the heads of christians were jews
jews have never stated they were going to take over the world and force us to live the way they demand
jews don't throw kids off buildings for being raped
you are best jewish in this forum.i like your logic
may i ask question without hate?

I will discuss anything based on fact.

you think :
koran is extremist and torah isnt?

The Koran has no story to tell; it can't.
The Koran picks up in 600AD and denies the veracity of any Torah in existence in order to go in it's own direction.
I can only judge members of a religion.
Too many Muslims are uneducated and thus easily influenced to commit acts of violence.
A Jew is Biblically mandated to be educated in Torah and Secular knowledge.
70% of koran story is based on torah and bible

Not true.
You can spend a lifetime studying each and every verse of the Torah (I know because I do it).
The Koran simply spews out a few mistranslations here and there.
I bet you are not even permitted by your clergy to read the Torah.

Then you must be very educated:

In Israel, former ultra-Orthodox Jews demand basic education


Dec. 22, 2015 1:11 AM EST

The case has shined a light on Israel's separate education system for the ultra-Orthodox, which experts say is keeping a sizeable chunk of Israelis from integrating into the workforce and is a ticking time bomb for the country's long-term economic health.

"The state has abandoned us," said Marciano, 26. "I sat for years in a yeshiva, I studied day and night, and at the end of the day I left empty-handed."

Israel's cloistered but politically powerful ultra-Orthodox community has for decades maintained a separate education system, where boys and girls study holy texts and secular studies take a distant back seat. Boys study secular subjects less than their non-Orthodox peers and only through seventh grade. Girls spend more time on secular studies, but aren't taught skills needed for work.

The government, historically dependent on ultra-Orthodox kingmakers to form government coalitions, allowed the community to establish the separate, state-funded school system. It also gives generous welfare payments to thousands of ultra-Orthodox men who shun work, spending their days instead immersed in religious study.
In Israel, former ultra-Orthodox Jews demand basic education
Last edited:
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.

Because Muslims are violent animals who are a danger to all civilized people.

Why do you ask?
you are idiot.
just 10% of muslim are a danger to all civilized people.
and 10% of jew and christian and buduism too
and im sure that you are a danger to all civilized people.
Nobody ever accused Penelope of stating facts.
That is all I state.

Backed by nothing.
You weren't expecting someone like myself to know that everything you post is not fact.
Tough luck for you.

Are you denying the Jews are in control of the media, banking in the US and globally? Are you denying the Jews hold more positions in the ACLU and ADA than others? I mean come on they are also over represented on the SCOTUS since they are 2-3% of the US pop. Are you denying this. Are you denying Jews pretty much control Hollywood?

Of course most fields are spearheaded by Jews, religious and non-affiliated.
I once asked you to present the names of non-Jews who would fill these fields as well or better and you haven't.

I fear they are just to numerous, we have many non Jews, who do you think taught the jews!!

Who taught the Jews?
Feel free to show us all what a nitwit you are.
Please, provide some "history", I need a good chuckle.
Jews deny that Jesus is the son of God....So do the Muslims.

The Muslims at least consider Jesus to be a prophet....Jews call Jesus a liar. Jews are the ones that had Jesus crucified.

Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is the father of all three religions. All three bibles of those religions contain the first five books of the Old Testament.
None of the pilots on 9/11 were jews
none of the people sawing off the heads of christians were jews
jews have never stated they were going to take over the world and force us to live the way they demand
jews don't throw kids off buildings for being raped

There were no pilots, planes were auto piloted for diversion for controlled demolitions to look like terrorist attack as a reason to take out Iraq.
Easy answer....


May I also remind everyone it is not only Christians and Jews that HATE muslims....

I will discuss anything based on fact.

you think :
koran is extremist and torah isnt?

The Koran has no story to tell; it can't.
The Koran picks up in 600AD and denies the veracity of any Torah in existence in order to go in it's own direction.
I can only judge members of a religion.
Too many Muslims are uneducated and thus easily influenced to commit acts of violence.
A Jew is Biblically mandated to be educated in Torah and Secular knowledge.
70% of koran story is based on torah and bible

Not true.
You can spend a lifetime studying each and every verse of the Torah (I know because I do it).
The Koran simply spews out a few mistranslations here and there.
I bet you are not even permitted by your clergy to read the Torah.

Then you must be very educated:

In Israel, former ultra-Orthodox Jews demand basic education


Dec. 22, 2015 1:11 AM EST

The case has shined a light on Israel's separate education system for the ultra-Orthodox, which experts say is keeping a sizeable chunk of Israelis from integrating into the workforce and is a ticking time bomb for the country's long-term economic health.

"The state has abandoned us," said Marciano, 26. "I sat for years in a yeshiva, I studied day and night, and at the end of the day I left empty-handed."

Israel's cloistered but politically powerful ultra-Orthodox community has for decades maintained a separate education system, where boys and girls study holy texts and secular studies take a distant back seat. Boys study secular subjects less than their non-Orthodox peers and only through seventh grade. Girls spend more time on secular studies, but aren't taught skills needed for work.

The government, historically dependent on ultra-Orthodox kingmakers to form government coalitions, allowed the community to establish the separate, state-funded school system. It also gives generous welfare payments to thousands of ultra-Orthodox men who shun work, spending their days instead immersed in religious study.

And I whole heartedly agree with these former ultra-Orthodox Jews.
The Charedim have over-reacted to WWII and refuse, against Biblical mandate, to ignore Secular studies.
A bad decision.
That is all I state.

Backed by nothing.
You weren't expecting someone like myself to know that everything you post is not fact.
Tough luck for you.

Are you denying the Jews are in control of the media, banking in the US and globally? Are you denying the Jews hold more positions in the ACLU and ADA than others? I mean come on they are also over represented on the SCOTUS since they are 2-3% of the US pop. Are you denying this. Are you denying Jews pretty much control Hollywood?

Of course most fields are spearheaded by Jews, religious and non-affiliated.
I once asked you to present the names of non-Jews who would fill these fields as well or better and you haven't.

I fear they are just to numerous, we have many non Jews, who do you think taught the jews!!

Who taught the Jews?
Feel free to show us all what a nitwit you are.
Please, provide some "history", I need a good chuckle.

Everyone in history, first the Egyptians and Sumerians, then mainly Germany Universities and then American Universities.

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