Why do Christians support Jews but not Muslims?

Attack Jews and hide amongst children...sh!t happens.
no excuse for killing children
radical moslem have this bullshit excuse too

What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.
Attack Jews and hide amongst children...sh!t happens.
no excuse for killing children
radical moslem have this bullshit excuse too

What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.

I think if someone is having rockets fired on them, you fire rockets back....you don't flatten entire areas or carpet-bomb, both of which are actually illegal under The Geneva Convention.

I've never been in the military so I can't discuss military strategy or tactics.
The Torah tells us we go to war with our enemies, not our friends.
Take away the Geneva Convention that Muslims don't follow and we defeat ISIS with far fewer casualties.

Personally, with regard to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, as they're not a legitimate army, The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to them. So I think everything should be on the table, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

ISIS has no regard for either of our opinions.
Two weeks ago on 60 Minutes a US Colonel did not fire upon an ISIS leader because there were children next to him.
Sure, save a few ISIS children and let ISIS murder a few thousand children who don't hang out with them.
Well that's impossible, proving they are lunatics There's what a billion Muslims, it's ridiculous to think they're all going to follow the crazed 'um "philosophy" of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh.

There are about 2.1 BILLION Muslims in the world.

These break down into two major sects, Sunni and Shiite. Shiite are generally more passive than Sunni. Sunni are the most literal in their worship of the Warlord Muhammad and his pet god Allah, thus Sunni tend to be extremely violent. Because the evil scum who took over Iran under Kohmeni (pervert scum!) were so expose, many Americans have the view that it is the Shiites who are most dangerous. This is not correct.

What most people don't grasp about Islam is the idol. The idol drives the Muzzie Beasts wild. Saudi Arabia has the idol, in the Kaaba in Mecca. All Muslims throughout the world bow to the idol 5 times a day. Muzzie Beasts, Shiite and Sunni, all are commanded to take a trip or Hajj to visit the idol, to kiss it or touch it.

View attachment 58921

This is the idol (looks like a clit, doesn't it?) Iran wants the idol. IF they can control the idol, they will control Islam. Under all the evil that ebbs and flows with Islamic politics, is the idol and the lust that ALL Muslims have to control the idol.

In this situation, I chose Iran. I do so as the alternative is the psychopathic Saudi Arabia and their ilk, who of course are the biggest supporters and funders of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh and Al-Qaeda.

We are at the point where we do have to chose a side....many in the West, well Western leadership support Saudi Arabia, possibly not because they agree with them, but because of the Black Gold, therefore their moral compass is pointing in the entirely wrong direction, in the direction of Lucifer.
no excuse for killing children
radical moslem have this bullshit excuse too

What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.

I think if someone is having rockets fired on them, you fire rockets back....you don't flatten entire areas or carpet-bomb, both of which are actually illegal under The Geneva Convention.

I've never been in the military so I can't discuss military strategy or tactics.
The Torah tells us we go to war with our enemies, not our friends.
Take away the Geneva Convention that Muslims don't follow and we defeat ISIS with far fewer casualties.

Personally, with regard to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, as they're not a legitimate army, The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to them. So I think everything should be on the table, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

ISIS has no regard for either of our opinions.
Two weeks ago on 60 Minutes a US Colonel did not fire upon an ISIS leader because there were children next to him.
Sure, save a few ISIS children and let ISIS murder a few thousand children who don't hang out with them.

This is a result of Political Correctness of course. The fact is, if those children were ISIL/ISIS/Daesh children, people need to realise that the children are being indoctrinated from very young ages. I've watched footage of children as young as 5 years-old with teddy bears and a knife, cutting the heads off the teddy bears....this is the next generation, in 10-15 years, it won't be teddy bears heads anymore, it'll be human beings heads.

The West needs to get real and it needs to destroy the Political Correctness horsecrap....the alternative is that we all just get ram-rodded.

