Why do cons care about Mollie Tibbits and not Celia Barquín Arozamena?

No, I'm saying we can't do either, because murderers have a powerful lobby in the form of the Democratic Party.

But, right now, there is a President in Office who ran on addressing the issue of murderers coming here from elsewhere, so that is the front were we should be making some ground now.
You are lying.

I want to deport all illegals and prevent more from coming. That would have saved Tibbits's life.

I want to see the majority of homeless people committed to mad houses. That probably would have saved Arozamena's life.

Liberals and the democratic party are the primary defense of these groups against that.

That is my analysis of the situation.

Your claim that I am "lying" about my conclusion is simply moronic.

Would that have saved Christopher Watt's daughters and pregnant wife?

And yes, you are lying. Seems like most of you do most of the time.

1. Pointing out that the policies I support would not save ALL lives, is a very weak counter argument.

2. And you still are unable to support your idiotic claim that I am lying.

Build the Wall, deport the illegal, lock up the madmen.
Why is that? Isn't that your whole argument against gun control?

Um. No.
You are lying.

I want to deport all illegals and prevent more from coming. That would have saved Tibbits's life.

I want to see the majority of homeless people committed to mad houses. That probably would have saved Arozamena's life.

Liberals and the democratic party are the primary defense of these groups against that.

That is my analysis of the situation.

Your claim that I am "lying" about my conclusion is simply moronic.

Would that have saved Christopher Watt's daughters and pregnant wife?

And yes, you are lying. Seems like most of you do most of the time.

1. Pointing out that the policies I support would not save ALL lives, is a very weak counter argument.

2. And you still are unable to support your idiotic claim that I am lying.

Build the Wall, deport the illegal, lock up the madmen.
Why is that? Isn't that your whole argument against gun control?

Um. No.
Um. Yes.

More lying.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Actually Timmy, you fucking retard, the Arozmena murder sparked huge debates on the treatment of the mentally ill.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Actually Timmy, you fucking retard, the Arozmena murder sparked huge debates on the treatment of the mentally ill. Letting them run wild is a serious problem. Further complicating this is the fact that her killer, Collin Daniel Richards is black, while Celia was a blond, white girl. Black on white crime is rarely reported in the DNC controlled media.

{Richards is homeless and has a long history of violence, drug use and run-ins with law enforcement. In the past, he’s been arrested and charged with abusing his girlfriend, burglarizing a gas station and smashing a pick-up truck with a baseball bat.}

New details emerge in murder of Iowa State star golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Collin Daniel Richards is black, Creepazoid. He is the one who murdered Arozamena.

Try your filthy racism in another thread.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Collin Daniel Richards is black, Creepazoid. He is the one who murdered Arozamena.

Try your filthy racism in another thread.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Collin Daniel Richards is black, Creepazoid. He is the one who murdered Arozamena.

Try your filthy racism in another thread.

Exactly, you fucking retard.
Hmmm, no, what the open-borders scumbags politicians "realized" is that it would actually works, and Dims wanted Hispanics to vote for them.

Well, no, everyone realized that walls and fences were stupid idea because you can get around them in any number of ways...

As long as we have shit jobs Americans don't want to do, you will have immigrants willing to do them. Has always been the case in America. Always will be.
Where does the constitution mention sanctuary cities, and non-us citizens having the right to vote?

It doesn't, and none of these issues are at issue here with the census.

Here, in the hope of educating you..

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

In short, they have to count everyone.. Citizen, Resident alien and even undocumented aliens. Every last person in the country.

Trump is trying to avoid counting undocumented immigrants. It will fail, the constitution says what it says,not what Trump wants it to say.
I want to deport all illegals and prevent more from coming. That would have saved Tibbits's life.

I want to see the majority of homeless people committed to mad houses. That probably would have saved Arozamena's life.

Liberals and the democratic party are the primary defense of these groups against that.

That is my analysis of the situation.

Your claim that I am "lying" about my conclusion is simply moronic.

Would that have saved Christopher Watt's daughters and pregnant wife?

And yes, you are lying. Seems like most of you do most of the time.

1. Pointing out that the policies I support would not save ALL lives, is a very weak counter argument.

2. And you still are unable to support your idiotic claim that I am lying.

Build the Wall, deport the illegal, lock up the madmen.
Why is that? Isn't that your whole argument against gun control?

Um. No.
Um. Yes.

More lying.

