Why do cons care about Mollie Tibbits and not Celia Barquín Arozamena?

We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too

You make a false assumption that a wall would stop those people . We have walls n fences along more populated sections . Building walls in the middle of nowhere is a waste of limited immigration enforcement money . We’d be better off adding more courts, agents , judges , and lawyers .
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder
Never heard about it.
Screw your generalization.
Commit murder get put to death. I could care less whether brown or white.
Stuff that up your piehole.
The Wall will help keep them out, and Mexico will pay for it, one way or another, sooner or later.

sorry, buddy, the Wall is dead, and ICE is going to have to hold a bake sale to buy new jackboots.
The Wall will help keep them out, and Mexico will pay for it, one way or another, sooner or later.

sorry, buddy, the Wall is dead, and ICE is going to have to hold a bake sale to buy new jackboots.
It should be remembered that your beloved Bubba and Cankles both stated they were for a wall. Bubba did it in one of his SOTU speeches.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder
I'm still waiting to hear about the Iowa company that kept hiring that illegal getting penalized in some way for hiring illegals.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Why hasn't the company that kept hiring him been penalized?
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Nope. After we take care of the low hanging fruit, ie murderers coming in from the outside, we can focus on the harder problem, ie murderers already here.

And your lack of concern for non white American women, is not shared.
Ah...so you are saying that we as a country cannot deal with (focus on) our own citizen murderers as long at there are murderers coming from elsewhere?
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Nope. After we take care of the low hanging fruit, ie murderers coming in from the outside, we can focus on the harder problem, ie murderers already here.

And your lack of concern for non white American women, is not shared.
Wow, a deflection and a straw man in the same post!

You guys are getting good.
No, they are getting sadly desperate.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder
We can deport illegals or prevent them from ever entering the country. We can't deport Americans, you dumb fuck.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Nope. After we take care of the low hanging fruit, ie murderers coming in from the outside, we can focus on the harder problem, ie murderers already here.

And your lack of concern for non white American women, is not shared.
Wow, a deflection and a straw man in the same post!

You guys are getting good.

Liberal Dictionary:
Deflection - any explanation that explodes a leftwing talking point.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too
Yep, the later would be easy. Computers can easily keep track of expired visas. There's simply no excuse for these people not being picked up for deportation.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.
Will the wall keep out white guys? Because they are by far the most prolific killers of white women.

Nope. After we take care of the low hanging fruit, ie murderers coming in from the outside, we can focus on the harder problem, ie murderers already here.

And your lack of concern for non white American women, is not shared.
Wow, a deflection and a straw man in the same post!

You guys are getting good.

I answered your question directly. The answer was "nope".

Then I expanded on it to show why I still support keeping out murderer from the outside, and agreeing that we need to do focus on internal murderers.

THat was a serious response.

YOUR answer is a dodge and a deflection.
It's easier just to call him a dumbass.
The murder of Tibbits was in the news due to her having been missing with the hope she would be found alive.

Both murders represent a failure of the legal system, since both killers had a history of violent criminal behavior.
Once again here is where dems and cons part, dems support criminals receiving more rights, cons do not.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

So you think stopping all or some of the remaining 60% is nothing?

And we can tighten up the Visa policing too

You make a false assumption that a wall would stop those people . We have walls n fences along more populated sections . Building walls in the middle of nowhere is a waste of limited immigration enforcement money . We’d be better off adding more courts, agents , judges , and lawyers .
No I make the correct assumption that a wall would make it more difficult to enter illegally
It should be remembered that your beloved Bubba and Cankles both stated they were for a wall. Bubba did it in one of his SOTU speeches.

except everyone took a deep breathe back in the 1990's, and realized that was kind of a stupid idea.

Now, in Bill's defense, that was a time when there REALLY was an immigration problem, when you have a million people crossing the southern border each year... as opposed to now where it's less than 300K a year.
Once again here is where dems and cons part, dems support criminals receiving more rights, cons do not.

Uh, no. Dems believe that criminals should have the rights the constitution says they have...

Sorry you don't get this.
Yep, the later would be easy. Computers can easily keep track of expired visas. There's simply no excuse for these people not being picked up for deportation.

Sure there is... the fact that we just can't process 11 million undocumented immigrants AND get their home countries to agree to take them back.

Again, think of the logistics of tracking down, arresting, detaining and deporting 11 million people. Okay, wait. First clean the spooge off your computer after you had that thought, and then actually think of the logistics of it.

As it stands right now, most local jurisdictions don't want any more illegals to hold until ICE gets around to deporting them. They need those cells for the real crooks.

McCain-Kennedy had a pretty sensible position. Allow the undocumented a pathway to citizenship... bring them out of the shadows, and then take your time sorting which ones you don't want to keep.
We all know about Mollie Tibbits . U of Iowa jogger killed by an illegal . Trump tweeted about it .

But did you know about Celia Barquín Arozamena? Eerily enough she was an Iowa State student murdered in a similar fashion as Molly. She was on the golf team out practicing on the course by herself . She was attacked and killed . Just a couple months after Molly.

But you didn’t see the president tweeting about it or conservatives making political hay out of her death .

Why? Cause she was murdered by a red blooded white American male !

Next time a con brings up Molly Tibbits . Be sure to ask them about Celia .

Acclaimed Iowa State golfer found stabbed to death, homeless man charged with murder

Because Mollies murder could have been easily prevented if the Illegal was not in the country. BUILD THE FUCKING WALL.

40% of illegals enter legally and then overstay . Wall does nothing . Plus, people get past walls too.

The Wall would help with the millions and millions that cross the border illegally.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy. our welfare clause is general, not common, and we have a commerce clause.
It should be remembered that your beloved Bubba and Cankles both stated they were for a wall. Bubba did it in one of his SOTU speeches.

except everyone took a deep breathe back in the 1990's, and realized that was kind of a stupid idea.

Now, in Bill's defense, that was a time when there REALLY was an immigration problem, when you have a million people crossing the southern border each year... as opposed to now where it's less than 300K a year.
Excuses excuses excuses.

You would never give an R a pass, like you just did with BJ Bill and Mrs BJ Bill.

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