The choice is clear.
no excuse for killing children
radical moslem have this bullshit excuse too

What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.
no excuse for killing children
radical moslem have this bullshit excuse too

What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.
i love persian jews.
but believe me. there are very better way .israel can survive without killing children
i have dozen atheist friend in iran.they like usa and western life like me.but they hate israel
it isnt for idioligy or .... .just for killing children.mullah and jewish hater are using it .even european people hate this.european banned israel product 2 month ago.and they said israel product must write made in israel.remember?
why? because public dont understand israel danger or .....people just see fact.
killing children is fact by netanyahoo party.
What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.
What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.
i love persian jews.
but believe me. there are very better way .israel can survive without killing children
i have dozen atheist friend in iran.they like usa and western life like me.but they hate israel
it isnt for idioligy or .... .just for killing children.mullah and jewish hater are using it .even european people hate this.european banned israel product 2 month ago.and they said israel product must write made in israel.remember?
why? because public dont understand israel danger or .....people just see fact.
killing children is fact by netanyahoo party.

Bullshit...don't hide behind children when you're firing rockets and your children won't be killed.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.

Are they in Israel, the one's who escaped Iran? Or if not, where are they?
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.
i love persian jews.
but believe me. there are very better way .israel can survive without killing children
i have dozen atheist friend in iran.they like usa and western life like me.but they hate israel
it isnt for idioligy or .... .just for killing children.mullah and jewish hater are using it .even european people hate this.european banned israel product 2 month ago.and they said israel product must write made in israel.remember?
why? because public dont understand israel danger or .....people just see fact.
killing children is fact by netanyahoo party.

Bullshit...don't hide behind children when you're firing rockets and your children won't be killed.

The children and the women are used as human shields, in utterly cowardly fashion. We've also witnessed this now here in Europa, with the horde charging in, mainly of course 90% young angry males of military age....holding some random child and several women in front of basically hundreds of said males....again as human shields.
What does one do when someone is firing rockets on them?
I'm sorry but the Torah allows killing in self-defense.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.
i dont like iran regiem very much.i choose secularism..but they are good with other religious.
for example.soccer is most famoust sport in iran.even most thing in iran.
maybe people dont to work but they watch soccer game
but iran national captain is christian now .andranik teymoorian is iranian armeni and he is christan
First Christian football captain in Iran as Rouhani puts focus on minorities
Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.

Are they in Israel, the one's who escaped Iran? Or if not, where are they?
Mostly Israel and America.
We have a large contingent in my neighborhood.
In this situation, I chose Iran. I do so as the alternative is the psychopathic Saudi Arabia and their ilk, who of course are the biggest supporters and funders of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh and Al-Qaeda.

We are at the point where we do have to chose a side....many in the West, well Western leadership support Saudi Arabia, possibly not because they agree with them, but because of the Black Gold, therefore their moral compass is pointing in the entirely wrong direction, in the direction of Lucifer.

The Sunni are the most violent of Muslims, and the Wahhabi are the most violent of the Sunni. In that regard, Iran is less dangerous than the Saudis. Further, before the pervert Kohmeni, Iran was a civilized country. Some elements of civilization yet remain. Though the Muzzie Beasts of Iran slaughter people including women and children at a chilling rate, (Islam in all forms is violent and evil,) the Shiites have not murdered all Jews and Christians the way the Sunni did in SA.

At its current pace, Iran will put around 1000 people to death, which would shatter last year’s record under “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani, which saw 721 Iranians reportedly executed by their own government.

The Iranian regime started 2015 off with a bang, executing a reported fifteen individuals, including four women. In an officially recognized execution on January 17th, the Fars Province Justice released a picture showing two men hanging from a noose.}

Iran Kicks Off 2015 Executions at Record-Setting Pace - Breitbart

Allah loves a cheerefull murderer.

But IF Iran invades Mecca to take the idol by force, it will spark full out war between the Shiite and Sunni. Remember that Obamanuke that the feckless fuck in Washington agreed to? It could get ugly. There may soon really only be a billion Muslims.
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.
everybody happy for life in denmark and germany.there is better .....
bacause of 35 years usa sanction
even i like it .but it isnt because i hate iran.
iran let jewish people go to their holy land.is it bad? maybe if iran was like north korea and didnt let ...
then you will be happy ?!!!!!
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.

Are they in Israel, the one's who escaped Iran? Or if not, where are they?
Mostly Israel and America.
We have a large contingent in my neighborhood.