1. Pointing out that the policies I support would not save ALL lives, is a very weak counter argument.

2. And you still are unable to support your idiotic claim that I am lying.

Build the Wall, deport the illegal, lock up the madmen.[
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Collin Daniel Richards is black, Creepazoid. He is the one who murdered Arozamena.

Try your filthy racism in another thread.

I did not know that. I did not care to look because I don't care. I judged the man on his actions, not his skin color.
Where does the constitution mention sanctuary cities, and non-us citizens having the right to vote?

It doesn't, and none of these issues are at issue here with the census.

Here, in the hope of educating you..

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

In short, they have to count everyone.. Citizen, Resident alien and even undocumented aliens. Every last person in the country.

Trump is trying to avoid counting undocumented immigrants. It will fail, the constitution says what it says,not what Trump wants it to say.

Not that I commented on the census, but the census does more then just count the number of people. Not sure why libs, who love separating people into categories and labels, object to allowing illegal aliens the right to identify as who they are.
Not that I commented on the census, but the census does more then just count the number of people. Not sure why libs, who love separating people into categories and labels, object to allowing illegal aliens the right to identify as who they are.

Actually, the short form questions only ask names, dates of birth, gender and race.... All of which are required under federal law.

Determining their citizenship status isn't.

I've made it clear why we object... the whole purpose is to scare undocumented immigrants into not participating... it's not about getting a more accurate count.
Not that I commented on the census, but the census does more then just count the number of people. Not sure why libs, who love separating people into categories and labels, object to allowing illegal aliens the right to identify as who they are.

Actually, the short form questions only ask names, dates of birth, gender and race.... All of which are required under federal law.

Determining their citizenship status isn't.

I've made it clear why we object... the whole purpose is to scare undocumented immigrants into not participating... it's not about getting a more accurate count.

Why is it important to know a persons race or gender? And why wouldn't the same reason apply for knowing if one is an illegal alien?
Why is it important to know a persons race or gender? And why wouldn't the same reason apply for knowing if one is an illegal alien?

Federal law requires apportionment of congressional districts to assure proportional representation.

Personally, I'd dispense with the race questions as well, given the chance.
Hmmm, no, what the open-borders scumbags politicians "realized" is that it would actually works, and Dims wanted Hispanics to vote for them.

Well, no, everyone realized that walls and fences were stupid idea because you can get around them in any number of ways...

As long as we have shit jobs Americans don't want to do, you will have immigrants willing to do them. Has always been the case in America. Always will be.
Wrong, shit for brains. Only those desperately looking for an excuse not to build them claimed they don't work. Anyone with sense knows they do work. We have abundant empirical evidence that they work. Not only that, but they are cost effective.

The claim that Americans don't want to do those jobs is also open-borders bullshit. Americans don't want to do them at the same rate the Mexicans accustomed to third world wages are willing to do them. That's one of the main reasons for limiting immigration from Mexico.
Why is it important to know a persons race or gender? And why wouldn't the same reason apply for knowing if one is an illegal alien?

Federal law requires apportionment of congressional districts to assure proportional representation.

Personally, I'd dispense with the race questions as well, given the chance.

Okay so where is it in the constitution or federal law that prevents asking a persons citizenship status on a census?
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Those who call themselves "conservatives" don't care about women and girls who are murdered or go missing unless their cases offer some chance for political gain. This shows up time and again.

A red-blooded, European-descended white guy just pleaded guilty to murdering the woman he was married to and had impregnated three times and their two little daughters. Apparently because he was cheating on his marriage vows and did not want the third baby. But this didn't involve people from other countries, so "our president," who ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the boys later found innocent of the attack on the Central Park jogger, is not interested enough to tweet.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Those who call themselves "conservatives" don't care about women and girls who are murdered or go missing unless their cases offer some chance for political gain. This shows up time and again.

A red-blooded, European-descended white guy just pleaded guilty to murdering the woman he was married to and had impregnated three times and their two little daughters. Apparently because he was cheating on his marriage vows and did not want the third baby. But this didn't involve people from other countries, so "our president," who ran newspaper ads calling for the death penalty for the boys later found innocent of the attack on the Central Park jogger, is not interested enough to tweet.
The thugs who raped the Central Park Jogger are not innocent. They are guilty as sin. The evidence against them was not refuted by the confession of Reyes:

- What You Won't Read in the Papers About the 'Central Park Five'

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