Being Persian, do they differ or are they basically the same?
In this situation, I chose Iran. I do so as the alternative is the psychopathic Saudi Arabia and their ilk, who of course are the biggest supporters and funders of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh and Al-Qaeda.

We are at the point where we do have to chose a side....many in the West, well Western leadership support Saudi Arabia, possibly not because they agree with them, but because of the Black Gold, therefore their moral compass is pointing in the entirely wrong direction, in the direction of Lucifer.

The Sunni are the most violent of Muslims, and the Wahhabi are the most violent of the Sunni. In that regard, Iran is less dangerous than the Saudis. Further, before the pervert Kohmeni, Iran was a civilized country. Some elements of civilization yet remain. Though the Muzzie Beasts of Iran slaughter people including women and children at a chilling rate, (Islam in all forms is violent and evil,) the Shiites have not murdered all Jews and Christians the way the Sunni did in SA.

At its current pace, Iran will put around 1000 people to death, which would shatter last year’s record under “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani, which saw 721 Iranians reportedly executed by their own government.

The Iranian regime started 2015 off with a bang, executing a reported fifteen individuals, including four women. In an officially recognized execution on January 17th, the Fars Province Justice released a picture showing two men hanging from a noose.}

Iran Kicks Off 2015 Executions at Record-Setting Pace - Breitbart

Allah loves a cheerefull murderer.

But IF Iran invades Mecca to take the idol by force, it will spark full out war between the Shiite and Sunni. Remember that Obamanuke that the feckless fuck in Washington agreed to? It could get ugly. There may soon really only be a billion Muslims.
ruler are changed.but people arent changed.
even iran supreme leader cant do anything.because they cant controll majority.
for example they want drinking alcohol banned in iran.
but most iranian young people drink ....
we have thousands aa( Alcoholics Anonymous) in iran.because people need aa
maybe they want attack too .....but people .
they know iranian people hate terrorism.and they don it.maybe support hamas.
but they cant directly do it.
for example when paris attack or 9/11 happened.many iranian people crying and ...
sorry but my persian culture didnt let me to kill children anyway even for defence

Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.
i dont like iran regiem very much.i choose secularism..but they are good with other religious.
for example.soccer is most famoust sport in iran.even most thing in iran.
maybe people dont to work but they watch soccer game
but iran national captain is christian now .andranik teymoorian is iranian armeni and he is christan
First Christian football captain in Iran as Rouhani puts focus on minorities

The Iranian football team, they've really excelled. The World Cup in South Africa they were a disaster, the World Cup in Brasil, whilst not progressing out of the Group Stage, they did much better and we were impressed.
There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.

Are they in Israel, the one's who escaped Iran? Or if not, where are they?
Mostly Israel and America.
We have a large contingent in my neighborhood.

Being Persian, do they differ or are they basically the same?
1: cyrus helped jewish
2:khashayar shah(one of the famous king iof iran ) helped jewish and give land to jewish in iran
even he killed some iranian rasict for save jewish
some of iranian jewish lived in iran for 2000+ years
some of them came in differents time for other reason
people say iranian jewish are 10000 now.but they ar more .
because they are merge in all of country.they didnt tell to goverment poll .because it isnt important.and maybe they will have little problem with few idiots
for example.i live in small tourist city at north of iran.only 250000 people
we have more than 50 jewish in city.but based on iran population data:my city havnt jewish
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Then your culture will lose the war barbarians are forcing upon you.
maybe .you are true.maybe its our mistake that we cant kill children.sorry but we born .... and its in our dna.we cant be like you.we are persian.we arent jewish

There are plenty of Persian Jews and they don't like being murdered.

I watched something on the television regarding the Persian Jews in Tehran, and they actually seemed to be unmolested there, they were in the Synagogue.

They're sort of like Hitler's Jews, but the ones who escaped Iran are so happy to be out of there.
everybody happy for life in denmark and germany.there is better .....
bacause of 35 years usa sanction
even i like it .but it isnt because i hate iran.
iran let jewish people go to their holy land.is it bad? maybe if iran was like north korea and didnt let ...
then you will be happy ?!!!!!

It's nearly 12.08am here, I wish you Gute Nacht therefore.

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